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Erik Erikson Reflection

Marissa Haroldson

This model involves stages of a child life, important events within

those stages, and what must happen in each stage. The stages and
their needs include:
Sensory- The infant must form a first loving, trusting relationship
with the caregiver
Muscular- The child's energies are directed toward the development
of physical skills, including walking, grasping
Locomotor- The child continues to become more assertive and to
take more initiative
Latency-The child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk
a sense of inferiority, failure and incompetence
Adolescence- The teenager must achieve a sense of identity in
occupation, sex roles, politics, and religion
Young adulthood- The young adult must develop intimate
relationships or suffer feelings of isolation
Middle adulthood- Each adult must find some way to satisfy and
support the next generation
Maturity- The culmination is a sense of oneself as one is and of
feeling fulfilled
The age range of these events is from birth to birth, encompassing
more of a childs life than any other model. This model includes life
events such as feeding, toilet training, school, peer relationships,
love relationships, parenthood, and the final reflection on ones life.
For my classroom this model means that the learning never stops,
as well as the teaching and growing. We arent just getting children
ready for school, were giving them the foundation for who they will

be when theyre 65. There are certain conflicts we will all face, and
learning life skills to overcome conflicts is a tool every child must
know for adulthood.

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