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The Foreign worker do their task for chemical washed and their eyes watering for
striving their task to be completed Its mean the Manager doesnt care or concern to
their workers safety and health
The Sivan doesnt know that the job are very dangerous and harmful because no one
informed about the risk to works at that place.- The company should state their Terms
& Condition clearly too the all workers to be more understand the risk for that job.
En. Aziz shouted to Mr. Sivan and fight among each other. In here supposedly as a
workers that has a power in the operation should be discuss in professional way not
by ending it with fighting, this will show the bad organization culture and it will
influence others worker in the workplace like being scared or stress in the job
2. My comment to this workplace are its very risky to be work in because they work
in place that doesnt have the safetyness like google to cover up their eyes to prevent
from the irritating the eyes
The supervisor should have their ethical in the job to handle any problem , because
fighting is not the best way to end up the problem. It should find other solution to
break on it and if the supervisor continue doing like this, its like the SV doesnt give
the respect to the all workers that below him
The organization doesnt give the full information to the workers that work in that job
because MR. Sivan doesnt know about the job are very dangerous because it contain
substance that can create cancer to the body that are known as cariconegenic
4 Kants theory is an example of a deontological moral theoryaccording to these
theories, the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their
consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty.
From the analysis show that The bad things about the company is they doesnt stated
that their job are very dangerous and harmfull to their workers and one workers that
know as Mr. Sivan getting up to refused to continue the job because the job irritate the
eyes of him. So by the Kants Theory the company should stated clearly the information
to the workers so they know that job are facing the dangerous substance to be in
because the workers like Mr. Sivan just a general workers and he doesnt has same
education like Dr.Aaron that know the side effect of the chemical substance can be if
we work to long with the cariconegenic. So the information is the organization job to
fullfil thei duty to show on them and telling the truth about the jobs.
5. Yes, from my analysis to this report. it show that anita has been sexually harassed because the
Supervisor has touch her shoulder and winked to her eyes suddenly and doesnt get any clue why
SV do that to her.

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