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Gapminder World

Daniel Taufiq
Hour: 3

Internet Users (total)(x-axis), Trade Balance(y-axis)

United State was the only country with over 200 million
internet users but was at the bottom with trade balance
with $-600 billion in total. China was the best, by 2008,
China passed the United States and had $200 billion
in trade. My assumption as to why U.S. has low trade
Balance probably had to do with trading with China
That wasnt going on as it shouldve been.

Mean years in school (men 25 years and older) (x-axis) Battle deaths (per
100,000) (y-axis)
Iraq is a country that shot straight up to the top
compared to the rest in just 2 years. There are
only 2 other countries that moved very slowly
which was Nepal and Sudan. My assumption as
to why there was more battle deaths in Iraq,
Nepal, and Sudan is because W Bush launched
An attack during that time.

Time (x-axis) Forest Coverage (y-axis)

All of the countries move in a straight line
across but one country, Indonesia, is moving
across the same rate but is also moving down
the y-axis at the fastest rate compared to
the rest. Brazil is behind them. Indonesia is a
Country that consists of many islands which
is a place where life on the smaller islands are

Traffic (total deaths) (x-axis) Oil consumption per person (y-axis)

China in particular are one of the
biggest oil consumers in the world
per person and so, a lot of them
(over 200,000) have resulted in traffic
deaths. So its obvious as to why they are
The biggest oil consumers, apart from a
Place like India, theyre economy is booming
and so many people use vehicles to get travel.

Children out of school, primary (x-axis) Number of people in poverty (y-axis)

India was the biggest in number of population
to be out of school. It then started to decrease
in the number of people out of school but still
the same amount in poverty. There was an
earthquake in India in 1993. This affected a lot
Of people and because of their booming population,
it would be hard to set up a lot of schools.

Children out of school, primary (x-axis) Number of people in poverty (y-axis)

My assumption for how India made a jump around
Half of the amount of children out of school is because
They probably had the help from other countries and
They had the time to build up according to the

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