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Jacqueline Valdez-Lopez

12820 Fairgrove St . Baldwin Park, CA 91706 . (626) 960-6860

May 04, 2016

Ms. Gongora
Sierra Vista High School
3600 N. Frazier St.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
Dear Ms. Gongora:
For my junior paper, I plan to research the controversial issue of adopting pets being better than
buying from pet stores. A large number of people agree that choosing adopting over buying from
pet stores is better and I realize that it benefits both pet and person. Many people would rather
adopt a pet knowing that it did not come from a puppy or kitten mill or any other breeding
facility that mistreats them.
Choosing buying over adopting is not the right thing to do. Some of the points I may discuss are
that instead of buying a pet from a pet store, one should adopt instead because adoptions tend to
be cheaper, it helps stop pet overpopulation, and it gives those animals a second chance. A
counterargument could be that it does not matter whether one adopts or buys a pet because their
life is being saved no matter what either way.
My understanding of plagiarism and/or misrepresentation is to write down somebody elses ideas
or findings and not give them proper credit. I agree to submit my research paper to,
a web service that checks for plagiarism. I understand that forgery is falsifying a signature. I also
understand that if I were to plagiarize, forge or otherwise misrepresent any aspect of my Junior
research paper I will fail Junior English.

Jacqueline Valdez-Lopez

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