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Inquiry-based Lesson

NAME: Bashayer Mohammed

ID: H00297854
Due Date: February 24, 2016

Certainly, Inquiry based on learning relies on the constructivist theory of John

Dewey. Student constructs their knowledge through asking questions and their
own experience. Inquiry-based learning driven by asking questions, investigate a
solution, create new insights, discuss and reflect on new knowledge. The result of
Inquiry based on learning is that the student engagement and deeper understand
the subject.

1. Engage: Engage is to enhance the student attention and get them engaged in
the lesson.
- My colleague Mariam will engage the student attention by showing them a
video that explains how to play.
2. Explore: Explore is to implicate the student to the topic, give the student
opportunity to build their own understanding.
- In this phase, Mariam will let the student explore the game through let the
student play with the activity understanding.

3. Explain: These lessons motivate the student to apply what they learned and
extend their knowledge and skills.
-At this step, my partner Mariam will give students opportunity to explain what
they have been learning by their understanding.
4. Extend: Extend is a stage where the student allows to use their new knowledge
and keep exploring its implications.
- I will ask them to apply classifying in real life with the matterials.

5. Evaluated: Evaluation is a stage for student and teacher to assess the own
student knowledge.
- I will make a worksheet that will set their understanding.
Inquiry based on learning is a method to teach and learn that answer students
questions. It's an approach that mainly involving the learner and let him

Explore the 5 Es of Science. (n.d.). Retrieved from School District:
Parent, D. (2014, Oct 23). Inquiry Based Learning for Social Studies Teaching.
The 5 E's. (2002). Retrieved from Enhancing Education :

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