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Ella Cepeda

April 20, 16

T-TESS Teacher Self Assessment-3 Goals

Goal 1: I will improve the
knowledge of students to help
them make connections with past
experiences and prior knowledge
with the lesson we are learning for
the day.
Dimension(s): Knowledge of
Students, Achieving expectations,
standards and alignments
Goal 2: I will increase my
expertise in teaching strategies to
reach all learning styles of my
students to reach academic

Dimension(s): Differentiation,
Content knowledge and expertise,
monitor and adjust
Goal 3: I will improve the flow of
my lessons and increase my
awareness in managing student

Dimension(s): Classroom
environment, routines and
procedures, managing student
behavior, monitor and adjust

I will prompt the students with oral

questions pertaining to our lesson.
In this case, logical order. Why is it
important to know? Can we
accurately read a story properly if
we read it out of order? I will
model how the book would sound
out of order.
I will measure their progress by
having them pair and share with
the class, examples for
sequencing and why its
I will use a variety of activities
that include audio, visual, and
kinesthetic perceptual processes.
I can let students use the Ipad to
hear the story again for my audio
and visual students, plus I already
read and showed the book.
We can sing a butterfly life cycle
To measure Progress, I will monitor
and give assistance as needed.
I will make sure my classroom is
organized and functional for
student learning. I will implement
small groups, pairs, and possible
classroom collaboration with
similar logical order lesson.
I will make sure behavior system
is being acted on and hold
students accountable according to
school and classroom rules.
I will also monitor students and
keep them motivated.

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