Title Author Theme/Moral 4. Story Stretchers: Book Lesson Plan

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Book Lesson Plan

1. Title : It Looks Like Spilt Milk

2. Author: Charles G. Shaw
3. Theme/Moral: Imagination can take you anywhere

4. Story Stretchers
a. What do you think the next shape is going to be?
b. Whats another shape this thing might turn into.
c. Where is the thing?
d. Have you ever heard of a grey horned owl?
e. What are some cloud shapes youve seen?

Name of Activity

I Looked Up at the Sky Story Language Arts

Length of Activity

35 minutes

Activity Objective
Directions for

I can write a one sentence story so that I can practice on my writing skills
1. Have colored paper out
2. Make everyone take out pencils
3. Hand out cotton balls
4. Hand out glue sticks
5. Write directions on board
6. Have writing template ready
1. Get colored paper from front table
2. Take out your pencil
3. Get a few cotton balls from front table
4. Ask teacher for glue stick
5. Make a shape with the cotton balls on the colored paper
6. Write your story on the template

Directions to Tell Preschooler

Objects Needed



I looked up at the sky template- for the story

Pencils- for writing story
Cotton Balls- for making the shapes
Glue Sticks- To stick template and cotton balls and template onto

colored paper
5. Colored Paper- to paste templates and cotton balls to
6. Scissors- to cut out template
Gluing things to paper, cutting, writing
May get mad because they cant think of a shape or story

Imagination and creativity

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