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iT <2, "Gann T. Enotes, Pr.D., Superintendent ee 0 ¢ oa ‘OF owe Medication Update Notice To: Parents & Care Providers From: Damon Collier, Glen Paul Principal Date: September 15, 2015 Re: Medication Information in Case of Emergency ‘As part of our school Safety Plan, we are prepared to maintain students here at school for a period of up to72 hours. This would be the case if our students could not be transported home due to road closures or disaster events and need to be cared for at school. In planning for this scenario we would like to be sure you listed all the necessary | ‘medications your child takes at home and at school on the medical information forms that were in the registration packet. This would be important information in the event your child needs emergency medical treatment, | If there are medications your child would require during a 24 hour period we have secured locations to store these medications at school. These would only be accessed in a major emergency situation that required students to remain at school overnight. “Medications needed for chronic medical conditions, such as seizure disorders or heart conditions would fall into this category. Ifyou think your child would require medication during an emergency stay at school, please use the ‘Permission to Give Medication” form to address this. This form needs to be completed by parent and physician, Like all medications the name of the medication, dosage and the student’s name must be on the bottle. This would be the case with over the counter medications and prescription medications. ‘Thank you for your help in our effort to prepare for emergencies. |

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