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Aaron Higgins



- The image is suitable for

the advertisement campaign
as the model is advertising
casual clothing and is in a
casual destination which is a
- The key qualities of the
photo are the stance of the
model being relaxed in her
home and the background
around her being a bit out of
- When the photo was first
taken the flash was very
harsh especially on the
models face so I adjusted the
brightness by lowering is to
make the model more

Before editing

After editing

- The image is suitable for the advertisement campaign as the model is wearing a fleece in a garden which is a
place that this type of casual clothing would be worn.
- The key qualities of the image are the background being out of focus to make the model stand out and the
cup used to symbolise casual clothing.
- The change made was a change in brightness which was increased as the image at first was slightly too dark.

- The image is suitable for the

advertisement campaign as
the model is wearing a grey
winter coat which is casual and
would be worn in this situation
were she is about to head out.
- The key qualities of the
image are the flash reflecting
off the door which attracts the
attention towards the model
and also the door being a
bright colour such as green
because this makes the
models plane, dark clothes
stand out.
- The change that was made
was the brightness which was
decreased as the original
photo was overall to bright
especially on the model.

Before editing

After editing

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