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Student Work, cont'd.

Many of our class warm-ups involved

inquiry based learning. Here, students were asked to
identify specific things they noticed on this map, make
predictions about when it was created based on prior
knowledge of exploration, as well as make a supported
guess about the author of the map. This
warm-up was taught in the context of learning about
changes occuring in the world as a result of exploration
and expansion. Derived from student's answers from
their warm-up, we discussed themes of
power and influence, through both a historical
and geographic stand point.

(Above) students made predictions for the political,

social and economic futures of Monarchial
countries in Europe during 1600-1700's by analyzing
maps and bio's of various Monarch leaders. Students
returned to their predictions after learning more on
this topic to reflect on what they learned. It's
important to make students think with a geographical
habit of mind. (Note: due to textbook copyright restrictions
the actual map students looked at for this activity
cannot be displayed.)

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