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Technology Museum

Dear Parent(s),
In You and Your World, we are learning about what technology is and how it has
changed over time. In this unit, students will need to demonstrate an
understanding that technology changes to meet our needs (easier, faster,
more interesting). To help with this understanding we are asking students to
bring in an artifact from the past. Examples: walkmans, ink well, old tools,
cameras, let your imagination soar.
We are asking that these items be brought in on Monday, May 9 and
Tuesday, May 10th.
At the end of next week we will set up our own museum using the
artifacts students have brought into school. Please have your child fill out
the attached q-card to go along with the artifact they are bringing. After
filling out the card, each student should be able to independently
explain what their artifact is and how it is used
tell how old it is
explain how the artifact has changed over time, showing how
technology has become easier, faster or more interesting.
The museum is lots of fun!! Thank you so much for your help!

Name: ________________________
What is your artifact and how was it used?

How old is the artifact? ____________________________________________

How and why has the artifact changed over time?

Name: ________________________
What is your artifact and how was it used?
How old is the artifact? ____________________________________________
How and why has the artifact changed over time?

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