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Moon comparison

By: Mark Micolo


Titan is saturns largest moon

Density: 1.88 g/cm
Mass: 1.3452
Orbital period:15,945 days
Surface pressure: 1.6 bars
Temperature: minus 290 Fahrenheit
Discovered by Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens
Diameter: 3,200 miles
Composition: Roughly 90% nitrogen and 10% other complex molecules
2 Features: The only natural satellite known to have a dense atmosphere.
The only object other than earth with clear evidence of stable bodies of
surface liquid.


Jupiters fifth moon

Diameter:1,131.7 miles
Density:3.528+0.006 g/cm
Orbital period:1.77 earth days
Temperature: Negative 202 degrees F
Composition: Roughly 90% sulfur and 10% other simple atoms
Discovered by Galileo Galilei
Surface pressure: Trace
Albedo: 0.63+0.02
2 Features: Interior is composed of an iron sulfide core. Brown silicate outer layer.


The sixth moon of Jupiter

Diameter:1,900 miles
Mass:4.799844 g
Density: 3.013+0.005
Orbital period 85 hours
Temperature: minus 260 degrees F
Surface pressure: 0.1
Discovered by Galileo Galilei
Albedo: 0.67+0.03
Composition: Icy surface
2 Features: One of the largest in the solar system. Covered in a layer of ice.


The largest moon on Jupiter

Diameter: 3,273 miles
Mass: 1.4819
Density:1.936 g/cm
Orbital period: 172 hours
Temperature: Between -171 F to -297 F
Surface pressure: Trace
Albedo: 0.43+0.02
Composition: Oxygen
Discovered by Galileo Galilei
2 Features: Largest satellite in the solar system. Big enough to be considered a
planet but doesnt orbit the sun.


Orbits Jupiter
Diameter: 2,995 miles
Density:1.83 g/cm
Orbital period:17 days
Surface pressure: 7.5 pbar
Composition: carbon dioxide
Albedo: 0.22
Discovered by Galileo Galilei
2 features: The most heavily cratered object in the solar system. Its thought to be a
long dead world, with hardly any geological actvity on its surface.


Orbits Neptune
Diameter: 1,700 miles
Mass: 2.14
Density: 2.061 g/cm
Orbital period: 141 hours
Temperature: -235.1 C
Surface pressure: 1.4-1.9
Composition: Nitrogen , traces of methane
Albedo: 0.76
Discovered by William Lassell
2 features: Orbits in the opposite direction to Neptunes rotation. The same side
always faces Neptune.


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