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Wilson Castillo Avils

Nelson Nazario
Ingl 3104-020
11 May 2016

Am I really him?
In this essay, I am going to make comparisons of my character and me, to show how
much we are alike. I am also going to write about our differences, how are we different. I will
show this by highlighting certain events in my life and Slys life from each game. Our
personality and physical appearances will also be described so that you can easily identify our
similarities and differences.
Sly is a strong judge of character. He, as a thief that takes multiples disguises, it would
make sense of how to mask his own personality, instantly take on someone elses traits, and
basically mimic them. This helps explain why Sly is so insightful and able to read people well. I
do share this trait with Sly. I can easily tell if a person is a great influence or not from things they
say, their facial expression, the way they dress, and their mannerism. When Sly is reading up on
every villain, he is able to point out exactly what went wrong with their lives. In Sly 2, Sly
encounter a prison warden named Contessa. Contessa became famous my having captured and
locked down many criminals but later turns corrupt after learning hypnosis. She would
manipulate the inmates to do her work. Sly calls out Contessa by saying: having all that
education but still not knowing what is right and what is wrong. By seeing the environment and
our surrounding, Sly and I are able to read any location, analyze it and able to identify if the
place is safe or not.

Sly Copper is a thief, born from a family of thieves. He is a raccoon with grey fur and
brown eyes. He is twenty one years old and he was born in to the lineage of the Cooper Clan. He
took part in various heist and has stolen lots of jewelry and gold. All his stolen artifacts are
stored in his familys private island. Sly is able to use special skills like turning invisible and use
decoys. He is very agile. I am neither of those things. I am not a thief nor was I born from a
family of thieves. I am a human being and possess no fur at all. I am nineteen years old. Never
did a heist nor have a private island to store all my stuff. My specials skills are: able to solve
problems quickly and patience. I am not agile, I am mostly stiff.
Sly and I are very intuitive and can easily solve clues. We can logically deduce a great
amount of information from little evidence. We search our surrounding in order to see if our
theory connects. Both of us ask questions to situations and find out how it happens. This happens
to on a regular basis when I play a videogame. I try to figure out how the game will play out like
if there is going to be a plot twist, a betrayal, hints or something straight forward. With Sly, there
is an event that show this trait which when Neyla, an Interpol agent, gives an intentional clue to
sly and tries to mask it as a slip of the tongue; this in turn made Sly suspicious wondering if it is
a trap. Even though Sly steals a lot of items, Sly is not materialistic nor am I. He once stole an
incredible stamp form a local museum, and then later uses it to mail a postcard to Carmelita.
Another event was when Sly steals a champagne bottle from Carmelita at the end of Sly 2, to
only return it to her in her office, with a bow. Sly and I enjoy being around with friends. Sly and
his friends stay and go on mini vacations after finishing all their jobs
Sly know his limits in his abilities however any logical thought is completely ignored
when a loved one is in danger. In the first Sly Cooper game, he willingly walks into Clockwerks
trap when Carmelita is in danger. Or in Sly 2, when Sly charges at Clockwerk with only his cane

and glider at his disposal and even put himself at a field disadvantage to save his friends. He is
very intelligent and serious that what his personality suggest. Even though I know what my
limits are, I would not take any reckless decisions. I would carefully plan a course of action,
finding the best method to do each task. I would investigate the matter at hand and find the most
logical solution in achieving it. Sly is calm and laidback. When he is chased by the authorities or
doing some small time heists, he tells lots of jokes and one liners even when Bentley tells him to
be serious. I try being laidback but I cannot especially if I have work to do. I always do my work
seriously. I am responsible and know the importance of each job and assignment, big or small.
Slys personality and actions marked my childhood. Sly is my favorite character because
he has certain qualities and skills that I do not possess. Sure we share some personal qualities
like we can both analyze the people and location that surrounds us. We can easily deduce
information from little clues and evidence, are not materialistic and like being around with our
friends. But actually I think that where our similarities stop. We have different lives. Sly is a
master thief that has done thousands of successful heist and he is very agile. He like to laidback
even though any wrong move could get him arrested. He has special skills that human cannot
learn like turning invisible and he is an animal, a raccoon while I am human, a student with a
normal life. Sly is basically something I would like to do in an alternate life. However I am quite
happy with my normal life.

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