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Plants are most susceptible to

pests when they are stressed!

Organisms that feed on and/or cause the destruction of
plant tissue.
The Big Three
Spider mites

The Little Three: Bacteria, Nematodes, Viruses

Insects Chewing Types

Includes beetles, caterpillars, earwigs, etc.; most
common on houseplants taken outdoors for the
Damage is obvious: holes in leaves and torn leaf
Are large and easily noticed
Physical removal is easy and usually effective

Fungus Gnats
Small, delicate bodied flies that commonly develop in
the growing medium of plants
Larvae feed on algae, fungi, and plant roots. Adults do
not bite or feed
Can be controlled by allowing the growing medium to
dry out between watering
Keep plant clear of decayed plant matter
Must treat larvae in medium; though rarely cause much
damage, more of a nuisance.

Insects - Piercing and Sucking

Includes aphids,
whiteflies, scales,
leafminers etc., and
can cause very
serious plant damage

Insects - Piercing and Sucking Types

All are small in size and damage is
often difficult to spot until infestation is
All have rapid reproductive rates and
ability to develop resistance to
chemical controls

Insects - Piercing and Sucking Types

Certain types -- aphids,
scales and whiteflies -secrete sticky
honeydew, which is
food source for black,
sooty mold fungus

Insects - Piercing and Sucking Types

Sooty mold causes damage

Clogging gas transfer
pores (stomata)
Blocks light reception,
resulting in reduced

Spider mites
Insect-like arachnids, which
possess 2 body sections and
8 legs; insects possess 3
body sections and 6 legs
Causes similar type of injury
as piercing and sucking

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