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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Hanna Friedman

Name of Lesson

Our Transportation Chart

domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the

Cognitive Development: Mathematics Skills Sorting/Classification

This lesson is:


Nursery (3-4 years old)

Classroom Number

The aim of this lesson is to promote childrens basic sorting, classifying, and
counting skills through their knowledge of transportation systems that surround
them. Children will identify whether a vehicle travels by land, sea, air, or
underground. They will employ their sorting and classification skills by placing
the vehicle in the correct section (air, sea, land, or underground) on a felt board
chart. Children will then employ their basic counting skills to quantify how many
vehicles are in each section, and record the number on a separate graph.
A new concept/activity
As young children grow, their awareness of their surroundings widens. Their
natural curiosity about objects in their environment leads them to question how
things work. Through exploration of various transportation methods, this activity
incorporates an aspect of the childrens surrounding community. While
maintaining relatability, this activity supports the development of childrens
cognitive skills in mathematics in three vital areas, classification, sorting, and

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2


Small group lesson will be approximately ten minutes.

~Five minutes identifying and sorting vehicles into categories on felt board.
~Five minutes counting and recording numbers on graph.
Independent practice will be conducted for five minutes (sorting modes of
transportation independently) over a period of five days. 3

Objective(s) of the

As a result of this learning experience, children will be able to recognize the

common features of vehicles and place them into categories, count the vehicles
in a category, and use a writing utensil (fine motor development) to record the
number on a graph.

Connections to

This lesson addresses the NYS Early Learning Guidelines to promote positive
outcomes in:
Domain III- Approaches to Learning
C. Persistence and Attentiveness: Focuses on tasks of interest to him/her.
Remains engaged in an activity for at least five to ten minutes at times.
Domain IV Cognition and General Knowledge
A. Children demonstrate awareness of cause and effect: Recognizes which
element of an object causes the effect in simple relationships (e.g. the beads
inside the box make noise).
B. Critical and Analytic Thinking: Children compare, contrast, examine, and
evaluate experiences, tasks, and events: Shows understanding of concepts of
same and different. Compares experiences with adult assistance. Organizes
objects by more than one pre-selected characteristic. Uses comparative words.
Uses actions or words to justify choices.
G. Number and Sense Operations: Children demonstrate knowledge of numbers
and counting: Names some numerals. Recognizes that a single object is one
regardless of size, shape, or other attributes. Understands that numbers

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

represent quantity (e.g. gets three apples out of the box). Applies numbers and
counting concepts to daily life (e.g. counts number of children who have raised
their hand). Recognizes, names, and writes some numerals. Counts at least five
objects in one-to-one correspondence without assistance.
J. Properties of ordering: Children sort, classify, and organize objects: Identifies
categories of objects. Orders several objects on the basis of one or more
characteristics through trial and error. Classifies everyday objects that go
together. Places objects in a specific position (e.g. fisrt, second, third).
Language Objectives

Children will label various modes of transportation and explain their reasons for
specific classification.

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)

Experience chart: How do you come to school?

Six categories with Pictures: Walk, Stroller, Scooter, Bus, Subway, Cab
Black Marker to write childs name under category
Felt Board (For sorting chart)
Black/White Masking Tape
Large Lined Paper/Experience Chart (for graph)
5 Black Washable Markers
Photos of various modes of transportation that travel on land, sea, air, and
underground laminated (i.e. bus, car, taxi, bicycle, garbage truck, firetruck,
scooter train, speedboat, barge, submarine, tugboat, sailboat, cruise ship,
airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, blimp, subway).
Labels for each mode of transportation
Labels for air, sea, land, and underground
Computer/iPad to look up various modes of transportation, what they are made
of, and how they are made.

Technology inclusion (if


Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Procedures (step by

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation)

The lesson will be introduced in a small group circle, involving 4-5 children. The
children will be asked how they get to school each day. The teacher will record
their answers on an experience chart by writing the childs name under the
category of the childs choosing (walk, stroller, scooter, bus, subway, cab). By
asking the children how they get to school each day and recording their answers
on a chart, the students become aware of their use of transportation in their daily
Instruction/Mini Lesson
Begin by spreading out the transportation cards table (laminated photos of the
different modes of transportation with Velcro on the back) on the and placing the
felt board on the end of the table (sectioned into four categories with the table &
labeled: Air, Sea, Land, Underground). Ask the children to select one mode of
transportation at a time, describing it, and where it travels. Then have the
children place the card in the correct category on the felt board.
The children practice turn-taking when selecting, describing, classifying, and
sorting the various modes of transportation.
When, the children are done sorting all the cards. Choose one child to count the
number of items in a category. As the child is counting tally the number on an
experience chart. Model number writing by drawing the number under the tally.
Each child will have a turn counting a different category.
Repeat until all categories are quantified.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Independent Practice
Upon completion of the game, tell the childen, Our transportation sorting chart
is available for you to play on your own, or with a friend. I will put it on the
discovery table so you can play with it whenever you choose.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
To ensure that the children have achieved the goals of this lesson, observe them
using the sorting game in the classroom for a few days. Ask the children to play
the transportation sorting game one-on-one to directly assess their ability to
classify and sort the items, and quantify the number of items in each category.
If the childrens ability to sort, classify, and count has remained the same,
conduct another lesson. But, if they demonstrate increased ability and are able
identify, sort, and quantify the number of items in each category, expand the
game to real-life scenarios by taking the children on a walk in a small group. Ask
the children what their favorite mode of transportation is, for example the
children may reply airplanes, and give each child a crayon and a clipboard. When
walking outside, have the children tally how many airplanes they see. Upon
returning to the classroom count the number of tally, and write the number on a
larger paper for the class to see.
Method of assessing
understanding of

To assess childrens prior
knowledge and abilities I
will set sorting,
classification, and

Assessment of Student
To assess student learning, I
will observe the students
performing the game during

Assessment of
Childrens Language
I will perform anecdotal
observations during

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will
use for assessment(s)

Plans for differentiated


Follow up/Extension
Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know

counting games out on

independent practice. In
students free play and
the tables during free
addition, I will place the
center time to assess
play. As the children
same sorting, classification, their achievement of
rotate between the
and counting games on the language objectives.
games, I will rate their
tables during free play and
ability on a scale of 1-10. center time. I will use the
1 indicating that the child same 10-point scale to
possesses little to no
reassess the childrens
skills, and 10 indicating
mathematic skills.
that the childs abilities
are advanced.
Supporting children
Supporting English Language Learners
with identified delays
To support English Language Learners, I will use
or disabilities
visual cues as well as extensive labeling and print
Through dividing the
during every element of the experiment.
children into small
groups, I will ensure that
all children, including
those with identified
delays and disabilities will
receive adequate
attention and assistance
from the teacher.
To reinforce students learning in class the same day, I will provide students with
opportinited fr counting, sorting, and pattering using toy links and pattern blocks.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

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