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Production Plan

Groundhog day

Storyline Groundhog day 2

-Phil Connors is at Groundhog day 23 years after the last one
-Thinks to himself how funny It would be for the unusual occurrence to
happen again
-Starts to present the Groundhog day coverage
-Groundhog is presented and jumps and runs
-Big catastrophe
-Phil secretly enjoys the fact that he escaped
-Goes to bed
-Wakes up in the morning and is glad to awake to such a wonderful
-Hears same song as he did the morning before, he dreads the worst, it
happened again!
-Goes through stages of not understanding what he has to do to get out
of the time lapse
-Finally realises he needs to find the groundhog
-Goes through the whole mishap of finding the groundhog


Phil Connors
Ned Ryerson
Background cast

Production scene (1)

Start of trailer with a

wide pan shot of the
town. Narrator starts
to talk. (2)

Meets Ned again, tries Goes to sleep,

to be nice but is late
awakes and realises
so he has to go. (4)
that it has happened
again. (5)

Refers back to the

other film and shows
that the Groundhog
is still alive. (3)

Realises he has to
find the groundhog.

Narrator and other effects

1- Plays same music from radio in number 1 I got you
2- In a world In a world oh Im sorry In a world of
Psychic Groundhogs, the best insurance and repeating
radios, Phil Connors presents the weather it again.
3- Flashes to scene showing the groundhog Being
held up like a great baby to the whole crowd.
4- We meet Ned again in a short interaction with Phil; I
would really talk but I am not going to ummmm bye!
5- Sees Phil wake up; Its happened again
6- See Phil open a door to find people doing something

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