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people are one of a company's most valuable assets. While most assets
depreciate over time, people, viewed as assets, may actually appreciate.
One of the manager's major responsibilities is to improve and update
the knowledge and skills of employees -- appreciation of assets.
Performance appraisal plays a significant role as a tool and technique of
organizational development and growth. In essence, effective appraisal
systems provide both evaluation and feedback.
Performance appraisal is a formal system of measuring, evaluating, and
influencing an employees job-related attributes, behaviors and
outcomes. The objective is to to determine how productive an employee
is and/or to determine if an employees productivity can be
improved. As such, performance appraisals serve an important purpose in
managing people and meeting company goals.

The tendency to make judgements about oneself or about people one is

working with, appears to be both inevitable and universal. However,
without a carefully structured system of appraisal and evaluation,
people will judge the performance of coworkers -- subordinates,
superiors, and peers -- arbitrarily and informally.
This tendency to judge, without a systematic procedure, has the
potential to create serious motivational, ethical and legal problems
within the firm. On the other hand, a structured appraisal system is
more likely to be lawful, fair, defensible, valid and reliable.

Too often, organizations either ignore the process of performance appraisal or consider it
to be an administrative task to be done to their employees as opposed to being done

with their employees. To be effective, performance appraisals should be a collaborative

process that is never ending as opposed to a yearly task that must be accomplished to
satisfy some organizational or collectively bargained rule.
More than simply attesting to how things went last year, performance appraisals should
be an ongoing discussion/evaluation not only of objectives met or tasks completed but
also of performance improvement, future plans and skills development. There should be
no surprises when the time comes to formalize the appraisal. Done correctly and as part
of an ongoing process, both the manager responsible for conducting the evaluation and
the employee being evaluated should be very close in how they see the overall picture of
At the very least, world-class performance appraisals should include not only the
evaluation by the manager but also one by those being evaluated. Some systems use
narratives to describe the performance, others incorporate a numerical rating process
while others may also include a weighting of factors based on relative importance. Some
organizations use a 360 degree approach where subordinates evaluate their superiors
and still others look to include customer or stakeholder feedback in the process.
Effective performance appraisals inform management in the areas of professional
development needs, both individually and organizationally, as well as in the area of
overall talent management and succession planning.

Open discussions between employees and their superiors is critical to

an effective appraisal process. Research shows that employees are
likely to feel satisfied with the appraisal if they are given the chance
to speak freely and discuss their performance. Open discussions are
also related to employees' perceptions of the fairness of the process.
This is particularly so when they are permitted to challenge and appeal
their evaluations.

To make effective performance appraisals a reality, four criteria need to be present.

These are:
a) Employees should be actively involved in the evaluation and development
b) Supervisors need to enter performance appraisals with a constructive and helpful
c) Realistic goals must be mutually set.

d) Supervisors must be aware, and have knowledge of the employees job and

Q4 Alcoholism

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