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Hello you awesome people! This is Zharza speaking!

and, I mean, who

else would it be?? I have a couple of notes before we start this chapter!
1; Apologies for the lack of updating IMMEDIATELY. I had a beloved dog
get scared in a thunderstorm and he went missing for a short while
before he came back. 2; A few people have PMed me, telling me that
Omid actually knew about Christas pregnancy, which means that
Chapter 3 is up for even more updating, so stay tuned and be sure to
check my User Page regularly, where Ill hopefully start posting the
Chapter updates. 3; You guys wanted more Clementine, so heres more
Clementine! Apologies if you think this Chapter is short, and that
previous chapters are short, but please be aware that they will be
edited further even after posting them here.
So! With all that said, lets start Chapter Six!!

The scream from Clementines bedroom is what pulled Omid out of bed for
the fourth time that week. Christa barely moved as he pulled a shirt on and
hurried to the childs bedroom. She was sitting up, in tears, clutching her blanket.
She either couldnt respond, or didnt know how to respond. Gently, Omid
pulled her close, slowly rubbing her back.
I-I . . . I . . . I saw Lee! She cried. He was trying to kill me!
It wasnt the first time Clementine had dreamed this, and Omid knew that
she was struggling with the knowledge that she had killed Lee. There was no way
to stop it you couldnt force a child to stop having nightmares; it would have
been convenient for Omid if it was possible, but after everything Clem had been
through . . .
Then there were Clems parents. All hope had been lost on that stretch,
and it had made Clem even more depressed. While she didnt show it around the
other children, it certainly showed when she was with Omid and Christa alone.
Omid didnt know whether his parents were alive or dead or Walkers, and at this
point in time, he really didnt care. Dont think of him as if he were heartless,
because we all know hes not he just didnt have the time to think of them.
Besides; they were old enough and ugly enough to take care of themselves (a
figure of speech).
I know, Clem, I know.
There was no chance of her attempting to go back to sleep that night, so
Omid had to stay up with her which struck him out of any heists of
supermarkets or gun stores the following morning. He had played a game of
scrabble with Clem, and eventually Peter and Mason when they woke Mason
had woken because he could see the flashlight through Clementines window,
and naturally, he became concerned. It was then that Mason took over looking
after her, leaving Omid to get at least another hour rest with Christa . . .
Which didnt really do wonders for him. Christa got up as soon as he got in
the bed, so his source of warmth practically walked out of the bedroom door with
merely a nod of acknowledgment. Omid groaned, but stayed in bed anyway.

Howre you feeling, Christa?

Christa nodded slowly, picking at her pasta it was odd. Because of the
apocalypse, Christas normal breakfast, that consisted of toast and a glass of
milk, was changed to pasta with cheese and a glass of water. It was a necessary

sacrifice, sure, and she was lucky she was eating anything at all. She just hoped
that theyd be able to find the others before it was too late.
Im good. She muttered. A little light headed, but good.
Light headed was an understatement her head throbbed with pain and
she barely got any sleep last night. When Omid hadnt slept well the night
before, hed usually snore, and because of Clementine, he wasnt getting much
sleep, let alone sleeping well. And then he said hed be fine, being a father. Fine
was not going to cut it straight.
Thats good then. Alex sat down at the table. Mason tells me that Omid
has another raid planned today.
She glanced up at the doctor. At this rate, Mason might be taking one of
the others with him. Omid hasnt had any sleep, and last night he was looking
after Clementine.
I know. Mason saw her light on and left early to help him. He dug into his
breakfast also pasta, but he had brought a jug of freshly squeezed orange juice
with him. The doctor offered another glass to Christa, who gladly took it.
Clementine certainly is concerning, especially now with the baby on the way.
She nodded. She is, but there really isnt anything we can do about it.
Shes been through a lot . . . theres no way around that. She put down her fork.
But Omid tells me that there were less Walkers yesterday then what there was
when we first got here. That means we might just be able to restart a town
Alex sighed, and took a sip of his orange juice before he spoke next. We
still have the issue of death. While we may be able to restart society here, there
is still no way around the virus that the Walkers have created. We will still be
forced to act quickly at somebodys death. He paused, looking down. I dont
think well be able to shoot a friend in the head if that happens.
It was true. There was no way around the problem of people dying and
coming back as Walkers. While shooting someone in the head as a ritual to stop
them from changing, Christa couldnt imagine trying to bring herself to shoot
Omid when he was already dead.
I know, She leaned forward again to pick at her pasta. We have to find
something. Besides; for all we know, theres someone out there working on a
cure as we speak.
The idea of a cure. Strange, really, and quite possibly impossible. They
didnt know if there were any scientists that were survivors. They didnt even
know how many people are surviving the Walkers. Christa merely considered
herself lucky that she was alive, and was hopefully going to stay that way for a
while. A cure was merely going to be a luxury, a ridiculous luxury that would be
impossible just to spread around the world.
I was thinking,
Christa raised an eyebrow. Dont we all?
He laughed before he continued. Do you think that New Zealand would be
She frowned. Not really . . . why?
Well, what person goes to New Zealand? Theres far too many sheep for
my liking . . .
So there you have it! Chapter Six! The more reviews, the more likely Im
going to update ASAP, so keep those reviews coming in!
Favourite/Follow if you enjoyed and most of all; have a happy Friday you
awesome people!!

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