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Emma Chaplain-Payne

Film Poster Analysis Sheet

Title of Film:
Enchanted (2007)
Poster: Main Film Poster

Mise-En-Scene Code
or Convention

Type of

Detail (description & what it means)

Emma Chaplain-Payne




Costume / Make-Up





The setting of this poster is in the New York streets; this suggests that
film is then going to be set in this location. An image of the Evil Queen
character is blended into the background which shows that this
character is quite dominant throughout the film. On one of the
skyscrapers in the background, there is the dragon; this is what the Evil
Queen turns into. In the foreground, there is an image of the other three
main characters. These images may have been chosen to introduce the
main characters and show their personality before the audience has
even watched the film. Dark blue is the main colour used for this poster
witch connotes evil and cold but magical.
Prince Charming is holding a gold and silver sword in the air. This
represents his character to be brave and courageous. Also, this
conforms to the stereotype that males are protective over their
belongings or lovers. The colour gold connotes royalty and riches as he
is a Prince.
Non-verbal communication used on this poster is very contrasting.
Starting with The Evil Queen, she is frowning exaggeratedly and her
eyes are looking scornful. This represents her character to be quite
angry and malicious. In comparison, the Princess is smiling
exaggeratedly with her hands floating at her sides. This could represent
her character to be nave and delicate. The businessman from the real
world (in a suit) is almost smurking which could suggest that he is
confused or amused that the cartoon fairy tale world has entered his
own. Finally, Prince Charming has a neutral facial expression which
suggests that he is oblivious to the changes in the real world. Also, he is
making a grand gesture by holding his sword up in the air. This
represents his character to be proud and brave.
The Evil Queen is wearing dark clothing with exaggerated dark makeup. This supports the title of her character; dark colours connote evil
and mystery. Her dark eyes and lips suggest that this character could be
poisonous. The Princess is wearing an over-the-top white ball gown.
The colour white connotes purity or virginity and could relate to
princess wanting to get married to a Prince. She is also wearing
diamond jewellery, which could represent the magic in the story of the
film. Again, Prince Charming is dressed in royal colours such a gold
and purple. As for the stereo-typical business man from the real world,
he is wearing a suit to represent his character as proud and professional
(conforming to stereotypes of businessmen).
Overall, the colour of the poster is dark blue which blends into white
towards the bottom (around the three good characters). The blue is
dominant to show that evil is over-riding the good throughout the story.
Also, the white that surround the Princess could represent the magical
elements. A colour that is noticeably used is gold. Both the title and
tagline is this colour which symbolises magic and royalty (as she is a
princess and he is prince charming.)
The images used on this poster show the main setting and the main
characters of the film. By looking at this poster, the audience can
interpret the film to be set mainly in New York (or a city) and that there
is going to be an element of evil against other characters.
The tagline on this poster gives a huge clue to what the film is going to
be about and the audience can immediately understand that this film is
going to be a magical comedy genre. Other text used on this poster is
the film poster convention of a credit block.
The title and tagline are in the same font which is commonly found in
childrens fairy tale books; the audience may be able to recognize this
font and understand that this film is going to be fairy tale based. Also,
the credit block follows the font conventions of using Steel Tongs.

Emma Chaplain-Payne

Even though the three characters good characters are in the

foreground, the main image that takes the audiences attention is The
Evil Queen in the background. This could symbolize that evil is always
watching the good in the world. The three characters at the front seem
to have been positioned in a triangle which foreshadows the love
triangle that occurs throughout the film.

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