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By Tan Yong Hui

Realism at fingertips: Family immersed in flight stimulator at School of Engineering (SEG) exhibits.

Lively conversations filled the air in the early morning at SEG exhibits during Republic Polytechnic
(RP) open house 2015. Potential students were given a chance to gain first-hand experience at the
various booths.
Various Secondary and ITE schools students came to visit the booths, along with some of their
parents. The different diplomas exhibits are attractive especially Aviation Management, the course I
wanted, said Someah Salunke, 16, currently awaiting Direct Admission Exercise results.
His accompany father, Mr Gan Pan Salunke said: Republic polytechnic offers many courses with
lively display and exhibits. Aviation Management has always been my childs dream course which
RPs SEG offers. Mr Salunke also gave a positive feedback saying: The staff was friendly, any
questions I asked will be answered.
Lab tours were also conducted to give students a chance to see the insides of SEGs lab such as the
Virtual aerodrome lab, where students were given a chance to experience what it is like to be an air
traffic controller and controlling the planes.
Questions and answers were exchanged between potential students, parents and student ambassadors.
SEGs aerospace course does not require eyesight test unlike other polytechnic, which makes RP my
top choice, said Tay Joo Koon, 20, Sembawang Secondary School student, who was keen on
applying for Aerospace Avionics.
Groups of secondary students were seen wandering around RP visiting booths to find out their course
of interest. They were led by student ambassadors around the school for a tour. Yvette Teo, 18, one of
the student ambassadors, gave her opinions on the secondary school students: Students in groups

would be shyer to ask questions at the booths, but were more interested and engaged in activities
when alone such as the flight stimulator.
Additional details
Photo was taken at SEG Aviation Management exhibit.
304 words (lead & body)
Attached file contain interview details (name)


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