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February 2016

Ms. Omekams Class News

Acknowledging African Americans Who Helped Pave the Way
Activist of the Week:

W.E.B. Du Bois -W.E.B.

Du Bois became the first
African American to earn
a doctorate from Harvard.
He fought for African
American rights and cofounded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Save The Date:
February 5th: Field Trip to
National Museum of African American History and
February 8th: Guest speaker
and founder of Black
Lives Matter Alicia Garza
pays us a visit
February 23rd: Celebration
of Martin Luther King Jr.

All month
long we will
be learning
about how
over came
the dark era
of segregated
America. We will
be learning
about famous

civil rights activists like Rosa

Parks, Martin
Luther King Jr.,

and Babe Ruth. We

will also be going
over Brown Vs.
Board. It is important
for students to know
about the fight,
blood , sweat, and
tears African Americans put in, in order
to have the same
basic rights as white

Fun Things Planed This Month...

Stapled to the back
of the newsletter is
the permission slip
for the trip to the National Museum of African American History
and Culture located
in Washington D.C. I
ask that students

have them signed

and turned in no later
than the 4th of February. Week after, we
will be welcoming Alicia Garza to speak
about the racial issues America still
face today. Lastly, we
will be spending all

day February 23rd

learning about Martin
Luther King Jr.

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