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(Operation Anadyr)

Mission Objective:
As members of General Secretary Khrushchevs military command your
team has been tasked with identifying a possible target for nuclear
destruction within the United States of America. Your team will select a
target based on political importance, manufacturing significance, or
population center. The target you select must be within range of your
ballistic missile and should possess at least 1 of the described
characteristics above. As part of the process of identifying a possible target,
you will be required to calculate casualties (deaths) and injuries as a result
of a 2.42-megaton nuclear explosion centered over your selected target
Important Information:
Ballistic Missile sites are located on the west side of the island of Cuba.
There are two types of ballistic missiles on Cuba
o Type R-12 (Medium Range Ballistic Missile)
Range: ____________________ nautical miles =
___________________ miles
Show calculations:
o Type R-14 (Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile)
Range: ____________________ nautical miles =
___________________ miles

Show calculations:

Each ballistic missile contains a 2.42-megaton nuclear warhead.

o This warhead produces the following devastating effects.
A fireball with a radius of 1.11 miles (100% fatal)
A 20 psi overpressure wave with a radius of 1.82 miles
(100% fatal)
A thermal radiation with a radius of 9.72 miles (80% survive
outside of 20 psi overpressure wave)
Classified Brief (Part 1):
A top secret brief is due to General Secretary Khrushchev by Tuesday, May
31st. It must include the following requirements.
1) A map of the United States of America and Cuba showing the
maximum range of your assigned ballistic missile. It must be done to
scale, with possible target area shaded, and the actual target properly
identified and located.
2) A map of the target area with circles representing the fireball, 20 psi
over pressure wave, and thermal radiation area. This must also be
done to scale with a different color for each circle.
3) An estimated casualty (deaths) and injury report using available
population density data.
4) A brief summary of why your team chose your target area. Including
whether the target area is of political importance, manufacturing
significance, population center, or any combination of the three.

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