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First u should change the root password to be able to login to the system by any
password u need after that u will find a text file on the desktop including the root
password and the network configuration as follows.
A-First change the administrator password with mkafifi_3c
B-configure the network ip address ,subnet , gateway DNS:
I used the GUI to configure the network and before press ok I deactivate and reactive
the network interface and then service network restart then chkconfig network on
Exam question
1-create partition exts3 with size 500MB and mount it to /common
2-install the kernel from and make it the default kernel
3-Add users, Natasha, harry, David, Sarah create group admin, add secondary group to
Natasha harry and Sarah and David not, all users password flactarg , deny login to
4-create directory /common/adm ,make the group owner sysadm ,
give natasha read and write permission , and deny herry read write permission , all
users should not execute permation on this folder
5-Add ipp printer named station1 on the , it's a generic printer
and text only , make it as default and print anything
6-add cron job to user Natasha to run at 14:23 echo hiya
don't forget service crond restart & chkconfig crond on
7-bind an NIS to
8- configure IP forward on ur machine
9- Add NTP server
I used the GUI ,& to make sure service ntpd restart & chkconfig ntpd on
10-counfigure automount the /rhome directory on ur machine and give it the write
permission to all users to mount the home directory on server ip
add /rhome/station1 for user natasha
open auto.master then type /rhome auto.home , create folder /rhome , cp
auto.master to auto.home , open auto.home and type
* -rw,soft,int
service autofs restart
chkonfig autofs on
11-find all the files created by user Jacqoub and place it on folder /findfiles
find / -user jackoub -exec mv {} /findfiles \;

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