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Christiana Jenae Tait

ENG 101- MMD

Deborah Artis
March 29, 2015
Beyond the Lights
We all have a want to shape our own destinies. But, there are those of us who fall
subject to the pressure and desires others have for our lives. In Beyond the Lights, we follow the
journey of a pop star princess whose is beginning to realize that the glamour and fame arent
what she wants for her life. She attempts to free herself by taking her own life but is saved by a
man who sees more in her than she sees in herself. There journey together throughout the movie
comes with many twists and turns. But, through their love for each other they unlock strength
they never knew they had.
Beyond the Lights, is a melodramatic, romantic movie filled with love and finding ones
self. It is a rare type of film because it shows the brokenness stars experience in the fame world
and their longing for escape rather than the glitz and glamour. The movie opens with the main
character, Noni, as a child. She sings Blackbird by Nina Simone in her schools talent show.
Noni wins runner up and we learn early that Noni being second best is not good enough for her
mother. For the next few years of her life, her mother goes over and above to turn her daughter
into a star. She creates this narrow vision life for her daughter, teaching her to never settle for
second best. But her scheming and greediness for the top spot cause her to she strip her daughter
of her true identity. We learn that her mother drive, though it seems cruel and insensitive, is
fueled by a similar desire to prove she is more than she is perceived to be. It is so sad to see that

yet another movie shows a single, poor mother going to any length to provide for her child (even
possibly destroying her child in the process).
Despite the visible pressure of being a pop star and the longing to choose ones own path
in life, Beyond the Lights keeps you hooked from start to finish. Though the movie has a lot of
almost heartbreaking moments, there are still moments of love and excitement. The director,
Gina Prince-Bythewood, wrote this movie to share a story about a young woman discovering her
true identity although it that has been tainted by her mothers greed and the world of fame. The
movies purpose could be perceived differently by each viewer. Some could argue that the
Prince- Bythewood is trying to state that one needs the love of another to feel better about
oneself. The writer portrays Noni as an overly dependent women. She depends on a male rapper
to further her career and seems weak without Kaz to look after her. Others can argue that it is
simply another love story. Regardless, the writer attacks the music industries harsh treatment of
women and shows how some famous women are simply considered a product rather than human
Prince-Bythewoods characters live lives aside from romance and careers and in this
movie we get to see each characters individual path. We get to experience the struggles of a
mother trying to prove herself, a father who longs for his son to become a great politician, and a
young man who wants nothing more than to be a change agent in a world full of ignorance and
cruelty. But of all the characters in this movie, I feel that Noni transformed the most. There is a
scene during Noni and Kazs pause from reality where she removes her weave. It is almost like
in that moment she chooses to remove the mask she has been wearing for years trying to please
her mother and others. When the mask comes of her true self officially emerges. It is the first

time we see her truly begin to heal on her own.

Gugu Mbatha-Raw plays lead character Noni. Mbatha-Raw is a British actress who had
just done the movie, Belle, before being selected for this role. Gugu transitions from playing a
duchess in a fancy dress to an iconic sexy star. Although she seems far from the type of actress to
take on a raunchy role, she plays her role with great strength and commands the attention of her
audience with her beauty and voice. Nate Parker plays Kaz, Nonis lover and rescuer. He has
been in many movies, one of the greatest being the Great Debaters. He has always left a lasting
impression on screen. He was a very strong male lead and brought comic relief. We could also
see a sense of vulnerability and kindness in his character which lead him to put his life on the
line for others. Gugu and Nates on screen chemistry captures the feeling that love is the
strongest force in the universe whether the movie is a love story or not. The feeling is almost
electric and takes away from the harsh realities of both of their individual lives. The relationship
between Noni and Kaz is probably the most intriguing aspect of the movie. In some ways it
follows the standard boy meets girl, they fall in love, and live happily ever after. But the journey
they take together is far from a fairytale. Nonis mother played by Minnie Driver and Kazs
father played by Danny Glover were not shown as much throughout the movie. Minnie Driver
did however deliver a strong performance and with each scene you could see her love for her
child no matter how twisted it may have seemed.
The movie has a lot of scenery changes. It begins in the United Kingdom where the main
character and her mother are from. The two appear to be from a very rundown part of the UK, so
it is no surprise that the mother is so eager to escape. As the movie changes tones the scenery
changes as well. When we enter the big city it is full of lights, cameras and sin. You can visibly

see the main characters transform to fit their environment. The pause in reality took the two
lovers all the way to Mexico and for the first time in the movie you could sense freedom. The
production team placed them near a beach. The sand and water seemed calm and inviting. Music
played a large part in this movie as well. R&B might have been the beginning musical focus but
as Noni changed so did the music. Her finally songs reel you in as she begins to pour her feelings
out into her music.
Overall, Beyond the Lights was a powerful movie. The movie was made to capture the
attention of many and I believe it did just that. It shows finding ones identity, love, overcoming
depression, taking charge of your own destiny, etc. It is not easy being yourself when others are
making you feel like the person you are is not good enough. I have been there and if it touched
my life Im certain it could touch someone elses. The characters were well selected and
performed to perfection. The production company did a fantastic job selecting location. Though
some of the outfits were a tad over the top they fit the mode of the movie. This movie truly does
not receive the praise it truly deserves.

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