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1. Cutaneous nerve supply to the anterior abdominal wall is derived from

the ??
2.which dermatome is located over xiphoid process?
3. The lymphatic below the umbelicus drain into?
4. Colles facia is is which part of body?
5. The cremaster muscle is derived from which muscle fibre?
6. Rectus sheath is formed by which muscles?
7. Anterior abdominal wall of rectus sheath is firmly attached to --------- of
rectus abdominis muscle?
8. Conjoint tendon is formed by which muscles?
9. The femoral sheath is formed by???
10. Inguinal ligament is formed by aponeurosis of ?
11. The length of inguinal canal is ??
12. The deep inguinal opening is opening in?
13. The external spermatic fascia is attached to margins of which ring?
14. Pyramidalis muscle is supplied by which nerve?
15. Cremaster muscle is supplied by which nerve?
16. Action of cremaster muscle is ??
17. Cremasteric fascia derived from ??
18. ------ is the closed sac invaginated from behind the testis?
19. Gubernaculum plays an important role in?
20. Outer fibrous capsule of testis is called?
21. Epididymis length is approx ??
22. testicular artery is branch of?
23. Left Testicular vein drains into?
24. Lymph draining from testis is to ?
25. Para aortic lymph node are at the level of?
26. The inferior epigastric artery arises from?
27. Superficial epigastric artery is branch of?
28. The anastomoses between lateral thoracic vein and superficial
epigastric vein is called?
29. The communication between greater sac and lesser sac with one
another through?
30. Greater omentum connects the greater curvature of stomach with?
31. Which ligament connects the stomach to the hilus of spleen with?
32. Superiorly of Epiploic foramen is which part of liver? "
33. Spaces between diaphragm and the liver is ??

34. Parietal peritonium in pelvis is mainly supplied by?

35. Visceral peritoneum is supplied for ??
36. Most tubular part of stomach?
37. Esophagus enters the stomach at the ?
38. Short gastric arteries are derived from?
39. All lymph nodes from the stomach eventually passes to?
40. Deudonum is of which alphabetic shape?
41. First part of deudonum is at the level of which vertebra?
42. Ligament of trietz attached to which part of deudonum?
43. Inferior pancreatodeudenal artery is branch of ???
44. Length if ilium is??
45. Appendix attachd to which surface of cecum?
46. Appendicular artery is branch of??
47. Left colic flexure is held up by?
48. Distal one third of transverse colon supplied by which artery?
49. Length of transverse colon is?
50. Sigmoid colon is continuous with rectum in front of which vertebra?
51. Large intestine is retro peritoneal except?
52. Fatty tags attached to the wale of large intestine is called?
53. Right lobe is divided into quadrate an caudate lobe by?
54. Ports hepatis is on which surface of liver?
55. Ligamentum Teres is the fibrous remains of?
56. Ligamentum venosum is the fibrous remains of ?
57. Gall bladder has a capacity of approximately?
58. Cystic artery is branch of?
59. Gall bladder contracts In response to hormone??
60. Bile duct is formed by the union of?
61. The circular smooth muscle of ampulla of Vater called ?
62. Main pancreatic duct open in which part of deudenum?
63. Largest single mass of lymphoid tissue is?
64. Artery of foregut is?
65. Name terminal branches if celiac trunk?
66. The policeman of abdomen is?
67. Posterior boundary of foramen of Winslow Is formed by ??
68. Inguinal canal of female contains?
69. Internal spermatic fascia is derived from?
70. In inguinal hernia , posterior wall os formed by?
71. Iliac crest marks the level of which lumbar vertebral body?
72. Nerve supply to Pyramidalis ? Sub costal nerve
73. Intermittent pain of small intestine felt at?

74. Left gastroepiploic artery is branch of?

75. Artery which crosses third part if deudenum?
76. Abdominal angina is due to occlusion of?
77. Demarcation of deudonum from jejunum is shown by?
78. Major site of peptic ulcer?
79. Which part of deudenum is retro peritoneal?
80. Blood vessels related to para deudenal fossa is?
81. Most common type of intussuception is?
82. Parasympathetic supply of sigmoid colon is?
83. Sigmoid and descending colon drains into?
84. Capsule of liver is known as?
85. A pathologist want to pass dye into the liver? He will reach through?
86. Weight of liver is?
87. Hepatic zone with least blood supply is?
88. Proximal part of common bole duct is supplied by?
89. Perinephric fat and kidney is enclosed by?
90. The ascent of horse shoe shaped kidney is prevented by?
91. Renal artery lies at the level of?
92. Right supra renal vein drains into!?
93. A single kidney shows how many segments?
94. Narrowest part of urinary bladder is?
95. Rt gastroepiploic artery is branch of?
96. Rt gastric artery is branch of?
97. Short gastric artery are branch of?
98. Cystic artery is branch of ?
99. Varicocele more common on which side?
100. The testis descent into scrotum is preceded by?
101. Length of epidudimys is?
102. Depth of mesentey from
Root to gut is about ??
103. The muscularis mucosa is thickest in which part of git?
104. Enterochromaffin cells produces?
105. Diverticulosis is most common in?
106. Lumbar plexus is embedded within?
107. Average capacity of renal pelvis is ?
108. In scrotum fatty layer of superficial fascia is called?
109. Testicular artery arises from aorta at?
110. Celiac artery arises from aorta at level of?
111. Splenic artery runs along which border of pancreas ?
112. Largest branch of lumbar plexus?

113. Largest branch of celiac artery is?

114. Cremasteric artery is branch of?
115. Which part of deudenum is longest?
116. Root of mesentey is crossed by which part of deudenum?
117. Shortest part of colon? Ascending colon
118. Spleen develops from which mesogastrium?
119. Most posterior part of stomach? Fundus
120. Gall bladder has capacity of?

1. Cutaneous nerve supply to the anterior abdominal wall is derived from
the ?? Anterior rami of lower six thoracic and first lumbar nerves
2.which dermatome is located over xiphoid process? T7
3. The lymphatic below the umbelicus drain into? Superficial inguinal node
4. Colles facia is is which part of body? Perinium
5. The cremaster muscle is derived from which muscle fibre? Internal
oblique muscle fibre
6. Rectus sheath is formed by which muscles? External oblique , internal
oblique and transversus abdominis muscle
7. Anterior abdominal wall of rectus sheath is firmly attached to --------- of
rectus abdominis muscle? Tendinous intersection
8. Conjoint tendon is formed by which muscles? Internal oblique and
transverse abdominis
9. The femoral sheath is formed by??? Fascia transversalis and fascia iliac
10. Inguinal ligament is formed by aponeurosis of ? External oblique
11. The length of inguinal canal is ?? 1.5 inch ( 4 cm)
12. The deep inguinal opening is opening in? Fascia transversalis
13. The external spermatic fascia is attached to margins of which ring?
Superficial inguinal ring
14. Pyramidalis muscle is supplied by which nerve? 12 thoracic nerve
15. Cremaster muscle is supplied by which nerve? Genital branch of
genitiofemoral nerve
16. Action of cremaster muscle is ?? Retract testis
17. Cremasteric fascia derived from ?? Internal oblique muscle
18. ------ is the closed sac invaginated from behind the testis? Tunica
19. Gubernaculum plays an important role in? Descent of testis

20. Outer fibrous capsule of testis is called? Tunica albuginea

21. Epididymis length is approx ?? 6 meters
22. testicular artery is branch of? Abdominal aorta
23. Left Testicular vein drains into? Left renal vein
24. Lymph draining from testis is to ? Para aortic lymph nodes
25. Para aortic lymph node are at the level of? First lumbar vertebra
26. The inferior epigastric artery arises from? External iliac artery
27. Superficial epigastric artery is branch of? Femoral artery
28. The anastomoses between lateral thoracic vein and superficial
epigastric vein is called? Thoracoepigastric vein
29. The communication between greater sac and lesser sac with one
another through? Epiploic foramen
30. Greater omentum connects the greater curvature of stomach with?
Transverse colon
31. Which ligament connects the stomach to the hilus of spleen with?
Gastrosplenic ligament
32. Superiorly of Epiploic foramen is which part of liver? Caudate lobe of
33. Spaces between diaphragm and the liver is ?? Sub phrenic spaces
34. Parietal peritonium in pelvis is mainly supplied by? Obturator nerve
35. Visceral peritoneum is supplied for ?? Stretch only
36. Most tubular part of stomach? Pylorus
37. Esophagus enters the stomach at the ? Cardiac orifice
38. Short gastric arteries are derived from? Splenic artery
39. All lymph nodes from the stomach eventually passes to? Celiac nodes
40. Deudonum is of which alphabetic shape? C shape
41. First part of deudonum is at the level of which vertebra? L1
42. Ligament of trietz attached to which part of deudonum? 4th part
43. Inferior pancreatodeudenal artery is branch of ??? Sup mesenteric
44. Length if ilium is?? 3.6 m
45. Appendix attachd to which surface of cecum? Posteromedial
46. Appendicular artery is branch of?? Posterior cecal artery
47. Left colic flexure is held up by? Phrenicocolic ligament
48. Distal one third of transverse colon supplied by which artery? Left colic
artery branch of inferior mesenteric artery
49. Length of transverse colon is? 38cm
50. Sigmoid colon is continuous with rectum in front of which vertebra? 3rd
sacral vertebra
51. Large intestine is retro peritoneal except? Transverse and sigmoid

52. Fatty tags attached to the wale of large intestine is called? Appendices
53. Right lobe is divided into quadrate an caudate lobe by? Fall bladder
54. Ports hepatis is on which surface of liver? Posteriinferior
55. Ligamentum Teres is the fibrous remains of? Umbelical vein
56. Ligamentum venosum is the fibrous remains of ? Ductus venosus
57. Gall bladder has a capacity of approximately? 30 ml
58. Cystic artery is branch of? Right hepatic artery
59. Gall bladder contracts In response to hormone?? Cholecystokinin
60. Bile duct is formed by the union of? Cystic duct and common hepatic
61. The circular smooth muscle of ampulla of Vater called ? Sphincter of
62. Main pancreatic duct open in which part of deudenum? Second part
63. Largest single mass of lymphoid tissue is? Spleen
64. Artery of foregut is? Celiac artery
65. Name terminal branches if celiac trunk? Left gastric artery, splenic
artery and hepatic arteries I
66. The policeman of abdomen is? Omentum
67. Posterior boundary of foramen of Winslow Is formed by ?? Inferior vene
68. Inguinal canal of female contains? Round ligament and Ilioimguinal
69. Internal spermatic fascia is derived from? Transversalis fascia
70. In inguinal hernia , posterior wall os formed by? Conjoint tendon
71. Iliac crest marks the level of which lumbar vertebral body? L4
72. Nerve supply to Pyramidalis ? Sub costal nerve
73. Intermittent pain of small intestine felt at? Umbelicus
74. Left gastroepiploic artery is branch of? Splenic artery
75. Artery which crosses third part if deudenum? Superior mesenteric
76. Abdominal angina is due to occlusion of? Sup mesenteric artery
77. Demarcation of deudonum from jejunum is shown by? Ligament of
78. Major site of peptic ulcer? Deudenum
79. Which part of deudenum is retro peritoneal? All except first 2cm of first
80. Blood vessels related to para deudenal fossa is? Portal vein
81. Most common type of intussuception is? Ilio colic

82. Parasympathetic supply of sigmoid colon is? Pelvic splanchnic nerves

83. Sigmoid and descending colon drains into? Inf mesenteric nodes
84. Capsule of liver is known as? Glisson capsule
85. A pathologist want to pass dye into the liver? He will reach through?
Ligamentum Teres
86. Weight of liver is? 1.5 kg
87. Hepatic zone with least blood supply is? Zone c
88. Proximal part of common bole duct is supplied by? Cystic artery
89. Perinephric fat and kidney is enclosed by? Gerota's fascia
90. The ascent of horse shoe shaped kidney is prevented by? Inf
mesenteric artery
91. Renal artery lies at the level of? L1
92. Right supra renal vein drains into! Inferior vena cava
93. A single kidney shows how many segments? 5
94. Narrowest part of urinary bladder is? Entrance at urinary bladder
95. Rt gastroepiploic artery is branch of? Gasteodeudenal artery
96. Rt gastric artery is branch of? Hepatic artery
97. Short gastric artery are branch of? Splenic artery
98. Cystic artery is branch of ? Hepatic artery
99. Varicocele more common on which side? Left side
100. The testis descent into scrotum is preceded by? Gubernaculum
101. Length of epidudimys is? 7 meter long
102. Depth of mesentey from
Root to gut is about 15 cm
103. The muscularis mucosa is thickest in which part of git? Esophagous
104. Enterochromaffin cells produces? Serotonin and endorphin
105. Diverticulosis is most common in? Sigmoid colon
106. Lumbar plexus is embedded within? Psoas muscle
107. Average capacity of renal pelvis is ? Less than 5 ml
108. In scrotum fatty layer of superficial fascia is called? Dartos fascia
109. Testicular artery arises from aorta at? L2
110. Celiac artery arises from aorta at level of? T12
111. Splenic artery runs along which border of pancreas ? Upper
112. Largest branch of lumbar plexus? Femoral nerve
113. Largest branch of celiac artery is? Splenic artery
114. Cremasteric artery is branch of? Inferior epigastric artery
115. Which part of deudenum is longest? 3rd part
116. Root of mesentey is crossed by which part of deudenum? 3rd part
117. Shortest part of colon? Ascending colon
118. Spleen develops from which mesogastrium? Dorsal mesogastrium

119. Most posterior part of stomach? Fundus

120. Gall bladder has capacity of? 30-50ml


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