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Learn English Through Song

California Dreaming - The Mamas and the Papas

1 Nouns And Phrases With "Dream"
Words from "Dream" have many parts of speech (e.g. verbs etc.) but noun forms are
studied here.
2 All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
"dream" (n) = 'the thoughts, images, feelings that happen in a person's mind during
sleep.' "Vic has a dream to move to California."
3 I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A. California dreaming, on such a winter's day.
"dreamer" (n) (+er) = 'one who has thoughts based on imagination, rather than facts.'
"My daughter is a real dreamer and a good artist."
4 Stopped into a church I passed along the way. "daydream" (n) = 'pleasant thoughts
that take away a person's attention from the present.' "I have a daydream about flying a
5 Well, I got down on my knees and I pretend'd to pray. "walk around in a dream" = 'in a
dream-like state.' "Since she got a new job in California, she has been walking around
in a dream."
6 You know the preacher, like the cold, he knows I'm gonna stay. "dreamboat" (n)
means 'an attractive person, especially a handsome man.' "She said that Jake, the new
intern from LA, is a dreamboat."
7 California dreaming, on such a winter's day. "dreamland" / "la la land" (n) 'sleep seen
as a world of dreams; or an unreal ideal world. "Marty, Ill see you later, Im off to
8- 9- 10- 11- 1213 All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
"pipe dream" (n) = 'a dream or hope that can't come true.' "Ronald has a pipe dream
about being a cowboy, but horses make him sneeze!"
14 If I didn't tell her, I could leave today. California dreaming, on such a winter's day.
"like a dream" (simile) means 'something happened very easily or successfully.' "Gilbert
said that his new sportscar runs like a dream."

15 California dreaming, on such a winter's day. "Sweet dreams." is said to someone

who is going to sleep at night. "It's been nice chatting Ralph. Good night and sweet
16 California dreaming, on such a winter's day.
Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:
Sweet dreams walks around in a dream
dreamland daydream

dreamer dreamboat

nightmares pipe dream dreams like a dream

1 See you tomorrow June, I'm going to _________________________.

2 Patti _________________________ ever since she lost her job.
3 When I study math, I soon get lost in a_________________________.
4 He has a _________________________ about being an astronaut, but
his eyesight is poor.
5 If I eat before bedtime, my _______________ are real_______________.
6 Pablo is cute; he's a_________________________.
7 I think every inventor is a bit of a _________________________.
8 See you at work tomorrow, _________________________.
9 My new cell phone works_________________________.


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