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Writing Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 930 am- April 20, 2016

Lesson Type: Writing

Describe how and provide a rationale for the way you have grouped students for this lesson: For the
literary assessment, my child that I tested could not summarize a story or spell any of the words that I read aloud to him
(see literary assessment). I picked my case study, the student that I did the literary assessment on and another student
on the same level as the student I tested. My case study is a level above the other students in reading and writing, but I
felt like it was a good balance because she would be able to help them if the other students needed it.

Standard(s) Addressed: First Grade Writing SOLs 1.12a, b, c & 1.13 a, b, d, e, f, g

1.12 The student will print legibly a) form letters accurately, b) space words within sentences, c) use the alphabetic code to write
unknown words phonetically
1.13 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes a) generate ideas, b) focus on one topic d) use complete
sentences in final copies e) begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation in final copies f) Use correct
spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies, g) share writing with others

The students will
The students will listen to The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.
The students will be able to understand The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and what it means to have certain gifts.
The students will write about what gifts they have and share with each other in the small group.

Materials needed/preparation of the learning environment: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, the three
students workbooks, pencils, clipboards (if needed).

Writing Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 930 am- April 20, 2016

Before Writing
Engage: Describe how
you will:
capture students
interest and
introduce the
writing lesson
activate students

I will ask for the three students to come with me outside for a special lesson for
my classes, I will ask them to get a pencil, their workbooks and a clipboard.
When the students come outside, I tell them that I asked them to do this lesson
with me so I could get more practice as being a teacher.
I will introduce the book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.
Say: This book is one of my favorite books, and I wanted to share it with you
guys. This book is called The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Have any of you
ever read this book? (Look at the students for nods).

15- 20 minutes
for introducing,
reading and
talking about
the book

Start reading the book, during/after the book I will ask:

Have you guys ever had someone in your life that has given everything for you?
How did this book make you feel?
What can you do to try to make sure you are doing the best you can?
Who can you do the best you can for?

During Writing
Explain: Describe how
you will:
model/explain your
thinking about the
writing (list what
you will say/do)
invite students to
model/explain their
thinking about their

I would explain that I have an activity for them to do

How many gifts did the tree give the little boy? What kind of gifts can you give to
someone else, like your parent, friends, teachers, strangers? SO for this part of
the activity, I would like you to write what type of gifts you could bring to the
people around you. I want you guys to remember to have 5 star sentences. Can
anyone tell me what five star sentences have? (wait for responses- listen for
right answers and if they cant get all of them I would reiterate what the criteria
Each five star sentence should have the starting letter capitalized, have a

5 minutes

Writing Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 930 am- April 20, 2016

punctuation mark at the end, a finger space in-between the words, super neat
handwriting and makes sense.

After Writing
Evaluate: Describe
how you will:
encourage students
to assess their
understanding and
evaluate (formally)
student progress
toward achieving
the educational

I will give them 5-7 minutes to write about what they think their gifts are and what
they could bring to the people around them. I will answer questions about spelling but
I will not answer questions about 5 star sentences (capital letters, punctuation, etc.).
I will ask them to share when time is up
Say: Okay now I would like you to share with the group what type of gifts you think
you have?

Describe how you will:
remind students of
the lesson objective
link the new
learning to future

I would ask the group to help me summarize what The Giving Tree was about and
what type of gifts they can bring to the
So guys we just read one of my favorite books, can you explain happened in the
book? (Listen for responses). I would tell them that all gifts are special and they
should make sure that they tell other people that their gifts are important too.

15 minutes

When they share, I would ask them why they think those gifts are special and what
they could do with them.
Say: Why do you think ___________ is special? What will you do with ________?
When they are showing me their work, I will make sure they have five star sentences
(as I explained above) and that will be my evaluation of the students progress
towards achieving the objective.

3 minutes

Writing Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: 930 am- April 20, 2016

What could go wrong with this lesson and what will you do about it?
There are many things that could go wrong with this lesson. There could be testing outside of our classroom, if that were
to be the situation, I would go to a smaller section outside the stairwell and have the students sit with me there. With it
coming up on the end of the month, there could be a fire drill, and if that were to happen I would make sure that Mrs.
Kettelkamp knew where I was with the three students and take them outside. The students could not understand what a
gift is, I would explain to them that a gift is something you are good at, or you can help people with because they
dont get what you have (being good at math problems, telling jokes, being nice). If the students that I would want to do
the assessment with are not at school that day, I would have to find other students that would fit the
requirements/reading and writing level of the planned students. If the planned students, dont do the Five Star
sentences, I would ask them to make sure that they could present it to their parents and remind them of the Five Star

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