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Press or Alt + 2 1 or ` to open the console and then type the command.

Many of these cheats and events can be used on other characters by adding <char-ID> at the end of it. Example "event 450
charinfo = Show detailed Character info on mouseover including Character ID, fertility, employer, etc.
Or Follow these, these,and/or these, instructions for an alternate way.
cash = 5000 gold, add a number after to get a specific amount, for example "cash 500" gives you 500 gold.
piety = 5000 piety, add a number after to get a specific amount
prestige = 5000 prestige, add a number after to get a specific amount
techpoints = Adds 1000 tech points of each kind to player.
max_tech <province_id> = max out tech tree in province
quickbuild = builds everything in one day. (possibly applied to AI as well)
decadence <new decadence> = sets decadence of the players dynasty
clr_focus <char_id> = removes the characters focus.
allow_laws = allow to change all your laws freely ... enter again to go back to limited law changing. (possibly applied to AI as
discover_plots = plots are always discovered ... repeat to have to search again
fow <on>= fog of war starts on so first time turns off, Second turns it back on.
plots_known = (default on) plots are visible, turns it off and on
marry_anyone = (default to you can't) You can marry anyone. (only seems to the remove the close relatives restriction)
pirate = Idunnolol
religion <name of religion> = changes your characters religion (for example, "religon catholic" or "religon norse_pagan",
"religon tengri_pagan")
culture <name of culture>= changes your character culture (for example, "culture italian" or "culture danish")
religion <char-id> <religionname> = changes the religion of the character whose ID you put in <char-id>
culture <char-id> <culturename> = changes the culture of the character whose ID you put in <char-id>
play <Character-ID#>' will change you to another character. Example: "play 1234315"
add_trait <trait_name> <char_id> = Adds a trait to the character. Trait names are all lower case. Don't fill in char_id and it will
add it to your character.
remove_trait <trait name> <char_id> = Removes a trait from the character.
pollinate <f-char-id> <m-char-id> = impregnates the female by the male
cuckoo <f-char-id> <m-char-id> = secretly impregnates female by the male (husband of the woman thinks it's his)
real_fathers = shows the true fathers in the family tree.
imprison <char-id> = imprison character
banish <char-id> = forces a character to leave current court
murder <char-id of the murderer> <char-id murder victim> = forces an attempt at murder, doesn't promise success
'kill <Character-ID#>' will kill that character immediately. Example: "kill 1234315"
revolt <prov_id> = causes a revolt in the chosen province
capital <prov_id> moves your capital to the province
neg_diplo = Can Send diplomatic proposals that will be refused (again turns it off)
succ <insert succession law here! Warning by itself or an undefined law will set it to none!> = Changes the succession type.
Valid values: feudal_elective, primogeniture, gavelkind, seniority, tanistry, turkish_succession
recalc_succ <char_id> = Recalculate the succession for a character or the player
clear = clears console
nextsong = force change music
score <amount> = adds score to the player.
moveunit <unit_id> <prov_id> moves a unit to a province.
observe = Turns you into a question mark and allows you to *observe* the game without playing. You must reload to undo
affect. (May crash your game, save before use)
refresh_portraits = Sets all character portraits to be refreshed asap
reloadfx <map/mapname/postfx or fx filename> = reloads the shader
reloadinterface = reloads the entire interface
reloadtexture <text_filename> = reloads the texture
testevent <id> <char_id/prov_id> = test and event without triggering it
wipe_achievements = Wipe out all CK2 Steam achievements. WARNING: CANNOT BE UNDONE!
hello <char-id> = switch to the character's page
help = No help for you! And maybe displays some cheat commands.
gfx_culture <char_id> <culture> = changes a characters gfx_culture, which decides how they look. Ex: gfx_culture 192884
move <char_id> <char_id_recipient> = moves a character to another characters court. Leave last char_id blank and the
character will move into your court.
neg_opininon <char_id_hater> <char_id_hated> = Adds negative opinion between two charactrers.
add_lover <char_id> <char_id> = Makes a character the lover of another character
add_friend <char_id> = Makes the character your friend

remove_friend <char_id> = Removes the character as your friend

add_rival <char_id> = Makes a character your rival
remove_rival <char_id> = Removes the character as your rival
nickname <character-ID> <insert nickname key here> = changes your character's nickname
age <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a character's age
add_martial <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a charcter's martial.
add_diplomacy <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a charcter's diplomacy
add_intrigue <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a charcter's intrigue
add_stewardship <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a character's stewardship
add_learning <char-id> +/-(#) = Add or subtract a character's learning
example: add_stewardship 69697143 +21
'claim <title_ID>' To claim a land/title (look it up in \Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\history\titles\) For
exemple : claim c_koln
'titleowner <title-id> <char-id>' Gives you the title. The one below is better.
'give_title <title-id> <char-id>' Gives you the title, and you get vassals and everything beneath it. Title IDs are predictable, in the
format of e_name and k_name for empires and kingdoms, b_name and d_name for baronies and duchies. titles with spaces
are either c_county_name or "c_county name". Some do not match their names, example: Rome is c_roma, the duchy of the
isles is d_western_isles, the county of Leon in Brittany is c_french_leon
usurp <title> = sets a title to be owned by the player
event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there.
event 20133 gives you a strong claim on the duchy instead. (When leading an army there)
You can get character ID's by looking in your save file.Your character's id is contained in first section of the save. Search the
save using your id to find desire relations.
You can also type "charinfo 1" into the console to enable more in-depth character information, including Character ID. As of
now there is no known way to turn this info off again without having to exit and restart the whole game.
(ID's in the latest version are now visible in the character tooltip without the need for any of this.)
Want another character to accept your demand? Pause the game, type "neg_diplo" then "charinfo 1", hover your mouse pointer
over the other characters portrait and look for his ID, type"play <char-ID>", accept your own proposal, now type "play <your
char-ID>" and you'll be playing as yourself again and he'll have accepted.
Army size can be changed by looking for your character's profile in save, then finding desired army and changing the two
numbers representing current size and max size of that soldier type. If you are changing mercenary army size this will affect
how much you pay per month.
(repeat if accepted trait does not trigger)
event 1000 = lustful/chaste
event 1001 = gluttonous/temperate
event 1003 = charitable/greedy
event 1004 = slothful/diligent
event 1005 = kind/envious (female)
event 1006 = kind/envious (male)
event 1007 = wroth/patient
event 1008 = proud/humble
event 1009 = deceitful/honest
event 1010 = craven/brave
event 1011 = shy/gregarious
event 1012 = ambitious/content
event 1013 = arbitrary/just
event 1014 = cynical/zealous
event 1015 = lustful/chaste (female)
event 1016 = paranoid/trusting

event 1017 = cruel/kind

event 1018 = lustful/chaste (homosexual female)
event 1019 = lustful/chaste (homosexual male)
event 24503= Make child craven (90% chance)/brave(10%)
event ToG.3000 = berserker
event ToG.3105 = varangian
event ToG.3320 = viking
event 8300 = gain crusader
event 8400 = gain crusader
event 8401 = gain muslim crusader trait
event 1030 = lose temperate (also event 1511)
event 1031 = lose gluttonous
event 1032 = lose charitable (also event 1531)
event 1033 = lose greedy (also event 6208)
event 1034 = lose diligent (also event 1551)
event 1035 = lose slothful (also event 1541)
event 1036 = lose kind (also event 1571)
event 1037 = lose envious (also event 1561)
event 1038 = lose patient (also event 1590)
event 1039 = lose wroth (also event 1581)
event 1040 = lose humble (also event 1611)
event 1041 = lose proud
event 1042 = lose lustful (also event 1601, 6204)
event 1043 = lose honest (also event 1641)
event 1044 = lose deceitful (also event 1620)
event 1045 = lose brave (also event 1661)
event 1046 = lose craven (also event 1651)
event 1047 = lose gregarious (also event 1681)
event 1048 = lose shy (also event 1671)
event 1049 = lose content (also event 1701)
event 1050 = lose ambitious (also event 1691)
event 1051 = lose just (also event 1721)
event 1052 = lose arbitrary (also event 1711)
event 1053 = lose zealous (also event 1631)
event 1054 = lose cynical (also event 1731)
event 1057 = lose paranoid
event 1056 = lose trusting
event 1501 = lose gluttonous (also event 6206)
event 1641 = lose honest
event 5000 = scholar/mystic paths
event 5020 = gardener/impaler paths
event 5030 = duelist/poet paths
event 5040 = hunter/falconer paths
event 5050 = poet/falconer paths (female)
event 1018 - lustful/chaste
event 24501= lustful/celibate+stressed
event 5002 - scholar
event 5003 - mystic
event 5024 - impaler
event 5025 - gardener
event 5032 - aspiring poet
event 5033 - aspiring duelist
event 5036 - duelist
event 5037 - poet
event 5041 - aspiring falconer
event 5042 - aspiring hunter
event 5045 - hunter

event 5046 - falconer

event 5066 - hedonist
Child traits
event 1500 = gain gluttonous
event 1501 = lose gluttonous
event 1510 = gain temperate (also event 6207)
event 1511 = lose temperate
event 1520 = gain greedy
event 1521 = lost greedy
event 1530 = gain charitable (also event 6209)
event 1531 = lose charitable
event 1540 = gain slothful
event 1541 = lose slothful
event 1550 = gain diligent
event 1551 = lose diligent
event 1560 = gain envious
event 1561 = lose envious
event 1570 = gain kind
event 1571 = lose kind
event 1580 = gain wroth (also event 272)
event 1581 = lose wroth
event 1590 = gain patient (also event 273)
event 1591 = lose patient
event 1600 = gain proud
event 1601 = lose proud
event 1610 = gain humble
event 1611 = lose humble
event 1620 = gain deceitful
event 1621 = lose deceitful
event 1630 = gain zealous
event 1631 = lose zealous
event 1640 = gain honest
event 1641 = lose honest
event 1650 = gain craven (also event 271)
event 1651 = lose craven
event 1660 = gain brave (also event 270)
event 1661 = lose brave
event 1670 = gave shy
event 1671 = lose shy
event 1680 = gain gregarious
event 1681 = lose gregarious
event 1690 = gain ambitious
event 1691 = lose ambitious
event 1700 = gain content
event 1701 = lose content
event 1710 = gain arbitrary
event 1711 = lose arbitrary
event 1720 = gain just (also event 4000)
event 1721 = lose just
event 1730 = gain cynical
event 1731 = lose cynical
event 6205 = gain chaste
event 6227 = lose chaste
event 6000 = gain syphilis trait
event 6001 = lose syphilis trait
event 6010 = gain leper trait

event 6011 = lose leper trait for 25 gold.

event 6020 = gain lunatic event, but lose stressed and depressed traits
event 6021 = lose lunatic trait
event 6030 = gain possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6031 = lose possessed trait (non-Muslim)
event 6032 = gain possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6033 = lose possessed trait (Muslim)
event 6040 = gain stressed trait
event 6041 = lose stressed trait
event 6050 = gain depressed trait
event 6051 = lose depressed trait
event 6060 = gain ill trait
event 6061 = lose ill trait
event 6070 = gain pneunomic trait
event 6071 = lose pneunomic trait
event 6080 = gain wounded trait (also event 243) (To lose Maimed, use this event, it will remove maimed, then use the event
below to lose wounded.)
event 6081 = lose wounded trait, gain scarred trait
event 6100 = gain infirm trait
event 6110 = lose infirm, gain incapable
event 6111 = lose consumption trait
event 6112 = lose slow fever trait
event 6113 = lose camp fever trait
event 6114 = lose plague trait
event 6115 = lose measles trait
event 6116 = lose smallpox trait
event 244 = gain maimed trait
event 245 = gain incapable trait
event 61160 = lose incapable trait
event SoA.3050 = remove maimed trait
event SoA.3051 = remove blinded trait
event SoA.3052 = remove eunuch trait
event SoA.3053 = remove incapable or infirm trait
event SoA.3054 = remove any epidemic illness
event SoA.3060 = escape prison
event SoA.3065 = reinforcements for demon child
Miscellaneous Event Commands
event 20320 = successful steal technology mission in the province where your leader is stationed.
event 20392 = random military tech improves 10%.
event 55000 = turns one of your foreign demesnes neighbouring your mainland into your own culture. (Before 1.06)
event 55000 <Province-ID#> = turns province into province holders culture. (After 1.06)
event 20260 = increase culture advances.
event 75085 = Steward improves economy.
event 913 = Fabricate claim (Chancellor).
event 923 = trigger master builder event for steward.
event 926 = trigger great philosopher event for Court Chaplain.
event 927 = become Cathar (religion)
event 20048 = choice between gold & piety
event 24506 = imprisons random court/vassal individual
event 20200 = collects special tithe
event 20000 = increases pope's opinion
event 20410 = gives levy reinforcement
event 20230 = master builder (5%)
event 24504 = Gets YOUR WIFE pregnant, takes a while to show up, unsure of effect if you use while female.
event 24505= imprison random courtier (useful for getting +10 relationship bonus for releasing a prisoner)

event 64025 = Fall in love with your spouse.

event 20000 = capital converts to your(?) religion + piety + increased relations with the pope
event 20030 = become heretic (takes a while)
event 64055 <Child-ID#> <Courtier-ID#> = Child has teenage infatuation wth courtier.
event 1985 = Removes Homosexual trait (male)
event 1995 = Removes Homosexual trait (female)
event 36005 = Suicide
event 36004 = Suicide
event 26004 = Suicide
event 242 = Suicide
event 400 gets YOU pregnant; husband is the father
event 401 gets YOU pregnant; husband is NOT the father
event 402 gets YOU pregnant; unmarried
event 403 gets your wife pregnant; regular
event 404 gets your wife pregnant; YOU ARE NOT the father
event 24504 gets your wife pregnant; wife gains the stressed trait

28004 = possibly cures maimed and wounded.

event 200 = your character calls a crusade

event 300 = "I am a bastard" event, triggers other events.
event 301 = choice between legitimizing yourself, declaring yourself a bastard,event

event 450 <char-id> = begin an affair with selected character, only works on those who have you listed as their liege.
event 500 = "royal dues" event, chioce between money and prestige event
event 4000 = "Stolen Pigs" event, gives choice between permament and temporairy "just" trait.
event 4005 = "thief" event
event 4010= "Band of Robbers" event, gives choice between -5 prestige and +20 opinion bonus to two councilors.
event 4015= "unfaithful wife" event, gives choice between ignoreing it, and having liege deal with problem.
event 4020= "poachers" event, gives chioce between temporary trait giving prestige and random other event to punish the
event 4035 = "cattle rustlers" event, gives choice between piety, prestige, intrigue temporary traits, or lump piety bonus.
event 4040 = "blasphemy" event, gives small piety temporary trait
event 4045 = "kidnap" event, gives choice between permanent just, cruet or content traits.
event 4050 = "spy" event, gives lump piety, or priestige or martial temporary traits.
event 4055 = "dragon" event, choice between permament martial bonus, +15 relationship bonus from vassals, temp prestige
bonus,and a bad option.
event 4060 = "falconry" event, choice between a relationship bonuses, and a bad choice, and small prestige lump sum.
event 4085= "wolves" event, gives choice between various relationship modifiers, and a temporary "bloodlust" trait.
event 6200 = "voice of jesus" event, lose 30 church opinion, gain temporary monthly prestige bonus.
event 6223 = "voice of satan" event lose 30 church opinion, lose monthly piety
event 6300 = give realm a new law, sets off chain of events
event 6201 = convert 50 gold into 100 piety.
event 6202 = convert 50 prestige into 100 piety.
event 6203 = "holy comet" event.
event 247 = gain 1 martial skill
event 248 = gain 5% bonus military technology growth rate for 1 year
event 250 = capture yourself, do not do with out saving beforehand, as it's impossible to release yourself from prison.

event 255 = "unnecesary violence" event, lose prestige and valor.

event 260 = gain 5 prestige
event 261 = soldier courtier appears in your court
event 600 = causes rebels to appear in your capital
event 620 = crusade wins
event 621 = crusade loses
event 900 = converts any province where your leader is stationed to your religio , note that you can convert any province by
appointing your leader general of an army and then moving that army to the province you want to convert. Or you can add your
court chaplains ID at the end and put him in a province and it will have the same effect.
event 901 = courtier in your court converts to your religion
event 10000 = "Merry men" event
event 8342 = Find Holy Grail event, get 200 prestige
event 8340 = find Holy Spear event, get 100 prestige
event 8500 = starts crusader order, establishes castile barony under your control.
event 20131 = gives you a strong claim on a county when you have your character leading an army there.
event 20133 gives you a strong claim on the duchy instead. (When leading an army there)
event 10101 = Gate to Hell path
event 100115 = friendship with self or +10% fertility
event 55010 = changes the rulers(you) culture to that of his capital province culture.
Event 451 <char-ID> = Go to a courtiers chamber however firing it without a character ID will initiate it for yourself (you go to
bed with yourself). So for it to work correctly, you have to put a character ID in.
Ex: event 451 58108
Event 246 = raises the martial skill. Misguided warrior -> tough soldier -> brilliant strategist
event 9004 = fraction ending
event 65021 = torture random prisoner you may have.
Nickname ID's


event 38301
event WoL.102

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