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1 Dead cell Robert Hook.

1 Live cell Leeuwenhoek.
Schleiden- German Botanist- All Plant are composed of different kinds of cells which form

Schwann- British Zoologist- All animal cells have outer layer- plasma membrane. Presence of cell wall is a unique character of plant cells.
Together they formed cell theory- didnt explain new cell formation.
Rudolf Virchow- Cell Lineage theory- Omnis cellula e cellula. New cells formed from
preexisting cells.
Main arena for celluar activities- Cytoplasm.
Shape of cells varies with the function they perform. Human RBC- 7.0 um Diameter.
Please refer plant diversity


Extensive compertmantalisation of cytoplasm

Organise nucleas and nuclear membrane


Non living rigid structure discovered by Robert Hook
Plants- cellulose, Hemicellulose, pectins and proteins
Algae- cellulose, galactans , mannans and CaCO3
Primary- Capable of growth, Diminishes
Secondary- rigid, Absent in meristem
Tertiary- only in tracheids of gymnosperm
Middle lamella- Ca & Mg pectate (Ca More)
Mauka Mile (Mau = More , Ka = Ca ,Mile = Middle Lamella)
Plasmodesmata- connects two cells cytoplasm
Thin, delicate, Elastic, selectively permeable, living boundary. Studied in Human RBC
Fluid mosaic model- singer and Nicolson.
Proteins (Hydrophillic) arranged in phospholipid bilayer (Hydrophobic tail & Hydrophillic
For stability:- Eukaryotes Cholesterol
Prokaryotes - Hopanoides
RBC- 52% Protein 40% lipid and rest carbohydrate
Proteins- lateral movement
Lipids- Flip Flop Movement
Glycolipid and glycoprotein present on outer surface (not symmetrical)
He who sweats more in peace, bleeds less in war

Endoplasmic reticulum, golgi body, lysosome and vacuole.
1. Endoplasmic Reticulum :- Tiny tubular str ucture.
Cisternae, Vesicles, and tubules
Divides cytoplasm into luminal and extra luminal compartment
1. 80s Ribosomes
1. 70s Ribosomes
2. Protein Synthesis and
2. Synthesis of lipid and
2. Golgi Body:- Obser ved as densly stained reticular appar atus
Pleomorphic structure made of parallel flat disc shaped cisternae ( Remember not cristae. Cristae in mitochondria )
Near the nucleas- convex/ cis/ forming face
Far from nucleas- concave/ trans/ maturing face
Packaging materials and modifying them Eg. Formation of glycoprotein and glycolipid.
Formation of lysosome and acrosome of sperm
Varied number (Remember not fixed ) of cisternae are present in golgi complex
Cis and trans face are entirely different but inter connected
Golgi body remains in close association with E.R.
3. Lysosomes :- Membr ane Bound Vesicular Str ucture
Filled with Hydrolytic enzymes which function in acidic medium
Polymorphic in structure
Cholesterol, cortisone etc. are membrane stabilizers while progesterone, estrogen are labilizers.
4. Vacoules: Absent in animal cells and meristematic plant cells. Product not use full for plant are stored in
In plants vacuole occupy 90% of volume of the cell
Contratile vacuole- amoeba- excretion
Food vacuole- protists
Tonoplast- transport of ions against concentration gradient
Not visible until specifically stained by Janus Green B.
Shape Sausage/ Cylinderical, Double mebraned.
Inner membrane divides space into two :- 1. Matrix 2. Inner membrane space
Cell within Cell or Power house of the cell.
Inner Membrane studded with F1-F0 particles which form ATP.
Matrix has 70s ribosomes, circular DNA,RNA & enzymes for krebs cycle
Divide by fission
Number varies depending on physiological activity
Two membrane have their own specific enzymes.
All plant cells and euglenoids. They are large and easily seen under microscope.
Chromoplasts :- Fat soluble pigments Carotenoids and Xanthophyll
Chloroplast :- Chlorophyll and carotenoids Trap light.
Leucoploast :- Non Green plant cells. Varied shape and size.
Amyloplast store Amylase (Carbohydrate)
Aleuroplast store protein and Elaioplast store Fat. Ellu- Fat boy Stores fat
Chloroplast are lens shaped, oval, spherical, discoid or ribbon like.
They are double membraned. Inner membrane less permeable-Encloses stroma.

Observed by George Palade. Called Engine of the cell.
Granular structure found in all cells except mammalian RBC
Composed of RNA and protein
2. 70s
S:- Sedimentation rate 40% rRNA,60% Protein
60% rRNA,40% Protein
Mg is essential for binding of subunits.
Network of filamentous proteinaceous structure.
Microtubule- Tubulin protein
Microfilament Actin protein.
1.Cillia and Flagella- Covered with Plasma Membrane. Core Axoneme
Arrangement 9 Doublets + 2 Singlets
1. Longer
2.Movement of either cell
2. Only cell movement
or surrounding fluid
Prokaryotic bacteria also posses flagella but they are structurally different from eukaryotic
2.Centrosome and Centriole- Car twheel str ucture
Centrosome means Two centrioles placed perpendicular with amorphous pericentriolar material around
Nine evenly spaced peripheral fibrils of tubulin. Central part Proteinaceous hub
Form Basal Body of cilia and flagella.
Single Membrane bound vesicles present in both plant and animal cells.
Sphaerosome :- Plant cells. Lipid storae and synthesis
Peroxisomes :- Photorespiration and breakdown of H2O2
Glyoxisomes :- Only in plants Convert fat to starch
Discovered By Robert Brown
Absent in mature phloem sieve tube element and mature RBC
Material of nucleas stained by Basic dyes Chromatin by Flemming
1.Nuclear Membrane :- Two unit membr ane space between them is peri nuclear space.
Outer membrane Bears Ribosomes
Nuclear pore present Way of transport
2. Nucleoplasm:- Contains nucleolus and chromatin.
3. Nucleolus :- Not membr ane bound rRNA synthesis
Larger and more numerous nucleoli are present in cells carrying protein synthesis. Human
cells :- 5 Nucleoli

4. Chromatin :- DNA + RNA + Histone + Non Histone.

Human 2m long 46 Chromosomes
Thin light stained
Thick dark stained
Less Histone
More Histone
5. Chromosome :-

On the basis of centromere:1 Meta centric

2 Sub metacentric

3 Acrocentric

4 Telocentric

Sometimes few chromosome have non staining secondary constriction. This gives the appearance of satellite.

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