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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mr Ducan Lewis
The Director-General
ASIO Central Office
GPO Box 2176

Regarding ISIS / ISIL

Dear Director
Please find enclosed a copy of my
latest book called The OzBoy Files The Truth
About ISIS and ISIL
Most of the information within, you and Intelligence
Agents there should know, but if not here is all the
evidence, 15 Chapters cant be all wrong and you
people get away with denying it all, just calling it
conspiracy theory where is the hard core evidence.
Like 15 Chapters with hard core evidence proving
the Americans are playing you all for suckers and
funding, training, arming this Proxy mercenary
army along with others supposedly who call
Australia their friend.
In Chapter 2) You will love all the inside gossip
about ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained
by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal.

I have also done up a DVD for you with a Hard

Copy written in Microsoft Widows 2000, anything
above that should also open this document.
And there is a Copy written in PDF Format, which
you can just open up and print straight out from
that extra copies for Intelligence Agents there to
I am so sorry I couldnt afford to get this all printed
up into a ready magazine for you to read and you
have to read it in the basic format copy above, but
it was going to cost me about $380 plus postage to
send to you if I did that.
Do I want anything in return for sending all this
information to you for your records? Look if you
send me a cheque for $100 or $150 Bucks to say
thank you well and good, if not I am not formally
asking for anything.
Suppose I am doing my job as a good Australian
Citizen by sending all this information to you to
read and file away for your records there, so your
not living in the dark about things.
Enjoy your reading
Yours truly
Lloyd T Vance

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