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EMAIL 3 - THE QUESTION (Content + Origin Story)
EMAIL 4 - BOOTSTRAPPING (Secondary Freebie)
EMAIL 5 - COMMUNITY (Social Media)



Subject: ​I’m not your typical Harvard Law grad...

Whoops, {first_name}. I made a blunder.

I’ve been sending you all these emails about getting your

legal house in order, but I never formally introduced myself (or
really bragged about going to Harvard ♂)

Hi, I’m Bobby. I’m the lawyer-turned-online-entrepreneur

behind Your Online Genius.
As you can probably guess from me sending you this picture,
I’m not your typical lawyer​.

Sure, I’ve got all the right qualifications…

I graduated with honors from Harvard Law School (there it

is… H-Bomb dropped!), worked in plum positions in the
federal government, and worked for top law firms (including
one where I was mentored by a future Supreme Court

For a long time, I “suited up” and played the role of “Lawyer
Man” (To get the full effect, you have to say “Lawyer Man” in
a superhero voiceover tone).

But… I hated it.

Every. Stinking. Minute. Of. It.

It was hard to find a passion or a purpose when I was

representing ginormous companies in disputes that were all
about getting their shareholders more money.

Luckily, I made a change.

Now, I help online entrepreneurs like you get peace of mind

by making it quick, easy, and affordable to protect your online

In the coming days, I’m gonna shoot you some emails with
legal lessons, some lame attempts at humor, and freebies.

In my next email, I’m going to tell you about the WORST

wedding crasher ever… and the entrepreneurial lesson it
brings to mind.

Talk later.




Subject: ​the MOST obvious legal mistake in the world...and I

made it

I'm embarrassed to admit this…

But I made the most common entrepreneurial mistake — I
rushed into a partnership without a written agreement.

We thought "a mutual understanding" and a handshake

would be good enough.

I mean, this guy was a friend (← these are famous last


...but he literally ​flew through a hurricane​ in a 10-person

plane to be at my wedding!

See my wife and I got married in the Bahamas, but we had a

crasher named Hurricane Sandy.

Luckily, we had plenty of rum!

👆👆That’s a tasty Bahamas Mama I was enjoying as the
storm blew in...

Most of our guests didn’t make it because… you know… a

freaking hurricane came through!

But my intrepid law partners ​found a way​...

He got on the last flight out of Florida and flew through the
storm to get there.

Holy Hurricane, Batman! 😯

That’s a true friend!
Unfortunately, our mistake of going without a written
agreement came back to destroy the relationship.

The shit hit the fan 18 months later… and I haven’t talked to
him since March 2, 2014 (← yeah… I remember the exact

If you learn ONE thing from me it should be this:

Every relationship or agreement that is important to your

business needs to be in writing!

Period. Full Stop. No Exceptions.

Going without written agreements is a recipe for disaster…

and entrepreneurs tell me their horror stories daily:

👉The entrepreneurs who lose control of their secret sauce

because they went without agreements with contractors.

👉The entrepreneur I know whose IT guy screwed her royally

and left her out in the cold.

👉The entrepreneur who had a “handshake” affiliate

agreement and finds herself in a dispute about whether she
has to pay commissions on referrals from referrals from

👉The countless course creators who don’t have a course

agreement, so they have to refund anyone who asks.

👉The coaches and service providers who don’t have

agreements with clients… and see their relationships
destroyed by petty disagreements.
And I could go on...

Written agreements are ​the most powerful tool​ you have to

protect your business.

So, get in the practice of using them every single time.

If you are ready to get your “legal stuff” in order, commit to

yourself that you will get your agreements in writing from now

Better yet, HIT REPLY and tell me that you are committed!
(Committing to someone else is a powerful thing… even if it’s
just some wacky online lawyer!)

That’s it for today.

In my next email, I’m gonna share with you THE most

important question anyone ever asked me…and explain how
it changed my life forever.

Talk later.


EMAIL 3 - THE QUESTION (Content + Origin Story)

Subject: ​Can you answer “the ultimate question”?

A few years ago, a coach asked me THE ultimate question…

and luckily I came up with a better answer than the computer
in ​The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy​.
But I’m getting ahead of myself...

Even after I started my own law firm, I was still a pretty typical
lawyer. (Seriously...look at this picture!)

I spent my days representing people in lawsuits… When the

shit hit the fan, you came to me.

And I was good at it. I faced off against the best lawyers in
the country and won more than I lost.

But I found myself feeling a bit empty, so I hired a coach.

After we dug into my personal life, goals, and relationships,

she asked me the ultimate question:

“​Do you like what you do for a living?​”

After stammering, I admitted that I hated it (fighting with

people all day was FREAKING exhausting!).
Then she laid down the hammer:

“How are we going to change that?”

Damn coaches... always forcing us to take control and

improve our lives!

That moment changed my life, setting me on a course to

become the wacky lawyer-turned-online-entrepreneur I am

And I’m pretty sure you have a similar story…

Maybe you didn’t like working for The Man…

Maybe you didn’t have a passion for the kind of work you
were doing...

Or maybe it was a mix of both.

Whatever the reason, you decided to make a change to build

a business and life you love.

Your business isn’t just a job… it’s your passion. So we need

to make sure you ​build and protect ​that baby!

I’m here to help with that...

I’m not just about pop-culture references, not-so-witty jokes,

and poop emojis (but you’ll get all of those on a regular

Nope. I spend most of my time creating resources to help

entrepreneurs just like you build a business they love and
protect it legally.
The Online Genius Podcast​ is one of those resources. (Side
note: the coach suggested the podcast to me in the first
place too!)

The show breaks down the sometimes complicated

marketing and legal topics into understandable lessons that
listeners can use to improve their businesses.

Here are some of the more popular episodes:

👉​Episode 23: Adopting Simplicity with Amy Porterfield

👉​Episode 28: Key Lessons Learned From My Recent

👉​Episode 31: Facebook Ads And Sales Funnels That Work

with Emily Hirsh

👉​Episode 32: Copywriting For A Purpose with Tarzan Kay

👉​Episode 34: Structuring Your Business
Give an episode or two a listen, and then let me know what
you think.

Be on the lookout for my next email, where I’ll tell you how I
saved $25,000 even though I am NOT a money guru.

Talk later.

EMAIL 4 - BOOTSTRAPPING (Secondary Freebie)

Subject:​ Have you joined the OG Academy? (It costs nada.)

Building an online business is hard.

There are SO MANY concepts skills to learn... content

marketing, email marketing, social media, paid traffic,
copywriting, creating enticing offers, and SO MANY more!

When I started out, I was proficient in exactly NONE of those,

but I knew I had to deal with them somehow.

Initially, I figured I could hire it all out.

Good luck with that!

Sure, there are experts willing to help you get it all done… if
you’re willing to part with about $25,000.

But most of us don’t have that kinda cash in our couch

cushions... we have to find another way!

Me… I devoured books, read blogs, listened to podcasts, and

invested in online training programs.

Now, I’m pretty good at this stuff. Hell, one of my followers

emailed recently saying: “You are the best marketer in my
inbox.” (←seriously, this happened!)
If my story teaches anything, it’s that you can bootstrap a lot
of the marketing stuff if you find good resources to help you
along the way.

But what about the legal stuff?

The legal stuff can seem complicated… but you can figure it
out with the right resources.

And I’ve got a FREE resource to help — ​The Online Genius


The Academy includes 30+ video lessons about:

👉Structuring your business

👉Written agreements
👉Legal issues for you website
👉Legal rules for email marketing
👉Intellectual property training (​e.g.,​ trademarks, copyrights,

Lots of high-level entrepreneurs think I’m wacky for giving

this training away for free. They BEG me to charge for it.

I say ​screw that​!

There are things I charge for… like my legal templates and

one-on-one time.

But I refuse to charge for training.

You deserve to understand the “legal stuff.” And you
shouldn’t have to pay me or any other damn lawyer to learn
this stuff!

So I’d love for you to ​join the Academy​ for free.

That’s it for today.

For my next trick I’m going to show you how I stayed married
even after I sent a text to my wife that made her reply: “Why
are you sending me pictures of you with random women?”

Talk later.


EMAIL 5 - COMMUNITY (Social Media)

Subject: ​The CRAZIEST text my wife ever sent me...

Today, I want to take the time to invite you to join my private

FB group — ​The Online Genius Community​. (Yep… another

But I’ve gotta tell you about that text from my wife.

During the summer of 2018, I attended a live event put on my

Amy Porterfield.

At the kickoff party, the other entrepreneurs were all excited

to meet Amy…
...that was going to be cool, but I wanted to meet the
members of Team Porterfield.

See, I’d gotten to be their “legal” guy.

So while everyone was angling for a picture with Amy… I

wanted to get a picture with one of her team members.

That’s when this happened:

Yep, that’s Amy photobombing us!

(And no, I didn’t know it was happening, I just don’t know
how to smile for pictures ).

After I got off the floor laughing when I saw the picture, I sent
it to my wife thinking she’d get a kick out of it.

The next morning, I woke up to this text from my wife:

“Why are you sending me pictures of you with random



I forgot she wouldn’t know who Amy was. Luckily, I explained

and all was good.

There’s a bigger point here…

This email isn’t about me telling you that Amy Porterfield
loves me (we’ll call that a fringe benefit ).

The lesson is about the power of being with ​your people.​

My wife, god bless her, doesn’t get what you and I do for a

I’m betting the same is true in your life…

...a lot of the people you love probably don’t understand this
whole online entrepreneurship thing (some may even think
you’ve joined a cult).

Can I get an “Amen”? 🙏

We all need people who GET us and what we do.
That’s why I created ​The Online Genius Community​.

It’s a FREE Facebook Group for online entrepreneurs who are

in it for the long haul.

In the Community, you’ll find information and training about

the “legal stuff” and the business stuff.

It’s where you can ask me questions and interact with

thousands of other entrepreneurs who are interesting in
building and protecting t​ heir businesses.

If that sounds like your cup of tea… the other

#OnlineGeniuses and I would love to welcome you to the
community. ​Click here to join​.

That’s it for today… be on the lookout for my next email,

where I’ll explain what a kid’s cartoon from the 80’s can teach
us about business.

Talk later.


P.S. When you ask to join The Online Genius Community,

make sure to answer the three questions. If you don’t answer
the questions, we will decline your request. It really doesn’t
matter ​what y​ ou say… you just have to answer.

Subject: ​G.I. Joe the business guru?!?

Back in the 80’s we had about 14 channels on TV in my


As a kid, a lot of my week revolved around when the handful

of cartoons my brother and I watched were on the tube.

My favorite was GI Joe.

Each episode of the show came with a public service

announcement at the end (apparently… a cartoon about war
for kids is cool so long as it includes a lesson ).

After each PSA came the catchphrase:

“Now you know. ​And knowing is half the battle.​ ”


That’s why we spend so much time trying to learn about

marketing and copywriting and sales strategies and whatever

It’s also the idea behind The Online Genius Academy that I
told you about a couple of emails back. I can empower you
as an entrepreneur by helping you understand the legal stuff.

But knowing is ONLY HALF the battle…

Watch any good webinar and you’re going to hear a “close”
at some point that focuses on the limits of knowledge.

It goes something like this:

“So now you know what you need to do and even how to do
it. But ​information alone i​ sn’t going to [FILL IN THE
OUTCOME]. Knowing what to do is great, but you have to
take action​ to…”

The “knowledge close” is a good marketing technique

because it true​!

Knowledge alone won’t do squat. If you want anything in life,

you gotta take action…

...that’s generally the hard part.

And that’s why good swipe files and templates are so

freaking valuable… they make it infinitely easier to get it done!

To help entrepreneurs like you take action on the legal stuff, I

offer legal templates you can use for just about every

My ever expanding library of templates will help you:

👉Set up your LLC

👉Protect your online business
👉Protect your client relationships
👉Run your onlines courses and memberships legally
👉Use testimonials and other endorsements
👉And so much more!
Click here to see all the templates that are available​.
If you prefer the “all you can eat” model…

A few times a year, I open doors to a special offer called The

Online Genius Template Library.

It’s what I think of as my Chinese Food Buffet of legal


People who snag it get access to ALL of my legal templates

(including any I introduce in the future) for one low price.

Who wouldn’t love to have a legal template for every


This being an automated email and all, I’m not sure if the
doors are open at the moment.

The good news is that when the cart is closed, you can join a
waitlist, which will give you access to a pre-launch special
price next time around...

Click here to learn more or join the waitlist​.

That’s it for today.

Talk later.


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