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S team and S teel

a g uide t o fant asy steamworks

by Christopher Allen

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S team and S teel

by Christopher Allen
Layout & Production

Interior Art

M Jason Parent

Denise Robinson

Anthony Squidhead Monorchio

Nathan Boyd
David Hamilton
Benjamin D Richards

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M Jason Parent

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Steam Technology in a Fantasy Setting

Effects of Introducing Steam Tech
Steam Power Styles


Creating and Using Steamworks


Maintaining Steamwork Devices

Malfunctions Table
Creating Steamwork Devices


Spider Sentinel
Steel Sentinel
Steam Wurm
Steam Spirit
Steamwork Creature
Steamwork Lich


Beasts of Steel - Vehicles


Engines of Steam
Materials and Craftmanship
Tools of the Trade


Weapons of War
Personal Protection


Edifices of Might


Prosthetic Upgrades
Prosthetics and Magical Healing


Vehicle Upgrades
Copter, Dragonfly
Dirigible, Personal
Steam Train
Steam Ship
Steam Wagon

Beasts of Steel - Constructs


Prestige Classes


Alchemists Hound
Living Steel
Iron Juggernaut
Iron Shroud
Mechanized Creature
Scorpion Sentinel
Siege Sentinel


Inspired Inventor
Steel Knight






page 1

Introducti on
magine a world where the magic of fantasy
and the power of science is thrown together to
create and exciting new mixture of the
eldritch and the mechanical. Industrializing cities
spread and grow, becoming cityscapes of roofs
and chimneys, vents and smokestacks, smoke
pluming upwards from the incessant toil of hundreds of smithies and alchemists and factories.
Mechanics and arcane engineers assemble mighty
beasts of steel, designing armoured constructs to
take to the field of battle and ironclad vehicles to
travel far and wide. Elves seek to defend the
boundaries of their ancestral lands from the burgeoning cultures around them, bringing their
advanced technology, magic and skill to bear
against their foes, fighting from graceful flying
airships and wielding blades and armour augmented by steamwork power. Dwarves delve
deeper than ever before in their mines with massive drilling machines, their fortresses sporting
massive chimneys to gout forth the fumes of a
thousand machines forging weapons of war. Evil
goblin necromancers craft sinister and deadly war
machines that feed off the souls of the dead to fuel
their engines, darkening the skies above their
hordes with the smoke of burning corpses. The
clergy of a machine cult spread their word far and
wide, bringing with them new technologies and
crafting steel prosthetics to replace weak flesh and
blood. Turmoil and change grips a land that is
undergoing the transition from feudal and ancient
cultures to dynamic and powerful industrial

This guide is aimed to allow a Dungeon

Master to take a more conventional fantasy
setting, a campaign rich with fantastic
beasts and exotic magic, and to integrate the marvels of steam technol-

ogy into it to create a world like that described

above - one made exciting from the opportunities
to be had from the power and possibilities of
Steam & Steel presents rules and ideas for a
DM wishing to incorporate steam technology
into their campaign setting, however much or little they may desire. From small everyday steamwork devices to the massive machines employed
by heavy industries, to steamwork prosthetics
and deadly constructs, this guide presents a
framework of rules that cover many different
forms of steam technology, and explores the possibilities of meshing magic with machinery to get
a unique feel for a fantasy world. As well as rules,
Steam & Steel covers the impact that steam technology has in a setting, on a wider scale than just
the items that adventurers can get their hands on,
delving into the effects and ramifications of the
changes that advancing technology brings about
and the advance of industrialization.

S team Technolog y
in a
Fant asy Setting
his section of Steam & Steel is devoted to
exploring a number of the ideas and
themes behind the use of steam technology in a fantasy setting. It covers the basic principles by which steamwork devices operate, and the
manners in which steam power can be exploited.
It also investigates how to integrate steam technology into a fantasy setting, covering the addi-

page 2

a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

tional aspects that it brings to a campaign and the

impact that steam power has on the societies and
cultures that it is brought to.

How does steam power work?

team power works on a relatively simple
basis. Any piece of steam-powered technology is based around a boiler engine, which
heats up the water within its system to boiling
point. The water then becomes steam and moves
around the system under pressure. Various methods of harnessing this movement are available,
depending on what the designer of the machine
had in mind when creating it.
By harnessing the steam engine to pistons and
gears, translating the energy of the steam into
mechanical movement, an iron-shod war con-

struct could be given motility,

with mechanisms moving its
armoured legs and giving its
strength. The same engine
design could be put to use driving a massive rock drill deep in
the bowels of a dwarven coal
mine reaching far underground.
With the use of simple turbines
and generators a steam engine
could even create electricity,
bringing power to a wizard's
arcane lab or a personal static
generator incorporated in a suit
of steamwork armour. In a fantasy setting where magic can be
melded with machinery, the
possibilities are limited only by
your capacity for imagination.
Steam powered constructs, flying machines, suits of armour
and even more bizarre and
exotic devices such as steampowered prosthetics are all possible when magic is taken into
Steam technology does have
innate disadvantages; limitations brought about by the
dependency on a steam engine
that such a device has. The
boiler must be kept heated to make sure that the
flow of steam through the system continues
unabated, and in any conventional fuel-burning
engine this means that the fire must be kept burning. If the fire were to go out, the boiler would
simply cool down, the steam all recondensing
back into water, and as a result steam power
demands a constant stream of fuel being fed in.
The furnace of such an engine is vulnerable too,
and needs to be protected lest it be put out. Of
course, in a fantasy setting far more exotic forms
of steam engines are possible such as mystical
arcane engines powered only by eldritch currents of magic, and dark necromantic
engines that feed not from coal or oil
but from the souls of the living.
These types of engines may not

page 3

Steam & Steel

have the same problems as more conventional
engines but they often are far more expensive and
complex to create, and may well have their own
Steam engines also need plenty of maintenance. Burning fuels creates grime and fumes
which can cause pipes and working parts to seize
up or build up too much pressure. The steam
flowing through the system takes its own toll on
machine parts, and leakage's and steam escaping
are common problems. Mechanisms need oiling
and cleaning to ensure they continue to work at
optimum efficiency. The more exotic forms of
steamwork device need appropriately more
bizarre forms of maintenance, such as attending
to arcane rituals or speaking the appropriate
prayers every day. Keeping a steamwork device in
condition is a messy task that usually involves
plenty of grime and oil, as well as a decent knowledge and understanding of just how the whole
machine works. Those with little skill in maintaining steamworks will soon find that their
devices are quick to break or fail. Since steamworks are often prone to breakdowns, malfunctions and steam venting it can also be more than
a little dangerous to work around them, especially those employed in heavy industries where getting caught up in a machine can prove crippling or

Adding steamworks to a preexisting fantasy setting

antasy settings commonly seem to be quite
static in their levels of cultural and technological advancement. Ancient cities and
nations change little over hundreds of years, with
great monolithic institutions like religions, guilds,
and royal lines of descent keeping a lock on societies. There is little active progress in the development of new scientific disciplines or advancements in pre-existing ones.
There are plenty of arguments as to why this is
a perfectly valid setting. Long-lived races like
elves are naturally conservative and slow to
progress, since their understanding of the meaning of time and urgency are quite different to
those with shorter lives who face death within a
mere century. Even for species like humans, relatively fast breeding and short-lived compared to
some more ancient races, the push to achieve and
discover is abated by the presence of magic.
Advances in medicine and biological sciences

How much steam power to

introduce into a setting?
hen considering how much steam
power and technology to introduce
into a fantasy setting, it really all
comes down to how much do you want to introduce? It is easily possible to tailor it so that there
is as little or as much steam technology in a campaign as is desired.
Steamworks could be incredibly rare, perhaps
found only in the ruins of a now dead culture
from the distant past, with the present era being
one in which understanding and knowledge of
arcane steam engines has been lost.
Alternatively, steamwork devices might be
examples of the technological advancement of some far-off society, only
the occasional specimen making

its way via trade or theft to the areas where the

focus of the campaign takes place. Steamworks
might be the handiwork of a guild of mechanic
mages that carefully guards their hard-won
knowledge of machinery and whose creations
only rarely come into the hands of outsiders.
On the other hand, a setting might be rich in
examples of the melding of steam science and fantastic concepts. Steamwork constructs might be
crafted to do the heavy industrial work of factories and transport, or even designed to fight the
wars of nations and religions. The followers of a
deity of machines might take it as their task to
spread the word of steam power, progress and
industrialisation. Steam power could well be a
matter of common knowledge if encountered on a
daily basis by people of all levels of society.
A fantasy setting can feature any amount of
steam technology you wish, from just a few
examples scattered here and there in an otherwise
conventionally medieval fantasy campaign, to
total saturation of everyday life in a world of high
steam-power. However much you include, the
presence of steam power will have a definite

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

hardly seem worth the effort when a divine spellcaster can simply cast some healing spells. This
dominance of magic also serves to entrench
organisations of spellcasters as conservative elements in a society, quite possibly opposed to technological progress.
Nonetheless, not all fantasy settings need be as
static and locked as this, and a DM can add steamworks to a pre-existing fantasy campaign to give
more of a feel that it is alive and slowly changing.
Science does not need to be totally obliterated by
spellcasting and magic. Those with inspired and
inquisitive minds will always seek to understand
the world around them just a little bit better,
pushing back the boundaries of knowledge. Sages
and scholars can be quite active in pursuing lines
of research into the sciences.
Elements of steam technology can be introduced into a fantasy campaign in three different

Natural Development
lowly but surely, steam technology begins
to be developed. Inventors, alchemists and
scholars discover how to build simple steam
engines, using them for a number of purposes on
a small scale. Here and there examples of steamwork devices appear, strange and new machines,
and before long steam technology is a new revolution spreading faster as knowledge of how to
build the engines is disseminated amongst sages,
guilds and governments. This is simply a natural
progression of science, and is often accompanied
by discoveries in other fields such as gunpowder
and chemistry.

Alien Culture
n this case, a pre-existing culture or society in
the setting discovers steam power, but it does
not spread and is not taken up by other cultures. The sorcerers of a tyrannical nation might
discover how to craft necromantic engines, building sinister constructs to keep the populace in line
and to subjugate those around them. Strange
monstrous scientists from a far-off land might
build weird arcane steamworks to serve them and
perform their manual labour. In this case, steam
technology appears as some odd, unique form of

magic to everyone else. How it works is either a

secret or simply incomprehensible to those outside the culture that possesses steam power.

Outside Influence
fantasy setting might well be brought out
of a technological rut by some outside
influence. Steam spirits (see Beasts of
Steel, below), perhaps working for some
unknown power or perhaps on the request of a
progress-minded deity from the setting's pantheon, might be responsible for a sudden rash of
technological breakthroughs and discoveries that
sweep across a land, bringing grand new
machines into common use. Of course it is
unlikely that anyone realizes it is the work of
steam spirits, and most native scholars and sages
of the setting would simply assume that it was a
case of natural development and not outside influence. Alternatively, some plane-spanning culture
or organisation that walks between worlds might
pay a visit. This could be in the form of a friendly delegation, giving as a gift the knowledge of
steam technology, or it could be in the form of a
brutal, ravaging invasion. In the aftermath the
survivors would piece back together their old societies as well as incorporating the new sciences
that the invaders brought with them.

Creating a steamwork setting

s well as taking a pre-existing fantasy setting and introducing steamwork technology to it, it is quite possible to instead build
a new setting in which steamworks are already an
integral part of the feel and flavour of the world.
Steamworks do not need to be omnipresent in
every part of the world, and indeed it is often
more interesting to restrict it to only some of the
societies and cultures present so as to provide a
contrast with the less technologically progressive
nations and races. The advantage of incorporating
nations in which steam technology is already well
established is that it allows the campaign to
explore and experience some of the issues and
developments that arise from the impact
that steam power can have.

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Steam & Steel

The Effects of
Introducing S team
Technolog ies
epending on how much steam technology
you introduce, the societies of the fantasy
setting can potentially be affected to a
significant degree - this is especially true if you
are adding steam technology to a pre-existing fantasy setting. In general, fantasy settings often
revolve around concepts and ideas based on real
world medieval life and steam power can clash
with some of these concepts. Importantly, a general introduction of steam power to a society
means that no longer is it limited by the working
power of either men or beasts - metal is far
stronger than flesh, and steamwork automata are
untiring and uncomplaining servants. This is one
of the major factors that cause industrialisation
(see below).
Introducing only small amounts of steam technology is unlikely to have a major impact on how
a society works, but in this kind of situation
steam-powered devices could well prove symbols
of status, wealth, or membership of a sect or faction who have the knowledge of how to create
steamworks. The appearance of new sects and
factions is one particularly likely social change,
because steam technology can alter the way people look at the world around them. New cults can
arise that worship - or despise - technology, such
as a cult of mechanists (see Paths of Power,
below) who fervently believe that replacing flesh
and blood with metal and machinery is the next
step towards enlightenment.
Greater amounts of steam-power in a setting
can have all sorts of other side effects as well,
quite often including a myriad of smaller and less
world-shaking changes but ones that can herald
further changes in a society or culture. For
instance, hot, running water might suddenly become commonly available, since it is
a cheap side-product of steam-powered processes and steam engines

themselves are eminently suitable for the task of

pumping it around. This massively improves
hygiene, allowing anyone who can afford running
water the possibility of washing themselves in
relatively clean water regularly and easily, and a
culture might begin to put more emphasis on the
importance of individual cleanliness and hygiene.
Running water around a city and an increase in
hygiene opens the doors for massive population
growth and creates a draw to cities,
bringing in people and further
Humans are a
preparing the way for industrialispecies
with the
sation. Hospitals and other medical establishments suddenly kind of ingenuity
become far more effective when and curiosity to
they have safe, fresh water on tap. create steam techThe introduction of new forms nology, but how it
is received
of steam-powered transport can
depends very
also cause a revolution in the field
on the socieof travel. Steam trains make hauling bulk cargoes of raw materials ty in question. In
or people around the countryside a general they are
far faster and more efficient quick to embrace
option. Steam-ships make travel- steamworks and
ling the oceans a less dangerous all the new possiand more modernised affair, espe- bilities they procially with steam engines herald- vide, but it must
be noted that
ing the creation of ironclad seacraft. A society might inhabit human cultures
can also be the
rugged lands that are difficult to
traverse and so create airships and ones most opposed
to change and
dirigibles. An elven society that is
unwilling to tear through the
forests it guards just to lay down though it is the
train tracks might well do the human race which
throws up the
same, crafting elegant sky-craft
most inspired,
that are an identifying emblem
inventive and
when they travel to foreign lands.
These and all sorts of other pos- driven scientists
and engineers.
sibilities can arise. The most
important difference to magic in the way that
steam technology can affect a society is that technology is in the hands of everyone, while few are
capable of mastering the arcane or divine arts.
Magic only really benefits small sections of the
population, whereas steam technology can have
far-reaching social implications because its effects
run through all the strata of a society.

page 6

a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Alternatively, and quite likely in a fantasy setting, it is the ruling classes and the institutions of
erhaps the most significant
religions, spellcasters and guilds that are likely to
change that can potentially
keep hold of power. The gap between the working
arise from the introduction
class and the upper class can be even further
of steam power is industrialisawidened if race or species differentiates those in
tion, the ramifications of which
power from those they rule. In a land where elves
cause great social and economic
own all the factories and uphold the law over their
development. A fantasy society or
dwarf and human subjects, social classes become
culture could potentially remain
extremely emphasised. This is even more true
static even after steamworks and machines had with more exotic species in command, such as a
been brought into use, especially if steam technol- royal family made up of half-fiends or half-celesogy remained a rare and uncommon thing. If tials, a cabal of night hags, or a family of dragons.
however the use of steamworks grows and is The growth of distinct classes also allows for the
exploited, it is more likely that industries would development of a new middle class of professionbegin to flourish. The mechanical means available als, such as physicians, merchants and perhaps
to industries such as steelworks and textile facto- even arcane spellcasters in a society in which they
ries far exceed the previous possibilities offered are not dominant.
by only manual labour, with lines of heavy steamIndustrialisation brings with it considerable
work machinery far outstripping previous pro- economic growth of the society in question. With
duction rates. Such businesses could quickly massively enhanced production capabilities and
expand and bring wealth to their owners, creating often greatly increasing populations accompanymore jobs with their growing success.
ing its development, an industrialising nation
This process of industrialisation brings with it might well begin to expand. This could be in the
a pull on the country population to cities. In the form of commercial growth, establishing new
countryside, new methods of agricultural practice trade routes and mercantile connections, or it
improve the crop and foodstuffs output there. could well manifest as aggressive expansion and
This may partly result from improved adminis- the creation of an empire. An industrialised
trative methods such as 3- or 4-field crop rotation nation is often a power to be reckoned with, its
and the absorption of smallholdings into fewer new industries fuelling a powerful military
but larger farms, but it also results from the use of machine that can bring other cultures under its
steamwork machines and pumps to improve the sphere of influence. This can take the form of a
efficiency of agricultural work. This in turn crude relationship by which the subjugated
results in fewer jobs being available for the coun- nations have to pay in tribute - gold, raw materitryside population (although the effects are miti- als, horses or other livestock, magical items or
gated in an agricultural environment where ani- slaves depending on what demands are made and
mal herds are central to farming) and so they are what the defeated nation is good at making. A
instead drawn to the cities where the burgeoning human empire that has conquered nearby goblin
industries offer new opportunities and vocations. tribes might demand slaves to work in the dangerOf course life in the city is not always as good as ous conditions of its coal mines, while a dwarven
those travelling there might hope, especially in a empire with little skill for its own magic that has
steampunk setting.
a kobold dominion might demand magical objects
Greater distinctions arise between social class- from the sorcerously talented reptilians every
es as a result of industrialisation. A growing year. Alternatively the rule might be a more
working class of labourers and mechanics creates enlightened form, an empire aiming to create
a lower stratum of society. The success of indus- a harmonious collection of peoples that
try may create a new elite of successful business- shares its knowledge and technology
men that begins to push out the old nobility and with those who come under its
barons from the corridors of power. wing.


page 7

Steam & Steel

Industrialisation also brings with it a great deal
of social problems. The great rifts between social
classes can be a source of great unrest, tension and
oppression, especially if aggravated by lower
classes having to live in squalor and bad conditions on low pay for their work, tightly packed in
the slums of a smog-filled cityscape. With conventional fuel-burning engines a society can create a great deal of pollution, filling the cities with
smog and grimy living conditions, acrid fumes
eating into the lungs of those working their lives
away in factories and steelworks. Such a society
would also demand massive amounts of fuels and
raw resources to support its growth, a frightening,
devouring beast capable of levelling entire forests
and rending the precious resources of the earth up
through mines that leave ragged scars over a landscape. This can result in at the very least bad relations if not outright war with those who consider
themselves the defenders of nature. Druids might
mount sustained sabotage campaigns against
bands of lumberjacks using steamwork automata
to fell trees, or even try to rally the denizens of
the forests to destroy entire settlements. Elven
nations might take offence at the ugly destruction
being dealt out by a human or dwarven nation
intent on fuelling its furnaces, and go to war to
protect their woods and verdant lands. An industrialising society provides plenty of opportunities
to explore the theme of man and machine against
nature, and to see whether they can exist together. Of course, a dragon might just get irritated by
the constant buzz of machinery and smell of
smoke on the wind and go and level a city to
demonstrate to the lesser races what happens
when they get uppity and ideas above their station.
Steam technology in a society that is just
beginning to undergo industrialisation (or is even
well into the process) is unlikely to be of
advanced standards. It may well be unreliable,
poorly constructed and quite possibly dangerous
to work around, meaning industrial accidents and
even deaths could be a not uncommon occurrence. This can further the gap between the
lower classes and the factory owners, as
well as adding to the dangers of living in
such a society.

Industrialisation brings with it both advantages and disadvantages to the culture undergoing
this process, which can give it a very distinctive
and unique flavour and feel. The steampunk style
(see below) emphasises the themes of industrialisation in particular.

f a nation suddenly gains
the capability to field
clanking, smog-belching
automata on the battlefield
against a rival who is still confined to more conventional
troops, it definitely has the
upper hand. Massive iron juggernauts can break up infantry
formations just by charging
into them and sending terrified
troops running in fear. More heavily armoured
than a knight and more resilient too, they can
crush opposing melee troops and shrug off any
missile fire less powerful than siege weapons.
This distinction that a force with steam power
has is lessened in a fantasy setting where magic,
monsters and exotic styles of warfare mean that
machinery on the field of conflict is less of an
overpowering advantage. Nonetheless this does
not mean that steam power should be discounted
in a land with wizards and dragons.
Obviously the raw fighting power of steamwork constructs is something to be feared, with
their strength far surpassing a normal man and
their metal hides turning arrows and blades alike
with ease. Tacticians need to take into account the
positioning and behaviour of such mechanised
troops, and develop new strategies to make the
most of them. However steam power also brings
opportunities for steamwork armour and
weapons, usually only to the elite troops of an
industrialising nation although a highly advanced
civilisation such as an ancient elven empire might
routinely equip its warriors with such devices.
Super-heavy armoured troops are able to rout enemies who are far superior to the common human
soldier and capable of shattering fortifications.
Improved communications and transport due
to steamwork devices also change the way that

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

wars are fought, altering the entire manner in
which an army does battle. Untiring constructs
can march through conditions that are daunting
to more conventional troops. With steam trains
or dirigibles, a force becomes able to re-deploy
much faster, responding to changing military sitwith greater flexibility.
Dwarves uations
A nation can transport its troops
This mechanical- to and from the front line far
ly-minded and
faster with trains, while
practical race are armoured airships bring the bateager users and tle to the skies to protect ground
builders of steam- troops from aerial monsters and
works. Often by flying troops. Ironclad steamers
their very nature a bring about a new era of sea warrace with a scien- fare, changing the nature of naval
tific and engineer- engagements with their heavier
ing bent, it may armour, greater number of
well be from
weapons, and the improved
dwarves that the mobility and lowered dependenother races learn cy on the weather than a steam
their arts of steam. engine brings.
Equally however,
Of course all this technology
their conservative usually consumes a great deal of
attitudes mean fuel, and needs lots of maintethat such sciences nance, so tactics need to be
are often ancient, changed to account for it. Lines
and unchanged for of supply bringing parts and fuel
decades at a time; to the battlefield heighten in
they also often importance, and they need to be
have formalised protected from assault by infilguilds and organi- trating enemy troops or spellcastsations for the
ers, or assaults from tunnelling
purposeful control or aerial foes. An army that does
and release of such not itself field steamworks but
faces an enemy with such techknowledge.
nology will itself need to adapt in
order to be victorious. Sabotaging steamwork
constructs and methods of transport can become
an important new part of strategic warfare.

n a fantasy setting, steam technology can find
in magic either its closest ally or its most
vehement opponent. Steam technology can
easily be made into either the antithesis of the
magical arts, a discipline firmly rooted in the scientific and the logical, or most people might just

see it as 'another type of magic.'

Given the disciplined and scholarly manner in
which wizards tend to pursue the arcane arts, the
division between mages and scientists might be
very minor indeed. Arcane spellcasters could be
the primary creator of steamworks, engineering
complex arcane engines rather than conventional
fuel-burning devices, or they might just be the
creators of the more fantastical steamwork
devices in a setting where mechanics and steam
technology is already common. In fact, spellcasters might be the guardians of scientific knowledge, ensuring that it is preserved and passed
down through specially formed mages guilds.
On the other hand, spellcasters could be the
primary form of opposition to the introduction of
steam technology into a culture. It could be as
minor as spellcasters representing a generally
conservative element in society, with a king's
court wizard making disparaging remarks about
the newfangled steamwork constructs that a
noble has purchased to clear a forest. It could be
expressed in a dwarven sorcerer who is irate at the
ancient traditions being uprooted by new methods of mining.
In a more violent manifestation of opposition,
a group or guild of arcane practitioners might suppress and destroy steam technology where they
can. It might be due to some cultural or racial
hatred of such technology, but it could equally be
down to the fact that they feel steam technology
threatens their own power over the people by
opening up new opportunities for the populace.
This is especially likely in a magocracy where the
ruling class depends on their magical powers to
keep their place at the top of society.
Magic and steam technology could also be
opposed due to a more fundamental reason, that
of an innate animosity between the arcane and the
scientific. Those skilled in magic might not be
able to get machines to work, while those devoted
to the mechanical disciplines might actually be
unable to weave even the most basic of spells.
This could be due simply to some intangible law
of science and magic, creating a world where
technology and the eldritch are strictly

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Steam & Steel

ith such a potentially important
change as the invention of steam technology, different religions and faiths
can take quite extreme views on the matter.
Steamworks might end up being condemned as
works of demons because of their seemingly magical abilities and workings that are incomprehensible to the religious investigators. Steamwork
devices might run counter to the dogma of a faith,
and hence be denounced as heretical creations. A
faith might also decide that the very act of creating steamwork constructs is evil because it
attempts to copy the work of the divine creators,
so a society might have all forms of steamwork
device except for constructs. A particularly conservative and static religion is especially likely to
take this view, and is unlikely to see the changes
in society wrought by steam power to be a good
thing. There might be a great rift caused between
the religions and the sciences (perhaps including
the arcane disciplines), with believers drifting
away from their faith due to the power and possibilities of science and less need for belief in deities
who are no longer in tune with the changing
On the other hand, religions might embrace
steam technology like any other institution,
building zealot constructs and employing steamwork devices to supply their cathedrals with running water and mechanised defences. They might
simply remain neutral on the matter, caring little
for it one way or the other. If it was the result of
a god's influence that introduced steamworks in
the first place (as per the outside intervention
method of introducing steam-tech to a fantasy
setting), then the reactions of other deities might
be varied. Theological debates between religions
that differ on the matter might arise, or in more
extreme cases even rifts and holy wars.
The religion of a god of invention and
machines would whole-heartedly embrace the
concept of steam. It might be from the hard work
and research of the clergy of such a religion
that steam technology originates, and such
science might be solely their province as
they are the only ones who understand it. The faith might see it as

its purpose to spread the knowledge of such wondrous technology; but then again it might choose
instead to keep such knowledge closely guarded so
that only its own initiates might benefit from it.
In such a religion, the very act of creating a
steamwork device could itself be an act of worship.
This guide introduces two new domains, those
of Steamworks and Invention. These domains are
for clerics whose deities concern themselves with
the mechanical and machinery, and with invention and technical innovation.
Invention Domain
Granted Power: A cleric with the Invention
domain gains Inspired as a bonus feat.
1: Divine Favour
2: Augury
3: Machine Savant*
4: Divination
5: Fabricate
6: Major Creation
7: Genius*
8: Mind Blank
9: Awaken Machine*

Sample Deity

The Gearlord
he Gearlord is a powerful deity of
machines, inventions and metalcraft,
worshipped by mechanics and blacksmiths alike. A Lawful Neutral god, the Gearlord
is mostly worshipped amongst the dwarven and
human species, as well as the more advanced
kobold civilisations. Represented by a mesh of
interlocking cogs and gears, the Gearlord represents both the inspiration of the engineer as well
as the endurance of the craftsman putting his all
into forging metal, and is not particularly warlike
nor expansionist - but his followers will happily
fight if pushed to it. The Gearlord has the
Invention, Law, Steamwork, and Strength
domains. His favoured weapon is the heavy

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Steamworks Domain
Granted Power: A cleric with the Steamworks
domain gains the ability to ignore a failed
Maintenance check a number of times per day
equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum of
once). The Craft (Steamworks) skill is
always a class skill.
1: Magic Co8g
2: Repair Metal*
3: Heat Metal
4: Warp Metal*
5: Wall of Iron
6: Antilife Shell
7: Analyse Dweomer
8: Iron Body
9: Dominate Steamwork*
*Spells marked with an asterisk are detailed
in Spells, at the end of this guide.


Other Sciences

n a setting where steam technology is developing or is

already a firmly entrenched
part of a culture, it is very likely
that it will not be the sole science
that has advanced beyond
medieval levels of progress. Other
spheres of scholarship and
research also benefit from the
flourishing power of steam, with
all sorts of new disciplines springing up from the side effects and
side-products of the processes of
steam engines.
Forging, smithing and construction, all so essential in the
crafting of steamwork devices, are
bound to see advances, improvements and refinements as
mechanics and engineers seek to
push back the limits to which they
can exploit their machines.
Furthermore, construction and
architecture can be revolutionised
by the use of steam-powered
cranes and heavy lifting constructs that make
transport of raw materials and assembly of struc-

Despite their
knack for ingenuity and inventiveness, and an aptitude for complex
gnomes are not
always eager in
their acceptance
and use of steamworks. Many
species of gnome
retain a strong tie
to nature and the
fey, and they are
not quick to make
use of machines
that might cause
the woodlands to
be despoiled and
the air and water
to be befouled
with fumes and

tures far easier. The use of steel manufactured in

large amounts in factories and incorporated into
building designs results in even larger and more
elaborate buildings being possible, making use of
the enhanced strength and pressure endurance.
Building an edifice like a cathedral or castle, previously a task that could take years or well
over a decade without the aid of powerful
magic, becomes a far more viable prospect.
Alchemy can see significant
advances, particularly if steam technology is primarily based on fuel-burning
engines. This creates a demand for superior
methods of rendering down crude fossil fuels
like oil to create a purer and more efficient substance, and the plethora of new chemicals available as side-products of such processes can give
alchemists access to new and strange mixtures
and elixirs. Alchemy could even be the source of
steam power in the first place, engines containing
chemical mixers which brew heated reactions to
warm water into steam.
The invention of gunpowder is another discovery that can accompany the development of steam
technology. The combination of firearms and
steamworks that this can result in can provide a
fantasy setting with a unique and interesting
flavour that is far from the medieval norm, and
the two concepts complement each other well.
Gunsmiths could be rare and highly skilled artisans, only selling their carefully crafted firearms
at high prices, or a handgun could be a costly but
not uncommon device common amongst adventurers and soldiers. In any case, the addition of
firearms can have as much of an impact on a setting as steam technology and should be considered carefully before doing so. As with steam
power, firearms technology can vary wildly in
levels of advancement and sophistication.

The haves and have-nots

ntroducing steam technology to just a limited
number of races or societies in a setting can
help give them greater flavour and individuality. For example, there is an even greater
contrast between elves and dwarves if
the dwarves are masters of steam
power and expert gunsmiths,

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Steam & Steel

while the nature-loving elves revile machines and
depend upon their gaia-given magic instead.
Perhaps kobolds are the best artificers of steamworks for underground mining or trap making,
unsurpassed by any. The science of steam technology might be an obscure art practised only by
the few gnome craftsmen that can be found scattered here and there through human cities, and
they need to be approach respectfully and politely
for an adventurer to stand a chance of purchasing
one of their mechanical wares. A single human
nation might have just recently begun industrialisation and proudly boast steamwork construct
warriors to help defend its borders, where its
neighbours field knights and wizards in their
armies. A goblin horde invading from distant
lands might be made more alien through its use of
steamwork hounds and brutal, smog-belching
steamwork weapons. Rather than disliking
machinery, elves could be the finest steam
mechanics, but their aesthetic styles and highly
advanced understanding of technology could
make their creations quite different to the heavy
steel-and-rivets metal beasts of a younger race.
As well as making steam power distinctive
along cultural and social lines, it might only be
the field of knowledge of one guild of wizards in
one city. Members of a mysterious and secretive
order might create steamworks along lines that
they themselves only barely understand, using
the hidden lore of past empires in their search for
power. Most ordinary and sane people who see it
as foolish to tangle with such dark machines
might simply shun steam technology, but one
order of royal agents still employs steamworks
anyway, giving them a feared reputation amongst
the common people. A steamwork construct
could well be a rare sight, but not an unknown
A DM may simply wish to restrict steam technology in their campaign to just one or two particular locations or adventures. A mad wizard with a
dungeon or tower full of automata and steamwork
monsters can give a surprising and innovative
series of encounters for the players, making
the villain, monsters and location distinctive from the usual fantasy fare.

S team
S tyles
ere are presented three different styles in
which steam technology can be presented in a campaign, exploring different
themes and concepts made possible through the
technological and social changes that steam power
can provoke. Each entry also includes a brief
example of just what a fantasy setting designed
with it in mind might be like.

his style of campaign often focuses on
society undergoing the process of industrialisation, and all the problems that it can
bring with it. The science of steam power plays an
important part in this kind of setting because it is
the source of the industrialisation and all its ramifications.
A steampunk setting may well be grim and
gritty, depicting dystopian cities full of factories
belching smog and fumes. Slums and squalor
dominate the lives of an oppressed working class,
kept down by the factory bosses and institutions
of power. Class struggle comes to the fore, only
aggravated further by the presence of magic and
different races. In the countryside steamwork
engines fell forests with mechanical purpose, and

The Victorians
he Victorian period in the real world is
one of rich pickings for inspiration
with a steam technology setting. The
class struggles and divides between the rich and
wealthy and the poor labourers, the steam technology and developing scientific ideas, and the
many stories and tales from the period, present a
great variety of concepts that can be poached. A
fantasy society could be based on that of the
Victorians, with their same biases, emphasis on
social etiquette amongst the upper classes, and
grimy and unhealthy lives amongst the working

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

mines are dug deep into the earth to bring up coal
and oil to keep the machines of civilisation working.
Alternatively, a steampunk setting could be
one of exploration and wild adventure in the
manner of pulp novels. Steam power and machinery open up new horizons to nations and people,
empires extending routes of travel to previously
far-off and hard to reach lands and places, accompanied by a flood of opportunities for the lucky,
the brave and the skilled.
Steam technology in a steampunk setting tends
to be very industrial. Smog-belching, rivet-ridden
iron constructs move heavy loads of metal and
ores in warehouses, and maintaining them is a
frequently needed, messy and dangerous task as
they blow a gasket or pistons seize up. Steamwork
creations tend to be inefficient and liable to breaking down, and injuries in industry are common
affairs. Equally, steampunk can feature some
wildly advanced creations that are as advanced, if
not more so, than that of today, though once again
the notorious unreliability of steam technology
comes into play. Other sciences are often also
undergoing the same progress and advances, and
firearms are a common feature of steampunk
Fantasy steampunk can be truly bizarre and
exotic. Cities become the centre of a nation's
activity and can draw people of all races into the
melting pot, rousing class and race tensions.
Unions of dwarven workers might down tools in
solidarity with human mechanics striking in the
docks, or a riot might start where orcs and elves
work together in the same steamworks, racial suspicions boiling over. Magic might be incorporated
heavily into steam technology, or its practitioners
could shun machinery altogether, even gathering
people together to try and hamper the introduction of new technologies in order to keep their
hold in the common people strong in the face of
the rising tide of progress. Explorers and adventurers going forth into distant and uncharted
lands as the reaches of empire spread forth would
meet even stranger and more exotic beasts than
those encountered by Victorian explorers in the
real world.
Steampunk is about change, in society and the
world around it, and it is about the way in which

people, nations and beliefs change as well.

The Empire of Hurdell: The human empire of
Hurdell is a steadily growing economic power in the
east, its coastal cities dominating the waves with their
fleets of ironclad ships. Advances in the design or skycraft mean the empire's dirigibles have been instrumental in the subjugation of the nations directly around it,
and its economy has flourished as its industries churn
out the wargear and goods that the government and
populace are demanding. Unable to expand further
across the mainland due to the presence of a mountain
range in one direction (which is inhabited by a dwarven civilisation, allies of the empire) and extremely
hostile elves in the other, whose nature magic is strong
enough to fend off any attempts at conquest by the
humans, Hurdell has instead spread its influence across
the seas. Settlers and troops have already landed in the
distant land known as Saradus, where mercenaries and
soldiers push back the savage tribes of lizardfolk that
dwell there.
Yet in the midst of this burgeoning growth the
empire is beginning to experience problems back home.
Hostile elven raids into the reaches are taking their toll
on the mines there that supply the fuel that runs the
empire. Worse, civil unrest grows rife in the packed
cities. Lizardfolk workers from the province of Qakul,
the best of the dockyards mechanics, have downed tools
in protest at the treatment of their kin in Saradus, and
other races have also begun to make sympathetic noises
in the factories and industries. The typical heavyhandedness with which the military advisors of the
Emperor deal with such problems has caused unrest to
rise up more strongly rather than quelling it, and several of the cities along the eastern seaboard are simmering with the confined anger of the working class. Only
the stationing of extra garrisons of troops has kept the
problem down so far.

High Steam-Power
his is the progression of steam technology
to its pinnacle of achievement. Steam
technology becomes almost flawless,
advanced to amazingly complex levels capable
of crafting even living steel (see Beasts of
Steel). It becomes an integral part of
everyday life for those who live in a
culture of high steam-power, who

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Steam & Steel

can rely on intelligent machines to guard and
serve them and wondrous devices to aid them.
Rather than providing the style for an entire setting, high steam-power is best used to give an
individual society or place a unique feel. A single
race of elves might have mastered the science,
turning their long lives to exploring its every
nuance and aspect. Alternatively dwarvenkind
could be the holder of the keys to such knowledge,
their steadfast mountain fortresses containing
examples of amazingly advanced steam engines.
It also provides a good 'Golden Age' for use in
a campaign set in a later era. Remembered as a
past time when life was much better, now only
fragmented knowledge remains. Perhaps all that
is left from a past time of high steam-power is the
occasional master-crafted object that is beyond
the understanding of mechanics and wizards of
present times. It may be that sites of ruins and
ancient fortresses are still patrolled by clever
machine-guards that keep would-be looters and
archaeologists away, mysterious engines still
thrumming with activity deep in the bowels of
such sites.
Steam technology from a period if high steampower tends to be very aesthetic, reflecting the
artistic tastes if the culture and race that created
it. When the techniques and methods of making a
device work are perfected, an artisan has the time
to spend on making objects appealing and pleasing to the eye. Perhaps even in this field, high
steam-power relics demonstrate artistry and artisanship beyond the capability of following ages.
Steamwork items tend to be pleasing to look at,
less industrial than cruder examples and perhaps
barely even distinguishable as being steam-powered under their crafted faade. Steam technology
in this style is also often heavily combined with
magic, making it even more wondrous.
Examples of high steam-power may well seem
alien and unnatural to others from outside of such
a culture. This is exaggerated even further if there
are only hints and ruins of a high steam-power
society remaining. Sages and archaeologists often
covet knowledge of any sort that can be
gleaned from the wreckage of such a past
age, and might well pay for those that
can get it for them. In a fantasy
world already full of dangerous

locations for adventurers to travel to, ruins of a

high steam-power empire can prove lucrative
environs, but also often very dangerous. High
steam-power technologies may well still be active
even after centuries or even millennia, and how to
turn them off is usually beyond the grasp of anyone else. Ancient constructs and traps often prove
to be just as deadly after being inactive for years
as they were when first created.
If a high steam-power culture still exists it is
likely to be a dominating force due
to its advancement. It might be an
enlightened society seeking Gnolls strongly
knowledge and understanding of dislike steamwork
the world around it; or it could use technology. They
can't really get
its power to make itself a tyrannitheir
heads round
cal overlord at the head of a huge,
even world-spanning, empire. In it, seeing it instead
this situation, heroes might be as some sort of
found as rebels against the oppres- monstrous and
sion of such a culture, seeking to demonic magic
that seeks to
bring it tumbling down.
destroy them.
High steam-power is all about
wondrous technologies that may Gnolls are almost
be barely recognisable as steam- technophobic of
powered, and perhaps exploring steamworks, in
fact, and gnoll
the ruins of past eras of enlightenment, or exploring the way in society is unlikely
which a still-existing culture of to ever throw up
high steam-power interacts with any steam technology on its own.
the world around it.
Empires of Past and Present: Far in the east, a
strange and exotic culture of elves who live lives of
decadence, served by their machines, is reputed to exist.
They are said to fear no dangers, their constructed
guards capable of destroying armies and scattering
those who oppose them. Equally, they have no ambition
or drive, for they have reached a perfect existence.
Occasionally they might trade a wondrous device to
outsiders in return for something strange like a story
that they have never heard before or some new and
interesting experience, but other than that they keep to
themselves and have little to do with outsiders. The
only thing they are said to fear is an ancient, demonic
Meanwhile in the west, wizard-archaeologists have
discovered a number of scattered ruins, remnants of an
ancient dwarven empire of unsurpassed advancement,

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

possibly even superior to the elves in the east. What led
to its fall is unknown, but the ruins often hold amazing
devices and strange objects and tomes that are worth a
lot of money to arcane practitioners and collectors, even
though they barely understand them. The only problem
is that the dwarves' constructs and traps are still in
place and many of their engines still work, making
exploring such places a hazardous task at best and only
suited for well-equipped parties of adventurers and
mercenaries. Worse still, whatever destroyed the
empire seems to have caused such suffering that in some
locations the wailing souls of the dead still linger,
attacking those who approach their precious machines
with mindless fury. Meanwhile, samples of living steel
move amongst the ruins, seemingly marshalling the
constructs there as if in preparation for some forthcoming battle.

Epic Scale
his is steam power brought to a huge
scale - the scale of huge empires pushing the possibilities of steam technology to the limit. Massive armies march into battle,
accompanied by monumentally massive steamworks like Behemoths, constructs the size of
fortresses that shake the earth with every clanking step, battering one another around on the field
of battle as thousands of warriors and smaller
constructs swarm around their feet. Huge arcane
steamworks perform amazing tasks, supplying
the streets and boulevards of entire cities with
eldritch light and harnessing power for a dizzying
array of other purposes. Mighty dirigibles soar
through the air like lords of the skies. High level
characters abound. This is steam technology in
epic proportions.
Steam technology in such a style of campaign
can be anything from clanking, industrial steamworks that belch out clouds of smog from their
furnaces, to expertly crafted designs built with
grace and an eye for the aesthetic, even on the
kind of scale as city-shattering war machines.
Whatever it is, it's big.
Machines, logistics, empires and plots, nothing
in epic scale is small. Steam technology is accompanied in this by other aspects also being of the
same epic scale. Magic is used often and the campaign may well be magic-saturated with the

arcane and divine being exploited for all sorts of

conceivable purposes. Instant magic gateways
between cities allow for easy transportation, and
mages develop huge spells that can affect entire
swathes of land. The other sciences reach epic
proportions too, alchemists capable of turning
lead into gold and concocting amazing elixirs.
High-level characters are likely to be present in
large numbers, and the population in general will
likely be pretty huge when considering how
magic and technology can be exploited to push
back all the limits on the growth of cities and
Neighbouring Giants: Two massive empires meet
each other across hundreds of miles of borderland. Both
are huge in the extent of their territories and their cities
hold incredible numbers of people, advanced magic and
technology making the lives of the citizens easier, and
expensive teleportation gates making travel between
key locations much more viable. Both are cosmopolitan
societies, dozens of smaller nations absorbed into them,
from elves to dwarves to humans to goblins. One even
boasts an alliance of dragons, the scaled beasts serving
as mounts for the ruling council to go into battle atop.
When these neighbouring giants dispute, the battles
are awe-inspiring. Behemoths, the largest constructs
that it is possible to create, spearhead assaults with
hundreds of thousands of warriors behind them, shattering fortifications and battling each other over plains
scorched by the fiery spells of battle-wizards. Highly
trained troops armed with magical and steamwork
devices attempt to assault the massive beasts, breaking
in through joints and weak points to slay the crew guiding the huge steel construct. Immensely powerful characters scythe their way through lesser foes to meet in
climactic duels.
The two empires are of such power and influence
that lesser nations around them often have a hard time
making their opinions and concerns heard. Nonetheless
it seems that soon the status quo will be shaken up once
more, for rumours from the north tell of a huge gathering of dark creatures and behemoth constructs created
by evil necromancers that will challenge the might of
both of the dominant powers in the south.

page 15

Creating & Using

S teamworks
he presence of steamworks in a campaign
can open up a whole lot more options and
opportunities for characters. They have
the chance to be a part of the scientific and
mechanical processes that construct and invent
steam technologies, and they have the opportunity to make use of the end products, the steamwork
devices themselves. Adventurers especially are
likely come across steamwork equipment during
their travels, both making use of it themselves,
and of course having it used against them.
This section provides rules for characters to
both make, and make use of, steamwork devices,
and to exploit science and machinery. Through
the guidelines laid out here, characters can maintain, refuel and sabotage technological items, and
can bend the power of magic and of science to create amazing steamwork arcana.

The Craft (Steamworks) Skill

entral to the operation and construction of
steam technology is the Craft
(Steamworks) skill. This new skill is used
to represent a characters understanding and
savvy when it comes to steamworks, and shows
his or her capacity to activate, maintain and build
such devices.
Characters with a few ranks in Craft
(Steamworks) will generally be able to operate
most steamwork devices and keep them running
in good shape with only the occasional mishap.
More ranks in the skill allows a character greater
competence in handling more advanced steamwork devices, and even makes it possible to build
various items.
It is important that a DM judges which
classes should have access to the Craft
(Steamworks) skill according to the
desired feel and technology level of the
individual campaign. In a setting

heavy with steam technology, the DM may

decide that this skill is available as a Craft skill to
all classes. Steam technology in such a setting is
so common and generally available that even
fighters and clerics will have a good chance of
picking up enough ranks in the skill to be able to
use basic steamworks without too much trouble.
In a setting where steam power is much more
restricted in both knowledge and use, then it is a
good idea to limit the skill to fewer classes. If
steamworks are a new phenomenon then it might
only be Inspired Inventors who have access to the
skill (see Paths of Power). If it is only skilled
mechanics and scientists who can figure out and
build steamworks, then limiting the Craft
(Steamworks) skill to only be available as a class
skill to Experts is recommended. If use of steamworks has an arcane connotation within a setting,
it should be limited to wizards and maybe sorcerers, while if it is only the province of a religion
that dominates the flow of scientific knowledge
then it could be limited only to the clerics of that
In cases where steam technology is exceptionally rare it may be necessary for a character to
unearth hidden lore and ancient (and perhaps forbidden) sciences to be able to gain any ranks in
the skill at all.

Identifying Steamwork Devices

o the eye of someone with a little knowledge of science, the purpose of a steamwork device is usually fairly obvious from
its form. On the other hand, the more complex
such a device is, the less apparent its use and operation becomes, and to someone unused to steam
technology any such device can seem bewildering.
If a character purchases a steamwork device, it is
likely that the vendor will have told him or her
how it is operated, what it does and how it is

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

fuelled (unless the vendor
doesnt know either, or
lies to the purchaser). In
the case of a character
acquiring a new steamwork
device that he is not aware of
how to operate, he may make
a Craft (Steamworks) check
to see if he can figure it out.
The DC is set at 10 +
Maintenance DC, and
if the character successfully uses the skill he
works out how to operate the device. This process
takes 10 minutes of careful examination on the
part of the character.
Example: An adventuring party deep in the bowels
of an ancient fortress has discovered a steamwork
device in the pile of loot collected from some kobolds.
The silvery box of metal, studded with glass tubes and
pipes and inscribed in draconic, is actually an alchemechanical sniffer, but the adventurers dont know that.
The rogue sits down and examines it carefully for ten
minutes. The player makes a Craft (Steamworks)
check for his rogue, and rolls 12 + his skill bonus of 7 for
a total of 19. The Maintenance DC for an alchemechanical sniffer is 7, so the DC is 17. The rogue successfully works out how to get the sniffer to work and fires
up the engine, setting to seeking out the tracks of the
kobolds that escaped them earlier.

Using Steamwork Devices

efore a character can activate a steamwork
device that he already knows how to operate, he needs to fire up the engine. Firing up
the engine takes a standard action as the character
ignites the fuel in the firebox, speaks the arcane
syllables needed to activate the arcane machinery,
or otherwise starts the system up.
Firing up the engine gets the steam flowing
from the boiler (or whatever method the engine
in question employs to create the steam), quickly
bringing the device to an operational status. It
takes three rounds for the boiler to heat up and the
steam to start flowing, except for in the case of
alchemical mixer engines (see Engines). If a character attempts to activate a steamwork item
before the three rounds have passed then the sys-

tem simply lacks the pressure to get the steamwork machinery working properly, and it has no
effect. Steamwork devices of Small size or smaller only take 2 rounds to warm up.
Activating a steamwork device once it has
warmed up requires a Maintenance check (see
below) to ensure that it works properly and doesnt malfunction. Some steamwork devices have
an instantaneous effect, for instance a crank-cannon being fired to spray an area with bullets; others have sustained effects, such as the benefits of
a suit of steamwork armour or a steamwork construct being operational. Every time a steamwork
device such as a crank cannon is used, a new
Maintenance check needs to be made, while an
item with a constant effect does not require new
Maintenance checks every time it is involved in
an action.
Example: A character possesses a steamwork arcana
version of gauntlets of ogre strength. He only needs to
warm up the gauntlets engine and then successfully
activate them once, after which they continually grant
their +2 bonus to Strength. He does not need to make a
new Maintenance check every time he uses the
gauntlets to do something, e.g. hit someone or lift a
heavy object.
It is general practice with steamwork devices
to have the engines already fired up and the boiler running when a character is in a situation
where he might need to make use of his steampowered items. This saves characters from such
unfortunate situations as having to spend several
rounds in a battle warming up their weapons
before they can pitch in to aid their comrades.
The price of being ever ready for events is that
with the engines being on for longer more fuel is
used up.
It is possible that a steamwork device might
have its engine shut down, possibly through having the firebox doused or by magical means. In
this case the engine must be fired back up and
allowed to get back into operation before the
device can be used once more.

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Steam & Steel

The Machine Bonus Type
n the same way that many arcane spells grant
enhancement or deflection bonuses, holy
items grant sacred bonuses and some powerful magics grant inherent bonuses, steamwork
devices often grant a machine bonus. For
instance, a suit of heavy piston-augmented steamwork armour grants a +6 machine bonus to
Strength, which stacks with enhancement bonuses from spells and magic items, but does not stack
with the +2 machine bonus to Strength given to
attacks made with a steamwork arm prosthetic.

Maint aining
S teamwork
teamwork devices have an unfortunate
tendency to jam up, blow a gasket, or
otherwise go wrong. The fuels used by
many types of steam engine produce residues and
smog that muck up the mechanisms of a steamwork with oily grime and grit, and the more exotic forms of engine powered by magic or other
eldritch energies can have arcane circuits frying
and energy conduits breaking. The high pressures
that occur within a steam engine from the gases
swirling around its system can cause leaks of hot
steam, or more catastrophic malfunctions
Of course, if given the correct maintenance
and tending a steamwork device can be kept in
tiptop shape and will run efficiently, rarely breaking down or going wrong. If maintained badly or
negligently, things have an even greater chance
than normal of malfunctioning.
Every steamwork device, from massive lumbering constructs to steam-powered prosthetics,
has a Maintenance DC. This represents how hard
it is to keep the device operational, and those
unskilled in maintenance and who understand
their steamwork equipment only poorly are
unlikely to keep it working for long. A
Maintenance check is a Craft
(Steamworks) check against the
Maintenance DC of the device in

question. A natural roll of 1 on such a check is

always a failure.
There are a number of different situations in
which a Maintenance check must be made for a
Activation: When a character activates a steamwork device, having already warmed up the
engine, a Maintenance check is required.
Long-tterm Wear: Steamwork devices that are
on for long periods of time need careful attention
and maintenance due to the continual stresses of
activity. For every 24 hours that a device is active
for, it needs a suitable amount of maintenance
(which takes 5 minutes per size category of the
device, from 5 minutes for Fine to 45 for
Colossal). If this is not done the Maintenance DC
of the machine increases by 1, which accrues for
every day the machine is not maintained properly. This can only be reset by giving the device a
full day of inactivity and triple the amount of
maintenance time that is needed normally.
Stress: Although steamwork constructs
are immune to critical hits, it is none the less possible that a particularly powerful or damaging
strike might cause the machine to suffer a malfunction. Whenever a steamwork construct or
character wearing steamwork armour suffers a hit
on which a natural 20 was rolled, a Maintenance
check must be made.
Prosthetic Stress:
Whenever a character with steamwork prosthetics undergoes a situation in which their prosthetics undergo a taxing amount of use, a
Maintenance check is needed. Whenever such a
character enters combat, a Maintenance check is
needed for a randomly selected prosthetic that is
employed during battle, such as a fighters steamwork arm used to wield a weapon. When a character uses a prosthetic as part of an action over a
long period of time which may fatigue them, for
instance a character with a steamwork leg running for a long period of time, a Maintenance
check is needed for the prosthetic in question. In
these circumstances, a character with the
Endurance feat benefits from the +4 bonus to

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Maintenance checks in these situations in addition to the normal situations it applies in.
Massive Damage: Whenever a steamwork construct, character wearing steamwork armour or
character with steamwork prosthetics takes massive damage, a Maintenance check is needed. In
the case of a character with steamwork prosthetics, a single prosthetic is randomly selected for the
check. Although constructs are immune to the
other effects of massive damage they are still subject to this Maintenance check. The DC for this
check is increased by 10.
The Maintenance roll represents the maintenance, oiling and greasing and general care that
has been given to a device, and a failure indicates
that something has gone wrong. Roll a d20 and
consult the following table to discover the effects:

Malfunction Table
1 - Slow Warm-u
up: The device takes a while to
start working properly, activating a round late.
2-44 - Pressure Dip: A momentary loss of pressure means the device stops working for one
round. If the item is just being activated, it just
activates a round late, as per the Slow Warm-up
result. A steamwork construct, or someone wearing steamwork armour of any kind, suffers a -2
penalty to Dexterity for one round instead.
5-77 - Steam Vent: A spray of steam vents out of
the machinery in a billowing, scalding cloud.
Anyone in contact with the device must make a
Reflex save (DC 10) or suffer d4 damage from the
hot steam. The machine itself suffers from a
Pressure Dip.
8-99 - Clunk: Something in the machinery
makes an ominous clunk. The Maintenance DC
of the device is increased by 2 until fixed.
10 - Catch the Bouncing Cog: Part of the
machinery simply comes springing free from the
innards of the device, usually a small and fiddly
cog. The Maintenance DC of the device is
increased by 3 until fixed; and if the missing piece
is lost then the character will need to find or make
a new replacement.
11-112 Smouldering Embers: If the device has a
conventional furnace then it goes out. This results

in the device grinding to a halt in d3 rounds; reignition devices in the Equipment section are
designed to cope with this problem. Manually reigniting a furnace is a standard action.
13-114: Blows a Gasket: A gasket blows, venting
steam as per the Steam Vent result. The machine
itself suffers from an increase in Maintenance
DC of 3 and a -1 penalty on any attack or skill
check made involving the device. Constructs and
characters wearing steamwork armour suffer
either a halving in their movement speed or a -5
penalty to attack rolls (50% chance of either
15: Pressure Build-U
Up: A serious pressure
build-up begins somewhere in the machine, usually with an ominous rumbling noise. In d6 rounds
it results in a breakdown and a steam vent unless a
successful Craft (Steamworks) check is made
against a DC of 5 + Maintenance Level is made to
fix it quickly, one attempt allowed each round.
16-118: Breakdown: The device simply stops
working as something inside breaks or slides loose
or the boiler starts venting continually.
Constructs suffer a penalty to both Strength and
Dexterity scores of -4.
19: Major Breakdown: The device breaks down
in impressive style, usually with a considerable
amount of mechanical grinding and expensivesounding crunches. Fixing the device will take an
hour rather than the usual ten minutes.
Constructs break down like anything else.
20: Catastrophic Breakdown: As major breakdown, except potentially even more impressive.
The device breaks down. There is a 50% chance it
sprays boiling steam over a ten foot radius area in
the process, inflicting 2d6 damage to all in the
area unless they make a Reflex save (DC 15)
(small-sized and smaller constructs only inflict
1d6 damage on those in contact with them). In
addition, different types of engine may have additional catastrophic effects; for example oil-burning engines may have their fuel reserves simply
Note that constructs usually do not have
their own Craft (Steamworks) skill, and
thus use the skill bonus of the last
character to maintain them instead.
For every day a construct then

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Steam & Steel

goes without any maintenance,
the skill bonus to its
Maintenance checks is reduced
by one unless a Craft
(Steamworks) check (DC 15) is
passed. Most constructs are usually given maintenance every
few days. On the occasions that
they are sill found active within
ruins and dungeons, they are
often of either superior quality
manufacture, have powerful
magic woven into them, or are
being maintained by some other
dungeon denizen or construct.
The same guidelines apply to
large steamwork devices such as
pumps and arrays that can continue functioning for long periods of time which need
Maintenance checks independently of their use by characters.
Example: An iron juggernaut
construct enters battle with a group
of adventurers, requiring a
Maintenance check. The skill bonus
of the necromancer who created the
juggernaut and keeps it carefully
maintained is +10, and the DM rolls
a 12 for a total of 22, easily beating
the Maintenance DC of 9. Later in
the battle the juggernaut takes massive damage, and this time the DC
is 19. The DM rolls a 3, and the juggernaut malfunctions, resulting in a roll of 9 on the
Malfunction table and thus an increased chance that
the construct will suffer even more problems later on.

Fixing Breakage and

f a machine breaks down, or suffers a
Maintenance penalty or some other negative state from one of the results on the
Maintenance table, a character can attempt
to fix it. This process takes ten minutes
and requires mechanics tools (see
Tools of the Trade, below).

After spending ten minutes attempting to fix

it, the character must make a Craft (Steamworks)
check against a DC of the Maintenance value
modified by any effects from the Malfunction
table. A success indicates that he has managed to
fix it and a negative state or penalty is removed.
Note that if a machine has suffered various different malfunctions and breakdowns the character
must take ten minutes and make a separate check
for each one to try and fix it.
A character can take 10 or take 20 when fixing

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Like gnomes, elves
have an affinity for
nature that often
makes them balk at
the idea of industrialisation and the
ramifications of
large machines
devouring fossil
fuels in their fireboxes. However,
when elves do make
use of steamworks
their creations are
often amazingly
well-crafted, aesthetic and graceful
in form rather than
lumbering junkmen
of rivets and blackened iron. They
also enjoy making
extensive use of
magic in their crafting, and generally
make use of magical
engines that do not
burn any fuel.
Their dark kin, the
drow, very rarely
make use of such
machines. They far
prefer the use of
magic over machinery, and rarely
bother themselves
with attempting to
understand scientific principles. They
might however
force captured
slaves with engineering knowledge
to craft steamworks
for them.

Steamworks &
s well as fixing such
machines, it is of course
equally possible that a
character might be in a position
where they wish to deliberately
damage and sabotage steamwork devices. Whether a saboteur deep behind enemy lines,
carefully incapacitating the
sleeping hulks of steamwork
war constructs the night before
a battle, or a mechanic throwing
a sabot into the grinding gears
of an industrial steamwork
hammer as a form of covert
protest at low wages breaking
and tampering with steamworks is often easier than keeping them working.
Sabotage takes ten minutes
(Steamworks) check against a
DC of 5+ the Maintenance DC
of the device. A success means
that the next time the device is
used it will automatically cause
a roll on the Malfunction table.
A character attempting to sabotage a device without saboteurs
tools (see Tools of the Trade,
below) suffers a 2 circumstance penalty. A character
with at least 5 ranks in Disable
Device gains a +2 synergy
bonus to sabotage attempts.
Sabotage can be spotted by
those with an eye for it. A spot
check made against a DC of 10+
the saboteurs ranks in Craft
notices that a device has been
tampered with, whether or not

the attempt at sabotage was successful. A character needs to be looking closely at the device, for
instance while maintaining it. Once noticed, sabotage can be countered by fixing the device as
normal; however, the wilful damage caused by a
sabotage attempt means that the period taken to
fix it is increased to one hour rather than ten minutes.
Example: A scout infiltrates an enemy army camp,
and comes to the prize of the invading forces troops

S teamwork
an iron juggernaut, that has already spread terror and
confusion on the battlefield and swung the balance
firmly in its owners favour. The scout manages to
reach the juggernaut unseen in the gloom, his Move
Silently and Hide checks passed easily. He cant risk
staying there long and takes a furtive ten minutes to try
and covertly sabotage the device, rolling a 15 on his
check, which with his skill bonus of +4 to Craft
(Steamworks) is just enough to beat the DC of 19. He
then slinks away back into the darkness.
When the wizardly engineer who created the juggernaut starts it up the next morning, he rolls a 4 on his
spot check, which with his Spot bonus of +2 fails to beat
the DC of 7 (5+ the saboteurs ranks in Craft
(Steamworks)). Failing to notice that an act of sabotage has been committed, he activates the construct, and
he watches in horror as it staggers a few feet, hisses
violently and breaks down.
character with ranks in the Craft
(Steamworks) skill can attempt to create
steamwork devices in the same way he
could create other mundane items with the appropriate craft skills. Crafting a steamwork device
requires access to a forge, as well as appropriate
tools for forming and shaping the metal parts of
the item, unless the process is using materials
other than metal.
In addition, due to the complexity
of increasingly advanced steamworks and the scientific element

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Steam & Steel

involved in their creation, there are a minimum
number of ranks in the Craft (Steamworks) skill
that a character must have to be able to attempt
certain devices at all. This reflects a characters
increasing levels of scientific acumen and technological understanding. A dwarven engineer with 5
ranks in Craft (Steamworks) simply does not
have the scientific and mechanical training to be
able to design and build a steamwork sentry (see
Tools of the Trade). His more experienced companion with 9 ranks has done the necessary
research and investigation to understand how to
construct the guardian machine.
It is building the engine parts of steamworks
that is a slightly different matter to the rest. The
categories of engine are conventional furnace,
alchemical, arcane, essence, necromantic and
energy trap. A character needs the appropriate
feat (see Feats, below) to have mastered the scientific or eldritch principles behind what makes the
engine type work, and to be able to build an
engine from that category. Creation of engines is
detailed in the Engines of Steam section below,
along with the special effects that different engine
types have.
For the purpose of calculating the creation DC
for Craft checks, steamwork devices count as
complex or superior items, meaning the DC is 20.

Creating Steamwork Arcana

ome of the steamwork devices presented in
this guide are magical items, implementing
arcane or divine power into their functions
and workings. These follow the usual rules for
magical item creation, requiring an appropriate
feat and spells, as well as usually also having a
prerequisite of a certain number of ranks in Craft
(Steamworks) on the part of the creator. Items
that are both steamwork and magical still require
the usual maintenance and fuelling as appropriate
to the engine type.
It is also possible for a character to make
steamwork arcana versions of existing magical
items taken from other sources. Using a cunning blend of technology and magic, these
items are less draining and less expensive
to make, but also suffer all the shortfalls of steamwork devices, includ-

ing the unreliability. Any item other than scrolls

and potions can be made in this way.
Such items are usually obviously built with
steam technology, such as gauntlets of ogre strength
covered in heavy metal pistons. The steamwork
versions of others have a more inventive appearance, such as a strange-looking pump device that
coughs out dust of appearance when activated.
Crooked wands with steamwork pistons and
joints and tiny wire-wreathed and vent-studded
arcanomechanical rings are equally possible.
To create such an item, the character must fulfil all the prerequisites needed to create a normal
version. In addition, he or she must possess ranks
in Craft (Steamworks) equal to the caster level
given in the item description. Steamwork magical
items crafted in this way cost only 80% of the normal gold and experience, but become steamwork
items and thus must have their engines warmed
up to be activated, require Maintenance checks
for various circumstances, and need to be fuelled.
The Maintenance DC of a steamwork magical
item created in this way is equal to the caster level
given in the item description + 5.
Other than the effects of becoming a steamwork device, the magic item operates as normal.
However, any bonuses it grants, such as enhancement bonuses to ability scores or deflection
bonuses to armour class, are changed to be
machine bonuses instead.
The reduced cost of the item does not include
the cost of the engine. Since the cost of the
engine, and fuel consumption, is dependent on the
size of the item in question, and not all magical
items have their size detailed, it is sometimes necessary for the DM to use his discretion in deciding on an appropriate size value.

etailed here are a number of different
feats related to the creation, use and sabotaging of steam technology. It is important to note that the engine creation feats here do
not all have to be made available in a fantasy set-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

ting. The DM may decide that the only steamwork engines in existence in his campaign are to
be alchemical engines made by mad gnomes or
complex and rare arcane engines built by reclusive wizards. Alternatively it might be a steampunk setting where the only form of engine available is the conventional furnace, except for necromantic engines built by sinister horrors that lurk
on the edges of civilisation and the designs for
such not being comprehensible to humankind.
The DM should make engine feats available to
various cultures and societies at his discretion and
as suits his aims for giving flavour and distinctiveness to the campaign.
Alchemechanic [Engine Creation]
You have mastered the alchemical sciences and
steamwork principles needed to construct an
engine driven by chemical energy.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 9 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks), Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Benefit: The Alchemechanic feat allows a
character to build alchemical engines.
Arcanomech [Engine Creation]
Your knowledge of both arcana and the sciences is such that you can meld the two, creating
fantastic magic-powered steamworks.
Prerequisites: Able to cast 3rd level arcane
spells, any Item Creation feat, Craft
(Steamworks) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8
Benefit: The Arcanomech feat allows a character to build arcane engines.
Arcanomech Channeller [General]
You have learned how to tap into machinery as
a conduit for your magical energies. Nearby
steamwork devices, your power is increased.
Prerequisites: Able to cast 3rd level arcane
spells, Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Benefit: A character with this feat can draw
energy from nearby machines to boost their spellcasting capabilities as a standard action. They
must select a steamwork device within 20 feet to
draw energy from, which suffers as if from the
pressure dip malfunction for one round. In the following round, a single spell the character casts

benefits from a +1 bonus to DC and caster level. If

the arcanomech energy is not used within one
round of being acquired, it drains away.
Eldritch Technologist [General]
Wise in the ways of both magic and steam
technology, you can use supernatural powers to
meddle with nearby steamwork devices.
Prerequisites: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks,
Spellcraft 8 ranks
Benefit: Once per day a character with this feat
can modify a single Maintenance check made
within 20 feet by 5, as either a bonus or a penalty
to the roll.
Essence Engineer [Engine Creation]
Either through your religious training or your
knowledge of the planes, you are able to harness
Inner or Outer planar energies to power mystic
steamwork engines.
Prerequisites: Able to cast 3rd level spells,
Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks, Knowledge
(Religion) 8 ranks or Knowledge (The Planes) 8
Benefit: The Essence Engineer feat allows a
character to build essence engines.
High Artificer [Engine Creation]
You have mastered the complex and mystical
sciences needed to create energy trap engines.
Prerequisites: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks,
Knowledge (Arcana, Physics, Chemistry or
Religion) 12 ranks.
Benefit: The High Artificer feat allows a character to build energy trap engines.
Industrialist [General]
You hail from an industrial city where the air
is thick with smog and grime and the noise of factories endlessly toiling. Many of your people
learn an industrial trade, and the polluted air has
toughened your lungs.
Prerequisites: This feat can only be taken at 1st
Benefit: A character with this feat gains
a +2 bonus to saves against gas and
choking effects, and a +2 bonus to a
single Craft skill.

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Mag ic/Technolog y Animosity
It may be that a campaign features a stronger animosity between magic and science than merely a
dislike of the other by the practitioners of each. Magic and technology can be made so entirely different that they are actually the opposite of each other, so incompatible that they actually interfere with
each other.
In this case, an arcane spellcaster has a -2 penalty to any Craft (Steamworks) checks. An arcane
caster of 10th level or above increases this to -4 and applies the same penalty to anyone else making
Craft (Steamworks) checks for a device that the caster is in contact with, for instance when he is
aboard a train - his magic is so strong that it actively disrupts the mechanisms and science. An arcane
spellcaster of 20th level or over increases this penalty to -6.
Meanwhile, the following feats become available:
Savvy [General]
You're a capable user of technology and steamworks, and understand the basic scientific principles.
Prerequisite: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Benefit: You gain a +3 innate bonus to saving throws against arcane magic, and suffer a 10%
increase to your chances of arcane spell failure, even in no armour.
Engineer [General]
Your technological skills and understanding are quite significant.
Prerequisite: Craft (Steamworks) 13 ranks, Tech-Savvy
Benefit: As an innate ability, you can dispel magic as an extraordinary ability once per day, as a
caster of your character level. You suffer a 25% increase to your chances of arcane spell failure, even
in no armour.
Scientist [General]
You are a true scientist and mechanic, fully steeped in the lore of machinery.
Prerequisites: Craft (Steamworks) 18 ranks, Engineer
Benefit: You gain Spell Resistance equal to 10+ your character level against arcane magic, even
friendly arcane magic. You suffer a 35% increase to your chances of spell failure, even in no armour.
Inspired [General]
Either by natural genius or the influence of
some outside force such as the work of steam spirits, you are inspired. Your mind is full of amazing
ideas and fantastic designs for machines and
steamworks, and you can see methods and solutions for any challenge put before you.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+. Depending on
the campaign, the Inspired feat may only be available through the work of outside influences,
such as being bestowed on clerics with the
Invention domain or made available to a
character due to the presence of steam
spirits (see Beasts of Steel).

Benefit: A character with the Inspired feat can

benefit from a flash of inspiration and ingenuity
once per day, allowing them to take 20 on a skill
check once per day without having to spend a
longer period of time that would be needed to take
the check normally. In addition, this is the prerequisite for the Inspired Inventor prestige class,
which in some campaigns may be the only
method of gaining access to engine creation feats.
Master Mechanic [Engine Creation]
Your mechanical skills and scientific understanding of steam technology allows you to build
conventional steam engines.
Prerequisites: Craft (Steamworks) 7 ranks

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Benefit: The Master Mechanic feat allows a
character to build conventional furnace engines.
Necromek [Engine Creation]
Your mastery of the dark arts and your scientific knowledge allow you to create an unholy
fusion of both in the form of necromantic steamwork engines.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast
level arcane spells, Spell


Lacking any real

scientific knack for
halflings tend not to
invent steamworks
by themselves.
They will, however,
quite happily make
use of such devices
that others have
made. Steamwork
devices often end
up in the hands of
halflings who have
'appropriated' them.
In situations where
one or two organisations control the
entire flow of
steamworks, and
heavily restrict
their distribution, it
may be halflings
who can acquire a
device for a character outside the normal legal channels

Focus (Necromancy), Craft

(Steamworks) 8 ranks
Benefit: The Necromek feat
allows a character to build
necromantic engine types.
Quick Fix [General]
You can fix a breakdown or
malfunction in a steam engine
in no time flat.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus
Craft (Steamworks)
Benefit: Fixing a steamwork
device takes 1/10th of its usual
duration for a character with
this feat.

Saboteur [General]
Your knowledge of how to
sabotage and damage machinery
and steamworks is such that
even in battle you can pick out
the weak points on a hostile
Prerequisites: Base Attack
Bonus +3, Sneak Attack class
ability, Craft (Steamworks) 4
Benefit: A character with
this feat can make both sneak attacks and critical
hits on steamwork constructs in melee combat.
Normal: Constructs are immune to sneak
attacks and critical hits.

environs for operating your patients are more

likely to wake up with a successful graft and less
likely to pick up an unpleasant disease from the
Prerequisites: Heal 10 ranks
Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +2
bonus to skill checks to implant a prosthetic, and
their patients benefit from a +4 bonus to Fortitude
saves against catching a disease from the graft.
Heavy Armour Proficiency
[General] [Fighter]
You have been trained in the use of superheavy forms of steamwork armour, and are able
to pilot them competently.
Prerequisites: Craft (Steamworks) 4 ranks,
Heavy Armour Proficiency.
Benefit: A character with this feat can operate
super-heavy armour.
Normal: A character who is wearing armour
with which he is not proficient suffers its armour
check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill
checks that involve moving, including Ride. In
the case of super-heavy armour, the armour check
penalty to skill checks that involve moving is
Technophobe [General]
You come from a society that hates and
maligns technology, perhaps because of its effects
on the environment and nature, or for other reasons. You fight with great ferocity against such
metal abominations.
Prerequisites: This feat can only be taken at 1st
Benefit: A character with this feat gains a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls against steamwork constructs and those with steamwork
armour or prosthetics.

Steam Surgeon [General]

Youre a skilled healer and experienced surgeon when it comes to implanting prosthetics and
understand the need to keep a clean and hygienic

page 25

Eng ines of S team

t the heart of every steamwork device is
an engine of some sort or another, the
machinery that powers the entire item.
There are all sorts of different types of engine
possible in a fantasy setting, from the conventional fuel-burning furnaces to the more fantastical
variants such as the magic-eating dweomerburners and the sinister necromantic engines. The
only thing they have in common is that they
transform water to steam through their processes
in order to make the machine operate. The type of
engine that powers a steamwork device is often
apparent through the item's appearance; arcane
engines are scribed with runes and mystic patterns and crafted from odd materials, while a
necromantic device is disturbingly crafted and
often inlaid with patterns in bone. Other types of
engine not described here are also quite possible.

Constructing an Engine
o construct an engine requires the appropriate feat, as well as a forge and tools in
the same manner as crafting other steamwork devices. Building the engine is effectively a
sub-process of building an overall machine, and
can be done quite separately (and often is) to constructing the other parts of a device. The average
industry labourer or apprentice mechanic can
build the metal cogs, gears and struts needed to
put together most of a device. It needs the careful
skill of a talented engineer to assemble the complexities of the engine and connect it into the
machinery, systems and controls of the item and
to ensure it works as it should.
The cost of an engine depends on the size of
the device it is supposed to be powering, and thus
engines for larger devices like constructs cost
more. To find the cost of an engine, multiply
the cost supplied in the engine's entry by
for each increasing size category the
device it powers has. The table below
lays out the price increase.


Engine Cost Multiplier


Some engines also have added costs in forms

other than gold; for example an arcane source
engine drains experience points from the creator,
as the process of building it is similar to crafting
any other magical item.
The type of engine in a device does not affect
its weight or size, since that is already included in
the device's entry. Certain types of engine may
affect the Maintenance DC of a device.
Example: A dwarven engineer is making a steam
sentinel to help guard his clan's mines from marauding
orcs. He has the Master Mechanic feat and decides to
construct it with a coal burner engine, since his clan's
mines produce a lot of coal. Coal burner engines are
simple and cheap, only costing 10gp per size category, so
for the Large construct it costs 60gp to build the engine.
This minor cost pales in comparison to the 12,000gp
needed to craft the sentinel in the first place.
Example: A wizard wishes to craft a steamwork
arm for one of his fighter companions, who had theirs
bitten off by a voracious troll. He possesses the
arcanomech feat, and decides to build an arcane source
engine so that his friend won't need to bother constantly refuelling the prosthetic. A steamwork arm is a
Small item, and so it costs a total of 1,000gp and 40xp
for the magical engine, on top of the 2,000gp cost of the
arm itself.

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Example: An evil necromancer plans to construct a
dirigible, desiring the greater mobility it gives him and
the opportunity to strike at his foes from far above.
Possessing the necromek feat, he decides to power the
steamwork machinery of the vehicle with vile corpseburner engines. Since the dirigible he is making is a
Huge construct, a corpseburner engine costs 350gp, only
a small additional cost to the overall price of building a
dirigible in the first place.
Note that except for where specified in individual engine entries, any type of steamwork
device can be built with any type of engine.

Fuelling an Engine
ach engine entry also includes the cost to
fuel a Medium-sized device for one day.
Some engines have special fuel requirements that are noted in their details, while others
do not require any fuel due to their nature.
To find the fuel cost for a device that is larger
than Medium size, simply double the fuel cost
with each increasing size category. To find the
fuel cost for a device that is smaller, halve the fuel
cost with each diminishing size category.
As mentioned above, it is important to note
that the list below is not necessarily a comprehensive collection of every single engine type that
should be included in a single campaign. Rather, it
is intended to provide a broad spectrum of different possibilities that the DM can put to use, picking and choosing which engines he feels are


Fuel Cost Multiplier


Conventional Furnace
team engines with a conventional furnace
rely on the heat generated by the combustion of some sort of fuel to power them.
Device design usually features an accessible firebox where the fuel combusts, as well as vents or
smokestacks to allow the smoke and fumes created by the process to escape.
Engines of this type are notorious for creating
large amounts of pollution through burning fossil
fuels. They also generate a lot of heat and working in an environment full of heavy steamwork
machinery powered by conventional furnaces can
be hot and tiring.

Creating a conventional furnace engine

requires the Master Mechanic feat.
Coal Burner: This type of engine depends
on a feed of normal coal into its furnace to
keep the fire burning and the boiler heated. Burning coal creates large amounts
of waste ash that needs to be disposed
of, but it does tend to be a fairly

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Steam & Steel

cheap and plentiful fossil fuel that burns well.
Coal is found in seams that run through rock and
need to be mined out, a process that can be done
without need to recourse to much technology and
sophistication. It is however not without its dangers, both short-term (collapses and underground
creatures) and long-term (damage to lungs and
throat through coal-dust), and as such it is not
uncommon to see slaves put to work in coal
Coal is also heavy and cumbersome to transport, as well as needing someone to either shovel
fuel direct into the firebox or to regularly top up a
large device's fuel hoppers. Using coal isn't very
practical for very small devices due to the size of
pieces of coal, and adventurers are generally
unwilling to lug sacks of the fuel around with
them on their travels.
Oil Burner: Rather than having an open
furnace into which fuel can be shovelled, oil
Conventional Furnace
Coal Burner
Oil Burner
Alchemical Engine
Alchemical Mixer
Arcane Engine
Arcane Source
Energy Trap Engine
Divine Source
Solar Trap
Essence Engine
Elemental Essence
Spirit Essence
Necromantic Engine**
Blood Drinker
Soul Drinker

burners often have more complex engines to feed

in the right amount of fuel into the furnace.
Burning oil creates thick, oily fumes and can leave
thick residues, and as a result oil burner engines
need a lot of maintenance and cleaning to ensure
they keep working. Despite this, oil burns efficiently and carrying fuel for an oil burner is considerably less encumbering than carrying coal,
especially since the viscous liquid can be stored in
vials and flasks.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, the
fuel reservoirs of an oil burner engine explode.
For every size category larger than Small of the
device, the radius of the explosion expands by 5ft.
For Small or smaller devices the explosion only
affects someone handling it. Anyone in the area is
hit as if by alchemist's fire unless they make a
Reflex save (DC 15) and may be set on fire. Note
that on a successful save, someone handling the
device only succeeds in taking half damage rather
than avoiding it entirely. The smouldering wreckCost

Fuelling Cost per Day





250gp, 10xp


250gp, 10xp


250gp, 10xp
250gp, 10xp


100gp, 4xp


*Indicates non-standard form of fuel.

**Can benefit from cost reductions through the use of sacrifices
***Indicates additional creation costs

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

age of the device remains hot and dangerous to
touch for quite some time.
Devices with oil burner engines suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to saving throws against fire
damage (this is primarily relevant for constructs).
An oil burner device that is reduced to 0 hit points
by fire damage explodes as per a Catastrophic

wave of blue-white energy like the flash of a detonation. This energy deals no physical damage
but hits the mind and psyche of anyone nearby
like a hammer, dealing d6 temporary Wisdom
damage to all within a radius of 5ft. per increasing
size category of the device.

Crystalburner: Crystalburner engines

are an exotic form of conventional furnace
that does not burn any fossil fuel, but instead
combusts specially treated crysGoblins tals. These crystals are only
Goblins like steam- found in growths that occur in
work devices, and odd locations such as deep
underground and near active
the noisier and
more destructive volcanoes, but they only create
the better. Goblin a very thin smoke from their
steamworks tend to furnaces and thus a minimum
of pollution and grime. They
use either crude
conventional fuel also have exceptionally effiburner engines, or cient boilers. Since only a few
the more complex crystals, shards a foot in length,
devices crafted by are needed to power the engine
their priests and for quite a long time, it does not
necromancers use have the same kinds of problems of transporting fuel as coal
engines instead. If a burners suffer from.
Crystalburners also have
goblin culture gets
hold of a steam- a strange and inexplicable
work device it is side effect, in that any sentient
only a matter of steamwork creation with a
time before they crystalburner engine benefits
figure out how to from increased cognitive abilimake it themselves, ties - the crystals have some
strange magical quality that
and they can be
very dangerous foes affects the delicate mechanisms
when equipped with for the machine consciousness
steam technology as of such devices. Steamwork
well as their own constructs with crystalburner
natural cunning. engines possess a +2 inherent
bonus to their Intelligence and
Wisdom scores.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown the
crystalburner's firebox explodes. As well as venting hot steam it quickly burns the rest of the crystals in a lightning-fast reaction, pulsing out a

his type of engine does not rely on combustion at all. Instead it uses chemical
reactions to create the heat needed to keep
the boiler running. Alchemical engines are usually very complex and filled with delicate glass
components, and make strange sloshing noises
when moved as the substances within swirl
around. Since the chemical processes create noxious fumes and gases, alchemical engines are
often riddled with vents and exhausts to allow it
all to escape, meaning they are usually accompanied by a pungent smell on the air. Those who
work around alchemical engines for too long tend
to get headaches, while individuals who spend
years around them often develop coughs or respiratory problems, sometimes their brain also suffering from the chemicals.
Creating an alchemical furnace requires the
Alchemechanic feat.

Alchemical Engine

Alchemical Mixer: Alchemical engines

have a number of benefits. When a vent is
opened the various chemical agents instantly
mix and create heat, and the reaction can be
switched off just as fast. Firing up an alchemical
engine does not result in the usual three rounds of
warm-up time, although it can still be affected by
the Slow Warm-up result on the Malfunction
table. Additionally, alchemical mixer engines are
immune to the Smouldering Embers result on the
Malfunction table, as they lack a firebox or indeed
a fire. Although several different substances are
needed in the engine, the volume they are
required in is quite small because only a little is
used up in each reaction, meaning that the problem of transporting fuel is almost negligible.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown
an alchemical engine gouts gas and
steam as chemical reactions go wild,
spraying corrosive chemicals

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Steam & Steel

everywhere. For every size category larger than
Small of the device, the radius of the explosion
expands by 5ft. For Small or smaller devices the
explosion only affects someone handling it.
Anyone in the area is hit for 1d10 acid damage
unless they make a Reflex save (DC 15). Note that
on a successful save, someone handling the device
only succeeds in taking half damage rather than
avoiding it entirely. If an alchemical mixer device
is reduced to below 0 hit points by acid damage
then it explodes in the same manner as a
Catastrophic Breakdown.

Arcane Engine
rcane engines do not rely on a conventional furnace to heat up the boiler, instead
utilising more eldritch means to do so.
Unlike the practical mechanics and industrial
appearance of more conventional engines, arcane
creations are easy to recognise. They often sport
mystic runes, crystal or glass tubes through which
shimmering lights occasionally dance, and other
pieces of arcane paraphernalia. Arcane engines
also often generate and use electrical energy from
the boiler to power the device in strange, pseudomagical ways through meshes of copper wiring
and specially sculpted magical foci. Peering into
the innards of an arcane steamwork device reveals
the bizarre and weird structures within.
Maintaining such engines often requires mystic
rituals and the adjustment of strange valves and
Creating an arcane engine requires the
Arcanomech feat.

Arcane Source: An arcane source

engine relies on some form of magic bound
into the machine to transmute the water
into steam. This is usually done through the
creation of a magical flame and heat, or by transmuting the water directly into its gaseous state,
but there are a myriad of other different arcane
methods by which the same end result is
achieved. In any case, an arcane source engine
has the advantage that it is usually permanent and does not require constant
fuelling to keep it running, although
equally the creation of such an

engine is expensive as well as demanding on the

arcane creator. The personal steamwork creations
of arcane spellcasters often feature arcane source
engines, but the large-scale assembly of arcane
steamworks is a rare occurrence.
Due to the magical nature of their engines,
arcane sources do not have the same problems as
more conventional ones of the firebox going out
or being doused, and are immune to such effects
(ignore the Smouldering Embers result on the
Malfunction table). Equally they require no fuel,
but like other steamwork devices they can suffer
and degrade from being functional for too long at
a time and so are generally only activated when
Maintenance of an arcane source engine is easier for someone versed in arcane lore because the
engine does not produce the same kinds of grime
and filth as some others. A character with at least
4 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) gains a +2 synergy bonus to all Maintenance checks for an arcane
source engine. However, a character without any
Knowledge (Arcana) ranks at all may find the
methods of keeping the device maintained nigh
on incomprehensible as they won't understand
the inner workings of the engine, and hence suffer a -2 penalty to any Maintenance checks on a
device powered by an arcane source.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown an
arcane source engine cuts out and breaks down,
often producing some impressive pyrotechnic
effects but without any additional special results.
Dweomerburner: This type of arcane
engine is rather cannibalistic in its nature, for it
needs to devour other magic to keep its fires
burning. Like a conventional engine, a dweomerburner features an accessible firebox, which
appears to be filled with dancing, ghostly flames
that give off no heat and do not actually burn substances placed within them, merely causing a
light tingling sensation to the skin. However,
they do actually burn creatures that touch them in
the Ethereal plane like normal fire. When a magical item is placed in the fire, the flames burn with
ghostly enthusiasm as they set about devouring
the spells imbued into the object within, burning
it away to power the steam engine. Eventually all

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

that is left is the physical form of the magical
item, all its enhancements stripped away.
A medium-sized dweomerburner device
derives 1 day's fuel from every 250 gp of magic
item that it burns, consumption changing as normal for other sizes of engine. If an artifact is
placed in the engine the dweomerburner is fuelled
as if burning a normal magical item but does not
diminish the object in any way, no matter what
the size of the device. Tales often abound of
mighty behemoth constructs at whose mechanical
hearts lie puissant artifacts eternally burning.
Dweomerburners can also devour spells that
are cast directly at them (though this doesn't
apply to spells cast at a character handling a
dweomerburner device). Dweomerburner devices
have Spell Resistance 10, or in the case of constructs grant Spell Resistance equal to 10 + the hit
dice of the construct. Any spell nullified by the
Spell Resistance gives the dweomerburner an
additional ten minutes of fuel per spell level
In the case of a Catastrophic Malfunction, a
dweomerburner explodes in a flash of white light,
with the effect of an area dispel as per the spell
centred on the steamwork device, at 10th caster

Energy Trap Engine

his type of engine derives its power by
collecting or tapping the energy emitted
by some other source. In this way the
source of power lies entirely outside the structure
of the steamwork construction itself, and possibly
quite a considerable distance away. The two
forms of energy trap engine presented here are
quite different and distinct from each other.

Divine Source: This type of energy trap

engine is designed to pick up the energy
emitted by some nearby source of great
power. This usually takes the form of something divine, whether it is an ancient and puissant
artifact or the place where a deity perished, or
even a still-living demigod. Steamwork engines
designed to tap into the energy of the source can
only operate while within a certain radius of
where it is located, up to one hundred miles for

some of the strongest sources of power and usually much less (normally up to twenty or thirty
miles). Outside the operational radius they simply cease functioning and shut down. As a result,
divine source steamworks are usually used to
guard a stronghold or fortress at or nearby the
source of power, rather than being designed for
greater travelling purposes.
Since the process within the engine does not
involve an actual fire to hear the boiler, but rather
strange processes that channel the received energy into heat, divine source engines are unaffected
by the Smouldering Embers malfunction.
Steamwork constructs powered by a nearby
divine source often display an alarming grip on
group tactics and work together well through the
link provided by the source, as a divine source
steamwork is aware of the exact position of any
other steamwork powered by the source that is
within 60ft. Such constructs also gain a +1 bonus
to any Maintenance checks made for other
devices incorporating the same engine type.
A divine source engine is keyed to only a single source.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, a
divine source engine merely breaks down as normal with no further special effects.
Solar Trap: Solar trap engines harness the
power of the sun. They absorb solar energy to
heat up their boilers, picking up the warmth
and light through arrays of collector panels and
flat surfaces positioned to pick up as much of the
sun's rays as possible. The framework of solar
panels on some steamwork devices can be quite
A solar trap powers a steamwork device for 1
hour for every hour of sunlight absorbed.
Although clean in terms of pollutants and maintenance, solar trap engines have the obvious disadvantage of being unable to process more power
during the night or when in the shade, and they
rarely have enough power reserves to function for
long out of sunlight. Equally though, their source
of fuel is essentially free. Since they do not
have a firebox they are not affected by the
Smouldering Embers malfunction.

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In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown malfunction, solar trap engines merely break down
without any further special effects.

Essence Engine
ike arcane engines, an essence engine does
not use conventional fuels to power steamwork devices. Instead it harnesses otherworldly energies, drawing them directly from the
Inner or Outer planes. Both arcane and divine
spellcasters are able to tap into the planes in this
way, but essence engines generally remain the
provinces of religions and faiths. Due to the religious nature of their creators, essence engines
thus often bear prayers, sacred texts and other
examples of religious panoply.
All essence engines require that a deal has
been made with some Inner or Outer planar
being to give the creator access to the
spiritual or elemental energies of
the appropriate planes. This usually

has to be done through some form of divination or

summoning spell, for instance lesser or greater
planar binding. In the case of clerics in the service
of a religion, they have the advantage that the
deity of their faith will supply the link to that
god's home plane. In the case of an essence engine
powered in this way, a character who has
Knowledge (Religion) of 4 ranks or more gains a
+2 synergy bonus to Maintenance checks in relation to that device. For those forced to barter with
planar beings for power for an essence engine,
depending on the size of the device the demands
of the being can vary wildly. Incorporating a spirit matrix (see Equipment) so that the being can
send a minion to inhabit it is a common request.
Creating an essence engine requires the
Essence Engineer feat.
Elemental Essence: This type of engine
draws energy from an Inner plane. Exactly
how it works depends on the element and the
creator. Elemental Fire devices are usually pow-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

ered by an ever-burning furnace that heats the
water, while Water engines simply exploit the
nature of water and persuade it to take the form
of steam. Air engines infuse the water with the
energy of clouds in the sky to make it transmute
into its gaseous form, while Earth engines are
usually very rare and often
Kobolds exploit the raw physical effort
Kobolds have a tal- of a servant elemental spirit
ent for integrating within the device.
Elemental essence engines
steamworks with
traps, tunnelling do not need fuel and are also
devices, and other immune to the Smouldering
nasty surprises for Embers
their enemies. They
have a love of fossil essence is immune since the
purity of the flame cannot be
engines and oil in simply doused with water from
general, and their a material plane. They also
technical capabili- gain a +2 inherent bonus to
ties are not to be saves against effects of their
element; for example, a conunderestimated.
struct powered by Fire essence
Inventive and
ingenious, kobolds gains a +2 bonus to its save
against a fireball spell. While
sometimes even
elemental essence engines do
lead the cutting
edge of science in not have problems with the
grime and filth of burning fuel
this field.
they do have to contend with
the powerful elemental forces roiling within
them. Thus for characters who have no ranks in
Knowledge (The Planes), or Knowledge
(Religion) in the case of engines powered by the
deity of a religion, they suffer a -2 penalty to
Maintenance checks.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, an
elemental essence engine temporarily collapses
into a small elemental rift with a flash of energy.
While the engine is not destroyed (and indeed can
carry on functioning normally), a single elemental of the appropriate type forces its way through
before the rift closes. The elemental is hostile and
attempts to destroy the engine as well as anyone
nearby. The size of the elemental is random
although an elemental cannot emerge through a
device that is smaller than it - so a Medium-sized
device can only be breached by a Small or
Medium-sized elemental, not larger ones.

Spirit Essence: A spirit essence engine

draws energy from an Outer Plane to power a
steamwork device. The exact manner in
which the energy is used to achieve this
depends on the construction of the steamwork,
but the usual fashion is to channel the energy into
transforming the water into steam directly. Since
spirit essence engines are usually found in the
service of a religion, they are normally crafted to
reflect the dogma and portfolio of a particular
Spirit essence engines do not need fuel and are
immune to the Smouldering Embers result on the
Malfunction table. Characters carrying steamwork devices dedicated to a particular deity may
find themselves targets of choice to Outsiders
that are hostile to that deity.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, a
backlash of bright planar energy simply severs the
planar connection and obliterates the device's
engine entirely.

Necromantic Engine
s any student of the necromantic arts is
aware, death is a powerful tool, possessing
energies that can be harnessed by those
who are wise to it. Some have applied this path of
thought to the creation of steamwork devices, creating engines that derive their power from death
and decay. Necromantic engines usually reflect
the tastes of their creators, tending towards gothic design and horrific appearance, whether that is
a skeletal, bone-like frame or vicious spikes and
blades adorned with the remnants of enemies.
Necromantic steamwork constructs often possess
a malicious aura to them, eyes glowing with
witchfire; those with furnace engines tend to have
slender, sinister smokestacks and vents that puff
out foul fumes.
Creating a necromantic engine requires the
Necromek feat.

Sacrifices: In the creation of any necromantic engine, the creation costs can be
decreased by 10% by ritually sacrificing
sentient creatures. The blood and death
of a single sentient creature for every
increasing size category of the

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Steam & Steel

steamwork device to be powered is integrated into
dark rituals that allow the necromancer to spend
less of his own energy in the process. Both gold
and experience costs are reduced through the
use of sacrifices.
Using sacrifices to empower a steamwork
device in this way is an unambiguously evil act.
Soulburner: This type of dark engine
has a firebox that seems full of ethereal black
flames. These flames act in the same way as
real fire except that they inflict cold damage on
anyone foolish enough to stick a limb in the firebox; like real fire, this coldfire can also set them
alight. In addition, the flames also burn on the
Ethereal plane and will inflict damage on any
ethereal creature that passes through them. A
soulburner uses souls as its fuel but can only burn
them if they have been captured in gems, for
instance through the use of the soul harvest spell
(See Spells). Once the engine has consumed a
soul, the holding gem crumbles to dust in the
coldfire, and an individual whose soul is eaten by
a soulburner can only be returned to life through
a wish or miracle spell. Soulburners give off a
thin, unpleasant smoke from their firebox.
The creation of a soulburner has an additional
cost, in the form of one soul trapped in a gem for
each increasing size category of the steamwork
device to be powered. The souls are bound permanently into the machine until the engine is
destroyed, when they are freed.
Coldfire burns merrily even when underwater
or in airless environments, and so soulburners are
immune to the Smouldering Embers result on the
Malfunction table.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, the
firebox explodes in a flare of blue-white coldfire
accompanied by the sound of screaming spirits.
For every size category larger than Small of the
device, the radius of the explosion expands by 5ft.
For Small or smaller devices the explosion only
affects someone handling it. Anyone in the area is
hit for 2d6 cold damage unless they make a Reflex
save (DC 15). Note that on a successful save,
someone handling the device only succeeds
in taking half damage rather than avoiding it entirely. If a soulburner is

reduced to 0 hit points by magic damage of any

sort then it explodes in the same manner as a
Catastrophic Breakdown.
Corpseburner: This form of necromantic
engine needs a large furnace, as it burns
corpses to provide heat for the boiler. Unlike a
conventional furnace, it doesn't just derive energy
from the burning flesh, but also from the pain and
fear of death that still resides in the corpses.
Although the burning corpses give off a foul
stench and thick smog, it does mean that for war
machines, the battlefield
becomes a source of fuel after
the fighting is over. It is not While the orc tribal
unusual to see the dark-spined, structure is not very
hulking minions of some suited to the invennecromancer
a tion and disseminakilling field with a trail of tion of steam techthick smoke as they hunt for nology, and in genfresh fuel. Some particularly eral they are too
nasty constructs are fitted so warlike and uncerethat they can scoop up living bral a race to have
opponents and place them talent in that field,
directly into their furnaces, there is the occadealing 2d6 fire damage to the sional incidence of
tribal wisemen
unfortunate each round they
passing down the
remain there.
of creatA Medium-size corpseburner device consumes a single ing a few crude syscorpse to fuel it for one day. tems. Orcs do like
Corpseburners have the advan- big and noisy steam
tage of their fuel being effec- engines though, and
eagerly acquire
tively free, but like other more
conventional furnace engines, them off other socithey are vulnerable to their eties by barter or
firebox going out or being plunder. Powerful
doused. Although it does not allies might give an
seem viable for small steam- orc tribe steamwork
devices to keep
work devices to use corpsethem loyal.
burner engines, it is quite possible for a necromancer to feed
small body parts such as fingers into the furnace
of a construct such as a spider sentinel.
In the case of a Catastrophic Malfunction, a
corpseburner breaks down in a billowing cloud of
foul smog, but with no further special effects.

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Dragonsblood: These vile necromantic
engines exploit the highly magical nature of
dragons, using necromantic sciences to
extract energy from their sorcerous blood.
Dragonsblood engines may appear similar to
alchemical steamworks, featuring a nest of glass
tubes and alchemical devices buried amongst the
machinery that distils and filters the blood to
extract the magical energy from it. Moving dragonsblood constructs are accompanied by the
ghastly sight and sound of the crimson liquid
swirling around the glass pipes.
Even worse, the blood actuLizardfolk ally seems to enhance such
Like gnolls, lizard- steamworks with fiendish
energy and power drawn from
folk rarely have
anything to do with the blood. Steamwork consteam technology. structs powered by dragonsThey have a certain blood engines gain an inherent
affinity to nature, at +2 bonus to all ability scores,
least to its aspects as well as the ability to cast
of survival and bru- one single level 1 arcane spell
3 times per day (the spell is
tality, and their
druids and priests decided on creation of the
find the havoc that engine).
can be wreaked on engines are also unaffected by
the environment by the Smouldering Embers
steamwork device result on the Malfunction
belching fumes and table.
Needless to say, dragonswaste to be quite
horrific. Although blood engines are hated by all
individually they do dragonkind. It is not unknown
not hate technolo- for evil dragons to create draggy, lizardfolk often onsblood engines fuelled by
their own blood and that of
find themselves
dragons they have slain, but
opposed to the
groups that do pos- such monsters are shunned
sess steamworks. and reviled even by other evil
dragons. A dragon will go out
of its way to destroy a dragonsblood steamwork
and kill its creator.
Creating a dragonsblood engine has an additional cost. Half a pint of dragon's blood per
increasing size category is used up in the crafting
process. For fuel, a pint of dragon's blood will
keep a Medium-sized dragonsblood engine running for 1 day. There is no standard cost associated with a pint of dragon's blood, and it usually

needs to be acquired directly - which is normally

a very dangerous task. Some particularly unpleasant necromancers may keep imprisoned and crippled dragons that they can siphon the blood from.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, a
dragonsblood engine explodes in a detonation that
rips it apart, sending pieces of glass scything
through the air around it like shrapnel. For every
size category larger than Small of the device, the
radius of the explosion expands by 5ft. For Small
or smaller devices the explosion only affects
someone handling it. Anyone in the area is hit for
1d8 damage unless they make a Reflex save (DC
15). Note that on a successful save, someone handling the device only succeeds in taking half damage rather than avoiding it entirely.
At the DM's discretion the blood of other highly magical creatures, for instance fey or medusae,
could be used to power a necromantic construct as
Blood Drinker: Blood drinker engines are
only ever used to power a device of destruction
such as a weapon or construct, due to the way
they acquire their fuel. A blood drinker relies on
the blood of its victims. Unlike the carefully
refined alchemical and necromantic process of a
dragonsblood engine, a blood drinker feeds off
both the crude blood and the pain of the injuries it
A blood drinker device normally features
vicious blades and hooks designed for ripping and
tearing, etched blood channels in the weapons
causing drawn blood to flow back towards the
machine where it is collected and siphoned into
the furnace. They possess a normal firebox augmented with necromantic energies, the flames a
deep crimson in hue. Despite the magic bound
into the furnace, blood drinkers can still be affected by the Smouldering Embers malfunction and
can be doused.
Blood drinkers create a thin, acrid smoke as a
result of the burning. A Medium-sized blood
drinker device must inflict 25 points of damage to
living beings that have blood in order to
extract the fuel to keep it running for one
In the case of a Catastrophic

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Steam & Steel

Breakdown, a blood drinker blasts out an invisible
surge of pain and agony as it breaks down and the
magical processes within go haywire. The blast
has a radius of 5 feet for every increasing size category the steamwork device is, and anyone within the area must make a Will save (DC 15) or suffer 3d6 subdual damage.
Soul Drinker: Like blood drinkers,
soul drinker engines are only ever used to
power destructive steamworks. An attack
by a soul drinker uses necromantic magic to
snare pieces of the life force of anyone injured,
bestowing a single negative level on them (the
DC to remove it after 24 hours is 10). By draining
life energy a soul drinker is able to power the dark
processes going on within it, and from the joints
and valves in the machinery small, ethereal wisps
of souls can be seen seeping out.

Anyone killed outright by a soul drinker

engine's level drain can only be returned to life
through a wish or miracle. Anyone slain by more
conventional injuries inflicted by such a machine
suffers no such restrictions. Since the process is
entirely necromantic and a soul drinker does not
have a firebox, a soul drinker is unaffected by the
Smouldering Embers malfunction. However, due
to the bulkiness of the arcane apparatus that a soul
drinker engine employs, they cannot be used to
power steamwork devices of smaller than
Medium-sized. 2 levels of energy drain are needed
to sustain a soul drinker device of Medium size
for one day.
In the case of a Catastrophic Breakdown, a soul
drinker explodes in a pulsating gleam of sickly
grey light, energy washing out of it that saps the
strength of those caught nearby. For every size
category over Small, the radius of the explosion is
increased by 5ft (thus having a minimum radius
of 5ft. at Medium size due to the minimum size
restriction of the engine). Anyone in the area suffers 2d6 temporary Strength damage if they fail a
Will save (DC 18).

page 36

Materials and
teamwork devices are usually crafted with
rivets and welding, ironshod conglomerations of gears and pistons that hiss and
clank. Industrial in appearance, constructed from
heavy metal and slicked with oil and grease within their moving machineries, this level of technological advancement and fabrication refinement is
not the only possibility. Materials other than steel
and iron can be employed to build constructs and
engines, and more advanced cultures often hold
the secrets to building more efficient and reliable
devices. Equally, some more primitive and cruder
sources of steamworks are possible, with poorly
crafted assemblies of unrefined metal plates hammered together and gouting great vents of filth
from their engines.

Special Materials
s well as the usual forms of iron and steel
used for the bulk of the parts of a steamwork device, plenty of other possibilities
are available, from elaborate and ornamental metals to crude and primitive materials such as bone
or coral. Note that many steamwork devices
might have decorations in the forms of precious
metals or odd substances inlaid or plated onto
them, but the entries here represent the use of
non-standard materials for the construction of the
main part of the machinery (except in the case of
adamantine plating).

Adamantine Plating
Dragonscale Plating

Weight Modifier

The weight modifier indicates the modifier

that should be applied to the base weight of a
device. The cost indicates the increase in cost of a
steamwork device, calculated by a percentage
increase to the base price of the object, except in
the case of adamantine and dragonscale plating.
Adamantine: This rare and incredibly hard
metal can be used to build a steamwork device to
create an amazingly resilient structure, as well as
an obvious display of the wealth of the creator.
Although it is expensive to acquire so much of the
metal, adamantine is sometimes used to create
steamwork war constructs, their armour very difficult to penetrate. A device created from
adamantine gains a +3 non-magical enhancement
bonus to its AC.
Adamantine Plating: Although still expensive, adamantine plating is considerably less costly than creating an entire device from adamantine, while still reaping some of the benefits of the
metal. Adamantine plating covers the armour of
the device usually constructs with a layer of
the metal that helps turn aside strikes and missiles. A device with adamantine plating gains a +1
non-magical enhancement bonus to AC.
Bone: Sometimes used by necromancers to
construct their steamwork devices and constructs,
as well as by societies with an
advanced capacity for scientific
thought but lacking the metal
+2,000gp resources needed to built steel
devices, bone can be used for
parts, structure and framework.
Smaller bones are carefully
chipped and shaped with
+15,000gp tools and larger ones
bound or riveted
together, creating

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Steam & Steel

rickety whole. Hollowed bones stoppered with
natural sealant like resin provide pipes, and genuine teeth can be used for the teeth of cogs. Bone
steamworks are bound round with spells and
magics, and creating a device from bone requires
a spellcaster capable of casting spells of at least 3rd
level even with this, bone is far less resilient
than iron or steel and also less reliable. Bone
steamworks suffer a 2 penalty to their natural
armour and have their Maintenance DC
increased by 1. However, the rituals and magic
that holds the thing together grants the device a
+2 innate bonus to saves against spells.
Copper: Copper appears in some areas in a
natural, raw form which can be easily harvested
and shaped by primitive societies. When properly
treated metal is used, it is possible to construct
copper steamworks. Such devices are also sometimes the result of the fancy or aesthetic tastes of
someone rich. The beaten copper gives such a
device an impressive appearance, and the treated
metal is as tough as steel. Furthermore, the treatment grants the device Fire Resistance and Acid
Resistance 5.
Coral: Some undersea civilizations manage to
build weird steamwork devices with exotic
engines, and may construct their items from coral
due to a lack of natural metals available. Equally,
those in coastal areas and near reefs may use the
same material, as do some religions of sea deities
to show where their faith lies. Coral is lighter
than steel, and carefully selected specimens interwoven with thick shells of deep sea creatures
mean that it is still fairly tough, although the brittleness of the organic substance means that it is
still far from as resilient as metal, suffering a 1
natural armour penalty. The visual effect of
multi-coloured and multi-textured corals and
armouring shells put together to create a steamhissing construct is impressive.
Crystal: Some truly spectacular steamwork
devices are crafted from crystal. Sometimes
the pieces are hand-crafted, chipped and
formed from crystal pieces, while the
more puissant or knowledgeable

crafters of crystal machines actually encourage

and culture mineral growths deep in underground
caverns, carefully manipulated to be harvested
later. Such devices are especially impressive when
their components have threads of brightly
coloured mineral impurities running through
them. The pieces of the crystal machinery are
treated with powerful arcane and alchemical
processes and then assembled to create the final
device, granting it a +2 AC bonus and a +2 innate
bonus to saving throws against spells.
Dragonscale Plating: Although it is not
possible to use dragon scales to build an entire
steam engine, they are highly valued for use as an
additional layer of armour plating. Getting hold
of such scales in the first place can be a difficult
task, but they give an impressive appearance to
any construct or device as well as the practical
virtues of using such materials. A steamwork
device with dragonscale plating benefits from
resistance 10 to fire, acid, cold or electricity
depending on which type of dragon the scales
came from.
Gold: Any precious metal can be used as ornamentation and elaboration on a steamwork
device, but only the most ostentatious, grand and
wealthy craft entire items of gold. As it is very
heavy, gold is less practical for smaller devices,
and in the case of constructs it may appear
impressive but normal gold is softer than steel,
meaning that specially treated metal is needed
instead. Gold steamwork devices benefit from
Fire Resistance 5 and Acid Resistance 5, as well as
granting a +1 morale bonus to Will saves to any
friendly characters within 15ft.
Mithral: Another rare and expensive metal,
mithral is very light and hence excellent for crafting smaller devices that need to be carried around.
Items built from mithral weigh half their listed
weight. Constructs built from it are lighter and
faster in their movements and reactions, benefiting from a +2 inherent bonus to their Dexterity

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Obsidian: Rarely, steamwork constructs are
build from crafted obsidian components, resulting
in massive, heavy and resilient devices. The stone
armouring means that an obsidian device gains a
+2 natural armour bonus, and obsidian constructs
benefit from an inherent +2 bonus to their
Strength value.

Quality of Construction &

rom the crudely riveted and muck-stained
constructs of a goblin artificer to the beautiful and masterfully crafted implements constructed by an elven artisan, the quality and
sophistication of different examples of steamwork technology is apparent as being widely variable. The levels of technology and workmanship
here can be used to represent both exceptional and
exceptionally bad examples of craftsmanship
within a single culture, or to differentiate the
advancement and skill of different cultures from
one another.
The DC modifier indicates the adjustment
made to the Maintenance DC of any steamwork
device that is made at that level of advancement.
The cost modifier designates the adjustment to
the price of such a device in a culture with standard levels of steam technology. The shoddy
work of a goblin mechanic, less reliable and poorly constructed, would be worth less to a human
culture undergoing industrialization, while the
sophisticated devices crafted by an advanced
elven society would be worth more. However,
within the goblin or elfs own culture, their
devices would be worth the standard amount.

DC mod Cost Mod
High Steam-power

ciently while magical engines work from basic

and unsophisticated spells and rituals. Crude
steamworks dont even approach the practical but
brutal industrial appearance of more advanced
devices. They look like what they are crude.
Poor: Poor technology is a bit more unreliable
than standard steamworks, usually due to shoddy
craftsmanship or cutting corners in the design,
and thus also a bit cheaper.
Standard: This is the standard level of steamwork technology used in this guide, with no modifiers to maintenance or cost. Standard steamwork technology can be used on its own to represent any and all steamworks in a campaign if a
DM does not wish to bother using other levels of
advancement. This form of steamwork technology is usually, though not always, practical and
industrial in appearance.
Advanced: Advanced steam technology is more
reliable and better crafted, less likely to break
down due to its more efficient and developed
processes and mechanisms. Advanced steamworks also tend to be more aesthetically designed
and less industrial in appearance.
High Steam-ppower: Highly sophisticated
machinery and far more reliable, this level of
technology is usually the result of high steampower cultures rather than an exceptionally good
piece of craftsmanship on the part of an engineer
from a culture with standard steamwork advancement. Since high steam-power cultures are often
the empires of past eras and their devices found
only in ruins and dangerous places, the cost of
high steam-power items is often increased even
further than the base +100% modifier.

Crude: This is the most basic level of steam

technology, consisting of metal crudely welded or
hammered together, poorly connected machinery
and pipes, and leaky boilers. Fuel burns ineffi-

page 39

Tools of the Trade

his section details a wide selection of new
gear, divided into three categories equipment, weapons and armour. Each part has
a number of new items, including steamwork
devices and related items such as special fuels and
upgrades, as well as mundane items that while not
steamwork themselves are of the right kind of
flavour for a campaign featuring steam technology elements.

The items here are defined as being either

steamwork items, magical items or mundane.
Steamwork items have the [Steamwork] tag, and
are operated in the manner laid out in previous
sections of this guide. Each entry for a steamwork
item includes the creation requirements to be able
to build it, which include a minimum number of
ranks in Craft (Steamworks) and possibly other
skills as well. If a character does not meet these
prerequisites then he does not have the needed
knowledge to understand how to construct it and
cannot craft one with his Craft skill.
In the case of magical items, which have the
[Arcana] tag, the entry contains the usual prerequisites and caster level for such an item. Some
magical items are also steamwork items. Note
that a number of steamwork items contain magical pieces or parts or operate in a magical way, but
not are not necessarily magical enough to deem
them as needing an item creation feat to build.

number of items here are alchemical in
nature, and have the following DCs for
the purposes of creating them with the
Craft (Alchemy) skill.

Dragon Spittle
Fogger chemicals
Kobolds Fire
Re-igniter Cartridge
Saboteurs Elixir


Aether Oil
This swirling, milky liquid is sometimes used
as a fuel in oil burner engines. A magical substance extracted from a type of ore called aetherstone, found only in seams amidst the high reaches of tall mountains, aether oil burns with a wispy
smoke that smells strangely pleasant. However, it
has malign effects on those of a magical nature, as
well as those travelling the Ethereal plane.
Anyone within 10ft of an engine burning aether
oil who can cast spells or who has supernatural
abilities must make a Fortitude save each round
(DC 16) or suffer 2d6 damage, feeling as if their
minds are on fire. Any ethereal characters within
20ft of such an engine sees the smoke as pulsing,
white tendrils of mist that scald to the touch, and
suffer 4d6 fire damage each round they remain
within 20ft of the device. The exact causes for the
formation of aetherstone on high mountains, and
for its unpleasant effects on ethereal travellers
and magical beings, are unknown. The entry in
the equipment table represents enough aether oil
to fuel a Medium-size device for one day.

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Aether Oil
Alchemechanical Alarm
Alchemechanical Brewery
Alchemechanical Sniffer
Alchemy Engine
Arcanomech Eye
Arcanomech Eye, All-Seeing
Arcanomech Familiar
Arcanomech Lamp
Blood Oil
Calculation Engine
Climbers Companion
Cloud Dust
Dragon Spittle
Enhanced Smokestack
Erudite Matrix
Farsight Lens
Filter Mask
Fire Coal
Chemical Reserves



Alchemechanical Alarm
The alchemechanical alarm is an alchemical
device designed to act as a wake-up call to an
alchemechanical steamwork device if tripped. It is
a small device of metal and glass that holds reservoirs of the same chemicals used in an alchemical
mixer engine, attached to a detection device such
as pressure plates or integrated into a trap. When
activated, the alarm pours the reserves of chemicals directly into the engine of the steamwork
object (usually a construct), powering it up immediately as the chemicals mix and heat the boiler.
The alarm itself is not a steamwork device and
needs to have its reservoirs refilled regularly.
Alchemechanical Brewery
A large steamwork device consisting of a tangle of pipes, vents, tubes and vats, an alchemechanical brewery is capable of various different
purposes. It can be used in an actual brewery to
vastly improve the creation of alcoholic beverages, pumps and suchlike moving liquids around
within the system. Alchemechanical breweries
are also often used by alchemists to create large

Cost Maintenance DC

amounts of chemicals quickly and to conduct very

complex experiments. When used in this way an
alchemechanical brewery grants a +10 machine
bonus to Craft (Alchemy) skill checks.
An alchemechanical brewery can also be set up
for the delicate processes of creating potions, its
complex innards turned to the task of filtering,
distillation and mixing exotic substances. An
alchemechanical brewery used in this way greatly
speeds up the production of potions, and a character using it for such may create not one but two
potions per day. The character still has to pay the
normal gold and experience costs for the potions
he creates.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 15 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 12 ranks
Alchemechanical Sniffer
This steamwork device is a bulky foot-long
box full of glass pipes and perforated alchemechanical sensors along with reservoirs of
dozens of different chemicals. When
fired up and activated, the sniffer
picks up traces of substances in the

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Steam & Steel

Granite Coal
Kobolds Fire
Living Oil
Mechanics Assistant
Mechanics Lenses
Mechanics Tools
Mechanics Tools, Masterwork
Mechanical Lockpick
Metal Mosquito
Metal Mosquito, Scrying
Necromek Blood-Taster
Necromek Blood-Lock
Necromek Skull Homunculus
Necromek Surgeon
Poison, Pain Angel
Poison, Ironroot
Predator Matrix
Re-igniter, Advanced
Re-ignition Cartridge
Retch Oil
Rolling Eye



air with its chemical array and a clever character

can use it to pick up scents and trails in the air; as
a result its also often nicknamed the bloodhound. A character using an alchemical sniffer
gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Survival checks
that involve tracking.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 10 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 5 ranks
Alchemy Engine [Steamwork]
An alchemy engine is a solid metal steamwork
device with an input board of metal keys and
small vents, sprouting glass vials and tubes and
chemical indicators. Used by alchemists and scientists for the purpose of distilling new compounds as well as identifying unknown substances, an alchemy engine can provide a fairly
sophisticated breakdown analysis with its little
engine and complex mesh of alchemical gear.
An alchemy engine improves the bonus to
Craft (Alchemy) checks provided by an
alchemists lab by an additional +2.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy)

Maintenance DC

10 ranks, Craft (Steamworks) 5 ranks

Arcanomech Eye
[Arcana, Steamwork]
An arcanomech eye is a steam-powered surveillance system. Usually placed high on walls or
ceilings, arcanomech eyes can take many forms; a
golden, impassive face with eyes of glowing blue
crystal and the machinery hidden within, a gothic dragon or gargoyle head in scarlet- or blackpainted metal, or a complex array of cogs and
glass lenses in a gyroscopic cradle of steel.
Arcanomech eyes slowly swivel to gaze over the
area they are assigned to guard; each is programmed to recognise intruders, and possesses a
Spot skill modifier of +12. If an eye spots an
intruder it focuses its gaze on the target and activates a klaxon alarm that usually brings reinforcements running. An eye has 5 hit points, hardness
5 and AC 14.
Despite the name, an arcanomech eye does not
need to have an arcane engine; the workings of
the device are highly magical though, and magic-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Saboteurs Elixir
Saboteurs Tools
Sacred Lock
Scientists Assistant
Singing Smokestack
Spirit Matrix
Steamwork Clock
Steamwork Clock, Grand
Steamwork Drill
Steamwork Grapnel
Steamwork Hammer
Steamwork Lock
Steamwork Music-Organ
Steamwork Orrery
Steamwork Press
Steamwork Sentry
Volcano Crystals
War-Pack Matrix
Warrior Matrix



wielding intruders often attempt to temporarily

knock them out with targeted dispel spells.
Caster Level: 10th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, scrying, Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Arcanomech Eye, All-Seeing
[Arcana, Steamwork]
This superior version of the normal
arcanomech eye also sees invisible creatures, preventing thieves and intruders from cloaking their
presence with magical spells. It also has enhanced
components that need less maintenance.
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, see invisibility, scrying, Craft (Steamworks)
15 ranks
Arcanomech Familiar
In a society where steam technology is available, some mechanically minded wizards and sorcerers create their own arcanomech construct as a
familiar. To create the familiar, choose an animal
from the list of familiars and apply the
Steamwork Creature template to it (see Beasts of
Steel). Arcanomech familiars are sentient and
bound to their owner in exactly the same way and
with the same rules as normal familiars, but do


Maintenance DC

not grant the usual special benefit of the creature.

Instead their mechanical nature grants the wizard
a +2 bonus on all Craft (Steamworks) and
Knowledge (Mathematics) skill checks. The
process of constructing an arcanomech familiar
costs 500gp and, as with normal familiars, if a
familiar is destroyed another cannot be created
for a year and a day.
The familiar draws its power and strength
from its creator, and thus needs neither fuel nor
Arcanomech Lamp
[Arcana, Steamwork]
Another magical steamwork device, an
arcanomech lamp can appear in a variety of elaborate and eldritch forms. Any form of engine can
drive it; the internal workings of the lamp harness
the steam power to create heatless magical light.
The light can be any colour or even multicoloured, and usually performs strange but alluring patterns and movements within the glass
chamber of the device.
Caster Level: 6th Creation: Craft
(Steamworks) 5 ranks

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Steam & Steel

Blood Oil
Blood oil is a slick liquid of crimson hue that is
an excellent fuel for oil burner engines. Its a rare
occurrence to find blood oil; it seems that occasionally rocks in volcanic areas just seem to
squeeze some out, forming little pools of what
look like gore splashed around the fiery landscape,
prompting claims that it is literally the blood of
the world seeping from its wounds. More sinisterly, warriors sometimes report that on battlefields
strewn with carnage, blood oil can form where the
most blood of the fallen pools. Whatever its origin, blood oil burns fiercely and with no smoke in
oil burner engines, giving off only a thin vapour
that helps keep the machinery slick and moving.
An engine burning blood oil has the DC for its
Maintenance checks reduced by 3. The entry in
the equipment table represents enough blood oil
to fuel a Medium-sized device for 1 day.
Calculation Engine [Steamwork]
A calculation is a sizeable piece of machinery
studded with vents and pipes, filled with complex
gears and devices. On one face, input and output
keys allow for calculations to be put into the
machine and for answers to be given, as well as a
slot for program cards to be inserted. These are
pieces of card with perforations that gears within
lock into and run the engine through a set calculation process within the parameters keyed in. A
calculation engine allows for more advanced
mathematical computations, granting a character
a +4 machine bonus to Knowledge (Mathematics)
checks as well as to related fields of study.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Climbers Companion
This ingenious little invention was designed
originally for those wealthy gentry with a taste in
the pastime of climbing, but has spread to be used
by mountain travellers and adventurers too.
Effectively a very small construct with its own
system of pitons and climbing gear, it can be
attached to a rock surface and to a climber by
some rope, and will slowly climb its way
up alongside the climber. If at any time
the climber should slip and fall, the

companion will bring him up short and keep him

up, the small machine having an amazingly
strong grip to the rock. It grants a +2 machine
bonus to Climb checks and prevents a character
from falling if they fail their Climb check by 5 or
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Cloud Dust
A thin, dusty powder made from crushing special forms of coal dug up from deep mines, cloud
dust can be burned as a fuel for a coal-burning
engine. When combusted it pours out great clouds
of smoke that curl in the air around the engine,
hazing visibility in a 10ft radius. While not thick
enough to cause living creatures any problems
with breathing, the cloud of smoke does help conceal anyone in the cloud, granting concealment
and hence a 20% miss chance against those within the area. The haze dissipates within 5 rounds.
Cloud dust is usually used to fuel military constructs, giving them cover from heavy missile
weapons as they approach the enemy lines. The
entry in the equipment table represents enough
cloud dust to fuel a Medium-sized device for 1
Dragon Spittle
Dragon spittle is a thick, viscous chemical
extracted from the internal organs of fire breathing creatures through careful selection of the right
parts and deft chemical treatment. It consists of
the kinds of non-flammable compounds that such
creatures use to prevent their own breath weapon
from blowing themselves to pieces, and when
carefully applied to vulnerable parts of steamwork devices it can help protect a machine from
the ravages of fire. Such heat tends to warp and
damage delicate parts quite easily and can ignite
oils and grease. A machine treated with dragon
spittle gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against
fire-based attacks; 1 dose of spittle keeps a
Medium-size machine protected for a week before
a new coat needs to be added. In some places,
noblemen and gentry keep farms of small firebreathing creatures, often stunted breeds of firespitting drakes and suchlike, for the manufacture
of dragon spittle.

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Enhanced Smokestack
Many types of steamwork device are driven by
furnace engines, systems which combust a fuel of
some sort or another, and these devices can be fitted with an enhanced smokestack. Using slightly
more advanced and refined processes, the devices
performance is marginally improved by better
venting and cleaning out of exhaust fumes, smoke
and pressure. A device with an enhanced smokestack allows for a re-roll on the Malfunction table
whenever the device malfunctions, although the
second result stands.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 18 ranks
Erudite Matrix
Comprising of a complex crystalline matrix
embedded in a chunk of delicate steamwork
machinery, this item can be installed into any
steamwork construct. Encoded into the matrix is
a carefully programmed set of instructions that
grants the steamwork a basic capability at performing some skill or other that needs more complex knowledge than the constructs awareness
possesses. An erudite matrix is keyed to one particular skill, granting the construct 5 ranks in it.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Farsight Lens [Arcana]
A small magical device, a farsight lens is a
piece of smoked glass usually mounted as a single
goggle on a strap. It is needed for a character to be
able to use a rolling eye or to pick up the pictures
from a scrying metal mosquito. In either case the
lens has to be within 100ft of the sending device to
be able to receive the images.
Caster Level: 9th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, prying eyes, Craft (Steamworks) 5 ranks
Filter Mask
A cunningly crafted mask with glass lenses
and filter pieces across the mouth, this device is
commonly used by those in either chemical manufacture to evade fumes or by desert dwellers to
protect their throats and eyes during sandstorms.
A filter mask grants a +2 machine bonus to saving
throws against blinding effects and a +4 machine
bonus to saving throws against choking or gas
effects (note that this doesnt help against cloudkill). A filter mask also hampers spells with verbal

components, increasing their chance of failure by

Fire Coal
It is theorised by scientists that this rare form
of coal is created only when normal coal is subjected to intense pressure and heat deep below the
surface, suffusing it with inherent magic. It is
found occasionally in small samples within normal coal seams that reach especially deep. When
brought to the surface by coal miners that have
drilled into a fire coal sample, it is usually
snapped up quickly by spellcasters who can
exploit its innate magic in their spells. If used as
an additional material component for a spell with
the Fire descriptor, fire coal adds a +1 bonus to the
caster level of the spell. Only the effects of a single piece can be gained in this way; using more
than one piece does not further increase the power
of the spell in any way. The entry in the equipment table represents a single piece of the coal.
This enchanted substance is created in lumpy
globules of solid metal, runes inscribed across the
surface, and is used to repair battle-damaged constructs. When a lump is pressed against the surface of a construct near a damaged area and the
command word is spoken, the metal takes on liquid consistency as it adheres and spreads to seal
and repair the damage, leaving a blemished patch
as it solidifies once again. A piece of flowmetal
heals 1d8+5 hit points when used on a construct.
Caster Level: 3rd Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, repair metal
Fogger [Steamwork]
A complex array of tubes, pumps and machinery, a fogger is a steamwork device that mixes
alchemical compounds together to create billowing clouds of fog in a very short space of time.
Each round that a fogger is active, it increases the
concealment in a 20ft radius around it; in the 1st
round granting concealment with a 10% miss
chance, then in the 2nd round concealment with a 20% miss chance, then in
the 3rd round concealment with a

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Steam & Steel

30% miss chance. After the third round it maintains this density of fog. Unfortunately the
intense action of the device means that it runs out
of chemical reserves within 6 rounds, after which
the fog dissipates. Refilling a fogger with chemicals takes a full round. Adventurers and their ilk
commonly use foggers to provide cover or diversions.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 10 ranks
Granite Coal
Another rare and magical form of coal found in
deep seams from time to time, the crystal-like
granite coal takes its name from its incredible
hardness, as resilient as stone. The stuff is infused
with natural magic and is a real asset to any
arcane smith who crafts magical objects. If
burned in a forge, in which the metal parts of a
magical item are being formed during the process
of magic item creation, the experience cost for the
creator is reduced by 5% to 20%. Burning more
than one piece of granite coal in the forge does not
grant any further bonuses. The entry in the equipment table represents a single piece of the coal.
Kobolds Fire
This substance is a volatile and viscous oil
that, upon contact with air, explodes into flame.
Its the creation of kobold alchemists, a by-product from the refinement processes they attempt to
render crude forms of oil into more efficient fuels
for their oil burning steam engines, and handily it
also makes a useful incendiary weapon. The tarlike substance clings to skin and burns slowly,
causing horrific wounds, and particularly vile
creatures love to use the stuff as an agonising
instrument of torture. Kobolds Fire is usually
employed as a grenade-like weapon with a range
increment of 10 feet, in much the same manner as
alchemists fire; a direct hit from a vial inflicts
d6+1 fire damage to the target, and 1 fire damage
to anyone in the splash area. In the next two turns
following a direct hit, the Fire deals an additional d6 fire damage to the target; the flames can
be extinguished in the same manner as
described under the Alchemists Fire
entry in the PHB.

Living Oil [Arcana]

So-called living oil is not actually alive, but
takes its name from the alarmingly organic way it
seems to move about of its own accord like some
kind of shimmering, viscous ooze. Living oil is in
fact made from the same kind of lubricant used in
steamwork devices to keep all the parts moving
smoothly and with the minimum of friction, but
is also filled with tiny arcanomech machines that
are almost smaller than the eye can see. When
poured onto a steamwork device, the living oil
acts like a janitor, pushing lubricant oil to where
it is needed, cleaning parts of the machine, and
generally making it run better. Any device with
living oil on it has its Maintenance DC reduced
by 1, and in addition in the case of a roll on the
Malfunction table, a re-roll may be taken if
desired (the second roll is final though). The technology for creating living oil is very highly
advanced and usually only found in high steampower cultures; sometimes samples can be found
in the ruins of such civilisations and it sells for
very high prices on the normal market. Living oil
doesnt seem to need any sort of maintenance
itself, and the principles behind creating the tiny
machines in it are not understood by anyone other
than their high steam-power creators. The entry
on the equipment table is for one vial of living oil.
Caster Level: 17th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, Arcanomech, High Artificer, Craft
(Steamworks) 20 ranks, Knowledge (Mechanics)
18 ranks
Mechanics Assistant [Steamwork]
The mechanics assistant is a popular steamwork construct used by mechanics in both the creation and maintaining of steamwork devices.
Although the exact design varies (scarab and
steamwork insect designs are a favourite),
mechanics assistants are usually small quadruped
constructs which are effectively mobile toolboxes,
a hatch on their back opening up for the mechanic to put his tools inside. Theyre possessed of a
rudimentary mechanical intelligence and can also
help the mechanic in his work by tracking down
problems and clambering around the device to fit
parts as ordered. A mechanic with a steamwork
assistant benefits from a +1 aid bonus to his Craft

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

(Steamworks) check. A mechanics assistance has
10 hit points, hardness 5, AC 15 and a movement
speed of 10ft, and is unable to attack.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Mechanics Lenses
Mechanics and steamwork scientists often
make use of these kinds of lenses, usually mounted as goggles on leather straps. The lenses allow
for more detailed examination of close work,
granting a +2 circumstance bonus to Appraise
checks, as well as affording additional protection
to the eyes of the wearer with smoked or reflective glass, giving a further +2 bonus to saving
throws against blinding effects.
Mechanics Tools
Essential to anyone intending to craft steamwork devices, a set of mechanics tools includes
hammers, crafting implements, tongs, and suchlike. A character wishing to use the Craft
(Steamworks) skill needs a set of mechanics tools
as well as access to a forge or furnace and appropriate raw materials. Masterwork mechanics
tools can also be purchased, with the effect of giving a +2 circumstance bonus to the Craft
(Steamworks) skill.
Mechanical Lockpick
A small steamwork device, the engine in a
mechanical lockpick drives a complex array of
toothed bits, tiny levers and springs. Useable with
any conventional lock, the lockpick aids the user
with its tiny tools in picking the lock, granting a
+4 machine bonus to Pick Locks checks.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks, Open
Lock 12 ranks
Metal Mosquito
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A metal mosquito is one of the smallest steamwork constructs it is possible to create, appearing
as a small buzzing insect or beetle crafted from
metal, glass and gears. They have 3 hit points,
hardness 5, an AC of 19, and a flying speed of 30ft
(Perfect). Their ground speed is 5 ft per round.
Due to their tiny size, if an engine that needs

fuelling powers a metal mosquito then it can only

contain enough fuel to operate for half an hour
independently. While a metal mosquito does not
possess an attack, nefarious users can potentially
attach a poisoned spike or capsule to one to use as
an assassination instrument. Combined with the
possibilities of intruding into privacy that these
tiny steamwork devices offer, metal mosquitoes
are generally illegal in most civilised areas.
Mosquito constructs can follow commands quite
ably and can relate back information through
writing with tiny ink pens, although they are not
capable of much independent cognitive ability.
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, scrying, Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Metal Mosquito, Scrying [Arcana,
This type of metal mosquito has been fitted
with an arcanomechanical scrying devices to act
as a tiny flying eye. To receive the image, a character must have a prosthetic eye, farsight lens or
arcanomech eye array (see Edifices of Might).
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, scrying, Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Metalmist is an alchemical substance that,
when coated on the surface of metal, causes a
chemical reaction that has slight chameleonic
effects. The metalmist takes on a blotchy pattern,
copying the colours of the environment in a camouflage pattern. While this isnt enough to make
some metal juggernaut construct just fade into the
background, metalmist does make metal objects
harder to pick out at a distance and can also be
coated onto normal metal armour as well. A character wearing mostly metal armour coated in
metalmist, or a metal steamwork device such as a
construct coated in metalmist, benefits from a 2
penalty to any Spot checks made to see them from
a distance of over 100 feet. Metalmist is sold in
vials containing enough to coat a medium-sized
device suit of armour, and lasts for 8 hours once
coated; unfortunately rain just washes it
straight off within half an hour.

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[Arcana, Steamwork]
This rather bizarre-looking steamwork device
sprouts various aerials, sensors and tubes filled
with air or chemical liquids, protruding from the
central machine itself. The device combines
steam technology and magic to pick up air pressure, wind, and other more mystical energies that
indicate what forces are affecting the weather,
and can predict forthcoming conditions with very
good accuracy. It has a 75% chance of successfully
predicting the weather conditions on any day
within the next week. Unfortunately its delicate
parts mean that it needs careful maintenance to
prevent malfunctions, misreading and breakdowns.
Caster Level: 13th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, control weather, Craft (Steamworks) 14
Necromek Blood-Taster
A blood-taster is a sinister piece of machinery
that can be added to any necromantic steamwork
construct. The construct is fitted with additional
olfactory senses; small vials of necromantic liquids attached to perforated are implanted into its
head, and whenever the tang of blood is picked up
by the receptors it causes a chemical reaction in
the liquids, alerting the construct. With a
necromek blood-taster, a construct effectively
gains the Scent feat but only with respect to tracking and sensing blood; thus it can pick up injured
and bleeding creatures but not the trail or trace of
uninjured characters or non-living objects.
Creation: Necromek, Craft (Alchemy) 8
ranks, Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Necromek Blood-Lock
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A very strange variant on a normal lock, a
necromek blood-lock is a steamwork device that
takes up the lock, frame and space in the walls
around a door, filling it with necromantic
machinery. Part of the lock includes what
appears to be a flat piece of glass with the
outline of a hand on it. When a character places their hand on the glass, a

small blade snicks up out of it to slash along the

palm and blood from the wound pours down a
rivulet and into the machinery of the lock.
Necromantic sensors within are keyed to detect
the blood of up to ten unique individuals, and if
the blood from the palm-plate is one of the
approved types then it activates the blood drinker
engine and the machinery in the door swings
open. If the blood is found to be from an unauthorised individual, the blade in the palm-plate slashes out harder to try and impale the characters
hand (d6 damage unless a Reflex save of DC 20 is
made) and the blood drinker engine activates an
alarm instead. The creator is the only one able to
key the blood-lock to different blood. Blood-locks
are usually only found safeguarding the inner
sanctum of a necromancers lair, but some governments and wealthy individuals also commission them if they have something to guard which
only a few people are privy to.
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, Necromek, Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Necromek Skull Homunculus
A disturbing little necromantic construct, a
skull homunculus is literally made from a human
skull, the steamwork machinery buried in the
brain cavity and crystal lenses in the eyes acting
as visual sensors. The skull homunculus moves
by a set of spindly metal legs that sprout from
underneath the skull, giving it the appearance of
some macabre spider. Skull homunculi have speed
20ft (climb 15ft), AC 16, hardness 5 and 6 hit
points, but do not have any form of attack. They
are however remarkably clever, having
Intelligence 16, and can also speak two languages.
Small and sinister, they often act as spies and
assistants for necromancers.
Creation: Necromek, Craft (Steamworks) 10
Necromek Surgeon
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A particularly sinister-looking device, a
necromek surgeon is a pod of steamwork machinery about 3ft high that sprouts an array of slender
metal arms, ending in blades and drills, scissors

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

and needles, with small crystal sensors gleaming
amidst the nest of surgical devices and engine
vents. It uses necromantic magic to perceive the
world around it, seeing a patient as ebbing and
flowing with life and death energies and using
this to be able to treat them with impressive skill.
There are always horror stories of necromek surgeons going crazy while operating on a patient, as
well as tales of necromancers using them for torture and not healing, but some governments
employ necromancers specifically to craft devices
like this for them. A necromek surgeon can independently attempt to heal a character, having a
Heal skill bonus of +14.
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, Necromek, Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks,
Heal 10 ranks
Poison, Pain Angel
Where the miracles of steamwork prosthetics
can give people new limbs and new strength, so
the inventiveness of those seeking to bring people
low can conjure up new opportunities and methods. Pain angel poison is so named because of the
effect it has on victims, inflicting intense and
crippling agony as well as hallucinations of visitations by heavenly beings, but it is most notable
because it only works on those who have some
sort of steamwork prosthetic implanted in them.
It absorbs metals from the steamwork into the
blood, collecting it in nervous centres and eventually driving the victim to insanity and death.
Type: Ingested DC 17 (only affects those with
steamwork prosthetics)
Initial Damage: 1d6 Wis
Secondary Damage: 1d6 Wis
Poison, Ironroot
A ghastly poison, the invention of a notoriously sadistic assassin cult devoted to a god of murder and pain, ironroot is a vile mixture of necromantic magic and technology. Neither a naturally
occurring poison, nor one that can even be mixed
from normal chemicals, but which requires twisted necromancy, ironroot poison sweeps through
the victims bloodstream to coagulate in various
organs around their body. Once there, it warps
natural processes to instead accumulate metal

from the surrounding tissues, building tumourous

growths of small mechanisms which spread and
grow like the roots of a plant, threading their way
through the victims body and causing terrible
damage. Eventually the victim is killed by the
cancerous machinery, but the horror is even then
not over; unless destroyed, the body rises in three
days as a free-willed undead, a ghoul with the
mechanised template (see Beasts of Steel).
Type: Injury DC 20
Initial Damage: 2d6 Con damage
Secondary Damage: 2d6 Con damage
Predator Matrix
A predator matrix is a crystalline structure that
has imprinted into it the qualities, instincts and
cunning of a predator from the wilds, and can be
installed into a steamwork construct. Any construct with this matrix benefits from a +2 inherent bonus to Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Search
and Wilderness Lore checks, and to its
Intelligence score if it has one, and will always
attempt to attack from ambush if possible.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Engines with conventional furnaces are vulnerable to their firebox being doused or the fires
simply ebbing and going out, and a number of different types of re-ignition device have been
designed to counter this problem. A re-igniter
consists of a cartridge of highly flammable chemical that the device sprays over the contents of the
furnace automatically of the fire goes out, and
then ignites with a spark. This is usually enough
to re-light the firebox, but once the cartridge is
expended it cannot be replaced until the engine is
shut down and the furnace turned off. Because of
this, a more advanced six-cartridge re-igniter is
also possible, which rotates the device round to
the next cartridge after one is used.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 7 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 7 ranks
Retch Oil
Concocted from particularly toxic and
greasy oil, retch oil exudes a disgustingly foul smell when burned, clog-

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ging the air with thick wafts of fumes that have
the effect which gives it its name, acridly biting
into lungs. Retch oil is sometimes used for war
constructs, surrounding them with vile smog that
drives enemy troops back before its approach.
Retch oil being burned in a steamwork engine
produces a cloud of 20ft radius around the device,
within which any living characters who are
breathing the open air must make a Will save
(DC 22) or suffer a 2 morale penalty to all attack
rolls, skills and checks. In addition, every round a
character is within the cloud he must make a
Fortitude save (DC 15) or suffer 1d6 subdual damage. The entry on the equipment table is for
enough retch oil to fuel a Medium-size construct
for 1 day.

glass vial and then hurled as a grenade-like missile weapon in the same manner as alchemists
fire or acid. The entry on the equipment table is
for 1 vial of rust-bile.

Rolling Eye [Steamwork]

A rolling eye is a common piece of steamwork
equipment in the hands of scouts, rogues and
infiltrators. A small spherical machine about 3
inches wide with small glass lenses studded across
it, it is activated by depressing a button on one
side with a thumb, and the user then rolls it along
the ground, usually around corners to see what is
there. By slipping a farsight lens over one eye, the
character can see as if from the rolling eye; hopefully having pitched it so that the glass lenses are
looking in a useful direction. If the character has
a prosthetic steamwork eye then the rolling eye
view can be patched directly through the prosthetic instead. A rolling eye is a one-use device;
due to the delicate but small parts within, if it
malfunctions it simply breaks and does not operate, without any other results.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks

Saboteurs Tools
The tools of a skilled saboteur can sometimes
be more delicate and precise than those used by a
mechanic to create steamwork devices in the first
place. Pincers, drills, small amounts of explosive
charge and suchlike make up a saboteurs tools,
along with some hefty bludgeoning implements
for when a piece of machinery just needs to be
bashed. A character attempting to sabotage a
machine without saboteurs tools suffers a 2 circumstance penalty.

This watery liquid is an alchemical compound,
a distilled elixir designed to rust and corrode iron
and steel at an alarming rate. When poured onto
these metals, rust-bile immediately begins eating
into them, leaving long streaks of coppery rust
and melted patches of metal. The compound
attacks iron and steel for three rounds after
which it becomes inert, inflicting d6 damage each round that is not reduced by
hardness. It can be collected in a

Saboteurs Elixir
A potent alchemical mix, saboteurs elixir is
used to catastrophically disable alchemechanical
steamwork devices. By pouring saboteurs elixir
into an alchemechanical engine, the chemicals
within will combust explosively when the
machine is next activated, automatically causing a
Catastrophic Breakdown. Tampering with a
steamwork device with saboteurs elixir can be
detected in the same way as other forms of sabotage.

Sacred Lock [Arcana, Steamwork]

Like a blood-lock, a sacred lock is a machine
that incorporates the frame and lock of a door and
powers its opening mechanism. A sacred lock provides either a palm-plate or an indented plate
shaped to take a holy symbol of the appropriate
faith. In the case of a sacred lock the plate is in
fact a part of the essence engine that powers it,
and by placing a hand or holy symbol on the plate
it completes the circuit that allows the planar
energy to flow into the mechanism and open the
door. In the case of a holy symbol indent, all it
requires is a holy symbol consecrated in the name
of the appropriate deity to complete the flow of
energy. In the case of a hand plate only someone
who is a divine spellcaster of the appropriate deity
can act to close the circuit and activate the
Caster Level: 12th Creation: Create Wondrous

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Item, Essence Engineer, Craft (Steamworks) 12
Scientists Assistant [Steamwork]
There are plenty of different types of scientists assistant, each specialised for one particular
vein of science or line of theory. Appearing as
steamwork machines studded with pipes, vents,
readout gears, glass jars and other such technical
devices, these items are used to help a scientist in
his research by analysing substances and materials or processes and reactions taking place in the
glass jars, and providing results and observations.
A scientists assistant can be designed for one of
the following Knowledge skills: Physics, biology,
chemistry, geology or arcana the wizardly discipline of arcana is included because to some scientists magic is simply a further natural science.
When used during practical research (rather than
simply reading tomes) in the appropriate field of
study, a scientists assistant grants a +4 machine
bonus to the relevant skill check.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks,
Knowledge (Physics, Biology, Chemistry,
Geology or Arcana) 8 ranks
Singing Smokestack
This upgrade for a steamwork construct equips
it with an elaborately crafted smokestack perforated with tuned vents, sprouting additional
twisting sub-exhausts and dozens of minutely
adjustable valves. When the construct is active,
the exhaust gases rush through the vents and play
the smokestack like a musical instrument, accompanied by the careful channelling of air through it
if the construct is on the move. Whether tuned to
play eerily beautiful harmonies or jangling discordant screeches, a singing smokestack is an amazing feat of engineering.
Tuning a singing smokestack to either be
inspiring or fear-inspiring takes half an hour of
adjusting the device. When a construct with an
inspiring singing smokestack is active, all allies
within 5ft per increasing size category of the
device (for example, 25ft for a Medium-size construct) gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls.
When a construct with a fear-inspiring singing

smokestack is active, all enemies within 5ft per

increasing size category suffer a 2 morale penalty to Will saves.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks,
Perform (Any musical instrument) 8 ranks
Spirit Matrix [Arcana]
A spirit matrix can be installed into a steamwork construct, and is a crystalline array that
replaces any machine sentience with a guiding
spiritual being instead. The spirit must have been
contacted via a spell such as lesser planar binding
and must have agreed to be bound into the matrix;
it can be any type of spiritual being from the
demonic to the celestial. It is almost certain that
any spirit bound in this way will demand some
considerable recompense for its service and a pit
fiend petitioned to take up residence in the matrix
of a Behemoth is likely to make great demands
indeed! Although it has to obey the commands of
the matrixs creator the spirit will usually act in a
manner appropriate to its alignment and nature,
and the construct has its alignment changed to
that of the possessing spirit. A construct with a
spirit matrix is generally more creative and clever
when obeying orders and solving problems, as
well as actually being able to hold a conversation
if the design is fitted with speakers. It gains the
Intelligence and Wisdom scores of the creature
that is bound into it but becomes vulnerable to
spells and effects that can banish outsiders, and if
affected the spirit in the matrix is returned to its
home plane.
Caster Level: 8th Creation: Craft Wondrous
Item, Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks, Knowledge
(The Planes) 6 ranks, must persuade a spirit to
take up residence
Steamwork Clock [Steamwork]
Steamwork clocks are usually found attached
to other steam engines, siphoning off a small
amount of steam, but sometimes are created to
work independently. A steamwork clock is a normal clockwork device, engineered to keep relatively accurate time (within half an hour),
except that it uses a small amount of
steamwork machinery to keep itself
wound and working.

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Creation: Craft (Clockworks) 6 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 6 ranks
Steamwork Clock, Grand
Larger and more grand versions of steamwork
clocks are possible, usually as heavily ornamented
objects owned by the rich and wealthy as status
symbols. These tend to keep more accurate time
as well, although they require more attentive
maintenance to ensure their smooth running.
Creation: Craft (Clock works) 8 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 8 ranks
Steamwork Drill [Steamwork]
A steamwork drill is a portable steam-powered
device about two or three feet long that ends in a
drill bit; steamwork drills can feature either rotating mechanisms that bore into rock or hammering
mechanisms that use pistons to punch the drill
out repeatedly at high speed and force. Miners
primarily use steamwork drills of this size after
larger steamwork drill devices have been
employed or to follow seams that are too small for
a larger drill to be useable. The workings of these
drills create a racket and tend to break down regularly. Use of one grants a +2 bonus to Craft
(Mining) skill checks.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Steamwork Grapnel
A small and compact device, this consists of a
grapnel with fold-down, spring-loaded claws, and
a steamwork launcher capable of hurling it over
significant distances (limited of course by the
length of rope). The launcher has a range increment of 80ft, requiring a ranged attack roll to get
the grapnel on target. These devices are quiet
commonly used as integrated weapons in steamwork armour and prosthetics.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 7 ranks
Steamwork Hammer [Steamwork]
A steamwork hammer is a large and immobile
steamwork machine, usually consisting of a
piston-powered hammer driven by a steam
engine and employed in industrial
processes. The hammer can impact

down at high speed and f7orce, useful for beating

or shaping metals, and the mechanism can be easily modified to fit other tools or purposes.
Steamwork hammers or variants thereof are used
in most heavy industry as part of a production
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Steamwork Lock [Steamwork]
A steamwork lock is a machine that incorporates the frame and lock of a doorway. The door
is either opened by a button on the inner side of
the door, usually in combination with a vision
grill to allow a guard to view and question anyone
wanting entry, or by a keypad. By typing in the
right combination on the keypad, machinery on
the other side slides into place and activates the
engine. In either case, the door is then opened and
closed by the machinery of the lock.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Steamwork Music-Organ
A steamwork music-organ is a large instrument crafted from metal and wood, a set of keys
and levers that control the output of a rack of very
large metal tubes, carefully formed to coax out
musical noises. A steamwork engine keeps the
flow of air coming through the pipes, without
need for someone pumping the bellows or other
such manual labour. A skilled player of an organ
can produce incredibly impressive, loud music,
and such organs are popular in temples and cathedrals among other places. A character who plays a
steamwork organ an makes a successful Perform
check (DC 18) benefits from a +2 bonus to
Diplomacy and Intimidate rolls against any of the
listeners for up to an hour afterwards. Steamwork
music-organs are always masterwork and are very
expensive due to the time and craftsmanship that
goes into making each one.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks,
Perform (Any) 12 ranks
Steamwork Orrery [Steamwork]
A steamwork orrery is a complex and elaborate
device, which comes in two varieties: solar and
planar. A solar orrery displays the movements of

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

the sun and planetary bodies, steamwork devices
mimicking their slowly shifting relationships to
one another, while a planar orrery does the same
in terms of planes and demiplanes. These devices
are generally only found in the possession of sages
and spellcasters. A solar orrery grants a +4 circumstance bonus to any Knowledge (Astrology)
or Knowledge (Astronomy) checks if used, while
a planar orrery grants a +4 circumstance to any
Knowledge (The Planes) checks it is used for.
Maintenance DC: 10
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks,
Knowledge (Astrology) or Knowledge (The
Planes) 6 ranks
Steamwork Press [Steamwork]
This is a small steam-powered printing press,
capable of imprinting large numbers of copies of
typeface per day. A revolutionary advancement
after the tiresome slowness of copying manuscripts by hand, the development of a steamwork
press like this brings with it amazing capabilities
to disseminate written material through a populace. In many places the governments are suspicious of quite so much freedom of speech being
available to everyone and may demand that
steamwork presses be licensed.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Steamwork Sentry [Steamwork]
A steamwork sentry is a steamwork-automated weapon usually mounted on a tripod and often
used in tandem with an arcanomech eye. The sentry has a Spot skill modifier of +7, but if an
arcanomech eye sees an intruder the sentry will
automatically detect them as well. Steamwork
sentries can also be set up as part of a trap, usually concealed in hidden compartments in walls,
floors or ceilings until triggered. The sentry is a
small construct with 25 hit points, a hardness of 5,
AC 16 and an attack bonus of +5. They usually
employ a repeater crossbow that is automatically
reloaded by the machinery, or firearms in a setting featuring gunpowder technology. Rarely, a
steamwork sentry is fitted with chemical rockets
(see Weapons of War below). The cost of a sentry
is for the steamwork structure and combat mechanisms, and does not include the cost for the

weapon or ammunition integrated into it.

Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A thaumometer is a complex device that
merges magic with science, having the form of a
tangle of steamwork machinery sprouting multicoloured and multifaceted lenses, bearing a myriad of small valves for adjustments, and studded
with copper wires and crystal tubes. Small
enough to be held with one hand and operated
with the other, a character using a thaumometer
can swivel the correct lens round to position and
look through it, able to perceive the waves and
concentrations of magic in the area as per a detect
magic spell at will. A character with an active
thaumometer also gains a +2 circumstance check
to any Spellcraft checks. Finally, a thaumometer
can be set to diffuse resonant waves of magic
around the device, granting the bearer and anyone
within 5ft a spell resistance value of 12.
Caster Level: 7th Creation: Craft Wondrous
Item, detect magic,
(Steamworks) 10 ranks




Volcano Crystals
These rare forms of the crystalline substance
used to power crystalburner engines are found
only occasionally, and even then the fact their
formations always lie very close to active volcanoes mean they are exceptionally hard to get at. A
crystalburner using volcano crystals as its fuel
benefits from a number of marvellous properties.
It gains a +5 fuel bonus against fire-based and
cold-based attacks, as well as becoming shrouded
in a Fire Shield (Warm) that affects any attackers. These qualities mean that volcano crystals are
usually only acquired in order to fuel war constructs. The entry in the equipment table is for
enough fuel to power a Medium-sized device for 1
War-pack Matrix
A war-pack matrix can be incorporated
into any steamwork construct, and is
keyed to up to 5 other matrices of the
same type. A construct with the

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Steam & Steel

war-pack matrix is aware at all times where the
constructs with the other war-pack matrixes are
and how much damage they have suffered. No
member of a war-pack is flanked unless they all
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks

Warrior Matrix
A steamwork construct with this matrix
installed possesses highly augmented tactical and
combat abilities, modelled on genuine combat
styles and concepts. It gains two free feats, which
must be chosen from the bonus feat list of the
fighter class.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks,
Knowledge (Tactics) 6 ranks

of War
non usually consists of a reservoir of ammunition
n this section are presented a number of contained in a steamwork tank strapped to the
entirely new types of weapons as well as operators back, attached by pipes and mechasteamwork upgrades to pre-existing ones. nisms to a nozzle-gun that ejects the flames, acid
Some of the weapons here are steamwork in or steam out over the victims. The ammunition
nature, or designed for use by steamwork con- fuel tank has hardness 5, 5 hit points and an AC of
structs or steamwork armour. Others are the 15 + the wearers Dexterity bonus, and if ruptured
result of the progress of science in paralleling sprays the fuel everywhere. In the case of acid this
fields, such as alchemy and in particular firearms. deals 6d6 acid damage to the unfortunate as well
The firearms presented here are designed to as 3d6 points of acid splash damage to everyone
reflect a general level of development at which within 5 ft unless they succeed at a Reflex save for
they are beginning to come into more wide-scale half damage. In the case of a fire-thrower it covuse but are not yet highly refined or advanced. ers the operator and anyone within 5 ft in volatile
These guns can be used for a period in which chemicals; if the pilot light on the fire-thrower is
flintlock, wheel-lock or breach-loading technolo- on or another flame is alight nearby the chemicals
gy is utilised.
Maintenance DC
Chain-Tooth Blade
Alchemists Cannon
Piston Fold-Up
Possessed Weapon
+2 market price modifier
An alchemists cannon is
+1 market price modifier
an ingenious weapon that
Steamwork Targeter
relies on a steam engine
Steamwork Targeter, Arcanomech
to force out a dangerSteamwork Targeter, Necromek
ous substance at
Warded Weapon
+1 market price modifier
high pressure.
Weapon Plug-In
Such a can-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Cost Dmg Crit Range
Alchemists Cannon 450gp 3d6
Fuel Tank
200gp 1d10 19-20/x2 90ft
Blade-thrower, Wrist300gp 1d8
19-20/x2 30ft
100gp 1d10 x3
Clockwork Torpedo 500gp SpecialRocket Device
500gp 40ft
Rocket Rack
150gp 60ft
Chemical Rocket 60gp SpecialSunblaze Rocket 60gp SpecialCrank Cannon
2,000gp 2d6 x3
150gp 2d6
350gp 2d6
200gp 2d6
Pistol, Duelling
500gp 2d6
19-20/x3 50ft
Piston Fist
100gp 1d6
Piston Ram
300gp 2d6
700gp 2d6
Torpedo of Homing 2,000gp Special Wrecking Ball
100gp 2d6
ignite, dealing the same amount but in fire damage. In the case of a steam-thrower the backpack
merely contains water and the operator is soaked.
Alchemists cannons are also often mounted
on steamwork constructs, which can carry such a
weapon and its ammunition around easily. The
Maintenance check of an alchemists cannon is
reduced by 1 on a steamwork construct which it is
constructed as an integral part of since the
weapon is less vulnerable to damage. The fuel
tank may or may not be exposed, depending on
the kind of construct; it normally ends up protruding from the automatons back.
An alchemists cannon shoots a 5 foot wide, 25
foot long line of either acid, fire or scalding steam.
Acid-throwers and fire-throwers both deal 3d6
damage to everyone in the area, while steamthrowers only inflict 2d6 damage; in all cases a
Reflex save (DC 14) results in a character only
taking half damage. Any creature that is damaged
by a firethrower catches light and is on fire, as
with alchemists fire.
Alchemists cannons have their own unique
Malfunction Table:




Maint DC





Alchemists Cannon Malfunction Table (d10):

1-66 - Minor Malfunction: The weapon fails to
fire this round for some reason or another, with
no other effects.
7 Pilot Light Out: The pilot light goes out,
and needs to be re-lit. This result only affects the
firethrower variant.
8 - Gunked Up: The cannons workings are
thoroughly gunked up with oil, effluents and
muck. The weapon will not fire until fixed.
9 - Nozzle Block: The nozzle is temporarily
blocked up and the cannon sprays its ammunition
fuel out through the workings of the device onto
the operator instead of firing, who suffers damage
as if they were hit by their weapon
10 - Kaboom: The pressure is just too much and
the weapon explodes, with the same effects as if
the fuel tank had been ruptured.
A single tank of ammunition fuel provides for
8 uses of an alchemists cannon. Ammunition for
a steam-thrower costs nothing, as it simply needs
Creation: Alchemy 5 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 8 ranks

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Blade-thrower [Steamwork]
This weapon takes advantage of a steamwork
engine to hurl razor-edged projectiles at high
velocity and with a fast reloading rate. Appearing
similar to a crossbow in general shape, a bladethrower uses machinery to drop the blade into the
firing groove and to draw the firing wire. When
the trigger is pulled the blade is launched out and
with a hiss of steam and clank of metal another
projectile is slotted into place as the tension is
rewound. With the killing power of a heavy
crossbow and a faster rate of fire, blade-throwers
are nonetheless heavier and more cumbersome, as
well as less reliable and needing more maintenance on the part of the wielder. Even so, in settings without firearms a blade-thrower might
become a popular and powerful weapon. Like a
repeating crossbow, a blade-thrower has a magazine of 5 blades, and reloading a magazine is a partial action.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Blade-thrower, Wrist [Steamwork]
A much smaller and more compact version of
the blade-thrower, this weapon is designed to be
strapped to a characters wrist and used covertly.
The tiny blade-thrower only has a magazine large
enough to hold 3 blades. Wrist blade-throwers are
generally restricted by law only to government
and royal agents, due to their potential use in the
hands of assassins.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 7 ranks
A crude form of firearm, a blunderbuss is a
handgun with a flared barrel that is designed to be
able to fire lead shot, nails, stones, or any other
bits of metal and debris to hand. The ammunition
is blasted out of the barrel by a powder charge,
and while it peppers a large area with the shot it
rapidly loses accuracy and power over a short
range. Anyone caught within the first range
increment takes an additional +2 damage from the
sheer weight of debris hitting them. Reloading a
blunderbuss takes a full round action.

Chain-tooth Blade [Steamwork]

A chain-tooth blade is a steamwork upgrade
that can be made to any weapon that inflicts
slashing damage. The weapon is filled with
machinery gears and cogs that drive a vicious,
toothed chain of metal where the blade would
usually have its cutting edges. The engine is
incorporated into the hilt of the weapon in most
designs, safely out of harms way. The buzzing
noise of the machinery at work increases to a
high-pitched scream or whine as the blade bites
into tough materials, so weapons with this
upgrade are sometimes nicknamed screamers or
banshees. As well as finding use in weaponry,
this upgrade can be found employed on the tools
of non-military steamwork constructs doing tasks
such as logging and tree felling. A slashing
weapon upgraded with a chain-tooth blade deals
an additional d4 damage whenever it strikes, but
the wielder suffers from a 4 penalty to Move
Silently checks made when wielding an active
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Chemical Rocket
Also known as dragon tongues and fireworks, chemical rockets are explosives that are
hurled great distances by chemical combustion.
Usually in the simple form of a 3-foot-long tube
packed with the chemicals and capped with a
cone, chemical rockets are unreliable but destructive and impressive weapons. A character can
launch a chemical rocket from a rocket device but
suffers a 2 circumstance penalty to hit and rapidly becomes even more inaccurate over a distance;
rockets benefit far more from the solid firing platforms that steamwork constructs and vehicles can
provide for them. A rack of rockets on a steamwork construct or vehicle can be fired without the
penalty that a character on foot suffers, and up to
five rockets can be fired in a single round (most
launchers only have capacity for five anyway).
Anyone hit directly by a chemical rocket suffers
3d6 damage and 2d6 fire damage; anyone within
10ft also suffers 2d6 fire splash damage, a successful Reflex save (DC 15) halving the damage taken.
On a natural attack roll of 1 with a chemical rocket, the rocket has misfired and exploded on the

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

launching rack, damaging the carrier as if directly
hit by the rocket instead.
Chemical rockets also make attractive patterns
in the sky when fired upwards, the effects best
seen at night.
Chemical rockets are alchemical in nature and
have the following DC for the purpose of creating
them with the Alchemy skill.
Chemical Rocket
Sunblaze Rocket


Chemical Rocket, Sunblaze

A variant form of chemical rocket, a sunblaze
rocket carries volatile and highly flammable
alchemical liquids in its head that splash everywhere upon impact. Designed as an incendiary
device for attacking vulnerable targets like buildings and dirigibles, a sunblaze rocket deals 5d6 fire
damage to anything hit directly, and 3d6 fire
splash damage to anyone within 5ft unless they
make a successful Reflex save (DC 15) for half
damage. In all other ways sunblaze rockets are
identical to normal chemical rockets.
Clockwork Torpedo
Not actually a steamwork device, a clockwork
torpedo is a metal cylinder powered by a wound
up clockwork engine that is used against ships and
seacraft. When launched into the water, the
clockwork engine starts to unwind, powering a
rotor that sends it cutting through the water in a
straight line (hopefully towards the target). The
torpedo moves 90ft per round through water, and
upon impact detonates the explosive charge in its
head, dealing 9d6 damage to any structure or vehicle such as a ship. Other targets, and anyone within 20ft of the explosion, suffers 4d6 damage,
halved if they make a Reflex save (DC 15). After
6 rounds of movement the clockwork engine runs
out of torque and the torpedo sinks.
Crank Cannon [Steamwork]
A complex melding of firearms and machinery, a crank cannon has a number of barrels held

together in a rotating metal framework that

allows for a high rate of fire. It takes one round to
warm up and start spinning properly, and in following rounds may be fired, the machinery
reloading each barrel before it swings round in
position to be fired again. Since the weapon
reloads itself, crank cannons are simple to operate.
Notoriously unreliable, these steamwork
weapons are nonetheless highly dangerous, able
to pepper an area with admittedly inaccurate fire.
A crank cannon can either be fired as a normal
ranged weapon or can be used to spray an area of
10ft by 10ft within one range increment with bullets, hitting anyone in the area who fails a Reflex
save (DC 18).
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Drill [Steamwork]
Larger versions of the steamwork drill are
sometimes put to use as weapons on war constructs (and sometimes on non-military constructs that are pressed into a fight). A Large size
mining drill inflicts 2d6 damage and threatens a
critical on a 20, inflicting x4 damage on a successful critical hit; seeing a sizeable drill bit chew
right through someone is not a pleasant sight. The
damage can be scaled up appropriately for drills
carried by larger constructs.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
A musket is a handgun that fires a powerful
slug of metal; it is however not massively accurate over any great range, despite the impressive
flash and crack that it emits when fired. It also
suffers from a slow rate of fire reloading a musket takes a full round action.
A smaller firearm, a pistol fires a slug of metal
out but is only accurate over short ranges and rapidly loses its force and speed. Reloading a pistol is
a full-round action.
Pistol, Duelling
A larger and heavier version of the
normal pistol, a duelling pistol packs a
more powerful punch though like

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Steam & Steel

its lesser counterpart it is limited by short range.
Firearms Variants
These superior pistols are usually used by officers,
royal or governmental officials and by gentry
seeking to settle disputes of honour between
them. Reloading a duelling pistol is a full-round
Piston Fist [Steamwork]
This weapon is a heavy metal gauntlet worn
on one hand, filled with steamwork mechanisms
that drive powerful pistons. A character hit by a
piston fist must make a Reflex save (DC 14) or be
knocked prone by the powerful punch of the pistons impact, as well as taking damage. A piston
fist takes a full round before it can be used again
as it resets itself, although the character wielding
it can use it to make attacks as a normal gauntlet
in the meantime.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Piston Fold-up
Based on the designs of pistons used in mobile
steamworks, this is an upgrade that can be purchased for a weapon that does piercing damage
like a spear or staff. The shaft of the weapon is
made of metal segments that telescope down to
the length for carrying purposes, and which can
be returned to full length and locked into that
mode as a free action.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 3 ranks
Piston Ram [Steamwork]
This weapon consists of a steamwork engine
that builds up pressure, releasing it when commanded to slam out a piston ram. It is usually
found mounted in the gauntlets on suits of superheavy armour and steamwork constructs. A character hit by it must make a Reflex save (DC 16) or
be knocked prone by the sheer impact of the pistons, as well as taking damage. A piston ram takes
a full round to reset itself and cannot be used
again until it has done so, though the character
with the piston ram can use the piston gauntlet to
make other attacks. Piston rams are largely
designed for military use in assailing fortifications and buildings, and automatically
inflict a critical hit on any structure
they are used against. The damage of

You may feel that the rules for firearms presented here do not make them as powerful and
destructive a weapon as they should be. Two
variants are presented here.
When hit by the sizeable and forceful ammunition fired from a firearm a character can suffer quiet badly, the impact sending them staggering and knocking the sense from them for a
moment, if they even survive. Any character hit
by a firearm must make a Fortitude save (DC
14) or be staggered for one round.
When combatants who have never encountered firearms before are fired upon by muskets,
rifles and suchlike, the terrible racket, flash of
light and gouts of smoke can terrify, demoralise
and confuse. Characters who are fired upon by
firearms must make a Will save (DC 20) or be
shaken for the rest of the combat. However,
they do not need to take this test again. You
may rule that primitive and exceptionally
superstitious species always suffer this Will
check when fired upon by firearms.
a piston ram can be scaled up appropriately for
larger versions.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Possessed Weapon [Arcana]
This magical enhancement can only be placed
on ranged weapons with moving mechanical
parts, such as firearms and steamwork weapons.
Some small spirit, usually a little daemonic entity, inhabits the actual innards of the weapon and
is bound into it; carved images and faces on the

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

weapon move and shift under its control. As a
free action the wielder can whisper to the weapon
a target, and against that target he gains an additional +1 to attack and damage rolls. If the character knows the genuine name of the target character, the possessed weapon gives him a +2 bonus to
attack and damage rolls, and the designated target
does not benefit from any cover or concealment
Caster Level: 9th Creation: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, lesser planar binding, true strike
Silencer [Arcana, Steamwork]
A weapon with this magical enhancement
sports additional pieces of arcane machinery
throughout it, small tubes and valves and crystalline pistons. Only ever found on noisy
weapons such as firearms, the machinery activates whenever the weapon is fired, momentarily
generating a very small globe of silence as per the
spell that envelops the weapon with a faint shimmer. This negates any noise created by the
weapon, and is generally used only by those wishing to make silent kills such as assassins and
scouts. Unfortunately it does not suppress the
muzzle flash of firearms.
Caster Level: 5th Creation: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, silence, Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
A more refined and advanced firearm than the
musket, a rifle is more accurate at longer ranges
and generally the preserve of only specific military units. Sharpshooters benefit far more from a
rifle than they will from using a musket, able to
aim with far more confidence. Reloading a rifle is
a full round action.
Steamwork Targeter [Steamwork]
A steamwork targeter is an upgrade that can be
added to any ranged weapon. It consists of a number of small measurement devices and machines
that sense the wind speed and direction and automatically compensate the weapon to take this into
account by adjusting machinery all around the
weapon. This reduces the attack penalty imposed
by strong winds or worse weather hazards by 2.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks

lthough the rules here present firearms
as the same whether they use flintlock,
wheel-lock or breach-loading mechanisms, breach-loaders are generally faster and
more advanced. If you wish to represent breachloaders as being superior to other forms of
firearm, then as a variant rule, breach-loaders
only take a standard action to reload, not a full

Steamwork Targeter,
[Arcana, Steamwork]
An arcanomech targeter incorporates magical
enhancements to the machinery of a normal targeter; the arcanomech technology adjusts the
weapon not just to take account of wind speed and
direction but also altering it to actually track a target more efficiently. The slight movement of a
musket barrel or crossbow stock as tiny machines
whirr and shift it slightly to follow the path of an
enemy can be unnerving, as if the weapon has its
own sentience. As well as the normal benefits of
a steamwork targeter, an arcanomech targeter also
gives a +1 circumstance bonus to hit rolls.
Caster Level: 5th Creation: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, true strike or divine favour, Craft
(Steamworks) 6 ranks
Steamwork Targeter, Necromek
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A necromek targeter usually incorporates a
small magical scope to a weapon as well as the
usual steamwork targeting machinery. The necromantic magic imbued into the device causes the
targeter to automatically track living targets, giving a +1 circumstance bonus to hit rolls against
such creatures. In addition, the scope picks up the
life-signs of anyone viewed through it, showing
them up as a warm red figure and effectively
negating the penalties of attacking them in darkness.
Caster Level: 5th Creation: Craft
Magic Arms and Armour, deathwatch,
Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks

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Steam & Steel

Torpedo of Homing
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A more advanced form of torpedo, a torpedo of
homing makes use of a complex steamwork engine
attached to arcane sensors and devices that help it
adjust its course to track a target. It is identical to
a clockwork torpedo, except that every round it
can make a turn of up to 30 degrees to track a target (usually a ship).
Caster Level: 5th Creation: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, true strike, Craft (Steamworks) 12
Warded Weapon
[Arcana, Steamwork]
This magical enhancement to a weapon builds
in a steamwork device into the handle or hilt of
the weapon, with enchanted sensors detecting the
touch of anyone picking up the weapon. It is
keyed to its owner, and anyone else who picks up
the weapon and holds it for more than 5 seconds
activates the device. A warded weapon can be created to deal physical damage through powered
spikes or spines that slash out of the hilt to eviscerate a would-be thiefs hand, or to deal one of

the five types of elemental damage in a surge

of energy channelled out by the device. Physical
damage deals 2d6, while elemental damage deals
3d6 of the relevant type.
Caster Level: 5th Creation: Craft Magic Arms
and Armour, glyph
(Steamworks) 6 ranks




Weapon Plug-in
A weapon plug-in is a weapon upgrade that
links it to a suit of armour with an arcane array
(see Personal Protection) by a pipe or bundle of
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 4 ranks,
Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking balls are often employed as weapons
on larger steamwork constructs designed for battle, large and heavy weights often studded with
spines on the end of a thick, strong metal chain.
They are effectively just very large flails, backed
up by the machine strength of the construct and
the speed of its gears and pistons. The damage
can be scaled up appropriately for larger versions
of the weapon.

Protecti on
his section presents the impressive
results that incorporating steam technology into the crafting of armour can
give. Steamwork armour can come in all sorts
of shapes and sizes, from highly refined and
polished suits of gleaming armour with
impassive visors of dark crystal, to
clanking and lumbering construc-

tions sporting rivets and smoke spewing from

Steamwork armour is available in two forms.
The first is augmented armour, a suit of normal
heavy armour that has undergone one of three
levels of steamwork modification light, medium
and heavy. The second is super-heavy armour,
which is presented as an entirely new category of

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

armour. Below these are detailed the various
upgrades and enhancements that can be made to
steamwork armour.
Augmented Armour [Steamwork]
Augmented armour is a suit of heavy armour
that has been enhanced with the addition of an
engine and smokestack built in to the back. It also
integrates pistons to enhance the strength of the
wearer, making them stronger opponents in battle
but also enabling them to actualSahuagin ly carry the added weight of the
Savage and brutal, machinery. Only heavy armour
can be augmented, since it has
sahuagin do not
seem likely to cre- the structure and support suitate steam technolo- able. There are three levels of
piston augmentation possible.
gy, primarily
because they live
Light Augmentation: This is
least amount of alteration
However, it is not
that can be integrated, slightly
impossible for
sahuagin to create boosting the wearers strength
steamwork systems with machine-enhanced moveusing arcane and ments. The steamworks are generally fairly small and not parnecromantic
engines, crafting ticularly conspicuous from a
their devices from distance, and a suit requires
coral and shell and only an engine of two sizes
magic. Once they smaller to power it (e.g. a Tiny
encounter steam- engine
work technology it armour). The wearer of the
often doesn't take armour benefits from a +2
very long before machine bonus to Strength.
Maintenance DC: 7
they attempt to
Creation: Craft
employ it themselves in some form (Steamworks) 8 ranks Cost:
or another.
Medium Augmentation: This steamwork armour
features heavier augmentation with more prominent pistons, machinery and engine unit. It also
increasingly limits smooth movement, though
has a significantly greater pay-off in the form of
the mechanical boost to strength it bestows. A
suit of medium augmentation armour needs only
an engine of one size smaller to power it (e.g. a
Small engine for Medium-size armour). The
wearer benefits from a +4 machine bonus to

Strength, but the armour check penalty inflicted

is increased by 1 and the wearer suffers a 1 penalty to Initiative.
Maintenance DC: 8
Weight: Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10
ranks Cost: +4,500gp
Heavy Augmentation: This is the heaviest level
of steamwork augmentation, and armour that has
undergone this enhancement looks intimidating
and impressive with its bulk and strength. A suit
of this armour requires an engine of the normal
size to power it. It grants a +6 machine bonus to
Strength, but also suffers a 2 penalty to
Initiative, an increase in armour check penalties
by -1, and a reduction in the maximum possible
Dexterity bonus to AC by 1 (minimum of +0).
However, due to the additional strength of the
supporting pistons, a character wearing heavy
augmented armour does not have his Movement
reduced by his armour.
Maintenance DC: 9
Weight: Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12
ranks Cost: +8,500gp
Super-Heavy Armour [Steamwork]
Super-heavy forms of steamwork armour are
perhaps the ultimate in forms of personal protection. Super-heavy armour is usually a fullyenclosed and free standing suit of heavily plated
and reinforced pistons and machinery, similar in
its construction to a construct except that the
wearer acts as a pilot, and it responds to his movements with a clank and a hiss from its vents and
pipes. Super-heavy armour designs are sometimes
left unadorned, an imposing, looming industrial
bulk of noise and metal, but often they are built
elaborately and ornately, especially since they are
often only available to elite troops and warriors.
The Steel Knight prestige class allows a skilled
character to become an expert pilot of one of these
powerful devices.
Super-heavy armour is largely the province of
government military and suchlike; on campaign
a unit outfitted with super-heavy armour is
usually accompanied by a sizeable
entourage of engineers, mechanics and
maintenance crew to keep the suits

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Steam & Steel

running and to start them up. The armour is usually stowed and transported by wagon in between
Super-heavy steamwork armour requires the
Super-Heavy Armour Proficiency feat to be able
to operate correctly and within significant penalties. Wearing a suit of super-heavy armour gives
the pilot a +8 machine bonus to Strength from the
machine-augmented systems, and the massively
thick and reinforced armour gives both a +10
armour bonus to AC and damage reduction of 5/
-. The armour has a maximum Dexterity bonus of
+1, an armour check penalty of 8, and an arcane
spell failure chance of 60% The wearers size is
increased by one size due to the sheer bulk of the
armour, with all the associated benefits and penalties. The armour does not reduce the wearers
Movement speed since its own mechanisms take
the excess weight. Super-heavy armour needs an
engine of the correct size to power a device of the
wearers increased size (so for a Medium-size
character in a suit of this armour, the size of the
suit itself is Large and needs an appropriately
sized engine).
Maintenance DC: 10
Weight: Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 11
ranks Cost: 40,000 gp

Additional Augmentations

attempts to fix malfunctions) and if the character

is wielding a weapon with a weapon plug-in it
also relays weapon information up onto the array.
With a ranged weapon plugged in, it brings additional targeting information up on the array and
grants a +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls.
With a melee weapon plugged in, the array calculates incoming attacks and gives readouts to help
the user parry and dodge, granting a +1 Dodge
bonus to AC against melee attackers.
Caster Level: 6th Creation: Craft Wondrous
Item, true strike, Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Blood Spines
Blood spines are long, sharp, talon-like blades
and spines that protrude from a suit of steamwork
armour. They have the same effect as armour
spikes but inflict d8 damage rather than d6, and
blood channels mean that a blood drinker engine
will benefit from the damage dealt in this manner.
Heat Buffer [Steamwork]
Some form of heat buffer is more or less essential in all steamwork armour to keep the operator
cool and protect him from the heat generated by
the engine on his back. However, more advanced
forms utilising cooling pipes and heat sinks are
also possible with the greater capacity of steamwork armour; this kind of heat buffering grants
the wearer Fire Resistance 5.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks

nce piston augmentation and an engine

have been fitted, a number of other
upgrades are also possible. These addiIntegrated Shield
tional devices siphon energy and steam off from
Many warriors carry a shield with them to batthe main engine system that powers the armour,
to ward off the strikes of the enemy, and some
and so do not need their own independent energy sources.
Arcane Array
Arcane Array [Arcana]
Blood Spines
An arcane array is a simple magical
Heat Buffer
read-out added to a suit of steamwork
Integrated Shield
armour, usually relayed up onto the
Powered Spikes
inside of the helm or armour collar. It
Sealed Environment
details fuel levels remaining, a generSealed Environment, Enhanced
al readout of which mechanisms
Smoked Lenses
are running and which are broSpeakers
ken (adding a +1 circumStatic Generator
stance bonus to any
Weapons Gauntlet
+75gp, + cost of weapon

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

steamwork suits of armour integrate the shield
fully into the mechanised arm armour, ensuring
that the wearer will not be disarmed of his protection. An integrated shield is not subject to disarm
Powered Spikes [Steamwork]
A suit of steamwork armour can be fitted with
steam-powered armour spikes. These spikes are
not visible until activated, when they slash out of
the armour with impaling force, dealing double
damage on the first round of a grapple.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks
Sealed Environment [Steamwork]
It is possible to make a suit of steamwork
armour into a closed environment, keeping the
occupant safe from gases and fumes for a period
of time, even the cloudkill spell. Armour with this
upgrade has a ventilation system and air reserves
installed, and once activated can keep the occupant sealed off for up to half an hour before the
reserves expire and need to be refilled.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Sealed Environment, Enhanced
Not only is steamwork armour with a sealed
environment a useful piece of equipment for a
warrior, it also has uses for aquatic ventures.
Heavily armoured diving suits see a great deal of
use for making repairs to ships and oil rigs, underwater exploration, and those who make a living
from diving for shellfish, coral or other substances. The heavy armour is useful in an environment where a land-dweller simply cannot
match the dexterity of a native of the seas. An
enhanced sealed environment provides 6 hours of
air reserves for a character to subsist on.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Smoked Lenses
A simple modification to a suit of armour
installs smoked glass lenses into the helm to protect the operators eyes. Such lenses grant a +6 circumstance bonus to any saves against effects that
blind through bright light, but inflicts a 2 penalty to Spot checks since the glass makes it hard to
pick out details at distances.

Speakers [Steamworks]
Popular with units of city troops outfitted with
steamwork armour for broadcasting their voices
over the noise of crowds, as well as with military
units who want to scare the living daylights out of
their opponents, speakers are a common upgrade.
A speaker unit is usually mounted into the helm
or onto the shoulder, a grill that blasts out the
voice of the wearer at augmented volume.
Speakers may work through exploiting sonic
physics, or through magical or complex scientific
processes of amplification.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 5 ranks
Static Generator [Steamworks]
A static generator is a small device incorporated into a suit of steamwork armour that siphons
off power from the main engine to slowly build
up a static charge. This can be released in two
ways, either to inflict an automatic hit of d6 electrical damage on anyone grappling the character
or by adding +d6 electrical damage to an attack
made with a metal melee weapon from a weapons
gauntlet (see below). After use a static generator
takes 5 rounds to build up enough charge to be
used again.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Weapons Gauntlet
A weapons gauntlet is a device that incorporates a weapon of some sort into the back of a
steamwork gauntlet, usually evident through a
bulge in the armour there. Crossbows and
firearms are popular additions, giving the wielder
a surprise ranged attack, though he needs to
reload the weapon by unhinging a plate on the
gauntlet and doing so manually. Piston rams are
also used by super-heavy armoured troops for
assaulting fortifications and buildings, but most
common is a punch dagger or fighting claw
(counts as a dagger). Such a weapon can slide out
of the gauntlet or be retracted back in as a free

page 63

Edifices of Mi ght
team technology does more than just bring
new devices and implements for scientists
to further their craft with and adventurers
to use in rooting out more gold and challenges it
changes the very landscape and cities of the lands
it touches. This section describes the use of largescale steamwork devices, along with the impact
these kinds of devices have on the cities and lands
that they are a part of. Steamwork devices are
used in industries, factories and mines, and can
form massive structures that rise above the buildings around them, constructions of science and
magic melded together. Edifices of might are not
just the dominating keeps of barons or the towering temples of the faithful. Grand steel factories
and arrays of security devices are as much the
symbols of power and the might of technological
as the fortifica- Name
tions of a war- Arcanomech Eye Array
Arcanomech Lamp Array
Arcanomech Suppresser
Arcanists Tower
Divine Amplifier
Dockyard Crane
Homing Beacon
Mine Borer
Necromek Crypt Factory
Oil Rig
Printing Press
Solar Array
Spellcraft Engine
Steamwork Bridge
Steamwork Gate
Steamwork Pump System
Steamwork Sentry Array
Steamwork Siege Weapon
Weather Tower

A Note on Architecture
culture undergoing industrialisation
brought about by steam technology often
displays this state of affairs in its architecture. The fabricated metal parts churned out by
steamwork factories become greatly used by
builders and architects, causing metal to feature
prominently in buildings and facades, often in the
form of girders and struts. In cities where pollution and fumes are at their worst, metal tends to
rust, corrode and stain, adding to the grime and
decay. Glass might also find greater use in architecture, with factories able to create it in much
larger amounts than was possible before. Mighty
towers and structures of reinforced stone and iron
rise above the skyline of houses and factories,


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Maintenance DC

a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

amongst them weird and exotic devices, rotating
masts and crystalline receptors that sprout from
arcane laboratories. Buildings incorporate steamwork equipment into them, locks and arcanomech
eyes keeping warehouses, factories, offices and
even private property secure. Steamwork pump
systems, elevators and gates also find common
use. Usually a single engine is used to operate a
number of different devices within one building,
linked to them all by pipes or driveshafts with
leather belts that thread through walls and under
Arcanomech Eye Array [Steamwork]
Although by itself a useful security device, the
arcanomech eye can also be used in numbers as a
linked array to set up an excellent security network. An arcanomech eye array links together all
the eyes in an area usually within a single building or compound with pipes and wires, connecting them up to a central engine hub that processes the information received from each device.
Whenever an arcanomech eye that is part of an
array detects an intruder, it alerts the entire security system, bringing it into a higher level of alertness. All arcanomech eyes on the array then gain
a +2 bonus to their Spot checks. If no further disturbances occur within an hour then the system
powers itself down again to conserve energy and
the bonus is lost.
In addition, the engine hub itself displays a
switchboard of all the eye locations in an array;
arcane lights flicking on next to the location of an
eye indicates to security staff that the eye has
recorded a disturbance or intruder there.
More enterprising governments that are worried about their capability to control their subjects
sometimes attempt to extend their eye arrays over
entire towns and cities, eyes strategically placed
on street corners or particular buildings reminding the populace of their dominators as much as
any looming castle does.
The entry in the table above reflects the central
engine hub of an array, and the cost does not
include that of the arcanomech eyes linked up to
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks

Arcanomech Lamp Array [Steamwork]

An arcanomech lamp array is a series of lamps
connected together by a central engine and monitor, usually used to light the rooms of a castle or
mansion, or to shed light on the streets of a city
district. Normally it is cheaper to simply use a
steamwork pump system to pump natural gas to
streetlights, but those who either do not have
access to resources or who simply prefer the magical hue of the lamps use arcanomech lamp arrays.
Elven cultures in particular prefer the use of
arcanomech lamps because of the pollution given
off by more crude forms of fuel-burning lighting
and due to the aesthetic superiority of the arcane
The entry in the table above is for the central
engine hub of a lamp array, and does not include
the cost of the lamps linked up to it.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Arcanomech Suppresser
[Arcana, Steamwork]
An arcanomech suppresser can be mounted as
an additional device on an arcanists tower, a large
steamwork device consisting of a complex array
of metal and glass. The suppresser emits powerful
waves of arcane energy designed to scramble
spellcasting attempts within a radius of 1 mile,
tangling the weaving of power and magic in confusing ways. Any character attempting to cast
arcane magic within 1 mile of an arcanomech suppresser must make a Concentration check (DC 16
+ spell level) or the spell fails and is lost.
Characters within an arcanists tower that incorporates an arcanomech suppresser are unaffected
by it. In addition, a specially modified thaumometer can counter the magic-tangling effect of a suppresser and allow a character carrying an active
one to be able to cast spells as normal.
This kind of device is usually used in a situation where magic is a licensed practice or where a
very powerful group of mages are jealous of their
might and wish to keep spellcasters who are not
of their brotherhood suppressed. Gaining an
appropriate license or joining the mages
organisation includes the character being
given one of the specially modified
thaumometers needed to cast spells

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unhampered. They also make useful defences for
a settlement, with enemy spellcasters being hampered while friendly ones use thaumometers to
cast without relent.
An arcanomech suppresser also bestows Spell
Resistance 20 on the tower it is incorporated into.
Caster Level: 13th Creation: Craft Wondrous
Item, dispel magic,
(Steamworks) 12 ranks




Arcanists Tower [Steamwork]

Rising high above the surrounding roofs, an
arcanists tower is a tall and imposing structure of
metal and glass, smaller turrets sprouting off it at
odd angles to thrust out arcane apparatus into the
sky. These towers can appear as beautiful and
graceful structures, carefully crafted and constructed in fantastic colours and design, or they
can be massively looming fortresses of iron and
steel with funnels and chimneys pouring out
thick smoke. Towers of this type are normally the
property of powerful wizards or sorcerers but may
also be built by governments and kings who wish
to provide facilities for their spellcasters to enact
enhanced divinations.
Within, the tower has many of the features of
a normal fortified tower, with rooms and quarters
and many floors. Usually large amounts are given
over to arcane steamwork machinery and devices,
and in the upper floors the density of these structures increases and becomes more complex. In the
top chamber of the tower, a circle of engraved
marble set on a raised platform is surrounded by
great thrumming engines that, when active,
amplify divinations to a great extent. An arcane
spellcaster who casts any divination spell in the
top chamber while the machinery is active has his
caster level increased by 2, and it also inflicts a -5
machine penalty to Will saves for anyone targeted by such a spell, for instance the subject of a
scrying spell. To set up the machinery for use
takes two hours and it only functions for one casting before it needs to be reset again. From outside
it is visible that a tower is building up energy for
a casting because the machines and masts at
the top of the tower begin to move and
rotate with purposeful motion.

In addition, anyone within the tower who is

the target of outside spells or magical effects benefits from Spell Resistance 30, as does the tower
A network of arcanists towers across a city
can make a powerful instrument of domination.
With suppressers keeping unlicensed spellcasting
down and spellcraft engines allowing for troublemakers to be instantly
Ogres &
pinpointed, and with the
Ogre Magi
capabilities of a tower
meaning the governing
Barbaric and not very
forces can look anywhere
bright, ogres are unlikely
at any time, a tower
candidates for scientists
makes a powerful bastion
and engineers, although
for policing troops to
they are often chosen by
rally forth from.
evil wizards and arcanomeThe Maintenance DC
chanics to be powerfully
given in the table above
augmented guards and seris only for the machinery
vants. Ogre magi on the
in the divination chamother hand are much more
ber. It is not possible to
likely to see the possible
break a whole tower with
advantages of science, and
one unlucky roll, except
will eagerly go after steampossibly with siege
work items to learn more
of this new technology. An
ogre magi with an under(Steamworks) 15 ranks,
standing of steamworks is
Knowledge (Arcana) 15
a dangerous foe indeed,
even if their common kin
can barely use such devices
Divine Amplifier
without breaking them.
[Arcana, Steamwork]
A divine amplifier is attuned to a particular
domain of the faith it was built by, consisting of a
complex machine that focuses its energy on an
important object of faith, often a reliquary or
powerful artifact. The object in question is always
somehow related to the chosen domain of the
amplifier. The machinery picks up the divine
energy of the object and through a mixture of
mechanics, science and mysticism, amplifies it,
broadcasting surges of power that bolster faithful
spellcasters nearby. Any divine spellcaster within
1 mile of a divine amplifier benefits from a +1 caster level bonus whenever they cast domain spells
from the amplifiers chosen domain. This stacks

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

with any caster level bonus they may already
have from a domain. These amplifiers are usually
situated in the towers of cathedrals or the bowels
of mighty temples, and their use depends on the
god in question. Some bolster domains of evil or
war to help oppress and control, while others bolster healing or protection domains to aid and
defend their worshippers.
Caster Level: 9th Creation: Craft Wondrous
Item, divine favour, caster must have the appropriate domain, Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Dockyard Crane [Steamwork]
Steamwork devices can be put to good use in
dockyards, where engine-powered cranes make
the task of moving cargo from ship to shore a
great deal easier. With a structure usually formed
of metal struts to support the ropes, gears and
chains, this type of crane is capable of hauling up
to 1 ton of weight into the air. The engine is contained in the base of the structure, hidden by
metal cladding, and the mechanisms there can
rotate the upper portion of the crane to face the
needed direction.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Factory [Steamwork]
The advent of steam technology tends to be
accompanied by the springing up of industries
and factories; their production methods revolutionised by steamwork devices. The steamwork
hammer described above in the Equipment section represents a smaller automated machine used
in such factories, and can be turned to all sorts of
purposes; hammering, shaping and cutting metal
items. More complex machinery is also needed in
some capacities, from metal rolling mills to larger-scale hammers, huge forges and furnaces and
mechanised systems of cauldrons containing
molten metal. Inside such a factory is thus a hot
and busy place to be, mechanics and workers scurrying around and the growl of heavy machinery
all around. Once the machinery in a factory has
been modified to suit a particular production purpose, be that metal swords or armour, alchemical
liquids or construct parts, the crafting time needed to create such an object is quartered, as well as
being automated. Production lines can pour off a

constant flow of weapons, armour and equipment

to gear up armies and governments.
The statistics given here represent any large
and heavy engine used in a factory. A process
may well require more than one such device.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Homing Beacon [Steamwork]
A homing beacon is designed to work in concert with a set of homing compasses (see Beasts of
Steel), providing them with a reference point from
which to extrapolate position and direction. A
homing beacon is a large machine that uses either
arcane and mystical circuitry or obscure sciences
and magnetic stone to which appropriately
attuned homing compasses will always point.
Homing beacons are usually housed in fortified
buildings, towers or observatories, generally the
property of governments and used to provide
advanced navigational capabilities for their fleets
of ships and dirigibles.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Library [Steamworks]
Steamwork technology can even be implemented within libraries and archives to great
effect. The body of texts and archived objects are
stored in a space of large volume, usually a big
warehouse or in the case of valuable contents in a
fortified underground excavation. A system of
gears and pulleys is rigged throughout the storage
space, and attached to a large computational
steamwork machine. When a character wishing
to remove a text or object from the archive inputs
his request into the machine, it sets the system
into action, pulleys whirling and cogs turning to
send a small container off into the storage area,
retrieving the requested item from the shelves
(sometimes by a small construct that sits in the
container) and bringing it back again. Fast and
organised, this system also means that security
measures can be put into place on particularly
important or dangerous items like magical or
prophetic tomes, requiring specific authorisation
to retrieve. It also allows librarians to generally monitor what items in the catalogue
are being accessed, when, and by

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Characters utilising the steamwork retrieval
system to find an item do not need to make a
Maintenance check, only the librarians who start
it up and keep it running.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Lifts & Elevators [Steamwork]
These are widely used in all sorts of applications though due to the unreliability of machinery there is always a ladder or stairs too. From the
metal cage used to lower workers down a mine
shaft, to simple two-floor lifts for moving goods
around the levels of a warehouse, they make moving people and objects up and down distances a
much easier task. In either case, some people are
unwilling to use elevators, finding the idea that
they depend on a clanking, hissing piece of metal
to keep them from crashing to the ground just too
nerve-wracking a concept.
These lifts generally come in two kinds; those
used in mines and suchlike depending on a system
of gears, ropes and pulleys that the steam engine
drives, and more heavily mechanised elevators
usually found in buildings. Mineshaft lifts tend to
be slower but are simpler to make, especially considering the vertical distance that it may need to
travel. Both kinds are normally built to hold 4-8
people though may be larger or smaller as design
needs warrant.
The entry in the table above is for a mechanised lift; a mineshaft lift costs 500gp and has a
Maintenance DC of 9.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Mine Borer [Steamwork]
Mines have always been dangerous work for
miners and so the added problems of working
around heavy machinery are more than counterbalanced by the incredible increase in production
that steamwork devices provide. Hand-held
steamwork drills like the entry in the Equipment
section chew through rock at a far faster rate than
the slow chip of a pickaxe, while even larger versions can rip through worthless stone to seek out
the seams of wealth that the miners are really
hunting. Even down in the depths of dwarven mines the ringing of pickaxes on
stone is quickly replaced by the

snarling of machinery once they discover just

how much effort is saved by setting machines to
do the task for them.
A mine borer is a large drilling machine, usually mounted on tracks or wheels and capable of
self-locomotion. Modifications on the basic
design of these devices results in the creation of
vehicles capable of tunnelling through the earth
and stone with a pilot at the helm (see Beasts of
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Necromek Crypt Factory [Steamwork]
Crypt factories are the sinister result of experimentation into melding the might of the undead
with the strength of machinery, and are usually
forbidding and ominous in appearance, sprouting
twisted vents and spikes. A character capable of
casting spells that create any form of undead can
make use of a crypt factory while doing so, and
the automated necromantic processes of the factory mean that any undead created in this way automatically gains the mechanised template. In
regions where necromancers hold both considerable power and the knowledge of blending steam
science with magic, these factories are common
sights, adding enhanced minions to the rotting
ranks of the wizards armies.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks,
Knowledge (Arcana) 14 ranks
Observatory [Steamwork]
This structure is usually in the form of a
roughly hemispherical building of metal and
stone, capable of rotating to follow the movement
of the heavens and with retracting plates that
open out to allow the telescopic devices within to
peer up to the skies. Steamwork engines power
the machinery that moves the observatory and
the telescopes. A character conducting astrological study gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Knowledge (Astrology) checks if they make use
of an observatory.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

The oilrig is, to most fantasy settings, an
entirely innovative structure. Cranes, gate-opening mechanisms and constructs can all be built
with magic and simple technology even if it is
often not as efficient or powerful as steamwork
science, but an oilrig is simply not a structure
needed unless there is a demand for oil.
Oil can come from many sources, whether it is
pools hidden beneath the ocean floor or great
welling pits formed in a volcanic valley where a
mighty wyrmlord died. Oilrigs are large metal
structures designed to get at that oil. The structure is based around one or several great siphons
that plunge down to the source of the fuel they are
trying to extract, which in the case of sea oilrigs
can be a considerable distance indeed, and using
drills and pumps they bring oil up to the surface.
A tower spouting flame is a sign of an oilrig in the
distance, a controlled burning of natural gas to
keep it from exploding and wrecking the structure.
Building an oilrig is an expensive and difficult
venture, and it is usually governments that have
the power and wealth, as well as the need, to create them. Building one at sea is especially difficult
due to unpredictable weather and unpredictable
reactions of sea denizens. More than one expedition of engineers has been wiped out by a tribe of
sea elves or sahuagin that took offence at metal
shafts slamming down through their territory,
and even more dangerous beasts such as kraken
also take a dim view of oil rigs.
This is to say nothing of the threat posed by
other nations and power groups. An oil rig is a
great source of power and wealth because it
ensures a relatively constant flow of fuel. Since
even inland oilrigs tend to be in outlandish or isolated places due to the strange nature of conditions creating the fuel in locations other than the
sea bed, most are crewed with a military or mercenary presence, including spellcasters if possible.
The pay is good for any crew of an oilrig since the
conditions are usually dangerous as well as having
the prospect of being isolated at sea for months
and the wages of any spellcaster who can control
the weather or waves, or communicate with sea
creatures, is even higher.

As well as governments, particularly sciencefocused faiths, especially in situations where it is

scientist-priests who are responsible for the creation of steamwork devices, may maintain an oilrig. In these cases the towering metal structures
are as much cathedrals as industrial buildings,
fonts of the fuel which drives their divinely
inspired machines.
Most oilrigs include at least one steamwork
crane for loading and unloading containers of oil
and supplies. If aerial vehicles have been developed or the culture has any developed links with
aerial creatures, a landing platform for visitors
from the air will also be supplied. Most sea-born
oilrigs are also outfitted with several steamwork
suits of armour, fitted with enhanced sealed environments to allow mechanics to venture underwater.
Cost: 350,000 gp

Printing Press [Steamworks]

While a single steamwork press is a huge step
onwards from the slow and laborious process of
hand-copying books, a burgeoning printing company can put the monetary gains it reaps to good
use in expanding and improving its capacities. A
large-scale printing press can reduce the time
made to create a single print run of a book or tract
even further, or possibly print more than one
thing at a time. Developing societies tend to
quickly acquire a hunger for literature of any
kind, so those in the printing business can become
very rich very quickly.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 11 ranks
Solar Array [Steamwork]
A solar array consists of a mass of solar panels
and light absorbers, usually mounted all over the
side of a tower or building. The panels are
mounted on small steamwork pistons and
adjusters, and during the day, with the
occasional hiss of steam and whirr of
gears, they move to follow the sun

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in order to best pick up its rays. Used in conjunction with a solar trap engine, they absorb far more
efficiently and generate more energy than the
normal set-up of panels. A device powered by a
solar array gains 1 hours of fuel from every
hour of sunlight absorbed. The array needs a
Maintenance check to start it up or keep it running but its own energy consumption is negligible
and it doesnt need a separate engine to drive it.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Spellcraft Engine [Arcana, Steamwork]
A spellcraft engine is mounted as an additional device on an arcanists tower, a nest of pipes
and bubbling glass containers interlaced with copper wire and jagged chunks of crystal. Such an
engine is finely attuned to the status of magic
within 1 mile, able to sense the disturbance of an
arcane spell like the ripples of water across a pond
when a stone is dropped in. Whenever a character
casts an arcane spell within the detection radius of
the spellcraft engine, it emits a warning sound
and with a steamwork compass indicates the
direction of the incident from the tower. A series
of different glass beakers are lined up next to the
compass, each one indicating one of the schools of
magic, and when an incident is detected the
beaker that corresponds to the school of magic of
the spell casts fills with swirling steam. Spellcraft
engines are often tailored to respond only to specific schools of magic, since in some places certain
of the schools are illegal, usually those of
Enchantment and Necromancy.
A character that is aware of the presence of a
spellcraft engine nearby can try and avoid detection by making a Concentration check (DC
25+spell level) while spellcasting. A success
means he masks the spell from the engine by
damping down its magical signal.
While a single spellcraft engine can only indicate the direction of the location in which the
spellcasting occurred, two or three spellcraft
engines in different locations can be used to triangulate the exact co-ordinates of the location. If
combined with teleportation spells this can
make a rapid response to unsanctioned
spellcasting a viable possibility.
Caster Level: 9th Creation:

Create Wondrous Item, detect magic, Craft

(Steamworks) 12 ranks
Steamwork Bridge [Steamwork]
With the power of steam technology, a new
and revolutionary type of bridge can be constructed. Rather than suffering the limitations of more
static stone, metal or wooden structures, a bridge
can be built to span busy stretches of river, not
just because of the improved construction techniques of an industrialising society but because it
can be engineered to move for passing river traffic. The exact manner in which the bridge operates varies; a central section might lift directly up
on steel ropes, cogs and pulleys, or the bridge
might be split in the middle as the two sides are
pulled up to form a triangular shape when they
are at their apex. Either way, larger water craft are
thus able to pass under the bridge, where before
the static structure of a bridge would have limited
only smaller craft to be able to pass further up or
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Steamwork Gate [Steamwork]
Many large structures such as castles, temples
and suchlike feature large and heavy gates.
Although these can be opened and closed by hand
this tends to be slow because of their sheer size
and weight, and of course also demands a fair bit
of effort on the part of the gatekeeper. Steamwork
engines rigged up to open the gates are both a
boon to the tired gatekeeper and a significant status symbol on the part of the owner, displaying
his wealth and might. Like steamwork locks,
steamwork gates incorporate a full locking mechanism easily up to the standards of fortified positions. The nature of the gates is obviously displayed on the hinges and frame of the structure,
which are covered in the metal cladding that conceals the mechanisms beneath. The main body of
the engine and controls are situated on the inside
of the walls and well out of harms way. When the
operator opens the gates, the huge weight of the
gates swings open slowly enough to allow anyone
to get out of the way, accompanied by the hiss of
steam and the grinding noise of cogs. They are
particularly popular amongst those wishing to

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

impress and intimidate their guests.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Steamwork Pump System [Steamwork]
A steamwork pump is a large and noisy piece
of engineering attached to a network of pipes and
valves. These pumps can serve a variety of different purposes. Most obvious is to pump water
around, which despite its simplicity in concept is
a very useful capability. Industries demand large
amounts of water in their processes and a steamwork pump can provide a factory with all the
water it needs by running pipes down to a river or
seafront. Pumps are also used on steam-powered
ships to pump water out, as well as being
employed in marshy and coastal areas for draining land free of water. Were a pump system to be
extended throughout a city, with regular pump
stations keeping the pressure up, it could provide
the amazing amenity of fresh running water to
the ordinary citizens, pushing back the limits of
city growth by leaps and bounds with such a marvel. Harness the great amount of heat generated
by the factories and plants of a dozen industries
working day and night in a city and even hot
water becomes available. Pump systems can also
be employed as rudimentary sewage systems, taking the waste from alchemical and arcane laboratories and industrial factories and usually just
dumping it in a river or the sea. It is advisable to
be wary of venturing into the water near the effluent pipes of an alchemechanics or wizards workplace.
As well as urban uses, steamwork pumps have
their applications in agriculture. Here, water is
even more useful, and such a pump in place on a
well or by a river can have a farmers irrigation
system running with fresh water; equally, when
rains and floods threaten to erode crops away, a
pump can be used to mitigate the damage.
The statistics given here are for a Huge pump
but smaller, more portable ones could also be
employed, as could much bigger ones designed to
supply entire areas of a city with running water.
They usually appear as a number of large metal
tanks linked together by a nest of piping and pressure valves; pressure readouts are standard, and

these metal beasts need to be maintained regularly.

Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Steamwork Sentry Array [Steamwork]
A steamwork sentry array is another method
of linking up smaller devices to a central engine to
create a larger network, and can be combined with
an arcanomech eye array to give a readout of what
sentries and eyes are active and in what locations.
Like with an arcanomech eye array, all sentries
benefit from a +2 bonus to Spot checks for an hour
after any individual sentry is set off. The switchboard for a steamwork sentry array also displays
the ammunition remaining in each sentry.
As with an eye array, the entry in the table
reflects the central engine hub of the array. The
cost does not include that of the sentries linked up
to it.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Steamwork Siege Weapon [Steamwork]
Large and powerful siege weapons such as ballista can be mounted in a steamwork cradle, a
mechanical array that aids the crew by making it
turn far faster and by semi-automating the
process of reloading it. These steamwork weapon
hardpoints are often placed on heavily defended
fortifications that have need of the additional firepower. A siege weapon mounted in one of these
cradles can turn without impediment through a
full 360 degrees, and can turn as far as the operator wishes in a single round. In addition, the loading period is halved in duration. Any sizeable
weapon can be mounted in one of these.
Weather Tower [Steamwork]
A massive structure that reaches high into the
air, a weather tower sprouts whirling gyroscopic
machines and delicate crystal vanes, weather balloons and lightning conductors. Huge globes of
metal that crackle with energy rotate around the
top of the tower on a metal framework, arcane
energy playing and dancing over the surface of
the machinery. Within, arcane machinery
growls and thrums in laboratories where
the various sensors, detectors and

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devices provide readouts on the weather conditions, predicting potential changes on a much
larger scale than a meteorometer. An active
weather tower can predict weather up to a weak in
advance with a 90% chance of accuracy; for every
additional week ahead a forecast is made the
chance of accuracy reduces by 20%. Most impressive however is the function of the machinery at
the top of the tower, effectively a huge amplification device for weather-altering magics. A spellcaster who casts control weather while in the upper
chamber of an active weather tower has the radius
of the spell increased by 1 mile and the duration
Additionally, the lightning conductors on a
weather tower automatically reduce all electricity
damage dealt to the structures to zero.
Weather towers find many uses. Often placed
within cities to aid in keeping the weather
clement and withstanding the worst weather,
especially that brought about by hostile will, they
are also used by some less pleasant individuals to
keep a constant pall of fog or bad weather over the
surrounding area. They are also often attached to
seabourne oilrigs to help protect the structure
from the hazardous weather of the oceans.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 16 ranks,
Knowledge (Arcana) 15 ranks, Knowledge
(Meteorology) 15 ranks

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The mighty race of dragons has little to do with
steam technology in general. Immensely powerful,
they often see little use in
it for themselves, and view
the expansion of industrialising nations into their
territory as evidence that it
is time to put the lesser
species back in their place.
On the other hand, canny
dragons often make use of
steamwork devices for
their minions and servants,
and it may well be possible
to convince them of the
potential of steam technology if shown how it can be
used for their own comfort
and power.

M el ding Man with Machine
his section deals with steam powered
mechanical prosthetics, replacements for
limbs and lost body parts crafted through
clever artifice and scientific principles. Normally
when a character suffers a grievous injury that
shatters their body, or they lose a limb through
accident or battle, they have two options. The
first is to seek out a cleric for healing, and hope
that there is one powerful enough to cast regenerate. However, such a cleric isnt always on hand,
and in some settings with greater restrictions on
healing a character has to take the second option,
which is to live with the injuries they suffered.

Steamwork prosthetics sometimes called

rivet surgery, bionics or machine medicine is
another option, by which a character has their
damaged or missing body part replaced by a new
mechanical form. While most people are attached
enough to their own body that the idea of having
to have a steamwork replacement will never be
superior to just having their old limb back, the
enhanced strength and toughness afforded by a
steamwork prosthetic can be superior to the old
flesh and blood. Prosthetics often end up as a
symbol of being a grizzled veteran, one who has
seen many battles, and people generally find those
who bear prosthetic parts quite intimidating.
Of course, if it were as simple as prosthetics
being superior to the original body parts then they
might be more popular, perhaps even characters
voluntarily undergoing surgery to have a perfectly fine arm replaced with a metal claw-limb.
However, like with all steamwork devices, prosthetics may need fuelling depending on the
engine type used, and need maintenance to keep
them running. No warrior would want his swordarm to simply seize up (or worse) in the middle of
a fight. Those who end up with prosthetics usually spend a lot of time and effort on the parts of
them that are now mechanical and endeavour to
become skilled in steamwork sciences. For some
that are especially heavily modified, the penalty
for failure in this field is death.

Getting a Prosthetic
f a character loses a limb or suffers crippling
body damage they may wish to seek out a surgery that can fit a prosthetic. Assuming they
can afford the cost, and find someone capable of
giving the treatment, they then undergo an
operation where the surgeon attempts to fix
the prosthetic to them. This is usually
the easy part.

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To successfully graft a steamwork prosthetic
to a patient, a surgeon must make a Heal check
(DC 12). Failure means the operation itself is simply a failure. This is not a problem because more
operations can be attempted, but it does delay the
whole process.
Most surgeons use some sort of anaesthetic
where possible. Specialised versions of the sleep
spell, strange and exotic concoctions of drugs, and
other even odder possibilities are employed. In
some cases a character might be the involuntary
subject of an operation, perhaps a captive about to
be mechanised as an experiment; gruesomely,
such experimenters often use variants of the hold
person spell, leaving the captive fully conscious for
the operation but simply unable to struggle. Some
surgeons who simply dont have access to any
anaesthetics at all do the same, figuring that
either the patient can be in pain and struggling or
in pain and still. The possibility of having to go to
a surgeon in a setting without any advanced form
of anaesthetic is enough to put off most from the
idea of ever undergoing such madness as to have
a limb voluntarily removed for a superior prosthetic replacement.
Once a prosthetic is grafted it will operate as
intended, but the character must make
Maintenance checks and refuel it as appropriate.
In addition for the first d3 days after grafting a
character suffers a 2 check to attack rolls and
skill checks made using the prosthetic, as they are
not acclimatised to it and tend to misjudge and act
clumsily. Unfortunately what many fantasy settings share with the real medieval period is poor
sanitation and living conditions, and a newly
applied prosthetic is a prime source of infection, if
some form hasnt already been contracted in the
dirty operating theatre of a prosthetic surgery.
The character must make a Fortitude check (DC
10) after 24 hours or contract a random disease
immediately. The check is modified by the factors
on the following table:

Surgeon has 6 or more ranks in Heal
Surgeon has 15 or more ranks in Heal
Character is involved in combat with monsters
within 24 hours
Monsters have a disease-causing attack
Character has cure disease cast on them
Character spends time in squalid conditions
(slums, poor area, etc).
Character has been within 5ft of another diseased
character within 24 hours
Technology level is crude or poor
Prosthetic technology level is advanced
Technology level is high steam-power
There is always a danger of infections or blood
poisoning for characters with prosthetics and they
tend to be slightly more vulnerable to diseases. A
character with any prosthetics suffers a 1 penalty
to saving throws against disease.

escribed here is a list of different prosthetic parts that can be surgically grafted
to a character. Some are more advanced
than others and as such a culture might not have
access to all of them, more likely just the cruder
forms with more advanced prosthetics being created only by individual master craftsmen and
found as relics of ancient civilisations.
The category assigned in the Size entry is for a
character of Medium size. Characters of larger or
smaller size have to be fitted with prosthetics
scaled accordingly, which may mean they need a
larger or smaller engine to power them.

Bronze Hand [Steamwork]

This form of prosthetic is designed in the fashion of a metal hand, pistons and gears replicating
the manner in which real fingers move. The
machinery within is easily accessible via a plate
on the palm of the hand that swings open to allow
refuelling of the tiny engine within. A bronze
hand replicates a real hand with no bonuses or
penalties; the machinery is well-crafted and delicate enough that its mimicry of real hand movements and reactions is excellent but the machin-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Cost Maintenance DC fight simply have the stump
fitted with a weapon such as a
Bronze Hand
sword or hook, an iron claw is
Iron Chest
a superior weapon since it
Iron Claw
returns to the character some
Iron Jaw
use of their hand as well as a
Iron Jaw, Steamwork
weapon. An iron claw can be
Iron Throat
used as a simple weapon, dealIron Throat, Superior
ing d6 damage with a threat
Iron Vital
range of 19-20/x2, and attacks
made with it benefit from a +2
Strength bonus. If used to
Rust Blood
Diminutive 100gp
crush an object in the claw,
Steamwork Arm
the Strength bonus increases
Steamwork Heart
to +4 (this benefit is not
Steamwork Leg
gained in combat, only against
Steamwork Wing
inanimate objects). Any skill
Steel Blood
checks made involving an
Steal Ear
Diminutive 2,000gp
iron claw suffer a 1 penalty.
Steel Eye
Diminutive 3,000gp
Steel Nose
Diminutive 6,000gp
(Steamworks) 9 ranks
Treads, Spider-walk
Iron Jaw
ery lacks in the crude strength that some prosthetThis prosthetic replaces the characters jaw
ics have.
one crafted from iron, designed for those
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
suffering grievous wounds to the jaw in battle or
industrial accident. The usual design is a hefty
Iron Chest [Steamwork]
This prosthetic replaces a large section of the metal jaw riveted to the remnants of the characcharacters chest with metal plates and pieces, ters lower face, often crafted to have intimidating
forming an artificial lung for those whose own steel teeth jutting up from it. Despite the name,
breathing organs are severely damaged. A charac- versions of this prosthetic can also be crafted for
ter with an iron chest gains a +1 bonus to their creatures with more exotic mouthparts such as
natural armour from all the machinery. If the iron beaks. An iron jaw of any form does not need an
chest ever ceases functioning, back-up machinery engine to power it. A character with an iron jaw
kicks in to keep some semblance of air reaching may designate one of his unarmed attacks per
the characters system, but he suffers a 4 penalty round to be made with a bite that deals normal
to all attacks, saves and checks and becoming damage and not subdual damage. A character
fatigued very easily if they undergo any strenuous with an iron jaw that already has a natural bite
activity. If the back-up machinery fails as well, attack gains a +1 damage bonus on that attack.
the character will begin to suffocate, eventually
Iron Jaw, Steamwork [Steamwork]
dying unless the machine is activated again.
This steamwork prosthetic is a powerful iron
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
jaw fitted with piston augmentation and a very
small engine to power it. A character with a
Iron Claw [Steamwork]
Unlike a bronze hand, an iron claw is not a steamwork jaw gains the same benefits as
carefully crafted mimicry of a real hand. Instead from a normal iron jaw, except that when
it is a heavy and powerful mechanised claw. the engine is fired up the jaw can be
While some who lose their hand but still need to used to make bite attacks with an

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additional +4 machine bonus to Strength.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 6 ranks

ranks, Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks

Iron Throat [Steamwork]

This prosthetic looks like a collar of metal
around the characters throat, studded with pieces
of machinery and vents. It is designed for a character whose throat has been damaged, usually
after having been savaged by some creature, and
whose breathing and speaking capabilities
impaired. Just by having a steamwork throat
implanted a character with a ruined throat can
breath without problems, even when the throat is
inactive. When the steamwork prosthetic is activated they can speak without problems, although
the quality of their voice depends on the quality
of the iron throat. The crude mechanisms are not
particularly accurate in mimicking the characters
voice, and when he speaks he can sound more like
the metal voice of a construct or the grinding
noise of gears, a sinister, deep and mechanised
voice. A character with an iron throat suffers a 5%
chance of spell failure for spells with a verbal
component due to this impediment.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Iron Throat, Superior [Steamwork]
Crafted with much finer mechanisms than a
normal iron throat, a superior iron throat recreates the speakers original voice quite accurately,
with only a metallic reverberation or occasional
hiss of steam. A character with a superior iron
throat does not suffer the 5% spell failure chance.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Iron Vital [Steamwork]
This prosthetic replaces a vital organ like a
liver or kidney, using a mix of steamwork science
and alchemy to keep the character alive and functioning. Usually accessible via a metal hatch for
fuelling and maintenance, if an iron vital fails the
character suffers a 2 penalty to attacks, saves and
skill checks as their body begins to go wrong, and
they have 1 day to fix it or get a replacement. If
they do not do so then they take d6
Constitution damage every day until they
either die or get a fixed or replaced vital.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 9

Omnimaw [Arcana, Steamwork]

An omnimaw is a magical prosthetic, a carefully enchanted set of complex metal pumps and
rune-encrusted chambers that replace the subjects original stomach and digestive tract. A character with an omnimaw can derive sustenance
from eating anything, from meat to grass to sandstone, the arcane industry of the prosthetic drawing nutrition forth from any consumed substances. It also automatically neutralises any
ingested poisons that pass through it.
Caster Level: 11th Creation: Create Wondrous
Item, neutralise poison, Craft (Steamworks) 15
Piston-Strength [Steamwork]
Rather than being a prosthetic replacement for
an entire body part, piston-strength is one of the
few steamwork augmentations that a character
might consider having grafted on voluntarily. It
involves incorporating pistons and machinery
into the arms, shoulders or both of a character,
and unfortunately the bulk of the machinery
involved means that it cannot be discreetly buried
beneath the skin. Instead much of it protrudes
from the flesh and muscle, steel pistons and joints
erupting from the surface, and is often quite
unsightly. Those who need the extra muscle
power, usually heavy labourers who also want a
bit of intimidating strength and mercenaries, are
sometimes willing to undergo this treatment to
get an extra edge in battle. Some powerful beings
also have their minions enhanced with pistonstrength. A character with this augmentation benefits from a +2 machine bonus to Strength and a
+1 bonus to their natural armour.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks, Heal 8
Rust Blood
A crude form of manufactured blood, a primitive mimicry of steel blood, this substance appears
like liquid, coppery rust, lumps coagulating and
flowing apart. It consists of small, simple
machines suspended in a medium that can be
injected into patients to give their immune sys-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

tem a small boost. A character who has an injec- one, an aesthetic design made to help cushion the
tion of rust blood gains a +4 machine bonus to any psychological impact of having to rely on a steamsaving throws against diseases during a period of work device to stay alive. A metal hatch on the
48 hours as the machines patrol their body and chest of the character allows access for refuelling
attack invading infections
and suchlike. After the 48
although those who can
hours has passed the natural
possibly afford it try to
processes of the system
s well as being subject to the com- buy a steamwork heart
flush the rust blood out
mon diseases that affect everyone, with an engine type that
characters with prosthetics also doesnt need refuelling. A
Craft become potential targets for more specific steamwork heart is gener(Steamworks) 16 ranks
ally only implanted under
urgent need, when a charBlood-metal
acters heart is rapidly failSteamwork
Hearsay and rumour cloud the origins
ing due to injury or dis[Steamwork]
ease, and the operation is
A relatively common
createxceptionally risky (+8 to
form of prosthetic, a steamwork arm is designed to ing mechanised creatures that went horri- the DC of a prosthetic
implant operation when
replace a limb lost through bly wrong and escaped the confines of a
implanting a steamwork
industrial accident, battle or laboratory, while others claim it is a
heart). A character with a
infection. A steamwork arm
either replaces from the
immune to any attacks
shoulder or the elbow, both their sins. What is known is that it only
versions being identical in infects people with steamwork prosthetics, that work by causing a
heart attack, whether mageffects. The prosthetic is as the disease affecting both the flesh of the
replaceical or not, for instance the
articulate and dextrous as
phantasmal killer spell. Of
the original limb, as well as
course, if a steamwork
possessing of superior starts and the other ends begins to blur,
heart malfunctions and
strength, but if it runs out of
fuel or malfunctions then and flowing through the blood of the vic- breaks the character is in
the character cannot use it tim as their flesh starts to absorb the bion- serious trouble.
at all. Any attack rolls and ic device. Before long the overload of
skill checks made with the metal flowing into the system of the char- (Steamworks) 15 ranks
for acter usually proves fatal. Even those who
instance an unarmed attack survive may be left with irreparably damSteamwork Leg
or a weapon it is gripping,
gain a +2 bonus to Strength.
Like a steamwork arm,
Craft patterns.
this type of prosthetic is
Infection: Contact
(Steamworks) 8 ranks
relatively common, mainDC: 17
ly amongst industrial
workers and soldiers. It
returns mobility to a charOne of the most drastic
acter whose leg is lost or
prosthetic alterations a character can get, a steam- mangled, although if it runs out of fuel or locks
work heart is a fist-sized steamwork pump made up then the character can only hobble at half
up of gears, moulded metal and pipes that link their normal movement speed. An
into the blood stream. Often the main pump unarmed attack delivered with a kick
chamber of the heart is shaped to look like a real of a steamwork leg benefits from a


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+2 Strength bonus, and a character with this prosthetic gains a +2 machine bonus to Balance
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Steamwork Wing [Steamwork]
This type of prosthetic is only found amongst
races of an aerial nature that have wings and a
knack for the sciences. It cannot be implanted
onto a character that did not originally have
wings since their muscle and bone structure are
entirely wrong for its use. Constructed from
metal struts, gears and pistons along with leathery canvas or feathers or some other material as
appropriate to the species, steamwork wings
return the capability of flight to a character that
has had its wings damaged or destroyed, although
it does not give any additional bonuses. If a pair
of steamwork wings malfunction while the character is in the air they can still use the wings to
glide clumsily down to the ground, except in the
case of a Catastrophic Malfunction.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Steel Blood
Steel blood is a silvery substance that looks like
liquid metal. In fact it consists of hundreds of tiny
machines just smaller than the eye can make out.
Much like living oil and living steel, steel blood is
an example of very highly advanced technology
usually only created by high steam-power cultures, and can sometimes be found in small vials
in the ruins of past empires. It does not follow the
normal rules for steamwork prosthetics, and the
machines seem self-maintaining and self-fuelling,
possibly siphoning energy out blood.
If injected into the blood stream of a character,
steel blood bolsters their immune system, the tiny
machines spreading through the body to protect
and enhance. A character with steel blood gains a
+4 bonus to all saving throws against poison and
disease. After having steel blood in their system
for a week a character benefits from a +2 bonus to
their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution ability scores as the blood works to improve their
physique, reactions and resilience. By concentrating mentally a character can
flush steel blood out of their system,

the liquid metal pouring out of their nose where it

can be recollected. A character loses the bonuses
to saves the moment steel blood leaves their system, but the ability score bonuses persist for a
week before they fade.
The entry given in the table above is for one
vial of steel blood.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 20 ranks
Steel Ear [Steamwork]
This prosthetic device replaces lost or damaged
ears as well as the organs just within that sense
sound. Used to cure deafness caused by damage to
an ear, this prosthetic is unusual in that it is sometimes voluntarily implanted by thieves and
rogues who want to improve their sense of hearing especially by those who already have an ear
lobe mangled or lost through a fight or punishment. A character with a steel ear benefits from a
+2 machine bonus to Listen checks due to the
complex machinery within the device.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks
Steel Eye [Steamwork]
A complex and delicate device, a steel eye is a
prosthetic replacement for a real eye. Either the
entire socket of the eye is filled with a block of
machinery that mounts a lens through which the
character can see, or a more refined device shaped
like an eye is fitted back in, surgically reattached
so that the muscles around the eye can move it as
if it were a genuine one. Both devices grant sight
back to a character that has lost an eye. A character with a steamwork eye can use the device to
magnify their vision in and out as well as granting greater clarity and focus, and they gain a +2
machine bonus to Search and Spot checks. A
character using a rolling eye device can patch the
vision of the rolling eye straight into a steel eye.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Steel Nose [Steamwork]
A less common prosthetic, a steel nose replaces
a lost or damaged nose as well as filling the nasal
cavity with alchemechanical machinery. Cruder
versions are little more than unseemly blocks of
metal but with superior technology a more
refined and aesthetically crafted steel nose is pos-

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sible. A steel nose is full of complex alchemical
devices that grant the character a highly refined
sense of smell, giving them the Scent ability
when the nose is active.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 12 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 9 ranks
Treads [steamwork]
A drastic modification, this prosthetic replaces
the entire lower body of a character, rooting their
abdomen into a metal machine and engine
mounted on treads driven by dozens of small
wheels. Somewhat like a mechanised wheelchair
except that the character is actually grafted into
the machinery, characters on treads move at a
base speed of 20ft, the tracks granting them fairly
good mobility over uneven terrain even considering their limited state. A character with treads
gains a +3 bonus to their natural armour. Back-up
life support systems built into the throne grant
the character a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Treads, Spider-Walk [Steamwork]
Like the treads prosthetic, this device replaces
the lower half of a character with a steamwork
throne mounted atop eight long, metal legs driven
by pistons and gears. The character can move at a
base speed of 30ft rather than 20ft, and obstacles
such as stairs no longer hamper their movement
for the slender legs are remarkably agile and dextrous. Like treads, a spider-walk system grants a
+3 bonus to natural armour and a +2 bonus to
Fortitude saves.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks

Prosthetic Upgrades
Alchemists Breath
Arcane Vision
Arm Spikes
Augmented Strength
Blood-Feeder Engine
Crystal Iris
Injection System
Integrated Weapon
Poison Sensor


This section details a number of upgrades possible to prosthetics.

Alchemists Breath [Steamwork]
An upgrade that can be made to an iron chest
or throat, alchemists breath uses alchemical substances and filters to allow the character to breath
in environments such as toxic gases or even
underwater. Note that this doesnt protect against
the cloudkill spell like a sealed environment does.
A character with alchemists breath can activate it
as a standard action, and can breath in such environments for up to half an hour, after which the
alchemical reserves run out and need to be topped
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 8 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 5 ranks
Arcane Vision [Arcana, Steamwork]
A magical upgrade that can be made to a steel
eye, arcane vision fills the prosthetic with arcane
machinery and mystic circuitry. It allows the
character to see as of by detect magic and see invisibility, each once per day.
Caster Level: 6th
Creation: Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic,
see invisibility, Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Arm Spikes [Steamwork]
This upgrade incorporates a row of vicious
bladed spikes concealed in a steamwork arm.
When activated the spikes flick out and can be
used in combat so that the damage caused by
unarmed attacks is normal damage, not subdual.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 5 ranks
Augmented Strength [Steamwork]
By heavily augmenting the engine and pistons
on a steamwork prosthetic, this upgrade increases
any machine Strength bonus granted in any form
by the device by an additional +2.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Blood-feeder Engine [Steamwork]
This upgrade can be used with any
steamwork prosthetic that has a blood
drinker engine. What the upgrade
does is to siphon off blood straight

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out of the characters blood stream to feed the
engine. While an efficient way to power the
device, a blood-feeder weakens the character from
blood loss, inflicting a 1 penalty to attack rolls,
skill checks and saves. A character can negate
these penalties for one hour by voluntarily suffering 2d6 subdual damage.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Crystal Iris [Steamwork]
This upgrade can be made to a steel eye.
Careful augmentation of the prosthetics light
sensitivity by amplification lenses of crystal and
tiny pieces of glass grant a character with a crystal iris low-light vision.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Injection System [Steamwork]
An upgrade that can be attached to any steamwork device, an injection system incorporates a
small medical device. It consists of a glass chamber and some machinery designed to inject the
contents of the chamber into the characters blood
stream directly; this can be done as a free action.
Special troops or guard creatures fitted with combat drugs usually use it, but some alchemist mages
are now developing blood potions that can be
injected directly into the blood with the normal
effect of the potion, rather than having to drink it.
A character can make a blood potion by altering
the usual methods of brewing potions; the cost is
increased by 25%, and blood potions can only be
injected, having no effect if drunk normally.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks, Heal 8
Integrated Weapon [Steamwork]
This upgrade integrates a concealed weapon
into a prosthetic. It is a free action to retract or
reveal an integrated melee weapon, while ranged
weapons can be fired from the prosthetic without
needing to reveal them. The size of the weapon is
limited by the size of the prosthetic, although
stripped-down crossbow or firearm devices can
be fitted into a Small steamwork arm but
require an additional full round action to
reload. Melee weapons can either be
attached to the prosthetic, or can

simply be stored there and wielded as separate

weapons when activated. Integrated weapons are
often used as assassination devices, in particular
the use of hand crossbows or shuriken that are
fired from a steamwork arm and dosed with poison. They are also handy aids when a character
would otherwise be facing enemies while
The cost of the integrated weapon upgrade
does not include the cost of any weapons themselves.
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks
Poison Sensor [Steamwork]
This upgrade can be added to iron vitals and
steamwork hearts. The device contains alchemical sensors that pick up on increasing levels of
toxins and poisons in the bloodstream, alerting
the character and attempting to counteract them.
A poison sensor grants a +2 bonus to saving
throws against poison.
Creation: Craft (Alchemy) 9 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 6 ranks

Steamwork Prosthetics in a
World with Magical Healing
he prosthetic devices here can, to an
extent, be rendered irrelevant in a fantasy
world where the capability to cast healing
spells is easily available and divine spellcasters are
common. If every time a commoner gets a scratch
theres a cleric on hand to heal him, then obviously few people will ever need or want a steamwork
Presented here are a number of brief ideas
about how a setting can be modified to make the
use of prosthetic devices more common. Some of
these suggestions might result in a more gritty
style of game-play when a party of adventurers
cannot simply rely on a healer to get them back up
to full strength after every battle, while others
have less of an impact on the way that the game
is played.

The PCs Are Special: Although in the core

rules there are no real rules for damage to specific
locations that might result in the need for a pros-

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

thetic, it can be assumed that in most pitched battles the mass of casualties will include some who
have lost an arm, leg, or other replaceable body
part. Equally, the industrial labourers in a heavy
machinery factory might occasionally fall foul of
accidents where they have a limb crippled or mangled in the workings of some device. Player characters can continue to fight and battle in the same
ways they always have done, with healing easily
on hand from divine healers and the replenishing
of hit points not hampered by more critical forms
of damage. In the world around them there will be
NPCs who have need of steamwork prosthetics
from the injuries they suffer, but player characters only suffer hit point damage from attacks as
normal (except in exceptional circumstances).
The Cost of Healing: If costs for healing spells
are rigorously imposed, many of the common
populace may not be able to afford curative or
regenerative spells. Unable to get divine healing
they have to turn to physicians and doctors for
their wounds, and to steam surgeons for the more
crippling injuries.

High-llevel Healing: All healing spells could be

increased in level. This might be limited to some
religions, or all of them, with divine forms of
healing simply being rare and hard to cast. Most
people have to turn to more conventional forms of
No Healing: With this option, there is no healing available, or it is incredibly rare. Entire religions and faiths simply do not have access to any
healing spells. Perhaps a druidic hermit living
deep in a forest might know the secrets for a few
curative spells, but for the bulk of the characters
in such a setting, reality is harsh and unforgiving
and injuries easily crippling. Steamwork augmentations would be far more common in a situation
where there is no form of regenerative spell at all.
Limited Healing: It may be that there are some
sorts of damage that healing spells simply cannot
deal with. It might be as mundane as flesh burned
by fire being beyond such divine healing, or it
might be that the tainted attacks of demonic creatures inflict injuries that cannot be restored by the
power of faith demon hunters might bear many
scars and prosthetics from their battles.
Hit Locations: A system using hit locations for
critical hits could be implemented, with a chance
that critical hits can cause more permanent and
crippling forms of damage, even severing limbs.

page 81

Beasts of S teel

his section lays out rules for the beasts of

steel that steam technology makes possible, from the small dangerous spider sentinels to the colossal behemoths, from armoured
trains to steamwork dirigibles cruising high in the
skies. Driven by the coursing heat of steam in
their boilers, and armed with the crushing
strength of metal and machinery, these constructs
and vehicles can revolutionise travel, warfare, and
the general lifestyle of those around them.

teamwork constructs tend to be rather noisy
beasts, their joints and pistons hissing with
the built-up pressure of the steam flowing
through their mechanical body and armour plating clamouring with every movement. They also
tend to not be too bright, being driven by machine
intelligence that stems from carefully crafted sentience systems, sometimes made from crystalline
structures and other times made from amazingly
complex arrays of tiny gears. As such, most
steamwork constructs have no Intelligence score,
although in some cases constructs do possess a
more advanced degree of sentience programming.

In general, constructs do not possess skills or

feats. However, the specialist programming and
constructing of some types of steamwork construct imbues them with the innate capability to
perform certain tasks and feats, and they can also
be upgraded with matrixes that endow them with
such abilities.
As with other steamwork devices, the steamwork constructs here require maintenance, an
engine and fuelling. These constructs are signified with the Steamwork subtype.

Alchemists Hound
Medium-Size Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 2d10+20 (31 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed
Attacks: Slam +3; or alchemists cannon
Damage: 1d6+2; or by cannon type
Space/Reach: 5ft./ 5ft.
Special Attacks: Alchemists cannon
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Maintenance, Scent, Volatile
Saves: Fort +0 Ref +1 Will +2
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 12 Con - Int - Wis 14 Cha 1
Feats: Scent*
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or pack (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium); 5-6 HD
The alchemists hound is a veritable walking
alchemy kit, a steamwork construct packed with
as many bubbling glass flasks of chemicals as
gears and pistons. It gets its name from its
quadrupedal, hunched appearance and from the
fact that creators with artistic pretensions often
craft alchemists hounds to look like great wolves
or guard dogs made of metal, wood and glass.
Normally powered by an alchemechanical
engine, hounds are employed as guard constructs.
The myriad of alchemical devices mimics an
advanced sense of smell as well as powering the
constructs main weapon, an alchemical cannon,
the barrel of which juts out of the hounds gaping
Alchemists hounds can understand and obey
orders in one language. They cannot speak,

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

though they can make mechanical growls and
Combat: Hounds are hardly the brightest of
creatures. Their combat programming means
they usually attempt to hose down as many
attackers as possible with their alchemical cannon
until the intruders either flee or die. If a hound is
badly damaged it may try and retreat to its owner
for repairs, depending on its instructions.
Alchemists Cannon (Ex): All hounds have an
alchemists cannon of some variety built into
them. The fuel reserves for the weapon are also
stored inside the hounds body and cannot be targeted separately unless the hound is rolled over to
reveal its underbelly, a difficult task with any
still-functional construct. Since alchemists cannons do not need an attack roll to hit the area they
attack, hounds can easily do a great deal of damage to closely packed opponents.
Construct: An alchemists hound is a construct
and has the relevant traits and immunities common to that type.
Hardness: The metal and machinery parts of an
alchemists hound grant it hardness 5.
Maintenance: An alchemists hound has a
Maintenance DC of 10.
Scent: The incredibly complex alchemical
devices within a hound allow it to pick up the
barest traces of a scent on the air with alarming
ease. An alchemists hound automatically gains
the Scent feat.
Volatile: With their bubbling concoction of
alchemical innards and the ammunition fuel for
an alchemists cannon, hounds are potentially
walking explosives. Whenever a hound is struck
in melee combat, there is a 5% chance it detonates
as if for the Kaboom! Result on an acid thrower.
When destroyed, the chemical buffers and mechanisms keeping the alchemy in check stop working, and the hound explodes as per the Kaboom!
result in d3 rounds. The only warning that this is
about to happen are thin, wispy plumes of acrid
smoke rising from the wreckage with increasing
Constructing an Alchemists Hound:
(Steamworks) 9 ranks Cost: 5,000gp


Automaton, Steamwork
Small Automaton
Small Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 1d10+10 (16 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 20ft.
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size), touch 12, flatfooted 16
Attacks: Slam +0
Damage: Slam d4
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +0 Ref +1 Will +0
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 12 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1
Medium-Sized Automaton
Medium-Sized Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 2d10+20 (31 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17
Attacks: Slam +3
Damage: Slam 1d6+3
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +0 Ref +0 Will +0
Abilities: Str 15 Dex 10 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Labourer (1 plus owner) or work
gang (2-6 + foreman)
Challenge Rating: Small ; Medium 1; Large 3;
Huge 6; Gargantuan 9; Colossal 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Steamwork automatons or automata are
constructs created to provide mechanised labour,
and they come in a number of shapes and sizes.
Small and especially larger automata might
move by four or more legs, or tracks, but
automatons are generally bipedal and
roughly humanoid in shape, broad
metal shoulders hinting at the

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Large Automaton

Gargantuan Automaton

Large Construct [Steamwork]

Hit Dice: 4d10+30 (52 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 19 (+11 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 19
Attacks: Slam +7
Damage: Slam 1d8+7
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +1 Will +1
Abilities: Str 20 Dex 10 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1

Gargantuan Construct [Steamwork]

Hit Dice: 16d10+60 (148 hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 22 (-1 Dex, +17 natural, -4 size), touch 5, flatfooted 22
Attacks: Slam +18/+13/+8
Damage: Slam 2d8+15
Space/Reach: 20ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Trample
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 10,
Saves: Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 8 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1

Huge Automaton
Huge Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 8d10+40 (84 hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 22 (-1 Dex, +15 natural, -2 size), touch 7, flatfooted 22
Attacks: Slam +11/+6
Damage: Slam 2d6+10
Space/Reach: 15ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +2 Ref +1 Will +2
Abilities: Str 25 Dex 9 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1

massive strength within and engine vents, grills

and smokestacks revealing the source of motive
Small automatons are normally employed for
tasks in spaces that are cramped and confined for
their operators to get to. Medium-, large- and
huge-sized automata generally perform heavy
labour jobs where their superior strength is best
employed, moving goods around farms, docks and
factories, and hauling raw materials around
construction sites. The really massive
automatons are used to haul huge stone
blocks for the building of castles and
fortresses, digging huge trenches

Colossal Automaton
Colossal Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 32d10+80 (252 hp)
Initiative: -2 (-2 Dex)
Speed: 50ft.
AC: 22 (-2 Dex, + 22 natural, -8 size), touch 0, flatfooted 22
Attacks: Slam +28/+23/+18/+13
Damage: Slam 4d6+18
Space/Reach: 30ft./15ft.
Special Attacks: Trample
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 10,
Saves: Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +10
Abilities: Str 35 Dex 7 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1
for canals and moats, and other such heavy-duty
Automatons can understand a single language
and respond to commands from authorised operators, and can handle moderately complex tasks.
They might be able to make a mechanical noise to
signify they have received and understand an
order, depending on their construction.
Combat: These automatons are not designed
specifically for combat. While they can be outfitted with weaponry they lack the heavy armour
and tactical programming of combat steamworks.
Normal automatons outfitted for construction

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and labour will use their brute strength if pressed
into combat.
Trample (Ex): Gargantuan and Colossal
automatons can make trample attacks to simply
walk over smaller opponents, dealing 2d8+15 and
4d6+18 damage respectively. The Reflex save for
half damage is DC 28 (Gargantuan) or DC 38
Construct: All automatons are constructs and
have the relevant traits and immunities common
to that type.
Hardness: Since automatons are mostly made
up of metal plates, pipes and gears, they benefit
from a hardness value.
Maintenance: Automatons have the following
Maintenance DCs: Small & Medium 7; Large
and Huge 8; Gargantuan 10; Colossal 12.
Constructing a Steamwork Automaton:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks Cost:
Small 1,000gp, Medium 2,500gp, Large 4,500gp,
Huge 9,000gp, Gargantuan 18,000gp, Colossal

Colossal Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 100d10+80 (630hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 80ft.
AC: 52 (+50 natural, -8 size), touch 2, flat-footed 52
Attacks: 2 Slams +112/+107/+102/+97
Damage: 4d6+45
Space/Reach: 70ft./ 40ft.
Special Attacks: Trail of Devastation
Special Qualities: Challenge Rating, Construct,
Maintenance, Monolithic, Spell Resistance
Saves: Fort +33 Ref +33 Will +33
Abilities: Str 100 Dex 10 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or Apocalypse (2-3)
Challenge Rating: Special*
Treasure: None
Quite possibly the largest beast to walk the
earth, even if it is a beast of steel and gears and
not of flesh and blood, a behemoth towers over

even titans and dragons, the pinnacle of steamwork construction. Generally bipedal, standing
tall on massive, tower-like armoured legs, behemoths can have any conceivable appearance.
From the gold and crimson plated titanic knight
of a human empire, smokestacks alone taller than
a house and laden with feudal banners, to the
slender and graceful form of an elven masterpiece,
arcanomech engines driving its elegant movement, to the huge, hunched form of a necromancers finest hour, spines and hooks covering it
with the corpses of slain enemies and baleful
engines coughing out choking black smoke; what
behemoths have in common is their massive size
and their capability to level armies and raze
fortresses. A battle between two behemoths is an
impressive sight indeed.
Behemoths are effectively massive automatons
built for battle, and are not particularly clever.
They need the guidance of a tactical expert
amongst their crew for them to be optimally
Combat: Since most conventional troops, even
powerful heroes, are simply no threat, behemoths
tend to just wade through enemy armies to seek
out and destroy genuine dangers massive beasts
like dragons, siege engines, and other behemoths.
They usually spearhead a larger force, smashing
fortifications down to allow ground troops to
Trail of Destruction: Behemoths move over battlefields with little care for fighting the tiny creatures swarming around their feet, simply crushing them instead. Behemoths are not obstructed
in any way from moving over areas occupied by
Huge or smaller creatures; anyone they move
over in this way must make a Reflex save (DC 16)
to avoid the massive, pulverising feet and evade it
safely, or else take 4d6+45 damage.
Challenge Rating: Behemoths simply cannot be
fought in conventional terms by parties of adventurers due to their Monolithic ability (see below),
and so no Challenge Rating is provided.
Construct: Behemoths are constructs and
have the relevant traits and immunities.
Crew: Behemoths need constant
fuelling, maintenance and observance from a team of expert

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mechanics of the appropriate type for instance

arcanomech behemoths usually boast a number of
wizards amongst their crew. As well as mechanics they need a commander and command staff to
help guide the behemoth around the battlefield or
even take direct control in some circumstances
(more difficult if a behemoth has a spirit matrix
with a wilful being bound to it). There is usually
a garrison of guards in case enemies attempt to
storm the construct. If no magical alternatives are
available a behemoth needs semaphore crew to
use flags for communication with generals and
troops outside the behemoth. Crews usually number up to a dozen mechanics, half a dozen command crew and two dozen guards, all capable of
moving around the construct by the myriad of
tunnels, ladders and internal spaces. Some behemoths have their legs modified to become
huge troop-carrying compartments, effectively turning a behemoth into a mobile
fortress that can spill elite shock
troops into the battle around it at a

moments notice. Many behemoths are also fitted

with additional weapons to the fists, claws, rams
or wrecking balls they use for pummelling each
other and buildings, and crew are needed to man
these devices which usually include siege ballistae
and chemical rocket racks.
Earth-shaker: As a behemoth moves, the ground
shakes from its immense machine bulk. Anyone
within 100 ft. of a moving behemoth suffers a 2
circumstance penalty on all skill checks unless
they make a Concentration check (DC 18).
Hardness: The immensely heavy armour plating, reinforcements and fortification that covers a
behemoths hide grants it hardness 15.
Maintenance: Behemoths have a Maintenance
DC of 12. In addition to other causes of
Maintenance checks, every round a behemoth is
active, one randomly selected mechanic must
make a Maintenance check; behemoths are
immense beasts filled with potential to go wrong.
A Maintenance check must also be made whenever a behemoth is hit by another behemoths slam

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attack. Since they are so massive, a failed
Maintenance check does not result in a roll on the
Malfunction table, but instead the machine suffers a 1 penalty to attack rolls, accruing these as
Malfunction checks are failed.
Monolithic: Behemoths are simply too massive
to be even vaguely threatened by anything smaller than their knee-joint mechanisms. A mighty
hero with a sword that can slice through steel like
butter cannot even reach higher than the metal
impact sole on a behemoths foot, and a weapon as
tiny as a sword just does negligible damage. A
wizards fireball melts a small patch of armour
plating but doesnt noticeably affect the steel
Only Huge and larger-sized creatures can
damage a behemoth; anything of smaller size simply does a pathetically irrelevant amount of damage, even if its a high-level hero with a vorpal
axe. The only way for smaller creatures to damage or destroy a behemoth is to storm it, get
onboard and wreck vital mechanisms from the
This is an adventure in itself. A behemoth is
such a concentration of resources and power that
they are without exception immensely heavily
guarded. Elite troops guard the lower levels of a
behemoth, ready to fight back enemy troopers and
cut grapnel ropes, and more reside up on the
shoulders and armoured carapace to fend off flying assaults and man weapons. Military spellcasters are often stationed on behemoths, usually in
armoured platforms at the knee joints, to lend
their firepower to the battle. Entire regiments of
soldiers might be waiting for adventurers if they
breached the heavily armoured foot entrances.
The command crew is also likely to be tough, possibly including high-level and experienced characters positioned to defend the constructs brainmachinery. Add to this arcanomech eye arrays
and steamwork sentries, as well as traps liberally
scattered throughout the bulk of the behemoth in
the form of steam and pressure blasts, crushing
traps and spring-loaded spikes, and fighting
through the cramped confines of a construct is a
difficult prospect. On the other hand, a party
which gains access to a behemoth stealthily or by
unconventional means (such as teleportation,
though thats a trick that would only work a

handful of times before the enemy wised up and

started using magical defences to fend off teleport
spells) might be able to get the drop on the crew.
Constructing a Behemoth: The cost of building
a behemoth is huge, and no price is given here
because it is not as simple as tallying up an
amount of gold and handing it over. Real experts
and masters of the craft must be drafted in to
build a construct so huge and with so much
weight that needs to be supported and moved by
steam power. Getting the parts is not easy, even if
the builders know what they want, especially
since there may be rare or exotic components
needed (especially in those behemoths powered
by non-conventional methods like arcane sources
or necromancy). This is the kind of process that
can take a kingdom years to accomplish. Of
course, sometimes behemoths are recovered more
or less intact from ancient ruins, the relics of
ancient civilisations of vast power, though even
then working out how to power and drive them is
a dangerous task with dormant defence systems
on board.

Medium-Size Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 4d10+20 (42 hp)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 23 (+3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 13, flat-footed
Attacks: 2 armblades +7
Damage: Armblade d8+4
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Razor-edged blades
Special Qualities: Bodyguard, Combat
Calculations, Construct, Evasion, Hardness
5, Maintenance
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +3
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 16 Con Int 14 Wis 14 Cha1
Skills: Tumble +8*
Feats: Deflect Arrows, Improved Initiative*
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or bodyguard (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium),
9-12 HD (Large)

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Also known as steamwork blade-masters,
eviscerators are the mechanical masters of melee.
Humanoid constructs with impassive faceplates
and elegant smokestacks, their most striking features are the jagged blades that jut downwards
from the wrists in place of hands. Built to take
advantage of the capability of machinery to make
lightning-fast calculations, eviscerators see how
to parry every strike and evade every missile
within a fraction of a second. These elite fighting
machines are usually created to act as fearsome
and intimidating bodyguards for powerful wizards and merchants.
Eviscerators cannot speak but they can understand up to three different languages, and can
interpret and carry out commands intelligently
and diligently.
Combat: Eviscerators are clever and athletic
combatants, using terrain to their advantage and
closing as fast as possible to bring their superior
melee skills to bear.
Razor-edge blades: The armblades of an eviscerator threaten a critical on a 19-20.
Bodyguard: At the beginning of any round, an
eviscerator in base contact with another character
can designate that as its target for this ability.
Instead of using its Deflect Arrows feat and combat calculations ability for itself, it instead makes
them for attacks made against the character it is
guarding. An eviscerator that is acting as a bodyguard in this way cannot use Deflect Arrows or
combat calculations to protect itself.
Combat Calculations: Any melee attack made
against an eviscerator is evaded or parried if it
makes a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + character
level of attacker)
Construct: Eviscerators are constructs and have
the relevant traits and immunities.
Evasion: An eviscerator has the evasion ability
of a 1st level rogue.
Hardness: Eviscerators gain hardness 5 from
the fact that they are primarily made up of metal.
Maintenance: An eviscerators Maintenance
DC is 10.
Racial Bonuses: Eviscerators gain the
Deflect Arrows and Improved Initiative
feats, as well as a +5 bonus to Tumble

Constructing an Eviscerator:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks,
Knowledge (Mathematics) 7 ranks Cost: 8,000gp

Living Steel
Medium-Size Construct
Hit Dice: 6d10+20 (53 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat-footed
Attacks: Slam ++7
Damage: Slam 1d6+6 & tendrils
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Tendrils
Special Qualities: Construct, Fast Healing 3,
Immunities, Liquid Form, Machine
Command, Spell-like Abilities, Spell
Resistance 15
Saves: Fort + 2 Ref +6 Will +4
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 18 Con Int 18 Wis 14 Cha
Skills: Craft (Steamworks) +13*
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium) 13-18 HD
The mysterious constructs called living steel
seem to be the survivors of some past civilisation
of awesome power and scientific progress. Living
steel usually appears as a slim, roughly humanoid
figure of rippling, shimmering metal that moves
as if it were liquid; the face featureless. No one
knows whether this is their true form or whether
they mimic the forms of the races they encounter
to put them at ease or unnerve them. In fact living steel is made up of hundreds of absolutely tiny
machines, a collective being formed from minute
components that flow round one another like
The exact agenda of living steel never seems
certain. They are definitely highly intelligent, and
many sages believe they are still tirelessly working on orders given by their now long-dead mas-

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ters, wandering the world to gather knowledge or
guard certain places. Certain powerful artefacts
hidden in the ruins of ancient fortresses are
known to power detachments of divine source
engine steamworks that guard them still, individual examples of living steel are sometimes found
directing and overseeing these groups of ancient
but still operational and still dangerous constructs. These examples lend credence to the
belief that living steel is some sort of overseer
construct that has split itself into dozens of smaller versions to keep the machines of the broken
empire running.
Perhaps inevitably considering their intelligence, rogue samples of living steel seem to have
arisen, following their own plans and directives.
Some seem to be malfunctioning and are the
machine equivalent of insane, but others are chillingly focused and aware and do not mind killing
beings made of flesh to accomplish their aims.
Living steel seems capable of understanding
any language, but they never seem to communicate to living beings.
Combat: Examples of living steel that are still
part of the overseer machine prefer to avoid combat if possible to keep themselves undamaged,
instead sending subservient constructs to battle
for them. Rogue living steel on the other hand can
display a great relish for battle. When in combat,
living steel tends to use its machine command
and spell-like abilities to fight from out of melee
range. It makes intelligent use of its fast healing,
retreating for a few rounds to regain strength as it
sees fit before launching another attack.
Tendrils: When living steel hits with its slam
attack, it extends tendrils of tiny machines whipping into the opponent, attempting to scramble
their innards. A character struck by living steel
must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or suffer an
additional 4d6 damage.
Construct: Living steel is a construct and has
the relevant traits and abilities.
Immunities: Living Steel is immune to slashing
attacks, fire damage and cold damage.
Liquid Form: A sample of living steel can
reform itself into just about any shape imaginable
as a free action. Humanoid shape is only the baseline, and by reshaping itself, a sample of living

steel can slip under a doorway or drain away

down a drainpipe. By spreading itself incredibly
thinly over a wide area a sample can make itself
effectively invisible, only successful Spot checks
(DC 15) noticing the faint sheen of the tiny
machines that make up living steel.
Machine Command: Living steel can command
any steamwork device that was created by its
civilisation from a range of 50ft. Even machines
that have been salvaged from ruins and heavily
modified by later owners will revert to the orders
of living steel. Even though they are no longer
part of the overseer mechanism, rogue living steel
samples also possess this capability.
Racial Bonuses: Living steel gains a +9 racial
bonus to Craft (Steamworks).
Spell-like Abilities: 7/day Magic Missile, Repair
Metal; 1/day dimension door, lightning bolt, rusting
grasp. These abilities are cast as if by a 6th level
sorcerer (DC 12 + spell level).

Iron Juggernaut
Huge Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 12d10+40 (106 hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 25 (-1 Dex, +18 natural, -2 size), touch 7, flatfooted 25
Attacks: 2 slams +18/+13; or melee weapon
+18/+13; or ranged weapon +8/+3
Damage: Slam 2d6+9; or by weapon
Space/Reach: 15ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Roar, Terrifying Charge
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +5
Abilities: Str 28 Dex 8 Con Int Wis 12 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or Detachment (2-6)
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge), 25-36 HD
Iron juggernauts are large and dangerous constructs designed specifically for battle. Its structure is

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roughly humanoid in shape, with two ironclad,
blocky legs holding up the bulky armoured body
that houses the engine and most of the machinery. Large exhaust vents and smokestacks let the
powerful engine work at optimum efficiency. The
head is usually crafted to look like the helm of an
armoured knight, mythical beast, or just left as a
crude sensory grill with small eye lenses, slung
forwards from the main torso by a thick neck of
armoured pistons. Slung under the head are lamp
units that can illuminate the area ahead of the
construct with stingingly bright light, giving the
feeling of anyone standing in the way that theres
an oncoming train, what with the oily smell and
growling engine. While a juggernaut can pummel
an opponent into oblivion with its arms and
stamp on them with its feet, each arm usually
bears a piece of weaponry tailor made for destruction. A juggernaut can attack with both weapons
in a round or make slam attacks; common
weapons are alchemists cannons, chemical rocket
racks, wrecking balls or huge cleaving axes, and if
firearms are available then mechanised arrays of
those. Worryingly, iron juggernauts are usually
built to be as psychotically aggressive against hostiles as possible, their controlling mechanisms
being refined to result in something that most
people would consider a wild animal raging with
bloodlust, trapped in a metal shell.
Combat: Iron juggernauts utilise brute
strength or firepower to obliterate their opponents; however, unlike non-military automata
they can employ tactics if in a group. Usually a
juggernaut just fights until either it or its opponent are destroyed. Juggernauts prefer to use their
ranged weapons for short-ranged mayhem before
charging into battle.
Roar: Those who see a juggernaut in battle who
do not understand technology often think the
construct is some sort of incarnate of rage, for the
engine of the metal beast snarls and roars deafeningly, giving voice to the machines destructive
nature and mechanical rage. Anyone in melee
combat with a juggernaut suffers a 1 morale
penalty to attack rolls.
Terrifying Charge: A juggernaut piling at full speed forwards, ground
shaking and metal engine roaring,

is not something most people want to be in front

of; most engineers who make juggernauts are
aware of this and fashion the warrior constructs
to be as intimidating as possible. Anyone that is
charged by an iron juggernaut must make a Will
save (DC 19) or be shaken for the rest of the combat.
Construct: An iron juggernaut is a construct
and has the relevant traits and immunities.
Hardness: Since an iron juggernaut is mostly
composed of metal plates, gears and pipes, it benefits from hardness 5.
Maintenance: An iron juggernaut has a
Maintenance DC of 10.
Constructing an Iron Juggernaut:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 11 ranks Cost:

Iron Shroud
Large Undead
Hit Dice: 7d12 (49 hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 23 (-1 Dex, +15 natural, -1 size), touch 8, flatfooted 23
Attacks: 2 slams +9
Damage: Slam 1d8+6
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Fist of Entropy, Soul Scream,
Special Qualities: Aura of Rust, Hardness 5,
Servitors, Undead
Saves: Fort + 4 Ref +1 Will +10
Abilities: Str 22 Dex 8 Con Int 16 Wis 16 Cha
Skills: Concentration +10, Craft (Steamworks)
+13, Knowledge (Arcana) +13, Listen +13,
Spellcraft +13, Spot +13
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Necromek,
Spell Focus (Necromancy), Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Any subterranean
Organisation: Solitary (1 iron shroud + servitors)
or mausoleum (2-12 + servitors)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large), 15-21 HD(Huge)

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An iron shroud is a disturbing variant of the
undead mummy. The remains of a nobleman
from some lost civilisation who was embalmed
not in wrappings and preservatives but in iron,
rivets and machinery, an iron shroud is commonly found in ancient ruins or mausoleums. They
appear as some sort of large, ceremonial statue
cast from metal now rusted and pitted with
decay crafted with a death mask and holding
symbols of prosperity and power. However, far
from being a statue an iron shroud can move with
alarming speed and has enough strength to smash
a mans skull with ease, not to mention its other
nefarious powers. Some iron shrouds have naught
but shattered mentalities, guarding the tombs and
mausoleums that are their final resting-places,
while others plan and plot to build armies of
undead to re-establish the ancient kingdom they
came from.
Combat: An iron shroud lets its minions servitors move forwards and do the brunt of the fighting while it supports from behind with spells,
moving into melee if it looks like it is needed to
tip the balance. An iron shroud will attempt to
flee if outmatched, but will plot deviously to try
and get revenge.
Fist of Entropy: A punch from an iron shroud is
like being hit with a piston ram, painful enough;
but worse still, the necromantic energies concentrated in the shroud act with powerful forces of
entropy, causing advanced decay almost immediately. Wounds inflicted by an iron shroud can
only be healed by magic.
Soul Scream: Once per day an iron shroud can
emit a ferocious scream of entropic energy that
bites to the very soul of those who hear it. The
soul scream affects everyone within 30ft of the
shroud, inflicting a 3 penalty to attack rolls, skill
checks and saves for one hour unless they make a
Will save (DC 14).
Spells: An iron shroud has the spellcasting abilities of either a 5th level necromancer or a 5th
level cleric (with domains chosen from Death,
Knowledge, and Magic).
Aura of Rust: Iron shrouds possess an entropic
aura that causes machinery to rust, corrode and
degrade. The Maintenance DC of any steamwork

device within 50ft of an iron shroud is increased

by 2.
Hardness: Clad in a shroud of metal over their
internal machinery, iron shrouds benefit from
hardness 5.
Servitors: An iron shroud is usually accompanied by 14 HD of undead servitors that are bound
to its service servants who were embalmed and
buried alive with their master when he died.
Undead: An iron shroud is undead and has all
the traits and immunities of that type.

Medium-Size Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 2d10+20 (31 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 15 (+5 natural armour), touch 10, flat-footed
Attacks: Slam +3
Damage: Slam 1d4+3
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Maintenance, Programmed Skills
Saves: Fort +0 Ref + Will +2
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 10 Con Int 16 Wis 14 Cha
Skills: *
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Servant (1 + master) or Secretariat
(2-12 + master)
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium), 5-6 HD
A manservant is a steamwork construct crafted to look as close to the humanoid race that made
it as possible, its steel or bronze chassis usually
formed to make it look like the attire of a clerk or
accountant. Designed to be a mechanical secretary
for the wealthy businessman or merchant, a
manservant is something of a display of
wealth and sophistication as well as a
computational device.

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A manservant can speak and understand
Common, as well as possibly others if programmed to do so. When it does speak, it is
always in a servile manner.
Combat: A manservant is not designed for
combat. On the other hand, it doesnt do well to
underestimate one, because its punch is like an
iron bar and its metal chassis can take hits as well
as any armour. Some paranoid merchants fit their
manservants with warrior matrixes and in-built
weapons to create inconspicuous bodyguards.
Construct: A manservant is a construct and has
the relevant traits and immunities.
Hardness: Due to its metal structure a manservant has hardness 5.
Maintenance: A manservant has a Maintenance
DC of 8
Programmed Skills: Upon creation a manservant
is programmed with up to any three different
skills, and has 6 ranks in those skills. If Speak
Language is chosen as a skill it gains the ability to
speak 3 more languages.
Constructing a Manservant:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks,
Diplomacy 5 ranks Cost: 3,500gp

Mechanised Creature
A mechanised creature is an experiment in
melding machine and flesh beyond the use of a
handful of minor prosthetics. About half of a
mechanised creature now consists of machinery
and prosthetic parts, creating a nightmarish
appearance. Created to act as guards and servants,
mechanised creatures tend to be monstrous
humanoids and animals since no one else is likely
to submit themselves to the treatment; the
process of mechanisation is horrific and painful,
and many subjects break and go insane. A mechanised animal that escapes a laboratory and runs
wild through a city is dangerous indeed. Even
those that undergo the process and remain mostly
sane tend to be somewhat mentally unstable.
Mechanised creature is a template
that can be added to any creature. Its
type remains the same, and it uses

all the creatures statistics and special abilities

except as noted here.
AC: The creature gains a +4 bonus to its natural armour.
Attacks: The creature retains all its attacks and
gains a slam attack if it didnt already have one,
which deals damage according to size.
Special Qualities: A mechanised creature
retains all the special qualities of the base creature
and gains the additional qualities described below.
Fortification: A mechanised creature has a 50%
chance of ignoring the additional damage inflicted by a critical hit.
Hardness: Due to the mechanical parts of its
body a mechanised creature gains hardness 5.
Maintenance and Fuelling: The mechanical parts
of a mechanised creature may need fuelling if
powered by certain engine types. It gains a
Maintenance DC of 6, as if it were a steamwork
Ability Scores: A mechanised creature gains a
+4 bonus to Strength.
Challenge Rating: As base creature +1.

Scorpion Sentinel
Large Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 14d10+30 (113 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft, climb 30ft.
AC: 28 (+1 Dex, +18 natural, -1 size), touch 10,
flat-footed 27
Attacks: 2 pincers +19/+14, stinger +14
Damage: Pincer 1d8+10, stinger 2d6+5 + poison
Space/Reach: 10ft./ 10ft.
Special Attacks: Barbed bolts, improved grab,
lightning mandibles, poison reservoir
Special Qualities: Construct, hardness 5, maintenance, Spell Resistance 18
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +7
Abilities: Str 30 Dex 12 Con Int Wis 14 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or Pair
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 15-28 HD (Large), 29-42 HD

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A scorpion sentinel, sometimes erroneously
called a war golem (for it is not a golem at all) is
an incredibly dangerous design of steamwork
construct; heavily armoured, fast, and packed
with weaponry. It appears as a large scorpion constructed from rippling plates of steel, bronze, or
some other metal, with two powerful pincers and
a viciously barbed stinger than bristles with hooks
and blades. An array of smoked glass eyes peer
out from its armour-plated head, below which
mechanical mandibles constantly whirr and move
in frenzied manner. Scorpion sentinels can be
found either as guardians of ruins and tombs built
with long-lost technologies along with other
types of sentinel, or as the guardian creations of
mechanically minded spellcasters.
A scorpion sentinel can understand one language, usually Common, though it cannot itself
Combat: Scorpion sentinels are built for battle,
their compact structure capable of suffering a
great deal of damage without a noticeable lessening in efficiency. They attempt to close rapidly,
using their barbed bolt and lightning mandible
abilities before attempting to rip apart anyone
they can get their pincers on in melee.
Barbed Bolts: A scorpion sentinel can unleash
the barbs in its tail in a spray of metal bolts,
inflicting 2d6 damage on everyone in a cone of
range 25ft. unless they make a Reflex save (DC
16) to avoid it. It takes 5 rounds for the sentinel to
reload the barbs.
Improved Grab: A scorpion sentinel that hits
with a pincer attack may use this ability. Any
character grappled is hit with the stinger automatically each round that they remain grappled.
Lightning Mandibles: The delicate and arcane
machinery of the sentinels mandibles is in fact an

advanced form of static charge generator. It takes

3 rounds for a sentinel to build up enough charge
to attack, the crackling of electricity becoming
more and more evident in the constructs maw.
Once charged up, it can unleash the energy as a
lightning bolt cast by a 5th level sorcerer (DC 13), or
alternatively discharge it throughout its metal
shell, inflicting 2d6 electrical damage to anyone in
base contact unless they make a Reflex save (DC
15). Anyone grappled by the scorpion is automatically hit.
Poison Reservoir: A scorpion sentinels stinger
holds a reservoir of poison that is injected to any
creature hit by the stinger attack, enough for 3
doses. Once used up it needs to be either manually refilled, or the sentinel can top up the level of
poison by feeding on noxious substances like mercury or other raw chemicals to manufacture a
crude poison of some sort.
Construct: A scorpion sentinel is a construct
and has all the traits and immunities of that type.
Hardness: Due to being mostly made of metal,
a scorpion sentinel has hardness 5.
Maintenance: A scorpion sentinel has a
Maintenance DC of 9.
Constructing a Scorpion Sentinel:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15 ranks Cost:

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Siege Sentinel
Large Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 10d10+30 (85 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 20 (+11 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed
Attacks: Slam + 11/+6; or ballista +7
Damage: Slam 1d8+ 7; or ballista 4d6
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Siege weapon
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort Ref Will
Abilities: Str 20 Dex 10 Con Int Wis 14 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or garrison (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 11-20 HD (Large), 21-30 HD
A siege sentinel is effectively a walking siege
weapon. Two or four mechanised legs support the
weapon, usually a ballista though other siege
devices are also possible. The pistons and reinforcements allow the siege sentinel to be able to
fire even weapons with sizeable recoil. Siege sentinels are usually to be found guarding a fortification or aiding in the siege of one.
A siege sentinel understands a single language,
usually the Common tongue or the language of its
Combat: Siege sentinels usually fire their siege
weapons from a great distance, but can turn them
against closer attackers as well. If an attacker
reaches melee the sentinel will try and batter
them to death by ramming them with its bulk.
Siege Weapon: A siege sentinel is a fully automated walking siege engine, and reloads its siege
weapon through mechanisms that take a partial
action to do so.
Construct: A siege sentinel is a construct
and has all the traits and immunities of
that type.
Hardness: Due to its metal con-

struction a siege sentinel has hardness 5.

Maintenance: A siege sentinel has
Maintenance DC of 8.

Constructing a Siege Sentinel:

Creation: Craft (Siege Weapons) 7 ranks,
Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks Cost: 12,000gp

Large Construct [Construct]
Hit Dice: 9d10+30 (81 hp)
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 28 (+4 Dex, +15 natural, -1 size), touch 13,
flat-footed 24
Attacks: 4 claws +
Damage: Claw d8+
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, slicing blades, spell
resistance 15, tear to pieces, terror gaze
Special Qualities: Aura of fear, construct, hardness 5, maintenance
Saves: Fort Ref Will
Abilities: Str 24 Dex 18 Con Int 14 Wis 14 Cha
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or Pack (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 10-18 HD(Large), 19-27HD(Huge)
A slaughterer is a terror weapon, a fearsome
construct that tears its foes apart in horrific manners. Sinuous and serpentine, a slaughterers body
is supported by four slender metal legs, while four
more limbs sprouting from its shoulders end in
slicing bladed claws. The head is featureless
except for two eyes that burn with blue balefire,
while the vents that cough out exhaust fumes
only add to the evil aura of the construct. In order
to enhance their already sinister appearance, creators often bedeck slaughterers with spines and
trophies, and paint them red or black.
A slaughterer understands up to three languages, usually Common, Abyssal and Infernal.
It cannot speak, though it can hiss and rattle ominously.

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Combat: A slaughterer prefers to attack from
ambush though it will quite eagerly wade into
combat anyway. It pitches straight into the
fiercest melee, hacking apart enemies until either
it or they are dead, unless it has been ordered to
retreat if outmatched.
Poison: The magically treated claws of the
slaughterer exude a foul poison that causes
intense agony in those it afflicts. The primary and
secondary damage for slaughterer poison is d3
strength (DC 12).
Slicing Blades: The butchering claws of a
slaughterer threaten a critical on a roll of 19-20.
Tear to Pieces: Few survive a slaughterer
assault. If a slaughterer reduces a character to
below 0 hit points with an attack it may make an
attack of opportunity on the fallen character
Terror Gaze: The slaughterer possesses a gaze
attack with a range of 30ft. If the target fails a
Will save (DC 16) they become panicked.
Aura of Fear: A slaughterer emits a magical
aura that strikes fear into anyone nearby, even
those on the same side as the construct. When a
slaughterers engine is active, anyone within 30ft.
suffers a 2 penalty to all Will saves.
Construct: A slaughterer is a construct and has
the traits and immunities of that type.
Hardness: Due to its metal construction a
slaughterer has hardness 5.
Maintenance: A slaughterer has a Maintenance
DC of 9.
Constructing a Slaughterer:
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, fear,
Craft (Steamworks) 13 ranks Cost: 15,000gp,

Spider Sentinel
Small Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 1d10+10 (16hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30ft, climb 20ft.
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size), touch 13,
flat-footed 15
Attacks: 2 Forelegs +0
Damage: Foreleg d4 + poison
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Saves: Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +1
Abilities: Str 10 Dex 14 Con Int Wis 12 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or Pack (2-12)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 2 HD (Small), 3 HD (MediumSize)
A spider sentinel is a small steamwork construct that appears like a metal spider, with
spindly legs and a mechanical central body shielded with armour plating. Useful due to their small
size, spider sentinels are found acting as guard
constructs for those who can afford them. Those
created by ancient civilisations still prowl the
ruins of their masters lands, often with other sentinel constructs.
A spider sentinel can understand a single language, usually that of its creator.
Combat: The two forelegs of a spider sentinel
are elongated and sharpened, more like blades
than limbs. A spider sentinel will simply move
into melee and attempt to stab the opponent to
death with these forelegs. They usually rove in
packs, scuttling forwards in numbers over floor,
wall and ceiling to overwhelm enemies.
Poison: The forelegs each contain a small reservoir of poison, enough for 1 dose in each. Once
the poison has been used it needs to be
refilled manually. Some ancient ruins
that sentinels still guard seem to
have working machines that refill

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the spiders poison for them.
Construct: A spider sentinel is a construct and
has the relevant traits and immunities of that
Hardness: Due to its metal structure a spider
sentinel has hardness 5.
Maintenance: A spider sentinel has a
Maintenance DC of 6.
Constructing a Spider Sentinel:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 8 ranks Cost:

Steel Sentinel
Large Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 7d10+30 (69 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 22 (+1 Dex, +12 natural, -1 size), touch 10,
flat-footed 21
Attacks: 2 slams +12; or weapon +12
Damage: Slam d8+7; or by weapon
Space/Reach: 10ft./ 10ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Construct, Hardness 5,
Maintenance, See Invisible, Warrior
Saves: Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +3
Abilities: Str 24 Dex 12 Con Int Wis 12 Cha 1
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack*
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or squad (2-8)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Large) 15-21HD (Huge)
A steel sentinel is a basic form of warrior-construct, a hulking, armour-plated humanoid often
crafted to resemble a knight or similar type of soldier. Broad-shouldered and with strong arms,
steel sentinels can pummel opponents with their
fists but are usually equipped with large weapons
to attack with instead, in which case they are
also given a large steel shield.
A steel sentinel can understand one
language but cannot speak, although it
is capable of making metallic roars

and mechanically growling.

Combat: Not truly intelligent, a steel sentinels
combat programming is nonetheless excellent and
their group tactics are good. This combines with
their fearlessness to make them excellent shock
troops and guards.
Construct: A steel sentinel is a construct and
has the traits and immunities of that type.
Hardness: Due to its metal structure a steel sentinel has hardness 5.
Maintenance: A steel sentinels Maintenance
DC is 8.
See Invisible: A steel sentinel can see invisible
creatures and objects as a constant ability.
Warrior Construct: Steel sentinels gain the
Cleave and Power Attack feats for free.
Constructing a Steam Sentinel:
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks Cost:

Medium-Sized Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 4d10+20 (42 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 21 (+5 Dex, +6 natural), touch 15, flat-footed
Attacks: 2 claws + 6; or weapon +6
Damage: Claw d4+3; or by weapon
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Assassin construct, construct,
hardness 5, maintenance, sneak attack
+2d6, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +3
Abilities: Str 16 Dex 20 Con Int 14 Wis 18 Cha
Skills: Hide +12, Listen +11, Move Silently +12,
Spot +11*
Feats: Improved Initiative, Dodge*
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 5-8HD(Medium), 9-12 HD(Large)

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People usually associate steamwork constructs
with the loud clanking, hissing and growling of
their engines and mechanical limbs, which is why
steamwork stalkers take them by total surprise.
Engineered with stealth in mind, these magical
constructs make barely a sound as they move, and
are employed as deadly assassins with the
strength of steel. Usually clad in cloaks and robes
to disguise themselves, steamwork stalkers are
tall and slender humanoid constructs, their faces a
myriad of lenses and sensors and their delicate
arms ending in cruel claws, though they often use
a variety of other weapons as well. Their speed of
movement is terrifying to behold, and usually the
last thing a victim sees.
Combat: Steamwork stalkers usually attack
from ambush; if they are not doing so it means
their mission has been compromised and their
presence revealed already. When hunting a target
they use their spell-like abilities and skills to get
close before delivering the killing blow.
Poison: Stalkers usually use poison on their
weapons or claws, and obviously have no fear of
the danger of poisoning themselves.
Assassin Construct: Due to their programming,
stalkers gain the Dodge and Improved Initiative
feats for free, as well as 7 ranks in Hide, Listen,
Move Silently and Spot.
Construct: Stalkers are constructs and have the
traits and immunities of that type.
Hardness: Due to their metal structure, stalkers
have hardness 5.
Maintenance: A steamwork stalker has a
Maintenance DC of 11.
Sneak Attack: A stalker has the sneak attack
ability of a 3rd level rogue.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day invisibility; 2/day
dimension door, glitterdust. These are cast as if by a
7th level sorcerer (DC 12 + spell level)
Constructing a Stalker:
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
dimension door, glitterdust, invisibility, Craft
(Steamworks) 15 ranks Cost: 12,000gp, 480xp

Steam Wurm
Huge Construct [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: 13d10+40 (112hp)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft.
AC: 27 (-1 Dex, +20 natural, -2 size), touch 7,
flat-footed 27
Attacks: 2 claws +18/13, bite +13
Damage: Claw 2d4+11, bite 2d8+6
Space/Reach: 15ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, steam blast
Special Qualities: Arcane senses, construct,
devour metal, fire resistance 20, hardness 5,
jewel eyes, maintenance
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +4
Abilities: Str 32 Dex 9 Con Int Wis 10 Cha 17
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 13-24 HD (Huge), 25-36 HD
Also known as dragon engines, these huge
constructs are crafted to appear like massive metal
dragons, fangs made from glittering crystal and
great wings of sheet steel. In fact the wings are
merely for show, since they lack the strength to
get the huge machine off of the ground. Hissing
and venting steam with every movement, a steam
wurm is a fearsome sight, usually used to guard
important treasures or items since their intimidating appearance and reputation tends to keep
thieves away.
A steam wurm has five polished gems a ruby,
emerald, sapphire, diamond and topaz set across
its head in place of any eyes, each one imbued
with powerful magic that the construct can call
upon to aid it in defending its charge. Not only
that, but the wurm can devour metals to heal
itself, the powerful processes going on within its
mechanical gut using the material to repair damage.
A steam wurm can understand commands in one language.

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Combat: Steam wurms attack any unauthorised creatures attempting to get to whatever they
are guarding, usually opening up with their breath
weapon before thundering into melee. They fight
without particular sophistication but their sheer
brutal strength makes them an enemy to fear.
Improved Grab: A steam wurm that hits with a
bite attack can use this ability. A creature grappled is automatically hit by the bite attack in each
subsequent round it remains grappled.
Steam Blast: A steam wurm has a breath
weapon, a cone of superheated steam 60ft. long.
The steam deals 5d6 damage to everyone in it
unless they make a Reflex save for half damage
(DC 16). A steam wurm can use this ability every
4 rounds.
Arcane Senses: A steam wurm has blindsight in
a radius of 60ft.
Construct: A steam wurm is a
construct and has the traits and
immunities of that type.
Devour Metal: By consuming
50lbs of metal of any kind, a
process that takes 1 round for the
steam wurm to do, it regains
1d8+5 hit points. After a combat,
steam wurms are known for
devouring all the metal equipment of their former adversaries.
Hardness: Due to its metal
structure a steam wurm has hardness 5.
Jewel Eyes: Each of the five
gems set across a steam wurms
head grants it a special ability.
They also act like normal eyes for
the construct.
Diamond: Once per day, the
steam wurm may use the power
of the diamond to use prismatic
spray as a spell-like ability, cast as
if by a 13th level sorcerer (DC 20).

level sorcerer.
Emerald: The emerald bestows the ability
to constantly see invisible upon the steam wurm.
Sapphire: The sapphire bestows the ghost touch
weapon enhancement on the physical attacks of
the steam wurm.
Topaz: Once per day, the steam wurm may use
the power of the topaz to use haste as a spell-like
ability, cast as if by a 13th level sorcerer.
Maintenance: A steam wurm has a Maintenance
DC of 10.
Constructing a Steam Wurm:
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
detect magic, fire shield, haste, prismatic spray, repair
metal, see invisible, Craft (Steamworks) 16 ranks
Cost: 25,000gp, 1,000xp

Ruby: Once per day the steam

wurm may use the power of the
ruby to use fire shield (either
the warm or cold version)
as a spell-like ability,
cast as if by a 13th

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Steam Spirit
Medium-Size Construct
Hit Dice: 5d10+20 (48 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft, fly 50ft. (Good)
AC: 18 (+8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 slams +7
Damage: Slam d6+4
Space/Reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities
Special Qualities: Construct, Inspire
Steamworks, Hardness 5
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +1 Will +4
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 10 Con Int 18 Wis 16 Cha
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary or party (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always Lawful Neutral
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium), 11-15 HD
Steam spirits are strange beings from the
Outer Planes, creatures of law that represent the
inventiveness and inspiration that advances technology to the stage of steam. It is theorised that a
deity of technology creates them since they are
definitely some form of steamwork construct,
though their engines never need fuelling and they
never break down. When they visit the material
plane the purpose of their journey is never entirely clear until they disappear; soon afterwards
some inventor or mechanic has a breakthrough
realisation about science or machinery.
Steam spirits have a variety of appearances,
usually an only vaguely humanoid-shaped figure
of metal struts and pistons with a firebox engine
that burns with magical light. Their goggle-like
eyes peer around them with constant curiosity
and they have a tendency to go and poke and fiddle with things they do not recognise to see what
it does. All steam spirits have marvellous wing
contraptions; arrays of metal struts and frames,
wires, and tough canvas material.
Combat: In general steam spirits try and avoid
combat, though groups have been known to attack

if faced with particularly technologically regressive individuals who try and stop the advance of
technology and destroy steamwork devices. They
make the most of their aerial manoeuvrability and
spell-like abilities. They flee if they are likely to
be destroyed.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will heat metal, magic
missile, telekinesis; 3/day hold person; 1/day animate objects, planeshift. These are cast as if by a 5th
level sorcerer (DC 12 + spell level).
Construct: Steam spirits are constructs and
have the traits and immunities of that type.
Inspire Steamworks: The presence of a steam
spirit has an effect reaching out to a radius of 1
mile. All Craft (Steamworks) checks in the area
gain a +4 competence bonus, and the Maintenance
DC for steamwork devices is reduced by 1 for the
duration of the steam spirit being within 1 mile.
In addition, any character within the area that
gains a new feat due may choose the Inspired feat.
Hardness: Due to its metal structure a steam
spirit has hardness 5.

Steamwork Creature
As well as the various other steamwork constructs described in this guide, engineers also
often model their creations on creatures they have
seen or heard about, either because its form and
powers suit their needs or because they simply
admire or respect the creature in question. Using
this template it is quick and easy to create all sorts
of steamworks, from huge and fierce iron wolf
constructs that breath super-heated steam (winter
wolves as the base creature), to hulking and
strong but crude automatons (ogre as the base
creature), and a myriad of other possibilities. This
is also the template used to create steamwork
Steamwork Creature is a template that can be
applied to any base creature apart from constructs
with fantastical and bizarre sciences just about
any type of being can be replicated in metal and
steam. The creatures type changes to
Construct, and it gains the [Steamwork]
Hit Dice: Changes to d10s. The
creature loses any modifiers to hit

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points from its Constitution score.
Speed: Remains the same as the base creature.
Armour Class: The creature gains a +8 bonus
to natural armour.
Attacks: The creature retains the attacks of the
base creature, gaining a slam attack if it doesnt
already have one.
Special Attacks: The creature retains the special attacks of the base creature.
Elemental Attacks: Any form of elemental damage, for instance in the form of a fire breath
attack, should be changed to deal fire damage. In
the case of alchemical steamwork creatures it
should be changed to deal fire or acid damage, and
in the case of necromantic engines it should be
changed to either fire or cold damage.
Poison: If the creature dealt poison damage then
it now relies on a poison reservoir which 1 dose of
poison per size category of the creature, after
which it must be refilled.
Special Qualities: The creature retains all the
special qualities of the base creature and gains the
Construct: As a construct, the steamwork creature gains the traits and immunities of the
Construct creature type.
Hardness: A steamwork creature gains hardness 5, but loses any damage reduction it may
have had.
Maintenance: A steamwork creature has a
Maintenance DC of 9 if it has 6 or less Hit Dice,
a DC of 10 if it has 7-14 Hit Dice, and a DC of 11
if it has more than 14 Hit Dice.
Ability Scores: A steamwork creature gains a
+8 bonus to Strength and a 2 penalty to
Dexterity. Its Charisma score drops to 1 and it has
no Constitution or Intelligence score.
Skills: A construct does not have skills,
although it does benefit from any bonuses to skills
that the base creature possesses.
Feats: A construct does not have feats although
it does benefit from any bonus feats the base creature possesses.
Challenge Rating: 9 or fewer Hit Dice, CR of
base creature +2; 10 or more Hit Dice, CR of
base creature +1.
Alignment: A steamwork creatures
alignment is changed to Neutral.

Creating a Steamwork Creature:

Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks Cost:
1,000gp x base CR, + 1,000gp per hit die of the base

Steamwork Lich
Many people fear death and wish they could
extend their lives beyond their natural life span;
for powerful necromancers this is not in the
realms of wishful thinking but a very real option,
infusing themselves with negative energy in the
unspeakably evil ritual of becoming a lich, an
undead being. In lands where steam power is well
known and science a discipline in which spellcasters often dabble, some necromancers see the
advantage in harnessing the strength and power
of steam engines to make themselves truly transcend mortal beings and even other undead.
A steamwork lich is a clattering, hissing construct about a foot taller than the norm for its
race, an imposing figure of metal that is usually
clad in the finery of the trappings it wore in life.
The machinery is crafted to make the lich look
like as skeletal as possible, the head a grinning
iron skull with its eye-sockets filled by gleaming
sapphire lenses. Most of its torso is full with the
machinery that drives it, vents and smokestacks
rising out of the lichs back like stunted wings,
and it is in the skull itself that the necromantic
phylactery is secured from harm.
Creating a Steamwork Lich: Steamwork Lich
is a template that can be added to any humanoid
creature, provided it has the Necromek feat and
can create the required phylactery (see The
Phylactery below). The creatures type changes to
Undead. It uses all the characters statistics and
special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice: The characters hit dice changes to
Armour Class: The character gains a +10 natural armour bonus. This replaces any natural
armour bonus the character may have had beforehand.
Attacks: The character retains all of its attacks
and characters without natural weapons gain a
touch attack that deals 1d8+5 points of negative
energy. Creatures with natural weapons can use

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Holy Devices

ealots, templars, and other steamwork devices created specifically by a particular religion or faith tend
to have a particular appearance depending on the
domains with which they are associated. Below are some
suggestions for how a construct or machine with an affinity to a particular domain might appear:
Air: Often slender and graceful, these machines tend to
be brightly polished and plated with silver and copper, as
well as being decorated with silk banners, elaborate engravings and tinkling wind chimes.
Animal: These machines are often covered with totems
and animal charms, from wolf pelts and tails to the hides of
beers or bulls, and the skulls of such powerful beasts as
well. They are often also decorated with crude sigils and
Chaos: Put together with little care for solidity or reliability, these are often constructed from many different
materials put together to form one machine. Their appearance is cluttered and random.
Death: Usually made from blackened metal, these are
generally decorated with skulls, totems of bones and dark
runes promising death and destruction. They are also often
driven by necromantic engines.
Destruction: Powerfully built and studded with blades
and spikes, these devices are generally highly destructive in
nature and built to cause damage.
Earth: Often crafted to appear rocky and textured like
stone, in hues of gray and brown, these machines are also
often decorated with gems and precious stones. They tend
to be of solid, hefty construction, built to last.
Evil: Generally menacing in appearance, these
machines often sprout long spikes and blades and are covered in sinister inscriptions and prayers.
Fire: These machines are often brightly burnished, and
plated with bronze and copper. They often bear red, orange
and yellow-hued decorations and emblems upon them.
Good: Often brightly polished and crafted in attractive
hues, these machines tend to bear carefully written inscriptions and prayers on them.
Healing: These machines tend to bear emblems of solace and comfort on them, crafted to appear impressive and
confidence-inspiring defenders and aids.
Knowledge: Such machines are often very well-crafted,
using expert techniques and suchlike, and are sometimes
decorated with parchment prayers and paper litanies.
Law: Angular, precise and defined, these machines are
structured and constructed to emphasise order, organisation, and reliability.
Luck: These machines are often heavily inscribed and
decorated with little charms and prayers for luck and good
fortune, especially where it relates to the reliable functioning of the device.
Magic: These machines tend to appear highly ornate
and arcane, riddled with magical parts and devices and
often powered by arcane engines. Runes, eldritch sigils and
arcane rituals are often inscribed over them.

their natural attacks or use the touch attack, as

they prefer.
Spells: The steamwork lich can cast any spells
that it could while it was alive.
Special Qualities: The character retains all of
its special qualities and gains the following:
Hardness: A steamwork lich has hardness 5.
Steamwork Lich: Immune to mind-influencing
effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,
disease, and any effect that requires a Fortitude
save unless the effect also works on objects or is
harmless. They are not subject to critical hits,
nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain,
energy drain or the effects of massive damage.
The steamwork lich requires a steam engine and
appropriate fuelling although the necromantic
energy flowing through it sustains the structure
and means it does not require Maintenance
Turn Resistance: The lich gains +4 turn resistance.
Undead: A steamwork lich is undead and has
the traits and immunities of that creature type.
Abilities: A steamwork lich gains a +8 bonus to
Strength, and a +2 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom
and Charisma. As an undead creature it has no
Constitution score
Skills: A steamwork lich gain a +8 racial bonus
to Craft (Steamworks), Listen, Search, Sense
Motive and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the
Feats: Same as the character
Challenge Rating: Same as the character +2.
Lich Characters: The process of becoming a
steamwork lich is a long and difficult one and can
only be undertaken by a characters own free will.
The lich retains all class abilities it had in life.
The Phylactery: Like normal liches, a steamwork lich needs a phylactery. This follows the
same rules as the normal liches phylactery (p.217,
Monster Manual). The phylactery of a steamwork
lich is often stored in the metal skull of its body,
since often people fighting a steamwork lich do
not realise the true nature of the machine
they are fighting and do not bother to
search deeply into its mechanisms for
the phylactery.

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Steam & Steel

Holy Devices

Large Construct [Steamwork]

Hit Dice: 8d10+30 (74hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 20 (+11 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed
Attacks: 2 slams +12/+7; or weapon +12/+7
Damage: Slam 1d8+7; or by weapon
Space/Reach: 10ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Domain abilities
Special Qualities: Construct, hardness 5, maintenance, spell resistance 14
Saves: Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +4
Abilities: Str 24 Dex 10 Con Int Wis 14 Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organisation: Solitary, squad (2-12) or crusade
Challenge Rating: 6 (7 for templars)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 9-16 HD(Large), 17-24 HD(Huge)
A zealot is a large warrior construct created as
a steamwork servant for a religion. The exact
appearance depends on the nature of the faith, but
zealots generally share a humanoid shape, head
slung forwards from the broad metal shoulders
and powerful arms usually bearing an integrated
shield and a large weapon. What differentiates a
zealot from normal constructs is that it has been
enhanced by divine magic to be a channel for the
energy of faith.
A zealot can understand one language, usually
the Common tongue, as well as an additional language used by its religion such as Aquan, Abyssal
or Celestial.
Combat: Zealots are essentially melee fighters
although they might be equipped with alchemists
cannons or suchlike. They attempt to close to
melee rapidly, making use of their domain abilities to enhance themselves or allies and to weaken the enemy. Zealots fight to the death or until
called off by a cleric.
Domain Abilities: When a zealot is constructed it is keyed to the energy of one
of its deitys domains. A zealot may
cast each of the spells of levels 1 to

Plant: Machines of this domain tend to appear roughly

normal except for natural, green hues, except that they
sprout winding plant tendrils and leaves from their innards
which wrap around the structure and cloak it in vegetation.
Protection: Heavily emphasising defence rather than
offence, these devices are often built with heavy armour
plating, rousing inscriptions of famous protectors and reinforced structures.
Strength: Strong machinery and sturdy build tend to
mark out these machines, which emphasises power and
mechanical force.
Sun: Brightly burnished and polished, often plated with
gold, copper or bronze, these machines generally bear sun
symbols and insignia, and are built to be impressive and
Travel: Generally these machines are crafted to be
durable and reliable, generally decorated with fortune
emblems and totems for aiding far travel.
Trickery: Cunningly crafted to be swift and quiet, these
machines are generally crafted in subdued hues and patterns, engraved with prayers and rituals of stealth and
War: Built for war, these machines sport blades, spikes
and other such weapons, and are solidly built to withstand
battle damage and assault.
Water: Crafted with smooth, flowing forms, these
machines are often made from blued steel or plated with
silver, and decorated with shells and coral. Inscribed with
flowing prayers and runes, they are sometimes armoured
with scales of armour like the fish of the sea.

3 from that domain once per day. More powerful

zealots called templars are sometimes created,
which can cast spells from levels 1 to 6 each once
per day. While zealots generally are outfitted
with conventional engines a religion often goes to
the expense of fitting templars with essence
engines. The spells are cast as if by an 8th level
cleric (DC 12 + spell level).
Construct: Zealots are constructs and have the
traits and immunities of that creature type.
Hardness: Due to their metal structure, zealots
have hardness 5.
Maintenance: A zealot has a Maintenance DC
of 9, while a templar has a Maintenance DC of 11.
Constructing a Zealot:
Creation: Craft Magic Arms and Armour,
divine favour, Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks (14
ranks for a templar), creator must have the same
domain as the zealot he creates is attuned to Cost:
14,000gp (16,000gp for a templar)

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Beasts of S teel

team power is applicable to more ideas than

just the construction of construct-servants
designed to fight, labour or calculate. The
more common use of this technology is to build
vehicles for the transportation and protection of
the creators and their kind, though these
machines are as much beasts of steel as the construct-servant designs.
The entries in this section are considered as
constructs although in general they are not built
to be able to independently fight and have no
form of guiding consciousness, however basic and
mechanical. The general purpose of these vehicles
is travel, though some can be designed for warfare
as well. As steamwork devices, they require
fuelling and maintenance as normal.
The first part of this section consists of a master list of upgrades available for steamwork vehicles, followed by the individual entries for specific vehicle types accompanied by lists of the
upgrades available to those particular devices.

Vehicle Upgrades
+1 Extra AC
A vehicle with this upgrade has its AC
increased by one. A vehicle can have this upgrade
multiple times, with the limit to which its AC can
be increased being indicated in its entry.
+1 Extra Hit Die
A vehicle with this upgrade has its number of
hit dice increased by 1. A vehicle can have this
upgrade multiple times, with the limit to which
its total Hit Dice can be increased being indicated
in its entry.
Advanced Sensor Array
This upgrade installs the vehicle with an
advanced array of arcane sensors and distant perception devices. It is highly advanced and usually

only found in exotic aircraft such as dragonfly

copters, aiding the pilots to scan ground and air
while moving at high speed. A pilot in a vehicle
with an advanced sensor array benefits from having darkvision up to 150 feet and gaining a +4
machine bonus to Spot checks.
Arcane Warding
A vehicle with this upgrade benefits from limited protection against hostile spells, gaining Spell
Resistance 10. A vehicle with arcane warding usually appears to have been heavily encrusted with
spell runes, sigils and suchlike, and may have
written prayers or powerful runic scripts stuck to
it in various places. IT may also be constructed
from slightly unusual materials in places, featuring crystal conductors or blued steel surfaces.
Arcane Warding, Heavy
A vehicle with this upgrade benefits from
more potent magical protections, gaining Spell
Resistance 15.
Arcane Warding, Unyielding
The most powerful form of arcane warding,
this upgrade gives a vehicle Spell Resistance 20.
Arcanomech Lights
This upgrade is designed for use on submersibles that intend to travel deep beneath the
surface of the ocean, delving down into murky
trenches and far waters. The vehicle has arcane
lights able to penetrate the gloom out to 60 feet
around the submersible.
Drop Cords
Military dirigibles that are to be used to carry
troops often have this upgrade. By using harnesses and drop cords that can be dangled
down beneath the bulk of the vehicle,
troops can disembark from a maximum height of 120 feet in one

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Steam & Steel

round. This allows for rapid deployment of warriors from the air, right into battle or strategic
locations such as defensive positions during a
Elemental Machinery
This upgrade adds a powerful arcane machine
to a sea-going vehicle, whether a ship or submersible. When activated, the whirring cogs and
emitters build up a powerful elemental charge,
and after 3 rounds it summons up a Large water
elemental within 60 feet. The elemental is under
the control of the machinery, and remains for 20
rounds before lapsing back into normal water
again. Elemental machinery can be used once per
Vehicles such as dirigibles that are carried aloft
by flammable gases can be vulnerable to flames
and fire-based attacks. This upgrade represents
either the treating of component materials with
non-flammable chemicals, or the use on nonflammable gases instead. A dirigible with the fireproof upgrade loses its Fire Vulnerability.

mersibles. The weapon deals 4d6 damage on a

successful hit, with an attack bonus as a construct
of the submersibles hit dice.
Improved Air Supplies
This upgrade doubles the air supplies of a submersible.
Improved Manoeuvrability
Through improved design and machinery, a
flying vehicle with this upgrade has its flight category improved by one factor.
Light Armouring
This upgrade gives a vehicle hardness 5.
Luxury Interior
Although of little practical value, this upgrade
allows for travel in style, usually found in royal or
luxury dirigibles and steam trains.
Plating, Crystal
This magical enhancement allows the pilot of
a craft with crystal plating to cast mirror image once
per day as a 6th level caster, targeting the craft
itself with the spell.

Heavy Armouring
This upgrade gives a vehicle hardness 10.
Heavy Fortification
A steam train with this upgrade has its cover
bonus for defenders doubled to a +8 AC bonus
and +4 Reflex bonus, providing excellent protection for them.
Homing Compass
A homing compass is a piece of delicate navigational equipment attuned to a specific homing
beacon (See Edifices of Might). The compass
always indicates the direction of the homing beacon relative to the vehicle.
This upgrade gives a submersible a weapon
with which to attack sea craft. Usually a set
of blades along its top used to make attack
runs against a ships hull, a hull-breaker
is normally used by military sub-

Plating, Emerald
This magical enhancement allows the pilot of
a craft with emerald plating to cast invisibility once
per day as a 6th level caster, targeting the craft
itself with the spell.
Plating, Ruby
This magical enhancement allows the pilot of
a craft with ruby plating to cast fireball once per
day as a 6th level caster, emitting the fireball from
the front of the craft.
Prismatic Cladding
This magical cladding covers the craft with iridescent armour, granting it Fire Resistance and
Electricity Resistance 15.
Quake Engine
A powerful type of magical device used in tunneller vehicles, a quake engine consists of dynamos
and circuits attuned to the elemental energy of the

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

stone and earth. Once per day it can be used to
emit a blast of elemental energy with the effects
of an earthquake spell cast as a caster of 15th level.
These engines are generally only fitted to vehicles
to be used during underground sieges or to breach
the walls of a castle or fortification.
A tunneller with this upgrade uses arcane
machinery rather than a drill to tunnel through
rock, pushing through it as if it was liquid in the
manner of a xorn. This doubles the tunnelling
speed of the vehicle.
Sealed Environment
A vehicle with this upgrade has internal air
systems and supplies and can be completely
sealed off for up to eight hours, providing immunity for those within from airborne attacks such
as gases and some diseases.
Shocking Hull
Using steamwork machinery and energy
siphoned off from the main engine, this upgrade
installs dynamos that store up electrical energy.
This energy can be released up to 3 times per day
into the hull surface, inflicting a blast of 2d6 electricity damage to anything in contact with the
hull. It is generally used by sea-going craft to
ward off oceanic creatures, one blast usually being
enough to scare them off.

halved in duration. Any sizeable weapon can be

mounted in one of these.
The cost of adding a steamwork siege weapon
hardpoint does not include the cost of the siege
weapon itself.
Storm Engine
Installed in vehicles that cruise high in the
skies, storm engines sift magical and elemental
energies from the winds and clouds to charge up
thaumic dynamoes with energy, into which spellcasters can then tap. A spellcaster aboard a craft
with a storm engine benefits from a machine bonus
of +1 to caster level for any spells of the Air or
Electricity subtypes and any Air domain spells
that they cast.
Subterranean Sonar
This upgrade installs a simple form of sonar
into a tunneller, giving the pilot blindsight up to
60ft through the rock around the craft.
Transport Capacity
This upgrade grants a tunneller additional
transportation capacity, allowing it to carry up to
five others as well as the pilot. This is generally
used in tunnellers that are to be used for travelling
purposes as for those designed to carry shock
troops during surprise assaults.

This upgrade installs into a submersible or ship
a simple form of sonar powered by the steamwork
engines, giving the pilot blindsight up to 150ft in
the waters around the craft.

War Banners
This upgrade drapes huge war banners and
inspirational symbols from a dirigible, turning it
into an emblem of might and a reservoir of
resolve for warriors far below. Any friendly characters that can see a dirigible with war banners
gain a +1 morale bonus to Will saves.

Steamwork Siege Weapon

Some vehicles are large enough to mount large
and powerful siege weapons such as ballista in a
steamwork cradle, a mechanical array that aids
the crew by making it turn far faster and by semiautomating the process of reloading it. A siege
weapon mounted in one of these cradles can turn
without impediment through a full 360 degrees,
and can turn as far as the operator wishes in a single round. In addition, the loading period is

This upgrade installs a piece of meteoromantic
machinery into the vehicle that monitors local
weather conditions and estimates future changes.
It can predict the weather up to a week in advance
with 80% accuracy, benefiting from being situated so high in the atmosphere in a dirigible. If
a sudden weather change is impending in
the next 3 hours it emits a warning
klaxon, and it does the same if

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Steam & Steel

weather conditions are about to change due to
magical spells or effects.

Copter [Steamwork]
A copter is a flying steamwork vehicle that
propels itself by the action of rotary blades.
Usually relatively small when compared to the
mass of some of the larger aerial dirigibles, a
copter is created from a light framework of metal
and wood that holds together a complex array of
gears and machinery that turns the rotors, driven
by a steamwork engine. With the engine doing
the work of getting the copter up in the air, the
pilot merely has to fly the thing without crashing.
Copters are fragile and not particularly well
designed for purposes of warfare, and are usually
employed instead for scouting or exploration.
They do have the advantage of being very fast
and agile in the skies, and this is put to good use
when trying to escape from airborne crews. A
copters frame does not have the strength necessary to mount particularly heavy weaponry
though it is common for the pilot to carry a loaded
crossbow or firearm by his side. Since he needs at
least one hand for the controls, usually in the
form of an array of sticks and dials, a shortbow or
longbow is not really a viable choice.
A copter has the following base statistics:
Medium-Size Construct
Hit Dice: 6d10+20 (53hp)
Speed: Fly 70ft (Average)
AC: 14 (+4 natural)
Special Qualities: Maintenance DC 8
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 14 ranks
Cost: 6,000gp

Sample Copter - Skyrunner Scout

This simple flyer designed from a light wood
and steel framework contains a mesh of gears
powered by a steamwork engine that rotate the
blades above the craft to give it lift. Designed
purely as a non-combat scout for the Skyrunner
mercenaries, the outer cladding has been carefully
refined and shaped to give it the best possible aerial manoeuvrability to enable it to evade hostile
Copter with Improved Manoeuvrability 7,000gp

Copter, Dragonfly [Steamwork]

The dragonfly design of flying craft is different to a normal copter in that rotary blades do not
drive it. Instead, two long and delicate wings protrude from either side of the chassis of the device,
which beat at an incredible speed to get it off the
ground and to send it winging through the air.
Dragonfly copters are usually crafted to appear
beautiful and aesthetically pleasing with crystal
and glass parts and their amazing aerial manoeuvrability is impressive to watch, as they weave
dazzling paths across the sky. Dragonfly copters
tend to heavily incorporate magic, and lovers of
both art and the arcane such as elves are very fond
of crafting and flying these aircraft.
A dragonfly copter has the following base statistics:
Copter, Dragonfly
Medium-size Construct
Hit Dice: 6d10+20 (53hp)
Speed: Fly 80ft (Good)
AC: 14 (+4 natural)
Special Qualities: Maintenance DC 9
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 15
Knowledge (Arcana) 10 ranks
Cost: 8,000gp

It can be upgraded with the following:

+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 10d10. +250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +6 natural
armour. +150gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Improved Manoeuvrability - Increasing the
flight category to Good. +1,000gp
Light Armouring +1,000gp


It can be upgraded with the following:

+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 9d10. +250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +6 natural
armour. +150gp
Advanced Sensor Array +2,500gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +2,000gp

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Improved Manoeuvrability - Increasing the flight
category to Perfect. +1,000gp
Light Armouring +1,000gp
Plating, Crystal +5,000gp
Plating, Emerald +5,000gp
Plating, Ruby +5,000gp
Sample Dragonfly Copter
Elven Cloudhawk
This elegant, slender craft is of elven design,
driven by the rapid beat of humming emerald
wings to patrol the skies over elven territories.
Although it has little actual armour, a host of
magical enhancements make a cloudhawk a formidable aerial opponent.
Copter with +1 extra hit die, +1 extra AC,
Improved Manoeuvrability, Arcane Warding,
Crystal Plating and Emerald Wings - 20,400gp

Dirigible [Steamwork]
One of the more exotic uses for a steam engine
is to power a dirigible, an aircraft held aloft high
in the skies by captured gas. Many people think
that a single large balloon holds aloft an airship,
but this is not the case. Literally hundreds of
small cells, each filled with either heated air or
gases that are lighter than air, are packed together
to keep the craft up. This means that even if one,
or even several, cells are damaged there will still
be plenty of lift. For further protection, larger
dirigibles may have light armour plating over the
entire structure. Among the cells run various ladders and walkways to allow people to check them
for problems and pressure levels. The view from
the very top is often quite impressive.
Below the cells hangs the carriage of the dirigible, which can vary from an enclosed and heavily
armoured gun-ship to little more than a large basket. The steamwork machinery gives the whole
thing the motive power to cruise through the
skies by large turbines or other stranger forms of
Needless to say a dirigible is an impressive
sight to see moving across the sky. Although it is
not very suitable for moving goods and raw materials in the same way that a train can, it is only
bad weather that limits where a dirigible travels
(although a sense of self-preservation may also

have influences if, for instance, an area is known

to be the home to an irritable dragon or flock of
harpies). Dirigibles are used primarily for exploration, for transporting the rich and wealthy in
style (what more of a status symbol could a king
display than his own personal ride to the heavens?) and for military purposes. War dirigibles
are impressive sights, especially when bedecked
with the panoply of a faction, with rolling banners and emblems fluttering in the breeze around
it. They also tend to be the focus for truly aweinspiring battles, as aerial creatures arc around
them and wizards hurl spells to and from them.
As much as it is a symbol of power, a dirigible
crashing to the ground all aflame is an equally
powerful symbol for the other side
A dirigible has the following base statistics:
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 18d10+40 (139 hp)
Speed: Fly 50ft (Poor)
AC: 23 (+15 natural, -2 size)
Special Qualities: Fire Vulnerability, Hardness 5,
Maintenance DC 9
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Cost: 22,000 gp
Fire Vulnerability: A dirigible that rises aloft on
the buoyancy of flammable gases is extremely
vulnerable to fire and fire-based attacks. All fire
attacks deal double damage to a dirigible.
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 32d10. At 22
hit dice the size increases to Gargantuan,
while at 30 hit dice the size increases to
Colossal. +500gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +24 natural.
Arcane Warding +2,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +5,000gp
Arcane Warding, Unyielding +10,000gp
Drop Cords +1,000gp
Fireproof +2,000gp
Heavy Armouring +4,000gp
Homing Compass +1,000gp
Luxury Interior +5,000gp
Prismatic Cladding +10,000gp

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Steam & Steel

Steamwork Siege Weapon +100gp
Storm Engine +2,000gp
War Banners +1,500gp
Weathersight +7,500gp
Sample Dirigible
Hurdellian War Eagle
Designed purely for military purposes by a
human empire, the War Eagle is a resplendent
sight high in the skies, a gleaming, armour-plated
guncraft from which the imperial banners drape
down and flutter in the winds. Capable of dropping a squad of elite shock troops into the thick of
battle, the War Eagle is an expensive but powerful war machine.
Dirigible with +6 extra hit dice, +5 extra AC, 4
steamwork siege weapons, heavy armouring,
improved arcane warding, fireproof, war banners
and drop cords - 40,150gp

Dirigible, Personal [Steamwork]

A personal dirigible is usually little more than
a set of straps and harnesses that keep the pilot
attached to a small inflated balloon and steamwork engine that carries him high into the sky
and takes him where he wants to go. The balloon
is easy to construct from animal hide and the
engine means that the pilot is not completely at
the mercy of the weather, though wise pilots carry
a meteorometer on them anyway. He does need to
make sure he carries enough fuel with him to get
himself safely back home again though.
Personal dirigibles are generally built as scouting devices. Seacraft use them to scout for pirates
to avoid, while pirates use them to locate potential
prey. Oilrigs and ports also make use of them for
policing the waves around them. A balloon scout
rarely takes part in an actual conflict due to the
fragility of his mode of transport, although when
armed with rifles or crossbows they can make
quite effective snipers, picking out enemies from
the midst of a combat. They are extremely vulnerable to assault by aerial melee attackers.
A personal dirigible has the following base

Dirigible, Personal
Medium-size Construct
Hit Dice: 4d10+20 (42hp)
Speed: Fly 60ft (Average)
AC: 13 (+3 natural)
Special Qualities: Maintenance DC 6
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 10 ranks
Cost: 3,000gp
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 6d10.+250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +5 natural
armour. +150gp
Arcane Warding +750gp
Improved Manoeuvrability - Increases the flight
category to Good. +750gp
Sample Personal Dirigible
Pirate Scout
This simple construction, a rickety framework
of metal and wood that is borne aloft by a patchwork leather balloon to which the scout is harnessed, is used by pirates to hunt out potential targets, pinpointing vulnerable craft for the pirate
ship. Constructed to make sure that a lucky hit on
the balloon will not bring the scout down, its fairly cheap to maintain and fuel. When a merchant
ships crew sees one of these on the horizon, they
know the hunt is on.
Personal Dirigible with +2 extra hit dice 3,500gp

Steam Train [Steamwork]

In a land where steam technology is common,
steam trains wind their way across the landscape
between settlements. Steam trains are a significant step forwards because they offer a means for
people, raw materials and goods to be moved from
place to place with a speed that far outdoes the
crawl of a caravan. They bring to the bulk of the
populace the opportunities for travel that have
only been practical for those in possession of
magic transportation beforehand. The advantage
of a steam train is that it doesnt need complex
piloting mechanisms, since with the guidance of
rails its entire power can be devoted to hauling
great weights; the downside of course being that it

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

is limited to travelling only where the train lines
While many trains are simply used for the
haulage of goods or people through non-hazardous environs, heavily armoured trains are also
possible in dangerous regions where train lines
are subject to attacks by enemy forces, bandits
and particularly dangerous fauna.
Steam trains have the base statistics given
Steam Train Engine Wagon
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 16d10+40 (128hp)
Speed: 60ft (confined only to tracks)
AC: 22 (+14 natural, -2 size)
Special Qualities: Bull Rush, Carriages, Hardness
5, Maintenance DC 8
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 7 ranks
Cost: 5,000gp +1,000gp per carriage.
Bull Rush: A train can only follow the path of
its track, and if something is on the rails then the
train will collide with it. Anything of Large size
or smaller takes 5d6+10 damage if hit by a train
and is knocked to one side. Anything larger might
derail the train. It still takes 5d6+10 damage from
the impact, but an opposed check must be made as
if the train bullrushed the creature. The train has
a base bonus to this roll of +10, +2 for every carriage. If the train succeeds it knocks the creature
out of the way, but if it fails the impact actually
knocks the train off its tracks and derails it.
Example: An ancient green dragon has decided to
show its displeasure at the swathe of its woodlands that
have been cut down to lay out a new train line and set
up a new station for an outlying settlement. Having
levelled the station and killed the staff, it lies down to
wait on the tracks for the next incoming train. At 3
oclock the train steams round a corner, not seeing the
waiting dragon till the last moment due to the trees
blocking vision, and as the engine screeches against the
suddenly applied brakes it slams into the beast. The
impact inflict s24 damage to the dragon, and the threecarriage train gets a roll of 9 for its bull rush, for a
result of 25 (9+10 Strength bonus +6 carriage bonus).
The dragon gets a roll of 13, for a result of (13+10
Strength bonus +4 size bonus), and stands firm, derailing the train.

Carriages: A train consists of the engine wagon

with a number of additional carriages behind; a
single engine can pull up to 12 carriages. Carriages
may be open or closed to the air. If a steam train
is attacked the occupants can gain cover while firing back; many armoured trains have this specifically in mind and have firing ports and arrowslits.
Defenders in a steam train gain a normal cover
bonus. An armoured train also often has additional weapons and a garrison of guards on board,
which may include one or more spellcasters.
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 28d10.
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +25 natural
armour. +100gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +3,000gp
Arcane Warding, Unyielding +7,000gp
Luxury Interior +5,000gp
Heavy Armouring +2,000gp
Heavy Fortification +1,000gp
Steamwork Siege Weapon +100gp
Sample Steam Train
Shadow Wood route freight train
The train tracks that run past the outskirts of
Shadow Wood to get to the deep mines where
coal and ore is extracted are known to be a dangerous place, the dark inhabitants often raiding forth.
Trains passing that way are built to be able to
withstand such an assault and crewed with garrisons of paid mercenaries. Heavy armouring
means that their assailants overcome few of the
freight trains.
Steam train with +6 extra hit dice, +6 natural
armour, 2 steamwork siege weapons, heavy
armouring, heavy fortification and 12 carriages 22,300gp
One of the main logistics in creating a train
network is laying down rails. Since the track
needs to be as flat as possible, railway
lines need to make use of viaducts and
tunnels to go over valleys and

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Steam & Steel

through mountains. If the technology to build
these structures does not exist, a railway line will
be limited in where it can go. In addition, other
factors can limit a line; elves and treants might
not appreciate a noisy and polluting steam train
running close to their forest, or a dragon might
take offence at the presumption of a human settlement in building a line close to its lair.
Cost: 500gp per mile of track.

repelling denizens of the deep with impunity.

An ironclad is a very large seacraft, varying in
design depending on the builders, but usually
about as big as a galleon and sometimes larger. An
ironclad carries a much larger payload of weaponry and is much harder to destroy than a galleon,
and is not as subject to inclement weather and sea
An ironclad has the following base statistics:

Steam Ship [Steamwork]

Colossal Construct
Hit Dice: 25d10+80 (218hp)
Speed: 60ft
AC: 25 (+22 natural, -8 size)
Special Qualities: Maintenance DC 9, hardness 10
Creation: Craft (Ship-building) 12 ranks, Craft
(Steamworks) 15 ranks
Cost: 40,000gp

Steam engines herald a major revolution in the

nature by which land-dwelling creatures travel
the ocean waves and build their navies. No longer
is a ship hamstrung by the weather; no longer
does it rely on the direction or strength of the
wind. With a steam engine, a ship has a reliable
source of motive power whatever the weather
conditions might be. Those who ply their trade on
the seas can travel great distances faster as well as
being less at the mercy of bad conditions, and the
seasons in which they can sail are lengthened.
Those who build ships too suddenly have many
more options opening up.
Equipping a ship with a steam engine merely
costs the expense of the engine type and fuel. The
fuel-less engines such as arcane source designs are
highly prized by admirals who want the extra
reliability and the additional weight in weapons
and troops that can replace the fuel that would
have to be carried with the ship. Ingenious necromancers build huge arks that use nets to haul in
fish and other sea animals, and then feed the dead
creatures straight into the corpseburner engines of
the ship.
A steam ships engines have a Maintenance
DC of 9.
Cost: Base price of ship + engines.

Steam Ship, Ironclad [Steamwork]

Without need for sails and with a powerful
engine, shipyards can begin to create craft that are
far more heavily armed and armoured than
before. Ironclads, mighty battleships with
hulls of reinforced armour, become the
new dominating force in naval warfare,
able to withstand fusillades of hostile
fire and spells, and even capable of

It can be upgraded with the following:

+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 40d10.+250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +28 natural
armour. +150gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +3,000gp
Arcane Warding, Unyielding +7,000gp
Elemental Machinery +5,000gp
Homing Compass +1,000gp
Luxury Interior +5,000gp
Shocking Hull +5,000gp
Steamwork Siege Weapon +100gp
Sample Ironclad - Fearless
The Fearless is a huge warship, the pride of a
nations navy. Built to withstand both magical
and mundane attacks, it can absorb an immense
amount of firepower, although it lacks steam
technology to augment its own offensive capabilities.
Ironclad with +3 extra AC, +3 extra hit dice,
and unyielding arcane warding - 48,200gp

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Steam Wagon [Steamwork]

Submersible [Steamwork]

While steam trains are confined to tracks,

there is a great variety of possible designs for
steam-powered land vehicles that are more free
roaming, from civilian horseless carriages to
heavily armoured war wagons. These designs of
vehicle can be created for all sorts of different purposes, although they suffer their own limitations,
btoh in the complexity of the mechanisms for
directing the wagon, and that they remain relatively confined to only suitable terrain.
A steam wagon has the following base statistics:

There are few who are willing to put their lives

in the hands of a shell of metal and a tank of oxygen to keep them alive in the depths of the ocean,
but there are always some the scientists, the
adventurers and the plain curious who will.
Steamwork submersibles are risky ventures, far
riskier than a sealed environment suit of steamwork armour simply because more things can go
wrong. A submersible can take many forms, from
aesthetically crafted like some mechanical,
armour-plated fish to a simple spherical or oblong
Driven by a steamwork engine and supplied
with an enclosed environment that can supply up
to eight medium-sized characters with air for up
to two days, a submersible is built to withstand
deep-sea pressures and curious sea denizens. Of
course, not all submersibles are designed for diving far below the waves, and some are created
with the express purpose of lurking just below the
surface to ambush and attack other sea craft,
whether it is in the role of a military strike or simple banditry. These craft are often equipped with
devices designed to hole and sink a ship and the
crew is made up of tough shock troops.
A submersible has the following base statistics:

Steam Wagon
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 10d10+30 (85hp)
Speed: 50ft
AC: 16 (+7 natural, -1 size)
Special Qualities: Maintenance DC 10
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Cost: 4,000gp
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 15d10.+250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +15 natural
armour. +100gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +3,000gp
Heavy Armouring +3,000gp
Light Armouring +1,000gp
Luxury Interior +1,000gp
Steamwork Siege Weapon +100gp
Sample Steam Wagon
Dr. Almacrofts Amazing
Horseless Carriage
Invented by an innovative gentlemen with an
eye for commercial possibilities, the horseless carriage has the appearance of a normal horse-drawn
carriage, with the steam engine underneath the
drivers seat and the controls on a panel in front
of him. The passengers interior of the carriage is
lavishly upholstered - the horseless carriage is
designed as a mode of travel for the aristocratic
and wealthy, not for the poor and unwashed
masses, after all.
Steam Wagon with Luxury Interior - 5,000gp

Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 15d10+40 (128hp)
Speed: Swim 60ft
AC: 25(+17 natural, -2 size)
Special Qualities: Hardness 10, Maintenance
DC 9
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 12 ranks
Cost: 20,000 gp
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 20d10.+400gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +22 natural
armour, +200gp
Arcane Warding +2,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +5,000gp
Arcanomech Lights +1,000gp
Elemental Machinery +5,000gp
Breaker +2,000gp

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Improved Air Supplies +5,000gp
Shocking Hull +3,000gp
Sonar +5,000gp
Sample Submersible - Iron Shark
Built in the form of some vicious deep-sea
predator, the iron shark model of submersible is
crafted from dozens of overlapping steel plates,
holding within a safely sealed crew compartment.
The heavily armoured submersible is designed for
military purposes and the attacking of waterborne
vessels, using a vicious array of jaggedly sharp
blades along its top that can do severe damage to
the hull of any craft it moves under. The iron
shark is not designed for deep-sea forays.
Submersible with +5 hit dice, +5 natural
breaker - 28,000gp
armour, shocking hull and hull-b

Tunneller [Steamwork]
A tunneller, or mole drill, is very similar to a
large industrial mining drill, except that it is
designed for travel rather than tearing ore from
rock and has a pilot. The pilot sits behind the
drilling mechanisms in a protected framework.
As the drill tears up the rock ahead of it, it pushes the rubble around behind it, and tracks on the
drills base and sides pull it along. Mole drills are
often used to get saboteurs into place to attack fortifications, or to dig tunnels to breach subterranean locations.
The base statistics for a tunneller are given

Large Construct
Hit Dice: 8d10+30 (74 hp)
Speed: Tunnel 30ft
AC: 19 (+10 natural, -1 size)
Special Qualities: Hardness 5, Maintenance DC 9
Creation: Craft (Steamworks) 9 ranks
Cost: 4,000 gp
It can be upgraded with the following:
+1 Extra Hit Die - To a maximum of 12d10.+250gp
+1 Extra AC - To a maximum of +14 natural
armour. +125gp
Arcane Warding +1,000gp
Arcane Warding, Heavy +2,500gp
Heavy Armouring +2,500gp
Quake Engine +25,000gp
Melt +2,500gp
Subterranean Sonar +2,000gp
Transport Capacity +1,000gp
Sample Tunneller - Kobold Rockripper
This crude tunneller is crafted by kobold artisans and mechanics, a massive drill behind which
the framework of the vehicle itself clings on, the
steamwork engine coughing out unpleasant
smoke. The tunneller is used for both digging out
new living spaces and mine tunnels for a kobold
underground settlement, but is also turned to military uses when needed, an excellent tool for creating traps, ambushes and new tunnels when the
enemy least expects it.
Tunneller with +4 extra hit dice and +2 extra
AC - 5,250gp

page 112

Presti ge Cl asses
escribed in this section are a small number of prestige classes designed to go hand
in hand with the concepts presented in
this guide, and to add flavour and opportunities
for the player characters in a campaign which features steam technology. Two of the classes, the
Balloonist and Steel Knight, focus on the use of a
particular piece of steamwork equipment. The
Mechanist focuses on steamwork prosthetics as
well as the philosophical idea of the superiority of
metal over flesh. Meanwhile the Inspired
Inventor and Metalworker work to spread the
knowledge of steamworks and technology far and

he balloonist is a sky warrior, a marksman
who takes to the air with the buzzing of
steamwork engines driving his personal
dirigible. Agilely manoeuvring his craft through
the air, the balloonist seeks to fight from a distance, making the most of his skill with ranged
weapons and the flight of the dirigible. Eagle-eyed
and with keen senses, he hunts like an eagle from
above, acutely aware of the winds and skies
around him. He needs to be, for a balloonists
weakness is the very thing that gives him his
advantages - his dirigible, vulnerable to hostile
The balloonist can fill all sorts of military
roles, most often as a scout for a military force.
Pirates might have a balloonist to locate their
prey, and mercenaries pay well for an outrunner
who can fly and report back with information.
Balloonists also work more directly in combat by
aiding from above, sniping and picking out
important targets from above the chaos of melee.
Balloonists also work as guards for mountain
passes and dangerous roads, moving back and
forth above them to check for any disturbances or
signs of danger.

Balloonists are capable warriors, though they

prefer to keep their distance from foes, especially
those of the airborne variety. They are most often
found on the edges of society, in amongst mercenaries, pirate bands and frontier towns, and other
hostile climes where their scouting skills are
invaluable. While fighters and rogues are the
most common class to take the balloonist prestige
class, rangers concerned with scouting wild areas
and who want to be up in the sky with the creatures of the air also take this class.
Hit Die: d8
Craft (Steamworks): 7 ranks
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, proficiency with at least one martial or exotic ranged
Special: The character must be the pilot of a
personal dirigible, and must have at least 6
months experience as such.
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration,
Craft (Any), Craft (Steamworks), Jump, Listen,
Profession (Any), Spot, Survival and Use Rope.
Skill Points per Level: 6+Int modifier
Class Abilities:
Weapons and Armour Proficiencies: A balloonist
gains no new weapons or armour proficiencies.
Combat Manoeuvre: Due to the stability of the
harness and support, a personal dirigible provides
the balloonist with a good firing platform to
attack from, even while the device soars through
the air. A balloonist flying with his dirigible can
move as far as the base movement of the vehicle
in a round where he takes a full attack action
with a ranged weapon.
Weather Sense: A balloonist gets to
know the feel of air currents on his
face, and what signifies a change

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Ballonist Level Progression





Combat Manoeuvre, Weather Sense
Defensive Manoeuvre
Aerial Manoeuvre
Crack Shot

in the weather. A balloonist can predict the

weather up to four hours ahead with a 90% chance
of accuracy.
Defensive Manoeuvre: At 2nd level the balloonist may add his Wisdom bonus to both his AC
and his dirigibles AC while in flight.
Aerial Manoeuvre: At 3rd level the balloonists
flight manoeuvrability while flying a personal
dirigible is improved by one factor (e.g. Average
to Good).
Crack Shot: At 4th level the balloonist becomes
a crack shot at firing from a fast-moving personal
dirigible, and can ignore cover bonuses to AC of
ground targets when firing.
Evade: At 5th level the balloonist becomes an
expert at dodging ranged attacks and destructive
blasts aimed at his aircraft, and gains the evasion
ability of the rogue class. The ability applies to
both him and his dirigible, and only works when
the balloonist is aerial in a personal dirigible.

Inspired Inventor
he inspired inventor has a mind full of
ideas and concepts, fantastical designs for
machines and innovative ways of applying old theories. Its often so full that he has to
scrawl down his ideas in sketchbooks and tomes
to try and record them all, in shorthand and pictures that most others find hard to decipher but
which he intuitively understands. For the
inspired inventor the world is simply full of possibilities that have yet to be explored, and hes
eager to do just that. In a world without steamworks, the inspired inventor may be the genius
who creates them in the first place. In a world
where steamworks are already established,
the inspired inventor leads the cutting
edge of science, pushing the boundaries and coming up with new ideas

daily that challenge assumptions and cause breakthroughs in technology.

The inspired inventor may have gained his
knack for ideas from a supernatural cause such as
the efforts of a steam spirit, or he may simply be
a natural genius who sees the world in a different
way to others. An inspired inventor is often talented in more than just mechanics or science, able
to turn his hand to arts, literature or other fields
as well, always overflowing with ideas. He may
well publish numerous texts illustrating his forward-thinking theories and designs of machines,
although just how this will be taken by society at
large is no set outcome. Those who see technology is evil might persecute inspired inventors, or
they might be embraced by wealthy patrons who
see the characters potential.
Inspired inventors are often experts or wizards, those with the natural knack and talent for
invention and ideas, but through the workings of
the mysterious steam spirits just about anyone
can end up with their mind brimming with innovative designs for vehicles and engines, and they
may well not be particularly sure why one day
they just feel the urge to start scribbling down the
concepts filling their head. Even adventurers can
end up as inspired inventors, though it is usually
adventurers who end up most benefiting from the
creations of inventors.
Hit Die: d4
Prerequisites: To qualify to become an inspired
inventor, a character must meet the following
Craft (Any): 8 ranks
Feats: Inspired
Knowledge (Any): 8 ranks
Class Skills: An inspired inventors class skills
are Concentration, Craft (Any), Craft

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Inspired Inventor Level Progression





Bonus Feat, Inspiration
Personal Shorthand
Amazing Visions
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat

Finest Creation

(Steamworks), Decipher Script, Disable Device,

Knowledge (Any), Open Lock, Profession (Any),
and Spellcraft.
Skill Points per Level: 6+ Int modifier
Class Abilities: The following are class abilities of the Inspired Inventor.
Weapons and Armour Proficiencies: An inspired
inventor gains no new weapons or armour proficiencies, although this does not stop him from
constructing weapons or armour.
Spells per Day: When a new inspired inventor
level is gained that grants the character a new
spellcaster level, the character gains new spells
per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the
prestige class. He does not, however, gain any
other benefit a character of that class would have
gained (improved chance of turning undead, extra
metamagic feats, etc.) except for an increased
effective level of spellcasting. If a character had
more than one spellcasting class before becoming
an inspired inventor, he must decide to which
class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 4th and 7th level, an inspired
inventor gains a bonus feat that he meets the prerequisites for from the following list:
Alchemechanic, Arcanomech, Essence Engineer,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency, High Artificer,
Master Mechanic, Necromek, Quick Fix, Skill
Focus (Any), Steam Surgeon.
Inspiration: Once per day per inspired inventor
class level, the character may benefit from a flash
of inspiration and ingenuity, gaining a +4 bonus

+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level
+1 Spellcaster Level

to any skill check. This can also be used when taking 10 or taking 20 with a skill.
Personal Shorthand: At 2nd level the inspired
inventor develops a personal style of shorthand
writing. Any text written in the shorthand (usually designs, theories and development notes)
cannot be understood by anyone else except by a
Decipher Script check (DC 30). Personal shorthand keeps the ideas and sciences that the inventor wants secret kept that way when writing
something for others to understand he of course
uses normal text.
Amazing Visions: The brilliant and ingenious
designs and theories of the inventor attract the
attention of a patron at 3rd level. The patron will
contact the character and provide funds for him to
develop and create new devices, but on the condition that all such designs are developed for the
patron and it is he who controls the release of the
Dismantle: At 6th level, the inspired inventor is
so well-versed in the construction of devices, and
so familiar with the concepts and theories used in
putting together structures, that he can apply
these principles to dismantling them as well.
Constructs do not benefit to immunity from critical hits inflicted by an inspired inventor, and he
gains a +2 bonus to any sabotage checks.
Finest Creation: At 10th level an inspired inventor can construct his finest creation, a one-of-akind device or construct. A piece of equipment created with this ability is automatically masterwork, and has its masterwork benefit increased by 1 as well

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Steam & Steel

Mechanist Level Progression





Machine Affinity, Prosthetic
+1 Armour Plating
Prosthetic, Face of Steel
Light Fortification
+2 Armour Plating
Mechanical System
+3 Armour Plating
Medium Fortification
Mechanical Enlightenment

as any Maintenance DC reduced by 1. A construct

gains a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls and
checks and a +1 bonus to AC. With the agreement
of the DM, an inspired inventor could instead
invent an entirely new piece of machinery that is
not detailed in this guide. An inventor can only
have a single finest creation at any one time, but
can create a new device if the first once is
destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

or most people a steamwork prosthetic is
something they wish they never need; few
are eager to lose parts of their body to have
them replaced by a mimicry in metal and gears,
even if the prosthetic is superior to the old flesh
and blood. Some are less adverse to prosthetics,
seeing their practicality in certain lines of work,
but even so they are not quick to have part of their
body carved off and a steel prosthetic substituted.
Yet a mechanist is not eager and quick to embrace
the process of replacing flesh with metal, but
indeed pursues it as a goal of enlightenment.
The mechanist sees flesh and muscle, skin and
bone, as more of an impediment than something
to be too attached too, merely one stage in several
towards a final enlightenment. To him, machines
are superior to organic matter, and demonstrably
so, since metal never tires and possesses a
strength beyond that of a mortal man. A mechanist may see his path as one of harnessing the
power of machinery for his own personal
ends, or he may see it as a way by which
he can achieve a higher state, reaching
for divinity and true understanding

of existence through the purity of the mechanical.

Mechanists may exist as an extreme sect of a
deity with a portfolio including steamworks,
machinery, and the mechanical, dedicated to a
vision of a future where even men are brought up
to new heights of existence by the progress of
machinery. They may be a philosophical sect that
has sprung from the ranks of mechanics, or from
groups of people who have had a prosthetic part
and come to the conclusion that it is superior to
the flesh that it replaced. Lone mechanists also
occur, individuals who for their own personal reasons have chosen to follow the path of melding
man with machine.
Hit Die: d12
Requirements: To qualify to become a mechanist, a character must fulfil the following criteria.
Craft (Steamworks): 4 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude
Fortitude Save: +3
Special: The character must have at least 2 prosthetics. At least one must have been voluntarily
implanted even if there was no actual need for the
Class Skills: The mechanists class skills are
Climb, Concentration, Craft (Any), Craft
(Steamworks), Disable Device, Intimidate, Jump,
Listen, Profession (Any) and Spot.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4+ Int modifier.
Class Abilities: The following are class abilities of the mechanist prestige class.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A mechanist

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

MetalWorker Level Progression





gains proficiency in all simple weapons.

Machine Affinity: Due to his affinity for
machinery, a mechanist gains a +2 bonus to Craft
(Steamworks) and Disable Device checks.
Prosthetic: The mechanist undergoes a slow but
steady process of altering his body with machines.
At levels 1, 3 and 6 a mechanist can have a new
prosthetic implanted into him, with no chance of
contracting a disease or infection.
Armour Plating: As well as prosthetics, mechanists implant smaller devices and machines into
them, as well as attaching more practical armour
plating. This results in a mechanist gaining a natural armour bonus at level 2, which increases at
levels 5 and 8.
Face of Steel: From level 3 onwards, the mechanists appearance has been changed so much that
he gains a bonus to Intimidate checks equal to his
mechanist level.
Light Fortification: At level 4, a mechanist has
been so changed by his augmentations that he
begins to pick up some of the traits of a real construct. Any critical hit made against a mechanist
has a 25% chance of hitting a metal part or prosthetic and allowing the character to ignore the
additional damage caused by the critical.
Mechanical System: At level 7 a mechanist gains
damage reduction 3 to subdual damage only, as
well as gaining an additional +2 bonus to his
Fortitude save.
Medium Fortification: At level 9 the chance of a
mechanist being able to ignore the additional
damage from a critical hit is increased to 50%
Mechanical Enlightenment: At level 10 a mechanist is so augmented and modified that over half
of his body is now mechanical. His machine sens-

Aura of Metal, Master Craftsman
Heat Metal, Smite Construct
Command Construct
Mastery of Slicing Steel +1
Aura of Metal
Mastery of Shielding Steel +1
Aura of Metal
Mastery of Slicing Steel +2
Warp Metal
Mastery of Shielding Steel +2

+1 Level
+1 Level
+1 Level
+1 Level
+1 Level
+1 Level
+1 Level

es grant him a +2 insight bonus to Intelligence, as

well as granting damage reduction 3/ - and
increasing his natural armour bonus from armour
plating to +4.

he metalworker is a divine spellcaster with
power over metal and machines, a priest
who preaches of the mechanical and the
manufactured. A master of forging and crafting,
the metalworker sees the souls of men as being
akin to the metal he shapes with his hammer in
the furnace, and he seeks to bring the words and
wisdom of his deity to those around him.
A metalworker walks amongst the factories
and industries, spreading the word to those who
labour at forge and furnace. Teaching both his
faith and his skills at crafting to his flock and
bringing his divine gifts to aid those injured in the
sparking, hammering halls of industry, the metalworker can play an important part in the community of labourers and manual workers. He is often
the first voice to demand better work and pay for
the manual labourers and mechanics when they
are repressed by the upper classes, and the first to
advocate new technologies and methods.
Metalworkers often form an important part of
the religious structure that worships a deity of
metal, forges, machines and hard work. They
may represent the members of the priesthood
who go out to spread the word amongst the
workers while other clerics administrate the
higher levels of the organisation, or metalworkers may be amongst the most
powerful and influential individu-

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Steam & Steel

als within a faith. They can be found searching
far and wide to discover new machines and spread
the knowledge of such devices as far as possible,
or might be heavily involved in conflicts with
those who would seek to destroy and crush technology and science.
Hit Die: d8
Prerequisites: To qualify to become a metalworker, a character must meet the following prerequisites.
Craft: 6 ranks in a Craft skill that involves
Knowledge (Religion): 5 ranks
Spells: Must be able to cast divine spells of at
least 3rd level.
Special: Must have crafted at least one metal
Class Skills: The metalworkers class skills are
(Steamworks), Heal, Knowledge (Religion),
Profession (Any) and Spellcraft.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4+ Int modifier
Class Abilities: The following are class abili-

ties of the metalworker.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A metalworker
is proficient with all simple weapons, light, medium and heavy armour, and shields.
Spells per Day: When a new metalworker level
is gained that grants the character a new spellcaster level, the character gains new spells per day as
if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class
he belonged to before adding the prestige class.
He does not, however, gain any other benefit a
character of that class would have gained
(improved chance of turning undead, extra metamagic feats, etc.) except for an increased effective
level of spellcasting. If a character had more than
one spellcasting class before becoming a metalworker, he must decide to which class he adds the
new level for purposes of determining spells per
Aura of Metal: Anyone within 30ft of a metalworker gains a +1 bonus to any Maintenance
checks. At 5th level the aura also bestows the +1
bonus to hit of mastery of slicing steel to any allies
within the area. At 7th level it also bestows the +1
bonus to AC of mastery of shielding steel to any
allies within the area. The bonuses to hit and AC
do not increase with the mastery of slicing steel and
mastery of shielding steel abilities at 8th and 10th

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Steel Knight Level Progression





Master Craftsman: A metalworker gains a
bonus to any Craft check to create a metal object
equal to his metalworker class level.
Heat Metal: A metalworker can cast heat metal
as a spell-like ability once per day for every level
in the metalworker prestige class he has.
Smite Construct: Once per day a metalworker
can make a smite attack against a construct,
adding his charisma bonus (if any) to the attack
roll and his metalworker class level to the damage
Command Construct: A 3rd level metalworker
gains the ability to rebuke and command constructs as an evil cleric rebukes and commands
undead. The character uses his metalworker level
only for this ability, not any cleric levels he may
already possess.
Mastery of Slicing Steel: The metalworkers
mastery over metals hones the edge of his
weapons and makes them light and graceful in his
hands, granting a +1 bonus to hit with metal
weapons at 4th level. This increases at 8th level to
a +2 bonus.
Mastery of Shielding Steel: At 6th level the metalworkers mastery over metals reinforces any
metal armour he wears, reinforcing it and making
minute adjustments. It bestows a +1 bonus to the
AC of any metal armour he wears, and at 10th
level this bonus increases to +2 AC.
Warp Metal: At 9th level the metalworker can
cast warp metal as a spell-like ability 1/day.

Armour Familiarity, Thunderous Charge
Armoured Grace
Avoid Malfunction
Crushing Charge
Extra Edge

Steel Knight
uper-heavy armour is bulky, slow and
requires extensive training for anyone hoping to operate it, but in return it grants
strength far beyond that of the muscle and bone
of a normal man and protects the pilot with
incredibly thick armour from outside assault. The
very best of those who pilot this devastating form
of armour become familiar with their armour and
learn its strengths and weaknesses, in time wearing it almost like a second skin. These veterans of
super-heavy armour, toughened and experienced
warriors of great skill and competence, are known
as steel knights, those who ride across the lands in
suits of steel and steam.
Intimately familiar with his suit of armour, a
steel knight learns to recognise the warning signs
of an impending malfunction and how to avoid it;
he learns how to move with the suit more naturally, rather than fighting to push the augmented
lump of steel around the battlefield. A steel
knight can push his suit to its very maximum,
getting the vital edge he needs out of it. A warrior
who uses super-heavy armour but leaves it to a
team of mechanics to keep it maintained and running will never achieve the skills of a steel knight,
even if he is an excellent fighter; a steel knight
can delve into the workings of his armour and get
it working again from the most devastating of
A steel knight may well be a member of a
knightly order or military organisation who
deploy super-heavy armour on the battlefield and
train their members in its use, representing the
very best and most experienced kind of pilot that
these groups can put on the battlefield.
Whether a noble or religious knight, or a
grizzled veteran mercenary, a steel
knight knows how to get the very
best out of the suit he pilots. A

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Steam & Steel

steel knight might also be a roving individual who
has somehow got his hands on a suit of superheavy armour, perhaps from ancient ruins or the
ingenuity of an inspired inventor, who follows
their own personal agenda through the means of
their almost unstoppable steamwork gear.
Hit Die: d10
Prerequisites: To qualify to become a steel
knight, a character must meet the following prerequisites.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Craft (Steamworks): 4 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Skill Focus
Craft (Steamworks), Super-Heavy Armour
Special: Must possess a suit of super-heavy
Class Skills: The steel knights class skills are
Climb, Craft (Any), Craft (Steamworks),
Intimidate, Jump, and Profession (Any).
Skill Points per Level: 2+Int modifier
Class Abilities: The following are class abilities of the steel knight.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A steel knight
gains no weapon or armour proficiencies.

Armour Familiarity: A steel knight is familiar

with the idiosyncrasies and individual qualities of
his armour, often performing small modifications
to it to fine-tune the performance slightly. He
gains a bonus to all Craft (Steamworks) checks
with his super-heavy armour equal to his Steel
Knight class level.
Thunderous Charge: A steel knight learns how
to perform an intimidating charge, bearing down
on a foe in a fearsome thunder of steel. Anyone
charged by the steel knight while he wears superheavy armour must make a Will save (DC 10 +
Steel Knight level + Str modifier) or be shaken (as
the morale effect) for the rest of the combat. A
steel knight equipped with speakers on his armour
can add +1 to the DC of the save.
Armoured Grace: At 2nd level a steel knight is
no longer subject to the 2 penalty to Initiative
checks the super-heavy armour imposes.
Avoid Malfunction: At 3rd level a steel knight
can re-roll a roll on the Malfunction table 1/day
for his armour, but the second result stands.
Crushing Charge: At 4th level the steel knight
learns how to use the weight of his armour in a
charge, adding a +4 bonus to his Strength score
when he charges in super-heavy armour.
Extra Edge: At 5th level a steel knight learns
how to get an extra edge from his armour, reducing the skill check penalties of the armour by 4
and increasing the maximum Dexterity modifier
by 1.

page 120

his section details a number of new spells
designed around the steamwork system
presented in this guide.

Awaken Machine
Level: Invention 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, XP
Range: Touch
Target: Machine touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell awakens the target machine to true
sentience. To succeed, the caster must make a
Will save (DC 10 + targets HD or in the case of
non-constructs or non-vehicles 10 + Maintenance
DC). The awakened machine is friendly towards
the caster, though the caster has no special empathy or connection with it. The machine gains 3d6
Intelligence, +2d6 Charisma and +2 HD if it has
hit dice. It can speak 1 language + 1 language per
Intelligence ability score bonus it possesses.
Machines are usually awoken in this manner to
serve as superior war constructs that are more
capable of fighting with tactics and strategy, as
well as vehicles that are brought to sentience for
various purposes.
XP Cost: 750xp
Dominate Steamwork
Level: Steamwork 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Close (25ft. +5ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 steamwork device, vehicle or construct
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell brings a steamwork device under the

control of the caster. A steamwork affected by
this spell will only respond to the command and
activation of the caster, no-one else, and he can
command and activate it with his voice only. A
construct or vehicle dominated in this way will
not attack the caster and will obey his commands,
even if it is to attack the original owner. A construct with a spirit matrix is still dominated, and
the spirit within loses control of its steamwork
body unless the caster allows it any control. The
effects of this spell are permanent.
Material Component: A chunk of crystal
wrapped in copper wire, costing 50gp.
Level: Invention 7
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell fills the characters brain with surging, inspirational flows of genius, propelling the
intellect to new heights and bringing amazing
clarity of perception. The character gains a +10
enhancement bonus to Craft (Steamworks),
Knowledge (Mathematics), Sense Motive, Spot
and Search checks as well as a +6 enhancement
bonus to Initiative and Intelligence. He gains a
+10 enhancement bonus to any other skill checks
that involve solving a puzzle, riddle or other complex problem. The character can automatically
solve such a problem if he wishes, but the spell
ends immediately.

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Steam & Steel

Machine Savant
Level: Invention 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

Level: Clr 4
Components: V, S, F
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

When a character casts this spell, they become

able to see into the very heart of a machine, their
magical vision stripping away the outer layers of
gears and metal to be able to observe the innards
at work. They see any machine as if it were a
blueprint, able to percieve how the parts integrate,
how they interact - and where they are weakest.
This spell gives a character the ability to make
critical hits against any machines, even if they are
normally immune to critical hits. The caster also
gains a +5 circumstance bonus to any Craft
(Steamworks) checks made in the period.
Magic Cog
Level: Clr 1, Steamwork 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: 1 steamwork device
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This spell allows the caster to make metal

plates adhere and meld with their skin, literally
bonding armour to them, and is a common spell
amongst the priesthood of mechanist sects. The
metal plates are the material focus of the spell,
and grant a +5 armour bonus and damage reduction 5/magic. Due to the nature of the metal actually merging with the casters skin, no armour
check penalties or suchlike are inflicted by the
temporary armour. After the duration of the spell
has expired, the armour plates simply drop off.
Material Focus: Four plates of metal, crafted by
the caster.
Repair Metal
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: One construct or metal object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

This minor incantation helps keep a machine

running properly, discouraging malfunctions and
keeping parts moving slightly more efficiently.
The Maintenance DC of a machine that this spell
is cast on is lowered by 1 of the duration.
Material Component: A small metal cog.

This spell repairs the damage done to a metal

object or construct, sealing up rents and bending
steel back into place, and healing 1d8+5 points of
Level: Druid 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: S, M
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5ft/level)
Target: 1 steamwork device
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

This spell is designed to sabotage steamwork
devices, rusting metal parts and weakening joints
for its duration. The Maintenance DC of any
device that has rust cast upon it is increased by
1d6+1 for the spells duration, and constructs and
vehicles suffer 2d8 damage.
Material Component: A small vial containing
some rust.
Rust Vampire
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Target: 1 steamwork device
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
With this spell, the caster makes a touch attack
against a machine, infusing its structure with
entropic energy. If the subject fails a Will save, it
suffers d6 damage/caster level (maximum 20d6)
as the spell corrodes metal and twists plates, and
suffers an immediate roll on the malfunction
table. The caster is healed for an equal amount as
the damage inflicted as the spell siphons off energy from the machine.
Material Component: A rusted nail.
Soul Harvest
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Range: Self
Area: 30ft. radius
Duration: Instantaneous
This necromantic spell sends a pulse of dark
power racing away from the caster that snares any
souls lingering nearby. The soul of any corpse in
the area that was killed within the last hour is captured in an soul gem that the caster is carrying; if
the caster does not have enough gems then additional souls escape. In addition any such soul
affected can use the Will save it had when alive to
try and escape the spell. This spell is used to
acquire souls to power soulburner engines.

A gem must be of at least 100 gp in value to be

useable in this spell.
Timeless Engine
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, XP
Range: Touch
Target: 1 steamwork device
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell uses powerful magic to slow down
the normal processes of degrading in a steamwork
device, meaning that maintenance is needed far
less often. The affected device does not suffer any
penalties for long-term wear, nor does it need
Maintenance checks every day if it is constantly
running, instead needing a check every year. In
addition, the device does not need to make a check
for every day it goes without maintenance to see
if the skill bonus to its Maintenance checks is
reduced by one, instead needing such a check for
every year it goes without maintenance.
XP Component: 100xp
Warp Metal
Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25ft. +5ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 lb. of metal/level, all within a 20ft.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
As warp wood, but this spell affects metal

page 123

n this appendix are presented the summaries
of two of the possible campaigns presented in
the first part of this guide. These summaries
are designed to show from a rules point of view
how to integrate these concepts into a campaign

The Empire of Hurdell

PC Races: The primary available PC races in
this setting are humans, who make up the primary population of Hurdell, dwarves, with whom
they have an alliance, and lizardfolk, who in this
setting have a talent for mechanical things and
make up a significant portion of the underclass
forming in the empire. Lizardfolk especially represent the oppressed lower clases most vociferously and are known for leading strikes and industrial action.
Classes with Craft (Steamworks) skill: There
is no particular link between steam technology
and either arcane or divine practitioners of magic
in Hurdell. The science that they use is by and
large just technological, and it is primarily the
domain of specialist mechanics with the Expert
class. However, wizards do make up a proportion
of the more learned part of society, and as such,
they have access to the Craft (Steamworks) skill
as a class skill. Fighters also have access to it,
because the armed forces of the empire make
extensive use of steamwork equipment and vehicles, and as such, most of those who are trained
for battle become familiar with such devices.
Finally, rogues are often familiar with at least the
basics of steam technology as it aids them in dealing with steamwork traps and in sabotaging
machinery. Lizardfolk from the province of
Qakul get Craft (Steamworks) as a craft skill as
a racial bonus.
Engines: As mentioned, Hurdell bases
the foundations of its steam technology on conventional methods, and as

such steam engines that are powered by conventional oil or coal burners are the most common
sight. Wizards do occasionally craft more complex designs that blend magic with machine but
these are expensive and rare. As such, the only
two engine creation feats available are the
Arcanomech and Master Mechanic feats.
Materials & Craftsmanship: In terms of materials, the empire of Hurdell makes use primarily
of rion and steel, with more exotic metals being
rare. The exception to this is the Imperial Guard,
the constructs of which are made from specially
treated gold. These constructs, however, are
designed more for show than for battle. The
Hurdellian level of craftsmanship is average, but
has only just advanced from poor in recent years.
As such, many devices and constructs of poor
quality are still in circulation.
Equipment: Any piece of steamwork equipment that is of Maintenance DC 8 or less, and is
not arcana, is probably not that hard to obtain in
Hurdell, and may even be a regular sight. Arcana
and devices of a higher DC are less common, with
any piece of arcana needing to be crafted specifically to order by a wizard. Only light or medium
augmented steamwork armour is available at the
moment, though the progress of science may
make the cosntruction of heavier forms possible
before too long.
Edifices of Might: The more mundane structures are common throughout the empire, but
those that bledn magic with science are either rare
or unheard of. There are plans to build a magnificent weather tower in the empire's largest port,
but this is a task of which the Imperial mechanic
mages have yet to master the science for.
Prosthetics: Only the simplest of prosthetics
are available, and even then it is difficult to find a
surgeon with more than 5 ranks in Heal to apply
the device. In general, no prosthetic that requires
more than 8 ranks in Craft (Steamworks) is available.

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a Guide to Fantasy Steamworks

Constructs & Vehicles: If there is one area in
which Hurdell excels, it is here. Their prowess in
building heavily armoured ironclads and intimidating airships is unmatched, and has reached the
point where private companies with crews of
workers recruited from the Imperial dockyards
are being set up, to provide services to wealthy
gentlemen and aristocrats who want their own
luxury dirigible or suchlike. Manservant and
automaton constructs are common, especially in
the industrial areas of the cities, while the various
forms of sentinel construct are being constructed
on a limited scale to further bolster the flesh and
blood troops of the Empire.
Prestige Classes: Inspired Inventors exist in
this setting, rising above the norm of the mechanics and artisans around them. Metalworkers wander the factories and slums of the lower classes,
being so successful in rabble-rousing that the
Imperial authorities are considering suppressing
the lizardfolks church of the Gearlord.

Empires of Past and Present

PC Races: All the standard races are available,
with the exception of the dwarves. The only trace
of that race that still exists is the ruins of their
past empire.
Classes with Craft (Steamworks) skill: No
class has access to the Craft (Steamworks) skill,
only as a cross-class skill, with the exception of
the Inspired Inventor prestige class. Steamworks
are just not well-enough understood in this area of
the world. And the decadent elves in the east are
not willing to train anyone in such scientific arts.
Engines: No form of engine creation feat is
available, except to Inspired Inventors.
Materials & Craftsmanship: Any item taken
from the ruins of the dwarven empire, or purchased from the eastern elves, is of either
advanced or high steam power in terms of the
quality of its manufacture. The exception to this
is that sometimes Inspired Inventors are successful in constructing their own steamwork devices
based on studying the ancient steam engines of
the dwarves, but in this case the work is usually
crude or at its best of poor quality.
Equipment: Potentially any piece of steamwork equipment is available, though incredibly

rare and fabulously expensive. The best way for

adventurers to gain items of their own is to investigate the dangerous ruins of the dwarven cities.
Edifices of Might: The ruins of many of these
structures can be found in the ruins of the
dwarflands, but most are damaged beyond repair
and recognition. The ones that are still active are
generally not fully understood anyway.
Prosthetics: As with equipment, prosthetics
are possible though very, very rare, even in terms
of the objects found in ruins. The eastern elves
occasionally barter one away though.
Constructs & Vehicles: The eastern elves are
rumoured to have entire armies of constructs, and
many still prowl the dwarven ruins. Of these latter examples, the most common types are
automatons and sentinels of various forms, apparently still powered by some mysterious source of
energy. Samples of living steel are also known to
lair amongst the ancient ruins, and anywhere that
one is found is a dangerous place indeed. There
are no intact examples of steamwork vehicles
from the ruins, though the blueprints for such a
device would fetch an exorbitant price indeed.
Prestige Classes: Only the Inspired Inventor is
available, and even these are rare. Nonetheless,
their capability to actually construct steamwork
devices means that they are highly erspected and
their services in great demand.

Christopher Allen would like to offer

thanks to Oliver Geddes, Maldur, Horacio,
Arwink, Kaiyosama, Crothian, Sniktch, my
old Planescape group (you'll recognise some
Arcanatum stuff) and my Acrozatarim group
(you'll know it when it hits you)

page 125

Steam & Steel

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All contents of this publication, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2004, E.N.Publishing, all rights reserved. Reproduction or
use without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden except for the purpose of review or in accordance with the Open
Game License.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in this
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d20 system and the d20 system logo are trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20
System License version 5.0. A copy of this license can be found at
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission.

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Copyright 2004, E.N.Publishing


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