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Research Reflection Dirdon,

As part of my senior graduation project, the research paper provides

information about the effects of Domestic Violence on children. During this
process, I had to choose a topic then generate a thesis statement. I also found
credible sources and created notes to help me construct my research paper. It took
many drafts to write my Final paper.
Choosing my topic for my research paper was easy. This part was easy
because I already knew that I wanted to talk about concerning Domestic violence, I
also knew that I wanted to go deeper than just Domestic violence I wanted to show
it from a different perspective someones other than the abuser and the abuse. I
decided to talk about how domestic violence impacts children as witnesses. I
choose this topic because its something that I can relate to.
The next process in creating my research paper was finding scholarly
sources. I also provided several interviews with different participants using
questionnaire. This information will provide a basis for the reason why I believe
there is always two parts to a story.

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