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‘This strategy is Buzz Groups. Students put their knees in the chair and the talk about a given topic. Veter Wesie bith ie Vit y te ‘Sample of two students work. The Frayer Model is a vocabulary development tool. In contrast with a straight definition, the model helps to develop a better understanding of complex concepts by having students identify not just what something is, but what something is not Learning Centers isa strategy used using the Reading/English Language Arts period, The students. rotate between four diferent conters. These centers are the Writing Center (varies), Self-Selected Center (read AR books, take AR test, goto the library), Word Study Center (practice spelling words and high frequency words), and Small Group with a Teacher (not pictured). Project Based Learning was a strategy | used to promote learning. This was a science project the students were required to do. The students were supposed to explore the different classification of animals, This student chose to do a creative poster board. Whole class project based learning activily. The whole class was learning about recycling

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