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Bila referensi diambil dari jurnal:

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Bila referensi diambil dari buku teks:
Baron, R.A., & Byrne, D. (1994). Social psychology: Understanding human interaction.
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Bila referensi diambil dari buku bunga rampai (handbook):
Schwartzman, H. B. (1986). The meeting as a neglected social form in orgnizational studies.
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Bila referensi diambil dari poster session (dalam kegiatan seminar):
Cohen-powless, M. A., Rogelberg, S. G., & Luong, A. (2003, April). Understanding meeting
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Bila referensi diambil dari artikel di internet
Benton, F. (1998, July 7 th). Barriers to closing the gap. Retrieved August 18, 2001, from
Bila referensi diambil dari online journal
Jenet, B.L. (2006). A meta-analysis on online social behavior. Journal of Internet Psychology,
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Bila referensi diambil dari Online Forums, Discussion Lists, or Newsgroups:
Leptkin, J.L. (2006, November 16). Study tips for psychology students [Msg. 11]. Message
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Bila referensi diambil dari Magazine:

Santamaria, J.O. (September 1991). How the 21st century will impact on human resource
development (HRD) professionals and practitioners in organizations.Paper was
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Bila referensi diambil dari Theses, Dissertation:
Santoso, G.A. (1993). Faktor-faktor sosialpsikologis yang berpengaruh terhadap tindakan
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Bila referensi diambil dari Research Report:
Villegas, M., & Tinsley, J. (2003). Does education play a role in body image dissatisfaction?
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Bila referensi diambil dari Encyclopedia, dictionary:
Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (6th ed., Vols. 120). London: Macmillan.

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