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Verona, Italy

Verona, Italy

Dear Juliet,
I have never loved someone like I love you. You area
vision of beauty more than the sun setting at night,
and the flowers blooming in harvest. I doth not know
how I would live without one's love. Your eyes hath
sparkle more than the river in full clarity. You make
me smile wider than the east is from the west. Thy
beauty strikes like a rapier piercing -my soulscreams for you. I need the like a fish to the water.
Thy beauty be'ist of more than any other human
being. If we part thy heart hath mourn me as a
mother whom hath lost her offspring ,crying like the
swallow at night. I need'st though like a newborn
needs a mothers bosoms.
Sincerely yours,
Of thy House Capulet.

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