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Email 1 - What’s Coming (Intro)

Email 2 - About Me (Origin Story)

Email 3 - Radical Giving (Core Values)
Email 4 - FB Group Invite (Social Media)
Email 5 - You Don’t Need Ninja Tactics (Content + Core Value)
Email 6 - More Cowbell (Content + Core Value)
Email 7 - Committed (Wild Card)
Email 8 - FFS Introduction (Product + Content)
Email 9 - FIND Your Fans (Wild Card)
Email 10 - Attract With Content (Content)
Email 11 - Email (Product)
Email 12 - That’s All Folks (Conclusion)

Email 1 - What’s Coming (Intro)

Subject: Buckle up… it’s gonna get weird.

Wait… did I just tell you my emails are gonna get weird?

Why the hell would I do something that might convince you to
unsubscribe right now instead of ease you into things? ♂

Let me explain with a story.

Back in 1997, when I was in college, I was a HUGE Kevin
​ nd ​Mallrats​?!?!
Smith fan. I mean who didn’t love ​Clerks a

​ ith my
So I was downright stoked to go see ​Chasing Amy w
girlfriend (who’s now my wife!).

When it was over… I was PISSED!

(Not sure if this is necessary for a 23-year-old movie, but a

spoiler is coming…)

Who the hell makes a “romantic-comedy” where the guy

doesn’t get the girl.​

I made my wife sit through the closing credits to make sure

there wasn’t a secret happy ending.


We’d been hoodwinked.

And that felt shitty!

That lesson stuck with me, so I want people to know what

they’re getting themselves into when they join my email list.

It’s not that I’m intentionally abrasive or out trying to “be

polarizing” like so many marketing gurus are teaching.

It’s just that I’m an irreverent kinda guy who sometimes

swears and tends to say what he thinks even if it’s not gonna
be popular.

So lemme give you a preview.

If you stick around, you’re going to end up on my list where
you get emails telling you about the latest episode of ​The
Certified BADA$$ Online Marketing Podcast​.

Those emails have gotten a bit of a cult following… and their

fair share of haters…

…because they are me in a nutshell ⏤ irreverent, sometimes

shocking, and chocked full of really corny jokes and
pop-culture references.

People who are cool with that tend to LOVE my emails

because they make them laugh (sometimes with me… and
sometimes AT me) and deliver nuggets of wisdom to help
them build their businesses.

But some people just plain can’t take the snark and

The last thing I want is for you to feel the shock I felt at the
end of ​Chasing Amy​… you should know ​exactly what you’re
getting yourself into​.

So, in the coming weeks, you’ll be getting my greatest hits…

These are the emails that generated the MOST buzz —

positive and negative. Interestingly, they tend to be the same
(Psst… that last sentence might be one of those nuggets of

So buckle up… it’s gonna get weird!

Talk later.


Email 2 - About Me (Origin Story)

Subject: "We need your permission to use deadly force."

Nothing ruins a happy hour with friends faster than answering

the phone and hearing:

"We are dealing with a barricaded suspect who shot two

agents. We need your permission to use deadly force."

Yeah, that 💩 happened.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...

After graduating from Harvard Law School, I’d decided to take

a very normal (albeit prestigious) route.

After five years at whiteshoe law firms, I landed a job as a

federal prosecutor.
One of the responsibilities was to carry the "duty phone" — a
cell phone that law enforcement agents could call if they
needed to talk to an attorney.

(Side note: this is so long ago that it was a flip phone that
didn’t even have texting capability!)

My boss knew that I was "green," so he made sure that my

first turn with the duty phone wouldn't come for a few months.

And I learned a TON during that time. The job was trial by
fire... they threw you in the deep end and expected you to
figure it out. I freaking LOVED it!

That brings me to that happy hour...

About mid-way through my first week with the duty phone, I

went out for drinks after work with a group of other relatively
new prosecutors in the office.

That's when the phone rang... and an ATF agent told me that
two agents had been shot (I knew them all) and said she
needed my permission to use deadly force.

I was shitting bricks.

So I immediately asked the guys who were with me to get the

boss on the phone.

Cause, you know, I didn't exactly want to make THAT


I pleaded with the agent to wait:

"I can't give that authorization!!!"

The agent was pissed, used some choice words, and


“I need to talk to an attorney with some balls.” ​(← Her actual

words to me!)
I was scared to death...

...until I looked over in the corner and saw that one of my

friends was smiling.


I turned back to my friends at the table, and they all busted out

It was a prank!

Within 2 minutes, the boss, the ATF agent, and the two agents
she'd told me had been shot walked in the door to join the fun
at my expense.

Terror turned to embarrassment.

Two of my fellow prosecutors call me "Death Warrant Klinck"

to this day. (I wish I was kidding!)

But as scary as that moment was, it wasn’t even close to the

scariest moment of my life.

The scariest moment was in late summer 2017… when I

decided to take the leap to become an entrepreneur.

Think about it… I’d spent the time and money to get a
Harvard-freaking-law degree, and I was gonna do some
“internet” thing instead?!?!

How would my parents react?

What would my lawyer friends think?

But those questions were really just scratching the surface. In

reality there was one big concern that ruled all the other:

“What if I failed?”
Yeah, that shit had me petrified. And the idea that others
might ​see me fail ​was even scarier.

Luckily, I had a secret weapon to help me power through…

...I had a powerful-ass “why.”

I wasn’t happy being a lawyer.

No… that’s not quite right.

I ​hated​ it.

Every. Stinking. Minute. Of. It.

It was hard to find a passion or a purpose when I was

representing ginormous companies in disputes that were all
about getting their shareholders more money.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Just not my thing...)

But really, being a “normal” lawyer sucked the most because

(as you may have figured out) I’m not exactly the “stuffy
lawyer” type.

I felt like I was constantly in bizarro world, trying to hide who I

really was.

There was no way I could’ve known what being an

entrepreneur held in store for me… but I knew that I couldn’t
keep doing what I was doing.

So I made the change.

The road hasn’t been easy, and there have been some
serious tests along the way.

In the next email, I’ll tell you about when I hit rock bottom and
was thinking of quitting… and the ONE WORD that ultimately
changed everything for me.
scared 💩
In the meantime, I’d love for you to hit reply and tell me your
-less business moment or moments… and share
your “why” with me too!

Talk later.


Email 3 - Radical Giving (Core Values)

Subject: My pastor changed my life… and my business.

Before you tune out… I’m a man of faith, but I don’t talk about
it much in my business.

Probably because about the only thing I remember about my

grandfather was his line: “If you want to stay friends with
people, don’t talk about politics, religion, or ​their ​kids.”

Anywho… my pastor plays an important role in this story, but

this is NOT an email about religion.

A message from my pastor on December 31, 2017, changed

my life forever.

That was ​not ​a happy time for me or my business. Things had

gotten off to a *rocky* start. (← Understatement of the year,
right there!)

After taking the leap to entrepreneurship, I created a course

and went all-in on marketing it. All told, I’d sunk somewhere
around $25k into the course between all the things.
And I freaking NAILED the webinar. It was amazing.

Or, so I thought.

My audience… not so much.

When I closed the cart, I had made ​one lousy sale​ for about

But wait… it gets worse.

That one buyer asked for a refund on Day 29 of a 30-day,

no-questions-asked refund policy (never having opened it!).

So, at the end of 2017, I found myself at a crossroads that SO

many entrepreneurs face:

Should I just give up and go back to a J-O-B?

Enter my pastor…

New Year’s Eve happened to be a Sunday that year, so we

were at a *lightly-attended* service that morning.

My head was spinning but my pastor’s message that day

found a way into my head.

He was talking about giving. But not just about giving… about
the ​powerful effect that giving has on your life.

In my typical Fire-Ready-Aim fashion, I said: “Screw it, giving

will be my word for 2018.”

And as the famous Robert Frost poem says, my decision to

take the less-traveled road of being a giver “has made all the
(Side Note: Don’t expect a lot of poetry references… the Road

Less Traveled and the Charge of the Light Brigade are about
the only ones I know. ♂)

Nowadays, instead of asking myself if I’m giving too much

away for free… I ask:

“Could I give more?”

​ ver 6,000 privacy

That’s why in 2019 alone, I ​gave away o
policy templates.

(Considering that my competitors charge an average of $300

for those babies, that works out to over $1.8 million that I gave

I have YET to find the limits of being a giver. The more I’ve
given… the more my business has thrived.

When I started giving my privacy policy template away (after

ignoring my peers telling me I was crazy to do it), leads started
pouring into my business.

When I just gave PDF guides away in FB Groups without

requiring an opt-in… those people turned into raving fans and
started sending other people to my business.

Because I created and GAVE away a 3-part training about the

GDPR privacy rules… I ended up landing some really BIG
podcast guest appearances because the hosts couldn’t
believe I was giving it away.

Giving has driven my business.

Being a radical giver is so central to what I do that it is one of
the core beliefs that shapes everything I do in my business.

But it’s only ONE of the seven core beliefs. Want to know the
other six?

There’s no way I could cover them all in one email…

...​so go check out this podcast episode where I share the core
beliefs and why they matter​.

(That’s what we call a curiosity hook! 😂)

Next up… you’ll hear how I managed to stay married even
after getting a text from my wife that said: “Why are you
sending me pictures of you with random women?!?”

Talk later.


Email 4 - FB Group Invite (Social Media)

Subject: “Why are you sending me pictures of you with

random women?!?”

Today, I want to take the time to invite you to join my private

FB group —​ ​the BADA$$ Online Marketers community​.

But first I’ve gotta tell you about that text from my wife…
On the second day of an entrepreneurship event hosted by my
friend Amy Porterfield, I woke up and checked my phone to
find a text from my wife that said:

“Why are you sending me pictures of you with random


Before you get worried for my safety, I wasn't in Vegas...

And, no, I hadn't done something monumentally stupid and

accidentally sent photographic evidence to my wife.

That would be a crazy story... but that's not what happened.

It was all because of a picture I sent her the night before.

At the kickoff party, the night before, the other entrepreneurs

were all excited to meet Amy and take a picture with her.

That’s cool and all. But me? I wanted a picture with members
of Team Porterfield.

(At the time, I was their “legal” guy… so it was fun to finally
meet them in person!)

So while everyone was angling for a picture with Amy… I

wanted to get a picture with her number two, Chloe.

That’s when this happened:

That's Amy photobombing me!

(And no, I didn’t know it was happening; I just don’t know
how to smile for pictures. ).

After I got off the floor laughing when I saw the picture, I
sent it to my wife thinking she’d get a kick out of it.

I woke up the next day to her text: ​“Why are you sending me
pictures of you with random women?!?”


I forgot she wouldn’t know who Amy was. Luckily, I explained

and all was good.
There’s a bigger point here…

The lesson is about the power of being with ​your people.

My wife, God bless her, doesn’t get what you and I do for a

I’m betting the same is true in your life…

...a lot of the people you love probably don’t understand this
whole online entrepreneurship thing (some may even think
you’ve joined a cult).

Can I get an “Amen”? 🙏

We all need people who GET us and what we do.

That’s why I created ​the BADA$$ Online Marketers


It’s a FREE Facebook Group for online entrepreneurs looking

to be badasses at what they do.

It’s where you can ask me questions and interact with

thousands of other entrepreneurs who are interested in
building and protecting their businesses.

If that sounds like your cup of tea… the other

#BADA$$OnlineMarketers and I would love to welcome you to
the community.

Click here to join​.

That’s it for today.

For my next trick, I’m gonna explain what Sweet Baby Jesus
taught me about entrepreneurship.

Talk later.


P.S. When you ​ask to join the BADA$$ Online Marketers

community​, make sure to answer the three questions. My
team are kinda sticklers about not letting people in if they don’t

answer the questions. Don’t worry, I’m only asking for your
first born child.

Email 5 - You Don’t Need Ninja Tactics

(Content + Core Value)

Subject: I don’t like Sweet Baby Jesus...

Before you get pissed... I'm not talking about the person.

I'm talking about the beer.

To be more specific, I'm talking about a chocolate peanut butter

atrocity called "Sweet Baby Jesus!"

Just writing this email is making me queasy!

The beauty of beer is in its simplicity.

You can make amazingly complicated flavors from just 4

ingredients: water, malted barley, hops, and yeast.
The quickest way to ruin beer is by trying to get fancy (​e.g.,​ adding
peanut butter and chocolate to it)!

So why am I telling you this about beer?

Because we do the same freaking thing with our businesses!

We sometimes ruin things by adding the metaphorical peanut butter

and chocolate when we really shouldn’t.

Business is kinda like beer... its beauty is in its simplicity.

What if I told you that you could "keep it simple stupid" and still
have great results?

Well, you can.

As I shared in ​Episode 101 of my podcast​, the most important

lesson I’ve learned is that building the business of your dreams is
about doing the basics right.

(Side note: do not be alarmed when you see an episode of “The

Online Genius Podcast.” That was the old branding… but it’s still

Most of the marketing gurus are telling you that you need some
“secret” strategy or some “ninja” tactic to succeed.

I’m calling bullshit on that!

There aren’t any secrets. And ninja tactics don’t work.

When online entrepreneurs struggle (or fail) it’s because they don’t
do the basic shit right. #SorryNotSorry

Thinking that a fancy new tactic is going to save you is like thinking
that getting yourself a $5k chef’s knife is going to turn you into
Gordon Ramsey, even though you can’t seem to toast bread
without burning it.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Want a successful online business?

Then stop looking for secrets and do the basics right.

Let’s get you back to basics. Head over to Episode 101 ​for a crash
course in what REALLY matters in your business​.

Next up, I’ll be sharing something that’s really embarrassing to

admit... that I may just have peaked in high school.

Talk later.


Email 6 - More Cowbell (Content + Core


Subject: I may have peaked as a high school senior...

In high school, I was on the debate team, which I loved.

Except that my debate coach always made us compete in
other events too.

One tournament, he entered us into this crazy event called

"impromptu speaking."

Here's the gist... you walk into a room and randomly pick a slip
of paper with a topic, prepare for a few minutes, and then give
a 5-10 minute speech.

The speech is supposed to be organized and funny.

I walked into the room and picked my wack-job topic:

If you could give yourself any nickname, what would it

be and why?

How the hell was I going to give a funny but organized speech
about that?!?
And then I looked out the window in the door and saw my
friend Brandon.

Here's a picture of me and the debate team. Brandon is the

guy in the leather jacket in front with me (yep, that's me in the
blue and red shirt sporting my ponytail!):

Suddenly I remembered how Brandon had been razzing

me earlier that day...

Pretty much the whole day, Brandon had been making fun of

🤷 😎
my ego.(What can I say… I’ve always known I was a badass!
♂ )

Suddenly, I had my flash of inspiration.

I mapped the speech out in my head for 30 seconds and then

started with this:

“If I had to give myself a nickname, it would be Goe...

because that’s one after God in the alphabet.”

That's right, I was going to OWN that I was a pompous ass!

My first two points were quite cogent about how I was ​good at
everything​ and ​everybody loved me.​

But I saved the clincher for my third point, which I started with

“Third, and honestly most importantly ... I'm VERY


When I delivered that line, the judge literally (yes, I actually

mean literally) fell out of his chair laughing.

That was my mic drop moment...

As a debater, a law student, a lawyer, and an entrepreneur,

I've given A LOT of speeches, but none as good as that one.
(And yes, I won the event!)

So, like I said, I may just have peaked in high school.

But there’s an important lesson in the story...

My speech was the no-brainer winner because I freaking

leaned into being 100% me, flaws and all. (Let’s be honest…
most people aren’t willing to embrace their character flaws.)

These days, I call that #MoreCowbell.

More Cowbell is my rallying cry for all of us to embrace that

we are personal brands and to add more of ourselves to our

It means being authentic in the truest sense of the words. (Not

the bullshit, curated authenticity that so many entrepreneurs
have adopted.)

The more I’ve been willing to just be me… the more my

business has grown.
That’s why I push all my followers to adopt the #MoreCowbell
approach in their own businesses.

To hear more about why it’s so important to add yourself to

the brand… ​check out Episode 124 of the podcast​ (which is
also when we rebranded it as The Certified BADA$$ Online
Marketing Podcast).

And then you’ll get it when you see me talking about


Gotta prepare you for my next email. It’s the most emotional
email I’ve ever sent, and it’s a story that my peers can’t
believe I share.

But, #morecowbell is about sharing the good, the bad, and the

Talk later.


Email 7 - Committed (Wild Card)

Subject: "They're okay..."

One afternoon, a couple of weeks before I was going to start

my final year in law school, I answered the phone to hear my
mom say:

"They're okay..."

Not sure about you, but that's not exactly how I want a
conversation to start...
My mom explained that my dad and uncle had been in a plane
crash in their private plane.

They'd been taken to the hospital to get checked out... but she
stressed that they were okay.

And then my brother called a few hours later... he was the first
to get to the hospital.

They weren't okay.

Not at all.

My uncle was burned over 85% of his body and my dad was
burned over 45% of his body.

The doctors told my brother they didn't expect my uncle to

make it through the night... and that my dad's chances weren't
much better.

The next ten weeks of my life are a blur...

Most of that time was spent in a hotel on the military base

where my dad was being treated... and where my uncle was
treated until he passed away.

The law school was amazingly flexible about things... letting a

friend handle my registration for me and telling me to get back
when I could.

There was just one little hiccup...

I was ​supposed​ to be competing in the final round of a

prestigious competition that semester (where I'd be one of four
Harvard Law students who get to stand and argue a case
before federal court judges).

It was the culmination of a year's worth of hard work and


But I was thinking about bowing out to stay with my family...

...because my dad ​still hadn't woken up.​

That's when one of my dad's best friends sat me down and

made perfectly clear that there was not a choice to be made.
He told me my dad would ​expect​ me to leave to compete and
he'd be pissed when he woke up if I skipped it.

So I went to compete in the most prestigious legal competition

in the country while I had no idea whether my dad would

This isn't a story I talk about a lot, and I'm not telling it to you
for sympathy.

I'm telling you this story because the reality is that life is going
to knock you down.

Things are gonna get hard.

The timing is never going to be perfect.

Your life and your business are going to have to coexist.

And being successful means finding a way to power through

when things are hard.

My dad’s plane crash taught me all those lessons in spades.

Because of my dad’s friend, I had the honor of standing before

three federal court of appeals judges to argue a case… as a
freaking student!

Although my team didn’t win, one of the biggest name

professors at Harvard (noted Supreme Court practitioner Larry
Tribe) went out of his way to tell his class that these were the
two best teams he could remember in the competition.

I would have missed it all… except that I was ​committed.

You know what?

The successful entrepreneurs are the ones who bring that
same commitment to their businesses.

When shit gets hard… they power through.

Today, I don’t have a podcast for you to listen to or another

freebie to send your way.

My call to action to you is simple:

Commit to yourself that you’ll keep going.

Commit to yourself that you’ll get back up when your life or

business knocks you down.

And if you’re willing, ​hit REPLY to tell me you’re committed.

It can be as simple as just the word “committed,” or as

involved as you like.

I’ll read that response personally.

My next email won’t be a downer, I promise. (These kinds of

emails are few and far between… but this was too important of
a lesson not to share.)

Next time, we’ll shift away from mindset and start talking
strategy. Specifically, you’ll discover the framework that
successful entrepreneurs use to build a fanbase of people
who’re begging to buy from them.

Talk later.


P.S. My dad's story has a happy ending. He woke up a couple

days after I headed back to school for the start of the
competition, and he was doing well enough a month or so
later that my mom was able to come up for a couple of days to
see me actually argue the case... and my dad watched parts
of it on a livestream. (This was 2001, and the law school
honored my request by agreeing to livestream the competition
for the first time ever.)

Email 8 - FFS Introduction (Product +


Subject: My friend Toby has a serious problem…

I'm betting you've never heard of the band Umphrey's


...but we could all learn a lesson about marketing from them.

But this isn't a story about the band themselves; it's a story
about my friend Toby.

See, Toby is what you might call a diehard Umphrey's McGee


If they play within 60 miles of D.C., Toby is there. (And this

isn't a rare occurrence; he must go to four or five shows a

He owns all their music... and you know he's got him some
Umphrey's t-shirts!

I always joke that he’s got a serious Umphrey’s McGee


But the real kicker is that he doesn't go to those shows alone.

He buys at least four tickets and takes his friends.

Every. Freaking. Time.

Toby has put a lot of money into the band’s pocket directly,
and, by introducing scores of people to the band, he's made
them money indirectly.

Which brings me back to you...

What would it mean for you if you had a few dozen or maybe
even a hundred of your own Tobys?

Imagine how nice it would be to ALWAYS see those friendly

faces… and know they are out promoting the hell out of you
and your stuff.

That’s the power of cultivating RAVING fans.

When I looked around the online space, I found that one of the
common denominators of the success stories was that they
cultivated those kinds of fanbases.

They have ride-or-die followers.

And I spent a ton of time reverse engineering what they were

doing and broke it down into a process I call the FANS

Find… Attract… Nurture… Serve

Groundbreaking, I know. 😂🤷♂🤣

Although I joke about it being simple… the devil is in the
details. Most people aren’t doing it right!

​ ent deep on the FANS Framework™ in Episode

That’s why I w
87 of the podcast​.
The reality is that most people want to rush the process… and
they skip over the most important part of the “Find” phase,
which isn’t about finding at all.

See, I told you it wasn’t as simple as it sounded!

The FANS Framework™ has been the “secret” to my success,

so I wanted to share it with you!

(Psst… another one of those nuggets of wisdom: Sharing your

best stuff for free will serve you better than hoarding

If you want to have a tribe of fans raving about your work like
my friend Toby raves about Umphrey’s McGee… ​go check
out Episode 87 of the podcast​.

If you don’t want to build a tribe of raving fans… why are you
here? #KiddingNotKidding

In my next email… I’ll be dusting off my soapbox to rant and

rave about some of the most seriously ridiculous advice the
gurus are peddling.

This is a soapbox you may just like because I’m going to tell
you that you DON’T need to do something that the “experts”
say. Stay tuned...

Talk later.


Email 9 - FIND Your Fans (Wild Card)

Subject: Who cares what color eyes your "ideal customer
avatar" has?

In early 2018, as part of a course I was in, I took the time to

create a really detailed sketch of my ideal customer avatar.

The program pushed me to define things like:

● My ICA's hair color and eye color?

● Where she lives?
● What her favorite TV shows and fiction books are?
● What magazines she reads?
● What her favorite guilty pleasure is?

I did it all, and could describe "Julia" to a tee. Right down to

the brown hair, green eyes, and love of Starbucks Mochas.

Heck, I even knew that she and her husband John lived in
Scranton and had a son named "Simon."

That's right... ​I did the work​.

BUT, time for some #BobbyHonesty...

The whole freaking exercise was stupid.

There, I said it.

Before you cast me as a pariah... I'm not saying you shouldn't

do work to understand your ideal client.

To the contrary, when I said that most people skip over the
most important part of the “Find” phase in my last email… I
was talking about not taking the time to understand your ideal

I'm just saying that the normal way gurus are teaching this
work is just plain dumb.
Do you really think having a "name" for your ICA or creating a
story about their hair color matters?

That shit doesn't matter.

But I'm gonna take things one step further... the standard “ICA
work” can be hazardous to your business.

The problem is that focusing on the superficial crap often

makes people feel like they've done the work when they

The ICA work that really matters has nothing to do with hair
color or eye color or guilty pleasures.

What matters is taking the time to understand the frustrations

that your potential fans have related to your area of expertise.

Instead of wasting time creating a bullshit profile of our ideal

client, we should spend time getting to the point that we can
answer a single question about our customer:

“What is the biggest pain point, frustration, or obstacle they


When you can answer that question, you can:

👉 Create the perfect freebie for your fans.

👉 Create weekly content that they positively love (and want
everyone else to know about)

👉 Create products and offers that are PERFECT for your


👉 Write copy that makes your customers feel like you’ve

somehow managed to eavesdrop on the conversations they
have in their own heads.
And probably 157 other things you don’t want me to list off
because this email is already getting long.

That’s why I’m perpetually taking the time to understand my

ideal customer.

I spend my time hanging out with my ideal customers in FB

groups, engaging with them online, and responding when
people send me emails.

But I also have a neat little trick. I ask the people on my list a
simple question:

“I’d love to know what YOUR biggest pain point, frustration, or

obstacle is related to email marketing.”

No joke. I’m actually asking YOU, {first_name}. I want to know.

So ​click here to tell me​ so that I can serve you in the best
damn way possible.

That’s it for today.

In my next email, I’m going to answer the age-old question:

“What do Russian strippers, Australia, and content marketing

have in common?”

Talk later.


Email 10 - Attract With Content


Subject: What do Russian strippers, Australia, and

content marketing have in common?
That's a pretty good subject line, huh?

(Gotta love a marketer who gives himself a pat on the back
right up front! )

I'm gonna give you a minute to think about the answer to that
riddle... and tell you about my friend who first inspired me to
write subject lines like that one.

Her name is Jillian Bowen.

I met Jillian through an online entrepreneurship group. We

interacted a few times online and were even on a group Zoom
chat at one point.

But Jillian truly became my friend when we met in real life at

an event in San Diego.

She's one of those people who has a knack for sizing

someone up in about 2 seconds... and she immediately knew I
needed someone who'd take me down a notch (or 7).

During the two-day event, she pretty much kept me in stitches

the whole time. She always seemed to have the ​perfect​ thing
to say to take a subtle dig at me in an amusing way.

(Don't worry... she was much nicer to most of the other people

But I'm not telling you about her because she made fun of
me... she's also helped me get out of "Lawyer Man" mode and
into "Fun Bobby" mode.

She's the one who gave me the guts to start sending emails
like the ones you’ve been getting from me.

Remember that email about my wife’s crazy text message to

me (​"Why are you sending me pictures of you with random
women?")​ ?
Jillian is the reason for that email. After I told her the story
(that event is when it happened), she said I absolutely,
positively had to include it in an email.

And so wacky email Bobby was born.

But back to the riddle...

...have you figured out the answer yet?

This might help... Jillian is a content strategist who lives in


And she was one of my favorite guests on the podcast way

back ​in Episode 63, she dished about creating a meaningful
content strategy​.

I'm not going near the Russian stripper thing with a ten foot
pole because that was all Jillian... you'll have to give the
episode a listen to hear her tell ​that​ story.

The great thing is that Jillian is kind of like me... she loves to
teach online entrepreneurs how to do things, and her forte is
content (and social media).

Remember when I told you about the whole FANS


Well, content is key to the Attract Phase.

And Jillian delivered a masterclass (and no, I'm not talking

about the sales kind) on content strategy. She delivers SO
much value.

If you want to get your content marketing strategy in order, this

is THE episode to check out.

So go ​give the episode a listen​.

And if nothing else, you may hear Jillian take me down a notch
or two...
In my next email, I’m going to tell you why you need to STOP
sending a weekly newsletter!

Wait, the email guy is going to tell you not to send a

newsletter? What gives?

You’ll have to tune in to find out.

Talk later.


P.S. Psst… have you noticed how I sign off on these emails
with a cryptical reference to what’s coming next. That’s called
creating an open loop. Hook ‘em with this email so they read

the next one. This ​may​ be another one of those nuggets of

Email 11 - Email (Product)

Subject: Stop sending a weekly newsletter.

Yeah, I said it.

You really need to stop sending a weekly newsletter to your
email list.

But, let me be clear, that doesn't mean you can stop emailing
your list…

In 2018, I discovered one of the MOST powerful distinctions

that has moved my business forward like no other.
At that same event where Jillian (the Australian content
strategist I told you about in my last email) was pushing me to
tell stories in my emails, my friend Mel was pushing me to add
"more cowbell" to my brand... her way of saying to add more
of ME to my brand.

Those two got my wheels turning...

The next week, I started sending my story-based emails.

And a funny thing happened...

People started to "hit reply" to actually write back.

That was something new.

And being a junkie for positive reinforcement, each reply

convinced me to keep going deeper and adding

After just two weeks, a subscriber responded to tell me that for

the first time, I didn't just seem like a "brand" but instead
seemed like a person… and someone she’d want to buy from.


That got my attention.

And I was forever hooked on a new way to write emails to my


Since I made the shift, a week doesn't go by without me

getting replies to my emails.

So here's the distinction that I discovered:

No one wants to read a newsletter... but they love

reading emails that are personal, amusing, or
In other words, you can actually create weekly emails that are
addictive and that people want to read...

...but you’ve GOT to stop thinking of them as "newsletters."

So, for the love of all that is holy, stop sending weekly
newsletters... and start sending weekly emails.

Earlier this year, I ran a workshop “Addictive Weekly Emails”

that was all about this change.

It’s my favorite because it’s all about shifting the way you think
about email.

Most entrepreneurs think of emails as a way to broadcast their

messages to their people.

But that makes subscribers feel like you’re talking ​at them​.

And that’s not a good place to be.

Instead of talking at subscribers, your emails should be about

starting conversations with your subscribers.

The Addictive Weekly Emails Workshop​ was too good not to

share with people.

People who attended started to see ​immediate ​results, like

my friend Jamie Sears who got over 50 responses the very
first time she sent a Bobby-style email.

But she’s not alone… some of the newer entrepreneurs in my

world shared how they got responses for the first time ever!

And copywriters who attended started talking about how my

email method was a breath of fresh air.

fringe benefit😂
I’m not bragging to make myself feel good (we’ll call that a
...I’m doing it in hopes that hearing what others have said will
help you decide to ​grab access to the Addictive Weekly
Emails Workshop.

I’m on a personal quest to get entrepreneurs to STOP sending

newsletters and START sending the right kind of emails… and
every person who signs up helps!

Talk later.


P.S. If you’re still here… you clearly like my emails. I mean,

you’re reading the P.S. line in the ELEVENTH email in my
welcome sequence (after you probably got some nurture
emails). That probably says something about my emails being
addictive… let’s make yours just as addictive for your
audience. Click here to ​grab access to the Addictive Weekly
Emails Workshop​.

Email 12 - That’s All Folks (Conclusion)

Subject: Are you still here?

Hey {first_name},

Can you believe it’s been almost six weeks since I told you:

“Buckle up… it’s gonna get weird.”

Time sure does fly when you’re having fun.

Since you’re still here, I’m guessing that you’re one of the
people who’s attracted to my particular kind of weird…
That’s pretty damn cool in my book.

Since you’ve decided to stick around… you’re about to join the

other brave souls who’ve decided they want to hear from me
from week-to-week.

You can expect an email every Tuesday with some crazy

shenanigans in my life and announcing my newest podcast

...and an email on Fridays telling you about my shorter

Foundations Friday Podcast episode (which will normally be a
swift kick in the ass).

If you ever need anything from me, just HIT REPLY.

My team handles the basic customer support stuff (because

I’d be more likely to break it more than to fix it)... but I’m the
one who sees and responds to the other stuff.

I love chatting with entrepreneurs generally, and especially

with entrepreneurs who are attracted to my particular kind of

Talk later.


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