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Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle

All About Monarchs

Monarchs offer an amazing view
into the intricate nature of the wild.
Their science name, Danaus Plexippus, Greek for Sleepy Transformation, gets part of the story right,
but not the epic whole.
These butterflies execute a highly
evolved migration soaring 2,800 miles
from a forests in Mexico to far
northern places including the Adirondacks, and then back again over the
course of three generations. Each
adult butterfly only lives for four
to five weeks, going from caterpillar, pupa, chrysalis, to butterfly
in just 9 to 14 days, but they cover
plenty of ground in their short lives.
Learn more about them, how you
can help them on their way and enjoy their company.

Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle

Stage 1
Monarch butterflies lay
their eggs on leaves of
milkweed plant.
Click the butterfly to see the
next stage.

Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle

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