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DiSC Profile

March 18, 2010

DISC Summary
Sindi Wimmer
March 18, 2010

The DISC Personal Profile test was administered in my Business Administration Class
on March 17, 2010. According to the results I scored highest in two categories, the
‘I’ and ‘C’, and lowest in the D category. The ‘I’ stands for Influence – emphasis on
shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others. The ‘C’ stands for
Conscientiousness – emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing
circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy.

People with High ‘I ‘scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to
be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic,
persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with High ‘C’
scores adhere to the rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work
and do it right the first time. They are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic,
diplomatic, accurate, and tactful. Scoring low in the ‘D’ category describes those
who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious,
mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.

I am shocked at how accurate this “profiling” was. There are few traits listed
amongst these categories that do NOT describe me. It’s also a little sobering –
makes me take a look at how others may see me.

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