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TEACHER (S): Angie Liceth beltran Vega and

DATE: November 29th 2015
TIME: 30 Minutes
GRADE/LEVEL: Basic I/ Group #5

Jean Carlos Soto Miranda

-Get across the use of future tense with the auxiliary will in affirmative,
interrogative and negative sentences in order to leave a solid bases for the
practice it English language in our everyday.

Chaos of words
-Organize the sentences quickly considering that it must have consistency.
-Work in teams to strengthen the knowledge of each students.

When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true
about the future, we use 'will'.
We normally use WILL to speak about the future. It is always combined
with another verb.
The negative "will" is "will not". How contraction is "will not". Besides the
use of the future tense build, "will" may indicate the willingness or
unwillingness, to do something.

Wont is a perfectly acceptable contraction of will and not. However,

its an odd bird thats been condemned at times for not looking quite like
other contractions.
-Since WILL is classified as a modal verb characteristics:
1. It does not change in the third person (I, you , he, she, it we and
they )
2. It is always combined with another verb in the base form (i.e.
without 'to')
3. We don't use it with 'Do' in questions or negatives.


-When we properly learn the use of the auxiliary "will" in the simple future talks we
can easily use it.
-Reading and writing activity

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