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5 qualities of a highly successful actor


The acting world is not that friendly, so on your way to success you are likely to be affected by
rejection as well as a variety of hurdles. The only way you can deal with all that negativity is by
being completely dedicated to your goals. Otherwise, you will allow the challenges you
encounter to sidetrack you and rob you of your chance to a successful acting career.

The right way to do things is to learn from the critics you receive and objectively assess yourself,
continuously look for acting opportunities and auditions that you might be allowed to attend, never
cease learning from any class, seminary or workshop that you have the chance to attend and focus
on keeping your mind and body ready for any type of acting job.

2. Amazing auditioning skills

Considering that directors take decisions based on castings, it’s important to make sure you know
how to compress in a 2-minute monologue the talent and the skills that you have to offer. Your
entrance in an audition room should always feel like a fresh breath of air while your talent should
force the directors to remember you even after 100 other applicants get their chance at success.

3. Lots and lots of talent

Acting is an art and no one who wants to succeed in an artist’s world can stand a chance
without natural talent. To show that the acting talent you possess is enough to turn you into one of
the most successful actors of our days you need to discover the style that best reveals it and then
invest every minute of your time and all your energy into polishing that style. Raw talent is
important to have but is nothing if you don’t take the time to refine it and constantly improve it.

4. Be a people person

Also a must is to know how to communicate with the ones around you and make them like you
almost instantly. If you want to be highly successful as an actor you need to be liked by the
persons with influence you come across as well as by the crews you get the chance to work with.

Being always on time, polite and positive is the key to making sure that people love the idea of
working with you. Rudeness almost never gets away unpunished unless your talent is almost
impossible to match.

5. The right personality

As someone that needs to be able to understand character after character and always feel and
move like the character at hand, an actor needs to possess a personality that has no problem
taking in others and their beliefs and fears. However, you can’t allow yourself to be too sensitive to
the world out there because actors often need to deal with rejection. So, the key is a balance
between open and strong.

Top 10 Qualities of a Great Actor

This list names just 10 of the qualities needed to be a great actor:
1. Is Captivating: A great actor is so convincing in a role that he can
hold an audience captive and make them feel as if there is nothing
but the story at hand.
2. Has a True Commitment: A great actor is committed to becoming
the best actor he can be, as well as to working hard and preserving
through rejection to find the best roles.
3. Shows Confidence: A great actor is confident in his work and
portrays that confidence both during a performance as well as in
public to help create a rapport with the public.
4. Has Insight: A great actor has keen insight into human behavior
and can effectively convey the emotion that influences one's actions.
5. Is Able to Use His/Her Intelligence for Role Creation: A great actor
uses intelligence to research roles and impart that knowledge into
their acting to develop more convincing attributes of the character.
Great actors generally also have excellent reading and interpretation
6. Possesses Good Physical Skills: A great actor has skill in physical
movement and is able to portray the movements of a variety of
characters. Many actors also perform stunt work and complicated
physical work.
7. Shows a High Degree of Professionalism: A great actor works with
a wide variety of people and is highly professional in all situations. A
great actor shows tremendous respect to the craft, script, writers,
directors, and all other key personnel involved in a production.
8. Has an Innate Talent: A great actor has a natural talent for
performing and entertaining.
9. Is Willing to Work on Performance Techniques: A great actor has a
perfected technique for his acting and is able to successfully bring
believable characters to life.
10. Has Some Sense of Vanity: A great actor has at least some degree
of vanity that drives them to continue to improve and excel at the

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