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Affiliate Marketing – The Best Way To Make A Great Income

A few years ago...

There was a man named Blade. Pretty much an everyday guy. Nothing special about
him at all.

Blade wanted to make a lot of money.

Since he didn't have his own product, he opted for Affiliate Marketing.

He started reading books and articles, watching videos, researching. He really put his
heart and soul into it.

Weeks and months were passing by and he wasn't getting anywhere. He was
discouraged. Overwhelmed. Frustrated.

But then he met a guru (a mentor) who gave him a plan.

The plan was good, damn good.

And Blade got fired up again.


It didn't go as expected.
There were dark moments...


Obstacles so big that it seemed impossible to continue.

Many times Blade considered giving up...

Throwing in the towel...


But somehow he found the strength to keep going. He didn't know where that strength
came from, but quitting just didn't seem like a good option.

Maybe that's something his parents instilled in him as a child. Persistence...

Blade wasn't quite sure, but he felt that he had a responsibility to keep going...

To not give up, no matter what...

Even when his "friends" said: "Blade, you're crazy! Why are you killing yourself for
something so unachievable? Be realistic, dude."

But, Blade kept going.

He found the strength he didn't even know he had...

And finally...

He started seeing results...

First some small wins, then some bigger ones...

Each week his (affiliate marketing) business was growing.

Soon those same "friends" were saying: "Blade, WTF!?? Can you show me what the
hell are you doing?"

Ultimately, success was inevitable for Blade.

Looking back, he wan't the same person as when he started his journey a year earlier.

The hardships had fortified his passion and his drive to do something that truly matters.

Still with me?

I thought so...

Now, what's the point of this story?

Well, the point of the story is this...

Affiliate Marketing is the best way to quickly build a great income...but to be successful
at it you need to do 2 things:

1. Follow the right plan.

2. And be persistent.

Now, I can't make you persistent, only you can do that...

But I'm going to give you the right plan...

I'm going to show you my (unusual) approach to Affiliate Marketing.

But first, let's talk about YOU for a second...

If you are here reading this, you already know a lot about Affiliate Marketing...

But I can sense that you didn't have much success with it, right?

Because let's face it...

If you were happy with your results, you wouldn't be here.

So let me help you with that...

You see, at its core Affiliate Marketing is a very simple concept... Sell other people's
products and earn a commission.

However, most (affiliate) marketers hardly make any real money.


Because there is just too much information out there, it's easy to get lost.

And here's what usually happens...

 You don't know where to begin.

You are really excited about this Affiliate Marketing idea, and you've spent a lot of
time reading about it. But even with all that knowledge, you don't actually know
where to start.

 Or you've tried and failed.

You took some action. You've spent some money on training and tools, and built
a couple of small websites, but nothing gets you any real results.

Well, let me tell you something...

I totally understand you. I've been there too.

It's not easy being a new (affiliate) marketer...

Having no experience...

...and having to find out everything on your own.

So, today I want to give you a jump-start...

I'll show you how I approach Affiliate Marketing...

But, first let me show you typical marketers approach...

Typical "bigger is better" approach

Here is how typical squeeze page looks like...

It's very short as you see. With no content whatsoever. And they offer some kind of free
report in exchange for an email address.

In other words, they BRIBE people to sign up.

Now, imagine what happens when someone lands on this squeeze page...

They see a "FREE" report that supposedly solves their problem.

That's cool... But there's no real desire to be on this email list other than to get access to
the report, right?

So, what do they do?

Usually, they use a fake email address (read: not their primary email address).

From the marketers perspective, they see a (HIGH) 60-70% opt-in rate...

"Hooray! ... I'm doing great!" – they think.

But here's the thing...

Around 50% of those "opt-ins" are useless email addresses...

So, they end up having a highly UNRESPONSIVE email list.

There is also one more thing... mistake a lot of (affiliate) marketers do...

As soon as someone subscribes to their email list they push hard to make a sale.


That's not how to begin a potential long term relationship with someone.

They don't trust you yet.

So instead, you should establish a relationship with them first. Use that opportunity to
build trust and rapport with them.

Okay, enough rambling about the wrong approach (in my opinion).

Let's look at an alternative approach...

Unusual (give value and build relationships) approach

Let me explan the diagram's very important for you to understand this!
It's based on a universal marketing framework, but it's fine-tuned to produce better
results. At its core, it looks something like this:

1. Targeted audience...

2. Filter out the people you don't want to do business with.

3. Get the best people onto your email list.

4. Email follow-up sequence (build relationship and thrust)...

5. Affiliate offer.

First, let me explain the part that happens BEFORE someone subscribes to your email

Instead of using forced squeeze pages and bribes, I use something that I call a
The best way to understand how Magnet Page works is to give you an example...


(Put yourself in the shoes of the visitor.)

YOU have a burning problem, something that's been bothering you for a long time.

So you search the Internet for a solution...

But all you find are outdated articles surrounded by a bunch of ads...

...and forced squeeze pages like I mentioned before.

You try with different search queries...

...and you get the same result.

You are getting frustrated, but you carry on...


Another forced squeeze page...with a 30-minute video that supposedly solves your

But you can't watch it until you opt-in.

So you bite the bullet and type in your email address...

The video turns out to be nothing more than a sales pitch.

You're getting angry at this point.

Everyone wants to quickly sell you something.

No one seems to understand you...

...there's no empathy.

You decide to do one last search.

You land on a website.

It's completely different to all the rest.

There's a story...

The main character is exactly like you...has the same problems, same desires.

The story resonates with you...

It moves you and you can feel the emotions building inside you...

The author clearly gets you.

No question about that.

It even seems like he knows you better than you do.

You finally feel understood.

Then he gives you a quick method you can use to relieve some of the emotional pain
you're experiencing.

You immediately know it will work because it's just makes sense.

The content finally ends...

...and it ends with an opt-in form...

...which is presented as an opportunity to hear more from this person. To hear more of
the story and to get more valuable content.

And you want to hear more from this person...because for the first time, you can feel
that you're getting closer to the solution.

So you eagerly give up your real email address.

#End of the example

Did you see that?

That's what I call a Magnet Page.

You see, the dynamics is now completely different.

Because the prospect is no longer feeling bribed to give up their email address.

Instead...they WANT to be on the list, they want to hear more from you.

As a result, you end up with a hyper-responsive list that's been built through attraction,
not bribery.

...and where you own the most important asset – their trust and attention.

I've got a lot more to say about this strategy, but not here.

Truth is – to really explain it would require another few pages of content.

...and this little site isn't about that.

So if you want to know more, click the blue "SUBSCRIBE" button below to get inside my
FREE email bootcamp.
Why Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is your best choice for a few key reasons.

1. You don't have to develop a product to sell.

The biggest mistake entrepreneur can make is to put a ton of time and money
into a product only to find out that people don't actually need it.

But with affiliate marketing, all you have to do is find a good product that is
already generating a lot of sales. (I'll show you how to find those)

2. There are virtually no start up costs. All you need is a simple website and email
marketing service.

This amounts to something like $30/month. That's the price of a gym


Pretty cheap if you ask me. Especially if you consider the costs for starting any
other business.

3. Freedom!

One of the best feelings in the world.

With this business, you have freedom to do anything you want anytime you want.

You can work from anywhere you want, as long as you have internet connection.

You are your own boss!

There's also no salary ceiling. You can earn as much as you want if you put
enough effort into it.

Basically, when you do Affiliate Marketing in the way I'm about to show you, you only
have to drive traffic to a simple website that you set up.

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