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HLAC 1057 Yoga

Name:__Tamara Vukovic__________________________
Please answer these questions as honestly as possible. Take into account exactly how you feel right now, not
how you think you should answer. It is solely for your benefit. Answer the questions in the space provided or
circle the answer that best describes you.

1. At this time, what is your average stress level during the week?



2. How well do you think you deal with stress now as compared to the beginning of
the semester?

Somewhat well

Not well

3. What does the Sanskrit word Yoga mean to you?

It means inner peace, less
stress, and contentment.
4. What did yoga do for you this semester? What changes have you noticed?
_____It helped me become more balanced, my balance was awful at the beginning
but now I can hold poses for longer than 5 seconds. I am more flexible as
5. Do you suffer from lower back or joint pain? If so, has participation in yoga
been any help?
6. Have you been able to let go of your comparisons of yourself to others?
____Yes I have.
7. Are you still likely to compare yourself to others in the class in order to evaluate
your practice?


Definitely not

8. Many say yoga provides a personal path of discovery what did you discover
about yourself?
_____That I have more stamina and strength than originally

9. Are you more conscious about what you eat?

Yes, nearly always


Hardly ever

10. Can you tell when you have not drunk an adequate amount of water?
Yes, nearly always


Only when I am really thirsty

11. Do you currently practice any type of meditation or relaxation?

Yes, regularly


Only when I am asleep

12. Have you noticed a difference in how you sleep at night?

Yes, almost nightly



I sleep like a baby

13. Now how successful are you at quietly focusing your attention for extended
periods of time?

Somewhat successful

My mind always wanders

14. Stand up, bend at the waist and reach for your toes. Describe in detail where
your hands reach. How close are you to touching your toes or the floor?
_____My hands reach flat on the
15. Sit down with your legs in front of you. Reach for your toes, describe your body
positionhow high/low is your head, how far can you reach? How comfortable
are you?
________I can reach my toes and my head is a couple of inches away from my knees.
I feel tension but only
16. Stand up again with your feet close together and your hands on your hips. Raise
onto your tippy toes and count how long you can keep your balance. (Count one
alligator, two alligatorstop at thirty alligators if you make it that far.)
How many alligators did you stay up for? ___20____ alligators

17. Stand with your feet together. Lift one foot and place the inside arch of foot on
the knee of the standing leg. Once up, count how long you can keep your
balance. Switch legs and repeat.
Right leg:___15____ alligators

Left leg:_17______ alligators

18. Stand on one foot with opposite leg straight back behind you. Arms can be in
front of or behind you. Count. Switch legs and repeat.
Right leg: __16_____ alligators

Left leg: __18____ alligators

19. Come down to the floor. Position yourself at the top of a push-up with a flat
back and your hands directly under your shoulders. Count how long you can
hold this position. (max 30 alligators)
Held position for: ___10___ alligators

20. How can you make Yoga a part of your daily life when class is over? ______I plan
on taking classes at rec centers, I am mostly interested in acro yoga with a friend who
is an instructor. I will try to take yoga classes at least 3 times a

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