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Daftar Buku untuk skripsi

Jay Heizer and Barry Render, 2008. Operation Management, 2nd book 9th
edition, Jakarta, Salemba empat (Perpus)
Jay Heizer and Barry Render, 2008. Operation Management, 1st book 9th
edition, Jakarta, Salemba empat (Perpus)
Sukanto ReksoHadiprodjo, Indriyanto gito sudharmo, 1988. Manajemen
Produksi, Edisi 4, Yogyakarta, BPFE (perpus)
Don Tapping, Tom Shuker, 2003, Value Stream Management for the Lean
Office: Eight Steps to Planning, Mapping, & Sustaining Lean
Improvements in Administrative Areas, Taylor & Francis Group, Florida
Mike Rother, John Shook, Jim Womack, Dan Jone, 1998, Learning to See:
Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA, Version 1.2,
The Lean Enterprise Institute, Massachusetts
Drew A. Locher, 2008, Value Stream Mapping for Lean Development: A HowTo Guide for Streamlining Time to Market [1 ed.], New York, Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC
William M Feld Lean Manufacturing, 2001 : Tools,Techniques, and How To Use
Them, St. Lucie Press & APICS, Virginia
Bill Carreira, 2005, Lean Manufacturing That Works: Powerful Tools for
Dramatically Reducing Waste and Maximizing Profits, Amacom, New
Wayne C.T, Joe H.M, Kenneth E.C & John W. N.1978. Introducing to Industrial and
Systems Engineering. Jakarta: Guna Widya
Vincent Gasperz, 2003, Lean Six Sigma for manufacturing and Industries, Jakarta,
Gramedia Pustaka Utama

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