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Name: M. A Smith.

Official job title: RN Case Manager.

Date of interview: 28th September 2015

I can describe my career in nursing as vibrant. Ever since I was a little girl, I had always wanted
to become a medical practitioner albeit I did not know exactly what area of specialization. Both
my parents are in the medical profession, my father a doctor and mother a clinical nurse. They
have been my mentors, and this is where I draw my interest. I obtained a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Nursing from the University of Miami in 2005. Having passed my National Council
Licensure Examinations, I worked two and a half years to gain clinical experience in case
management then obtained a case management certification. I had to study thirty more hours to
earn the license to practice as a registered case manager nurse. I have been a practicing for seven
years having worked in three different hospitals in Florida including Jackson Memorial Hospital.
This duration translates to a vast working experience that has boosted my skills in nursing care.
Currently, I am pursuing a Masters degree in Nursing Case Management from the University of
Central Florida.

It is true that one cannot talk about nursing without stumbling upon the word evidence-based
practice. It is essential to the delivery of high-quality care that optimizes patients' outcomes. The
primary aim of evidence-based practice is to bring about improved patient care as well as nursing
satisfaction. The evidence referred to in this case is about is understanding what precious thing is
done in the profession, the difference it makes, whether or not it can be repeated, and what could
be done the next time. However, achieving and sustaining best evidence practices within a
practicing environment comes with numerous challenges.

In our facility, there exists a nurse faculty toolkit that is used to communicate effectively with
members of the healthcare team. Further, it allows for the use of clinical evidence and research to
base and validate practice decisions. There exist simulators for simulation and analysis of data
relevant to the patient situation. The facility owns diagnostic and treatment tools that are accurate
and less invasive resulting in lower patient risk and cost. The use of biometrics has been recently
introduced to increase security and confidentiality of healthcare information. Finally, the hospital
has invested in electronic healthcare records that allow it and other healthcare providers to access
critical patient information for better-coordinated care.

Technology has revolutionized nursing care and delivery. It has improved how we diagnose and
treat diseases. One such notable technology is the use of electronic patient records. Information
technology is used to improve patient outcomes, quality, and efficiency. Electronic patient
documentation has had a positive influence on the patients. In a nutshell, electronically keeping
patient records has aided in diagnostics, reduced errors, and improved patient safety.

Additionally, the facility has an electronic referral management that is an alternative to the paperbased referral process that frequently burdens organizations. Computerized referral management
helps improve efficiency and put an end to the time-consuming and error-prone processes of
filing and sending paper referral documents. Also, it promotes information exchange within and
across organizations besides enhancing the continuity of care for patients.

As a case manager, I work with both medical and non-medical professionals to ensure that the
care provided meets the needs of the patients. Social workers work with me as they come to
obtain information for those individuals that require long-term care or home care after
hospitalization. We all know that community health worker serves as a bridge between the
community and the health care systems. Hence, the information they obtain from my office will
be of much assistance to them. Physicians also work with me as I provide them with patient
information that would help in the treatment process. It is our obligation to ascertain whether the
treatment offered to a patient is appropriate. In my capacity, I also work together with nurses to
provide guidance on treatment services and appropriate release of information. All in all, my
duty revolves around educating all parties, including the employer.

Well, I begin my days by arriving at the facility at 8.00am every morning. My first order of the
day is to file paperwork. I compile notes and enter patient data into the hospitals database as part
of record keeping. Documentation is always crucial in this field as is required by the
government. Next, I meet with my coworkers in the care team for a briefing. On some days, I
have meetings with the care providers. As part of my job description, I assist the management in
the creation of care plans. Every other day, I meet with my clients and advocate for them. The
meetings are usually interactive so as to engage the patients and determine how they feel about
the treatment they are receiving and gauge their level of satisfaction. Depending on my schedule,
I make home visits to some of my clients receiving home-based care. Most of the time my days
are so preoccupied due to the large population that the hospital serves.

This interview will impact my practice as a BSN-prepared nurse in a variety of ways. First, I was
able to realize how nurses achieve career growth and the various levels of certification and
licensing that is required to enable one practice nursing. Mrs. Smith, for instance, obtained her
degree in nursing, passed her licensing examinations, and acquired the experience necessary for
registration as a practicing case manager nurse. A lesson well learned is that career advancement
requires much patience. Next, I have gained knowledge on the best practices in nursing such as
the evidence-based practice and its accompanying benefits.
The interview has additionally taught me about the decision making and support tools and the
patient care technologies that improve patient care. Another great lesson is how to relate with
fellow heath care workers and share information across all professionals. It is true that nurses
face numerous challenges as thy deal with their patients. Through the interview, I have come to
know how to handle and cope with the obstacles. Lastly, communication in nursing is important
in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery. It is essential to the

successful outcome of individualized nursing care of each patient. It is evident that

communication in the health care system is very vital towards improving its quality. Nurses,
doctors, and all other medical professionals should acquire good communication skills that will
go a long way in helping them make a positive impact on the lives of their patients.
Hamric, A., Hanson, C., Tracy, M., & O'Grady, E. (2014). Advanced practice nursing. St. Louis:
This material enabled me to have a background in nursing practices, job descriptions of various
nursing professionals, and the use of technology in nursing.

Sullivan, E. (2012). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Boston: Pearson.

From this book, I was able to learn about the importance of information in nursing and how
information is shared among different professionals in the healthcare field.

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