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Lindsay Johnson

Program Outcome 6
As a student nurse in order to achieve this outcome I will develop a level of professionalism that
is congruent with the inherent values and ethics of the discipline of nursing. At clinical, I make it
a point to represent myself and Ferris State University in a professional manner as the patients
and nurses, aides, physicians, etc. that I work along side are aware that I am student of FSU and
potentially a coworker of theirs. Academically, I completed an assignment where I was to assess
how I have met the American Nurses Associations Standards of Nursing for Registered Nurses. It
is important to be aware of these standards as a nurse as they truly are the foundation for our
profession. In order to show professionalism, I know the standards and how I do or do not
achieve them. The other assignment attached was my service learning proposal. This assignment
articulated how I was going to take my knowledge of the nursing profession and integrate it in
the community to better the health of my or another community. I chose to go abroad for my
service learning where I worked in a nursing home and various day cares. We represented Ferris
professionally and brought health care techniques that we were taught to a community where
they did not practice them already. In the future, I will work inside of the hospital and outside of
the hospital to maintain professionalism. There are times I see people that I would not want
caring for my family or friends because of the way they act in public and I try my best to not
portray myself like that.

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