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Coordinators Report, April 2008.

Since the AGM and our last meeting in December, 2007, I have been trying
to finalise and acquit outstanding projects. Cooloola Coastcare has not
received final confirmation of the successful acquittal of two Community
Water Grant projects (RB Surf Club & TCB school) and Envirofund round 8
(Rainbow Beach Foredune), despite forwarding final reports to the relevant
funding bodies.

The TCB School CWG Project “grew” substantially to include a second

20,000 gal tank, funded by the P&C. The Melaleuca Wetland Preservation
component (revegetation & stabilisation of the school oval bank) also grew
with a Coastcare/TCB School sponsored Conservation Volunteers Team to
create a bio-filter demonstration drain and revegetate another 30m. The
onground supervision of the team was by the CVA Team Leader and
Coastcare secretary, Joanna Martin. Gr 4 have continued monitoring the area
for weed emergence & infill planting. More work will be done in this area
through a Coastcare sponsored Greencorp teams Project between May and
October this year.

I have also been finalising the BMRG funded Cooloola Coast Mapping
Project and will giving a presentation to this meeting; Tin Can Bay School
staff on the Pupil Free Day (14/04/08) and at the BMRG Coastal Forum at
Bagara (19/04/08).

Cooloola Coastcare Association has two current Envirofund projects

underway: Saltmarsh & Shorebird Monitoring at Cooloola Cove with
Dorothy Pashniack and Seagrass Monitoring with Gordon Cottle. Both
projects welcome more volunteers.

Cooloola Coastcare Assoc has been successful in sponsoring two Greencorp

teams to complete a certificate in Conservation Management as well as other
valuable skills and on-ground work between May and October this year.
A submission for future funding of the Coordinator position and for future
projects needs to be presented to Gympie Regional Council before mid May
if we are to continue our work on the coast.

Finally, thank you to the committee volunteers for your ongoing work; this
position and the community capacity it builds, would not be possible without

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