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The great debaters movie

1. Characters, Setting, Plot, Climax

The characters are Melvin Tolson what is the professor, Samantha, Henry, Hamilton, Dr.
James Farmer what is jame's father and a local preacher and James Farmer Jr.
- Setting
The location is in Marshall, Texas. Also in the College "Wiley". And and finally at Harvard
University, where they compete in a debate.
- Plot
Is a professor who forms a group of students to participate in debaters. Triumph before
many schools debating but face difficult situations as anyone, as the subject of love, selfimprovement and conflicts of discrimination.

- Climax
The climax occurs in history when the color debaters compete against whites unbeaten
Harvard University. To discuss civil disobedience, the team of Professor Tolson defends the
right to exercise it, using the example of Gandhi, and his opponents think otherwise. What
it shows that perseverance and struggle against adversity, are Life's lesson.

2. Name 5 Debating skills used or given by Mr Tolson

Having the word as a weapon of struggle, perseverance against adversity, listen to their
instincts, refute with a different topics, security and clearness.

3. In the movie Ms Samantha Booke is challenged by Mr Tolson when she was talking
about the President of The United States. Henry told her how she could have one this
position. What was the source and why could she have won her point or example.

Its source was the personal experience, as she quoted the US president and their starting
points were from the information that the President could get. While personal experience of
suffering that lived in the city was more than evident.

4. Give some examples on how James Farmer Jr quotes or cites his father during the movie.
"An unjust law is no law," according to St. Augustine, which means I have the right, even
more so, the duty to resist. With violence or civil disobedience. He mentioned this during
discussion at Harvard University.

"There is no written law that says that blacks have no right to a home"

5. What type of Debate format is used for the debaters?

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