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Reflection about add three-digit numbers lesson:

On Sunday, March 13, 2016, I taught grade two and the lesson was about adding three digit
numbers. That was my fifth lesson, so I was familiar with students, but Ms., Alya will come to
observe me, so I was a little bit nervous. At the beginning of the class, I told them a story about
addition by using the PPT. The story was about two friends Ahmad and Ali, and they search
about the treasure. I told students who will help them to answer the question and across the lake.
For example, 2+6=8, 25+12=37. I said good job girls you assist them to across the lake. I also
gave a star for students who answered correctly. After that, I told students that the boys reached
to the treasure who can read the treasure? The treasure was about moral honest. Then I
completed the story, and I told them that the magical genie says my lovely students you also
should answer this question. For example, 144 +122=266. The, I asked them what is the
difference between this question and previous question. (The number of digits). I said yes it is
different, and now we will see what we have a mail box. I asked one student to open the letter
and read it. It contained the title of the lesson. (Add three digit numbers). I stocked the title on
the board. After that, I showed them how to solve the question that the magical genie gave it to
them. I showed them a model of the activity. I chose one student from each group to take the
materials. I gave each group cork, and parts of the snowman body contain addition question. I
also asked students to solve the question and stick the part of a snowman on the cork to create a
snowman. After they finish, I chose one student from each group to present the work. On the
board, I wrote the name of the groups, and I gave five points for speed, 10 points for answer
correctly and 10 points for quiet and organization. I gave a happy face for a group who get more
points. I showed them a model of the activity. I gave each group puzzles contain questions and
answers, the students must match the answer with a question. Each member of the group got
one addition question. I asked them to solve the addition question first.Then I asked them to
search for the answer and match them. After they finish I walked around and checked students
work. I also gave them smile face. In the end, I asked students to open student book page 43
and solve it.

I think the time management went well because I finished the lesson at the time. In the
engagement, I told them a story and it took 13 minutes. In the core, I gave each group, parts of
snowman contain addition questions, I asked students to answer it, stick on the crock and it took
20 minutes. The activities were not different because the students were middle level. In the
close, I gave them puzzel contain numbers, I asked them to order the numbers from learst to
greatest. I also asked them to open their book and solve page 43 and it took 12 minutes.

My classroom management was good, and I controlled the students. I managed the class by
using count strategy. Furthermore, I used eye contact with all pupils. Moreover, on the board I
wrote the name of the groups, I gave 5 points for speed, 10 points for answer correctly, and 10
points for quiet and organization. I gave a happy face for a group who get more points. The
materials that I used were PPT contains a story, snowman, crock, and cards. The strategy that
works well was positive reinforcement strategy. In next lesson, I will try to give stickers for
whole groups even if they do not win. I will give the group who win two stickers but other
groups I will give them one sticker for their effort to promote and reinforce them.

After this lesson, the students can add three-digit numbers I knew that because when I gave them
the matching cards activity, they were able to solve it correctly. They first solve the question
then they match the question with the answer. They also respond to the students book correctly.

I am totally satisfied with the feedback that my MCT gave it for me. I agreed with my MCT
when she said, Very good lesson plan, but just add examples of the questions that youre going
to use in the lesson. So next time I will write examples of the question that I will use it in my
lesson. Moreover, I agree with her when she said, You can make the group work more effective
by adding extra questions for all students in the group. In this lesson, I gave each group three
questions, and there were four students in the group, so the fourth students did not do anything
just watch. So next time I will make a question for each member of the group to be involved in
the activity.

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