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Infants Birth through 3

By: Alexis Bullock

Physical Development and Health

*Average Height: 20 inches
*Average Weight: 71/2 pounds
*Shows active, but uncontrolled, reflexive body movements; can move arms and legs together
*Keep hands fisted up, grasps objects, holds object if placed in hand, but drops quickly
*Needs support for head, lifts head at 1 month, and hold up head and turn at 3 months
*By 3 months, uses improved vision to look at objects for a longer time

Language Development and Communication

*Cries deliberately for assistance , grunts and makes sounds
*Shows facial expressions, laughs out loud
*Begins cooing one syllable , vowel like sounds such as ooh, ah, aw

Approaches to Learning
*Searches with eyes for sources of sounds, shows obvious preference for faces over objects
*Stops sucking, listens to sounds and voices

Cognitive Development
*Prefers to look at human faces, listens attentively to sounds and voices
*Cries Deliberately for assistance, uses new form of interacting

Emotional Development
*Reacts to discomfort and pain; shows distress, excitement, contentment, anger, and delight
*Can quiet self by sucking, shows feelings of security when held or talked to
*Whimpers when angry, chortles when content

Social Development
*Does not understand self as a separate person
*Is comfort by the human face, quiets in response to being held
*Makes eye contact, looks at a person directly
*Shows affection by looking at a person while kicking, waving arms and smiling

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